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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

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jfc. Not spoiling it because nothing happens on SD with it, but yes there is a traditional SS elimination match, it's 5 on 5, and no participant will be known until Friday at the earliest. What a shitshow

And before somebody says "Seth", he got hurt 1.5 weeks into the build, was never gonna be in the traditional match, and the event's name has the fucking match name in the title. It's ridiculous that not one participant was even planned, let alone confirmed, until 3 days before showtime. Talk about no planning even when everything was working out

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Nash is the ultimate shooter. In that he knows its all a work and to not take anything seriously. Unless it has an impact on his bottom line, then that shit is real.


I'm eating at Chipotle post gym, headphones on, and was scrolling past these pictures. I stopped and put the phone down to continue eating. Turns out two 20 somethings were behind me the whole time and asked to borrow a hot sauce. Giggling and staring at the phone. They giggled the whole time and then left.

Thanks for forcing my true colors in public and revealing me as a creepy ass carny creeper, WrassleGAF.

You're lucky I wasn't here
negative nancy benoit

Buddy Landell was straight up using the Nature Boy gimmick, right down to the robe and bleached hair, at the same time Ric Flair was in WCW? What was up with that?
Is Davey Boy Jr ever going to get a singles push? Him and Karl Anderson are wasted in the tag division.

Also Suzuiki needs to win the IWGP title next year.


saw this post on reddit and laughed:

A lot of people say Roman Reigns is "Samoan Cena" but I would actually argue that WWE is intending to make Roman the "new Cena" for Cena fans as they get older. Basically when Cena fans grow to become angsty teens who no longer want to wear bright colors, in comes Roman Reigns. His character has some similarities to Cena but a few key differences, mostly in appearance:

1) He's not wearing bright colors, but instead blacks and dark blue

2) He has tattoos

3) He has long hair and facial hair

4) He wears body armor

5) He more openly defies the authority and goes against the grain

He is supposed to appeal to the Cena fan that has developed into the "rebellious teen". He doesn't come from the ramp like everyone else, he comes through the crowd to be "different". He doesn't give hugs to fans, he gives fist bumps. He's not happy-go-lucky, he's brooding. He doesn't come out a talk for 20 minutes; he punches first and asks questions later (most of the time). He sometimes says "edgy" things like "bitch" even if it is part of the same super babyface promo.

It's really just a repackaging, though. He always wins just like Cena, but it is presented more as dominance than overcoming the odds. One Versus All is just Roman's way of saying he'll never give up. Just like Cena, he will never sell out.

I think the WWE had a similar transition from kids to teens in the 90s. Bret Hart was hugely popular with kids, but was phased out as the face of the company for Shawn Michaels, who had a more juvenile character. Michaels would then be phased out (partially due to injury obviously) for Austin to step up as the fans wanted true edge instead of juvenile jokes.

TL;DR: Roman Reigns is basically PG-13 Cena

reigns is shadow to john cena's sonic


The idea of a pg13 post cena character would work if

A) cena was gone. If Hogan was around in the new generation hbk and bret would have had issues staying over
B)the format of the content and product was actually more mature
C)if reigns was actally in feuds with edgey people. He just got out of a feud with a hipster who hangs around with guys who dress as furry animals.


The product can be mature while staying PG. It's just that WWE is full of idiots and Vince is a man-child. They tried to make Reigns a direct copy of Cena with his horseshit mannerisms and catch phrases in the buildup to Mania this year and it was a fucking failure. Them trying to make anything close to Cena would be a failure. Besides, Reigns needs to be a heel so he can find his character first. As is, Reigns has no character.

So assuming Reigns wins the Title and stays face...who's he facing at TLC? He already beats Del Rio and Owens/Ambrose. The top heels, so to speak. He has no competition. Way to go, WWE, you dumb fucks. Oh? What's that? Sheamus you say? Good fucking luck with that. I'd rather have Hunter face Reigns at this point, because at least Hunter can continue to carry his sorry ass for another month.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I think it was a breath of fresh air that Rollins had to retire the title, even though I like him probably the most among the current performers. This tournament they have going on really reminds me of Wrestlemania 4 and the epic first title win of the great Randy Savage.

Anyways, what this tournament also proves is how few great performers there are at the top now. I mean, I guess Ambrose and Reigns are both decent, and Owens of course has potential, but outside of that, the tournament is simply filled with mediocrity. How many of those guys were even in the main event picture at Wrestlemania? The way they let Reigns get the offer from HHH, also makes it painfully obvious that he will win, which I guess is there only choice at this point in time, but what then? Taking HHH out of semi-retirement? There just feels like there are no interesting ways to go forward from here, which is not a good sign with wrestlemania coming up. They can only rely on Undertaker for so long.

Edit: Lol, guess I should have read a few of the posts above before posting, seems Im not the only one thinking in this direction.
I'd put that on Charlotte more than anything. How does she not run it by them?

She was informed with less than an hour until showtime and told it was up to her per numerous sources, including the option to just nix the whole thing so they could write some other segment entirely. Seems like she didn't have much time to actually think it through, certainly not enough time to contact family about it. Super shitty of the company, but like I said, super unsurprising of the company. Can't brighten the carny circus with a PG rating
Obviously I have an opinion, but I'm afraid to voice it because I don't want anything to affect Ashley's career...I don't think she feels she's comfortable enough to say 'no' to anything yet, she's only been up there three-months

RVD was a great "big match" performer. On the average RAW he had a habit of wrestling the same kind of match. But on the PPVs he's so much more creative and psychological.

Also he worked fabulously with Eddie Guerrero.


Great news, Charlotte! You and Paige will be the main event tonight!

... oh, and the promo is going to be based around your dead brother. Have fun out there!
So SD was not bad last night. My fiancée isn't all that into wrestling but she had lots of fun.

Main Event was recorded first and seeing Fandango was cool. Same with the USO's, Brad is back with blonde hair. Alicia and Naomi did some fancy moves in their match but whatever.

Sd spoilers

Miz Tv was fun but as usual it ends up falling on him. Main event is a tag match between the last four guys in the tournament

Miz for fed to Cesaro in a very quick match

Ziggler v Breeze at SS. Breeze went against Ryder.

Segment with Dean and Roman backstage about if it goes down between the two then Roman will have to make him just like everyone else.

Stardust and Ascension lost to Dudley's and Neville. Stardust has heat like a motherfucker and he's so good with. I'm pissed he ignored my Stardust section sign.

I saw me some new day, the crowd ia split over them lol.

Wyatt had their segment and it's really cool to see in person. Taker and Kane showed up on the titantron and Kane burned one of the white sheep masks

It's so funny seeing Kevin Owens and realizing that he's just an inch taller than me.
Dean looks like a regular joe.
Honestly the best looking wrestler in the main event is ADR. He's the last of a dying breed when it comes to old school wrestlers.

Btw double count out.

Gave a shout out to Mike Chioda and he appreciated it, I love the guy. He's been around so long, refs should get more thanks than they do.
So it's Trish and Stacy for the women's title. Reverend D-Von and Deacon Batista are in Stacy's corner while Bubba is in Trish's. At the end of the match Trish ducks a hit from Stacy who slams into Batista on the apron. Batista stands still like he's no selling it but a second later we see him flying off the apron to take the bump. Funny stuff.
Wait, so Charlotte had the right to nix the whole thing, but we're still going to give the company shit?

Wrestling has always done tasteless shit like that, and it always will. Riding the line of edge and reality is part of what makes wrestling wrestling, and when it works, it works. Charlotte talking about her brother is the first time she's felt remotely human in a promo, and Paige's line about Reid is the most dastardly heel shit that's happened on WWE TV in a long time. Considering I had zero hype about the match, and now want to see Paige get the snot kicked out of her, I'd say it did its job and gave an otherwise forgettable segment the gravitas and weight to justify making it a main event - which, btw, is a sign that the higher ups in the company are on board with the divas revolution, whatever hiccups it has experienced thus far and will experience in the future.
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