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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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The only thing you can't really have from attitude era is Racism and Misogyny, although people will argue it's still here alive and well!

When was the last time we really hated someone. I'm thinking it's when Daniel Bryan was getting buried hard, and turned into a storyline.

I disagree entirely. A character or storyline revolving around race can definitely still work. Imagine if Muhammad Hassan's character was around these days, it's crazy how relevant he still is.

And misogyny will always be around. Always. As trash as the Rusev/Lana/Ziggler/Summer storyline was, it could've benefited greatly from a Tully Blanchard slaps Baby Doll moment.
Mark Henry plays WWE's Greg Hardy. Think of the nuclear heel heat he would get if he threw his son, Handy, through some walls, on to a bed of assault rifles, and threatened to kill Handy.

Wait, Rusev as WWE's Greg Hardy is so obvious that I can't believe that I forgot it. One way or another, Vince is going to get them to break up, damn it.
Have Trump bring out a bunch of jobbers and build a wall around the ring during an Alberto Del Rio match

That's a win on all levels. The heel gets heat, while we don't have to suffer through a shitty Alberto Del Rio match.

And then Kalisto and Sin Cara use a trampoline to get over that wall of jobbers for a huge face pop.
Aw shit, I completely forgot about Lana's promo from last year that vaguely referenced the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 that WWE then turned around and denied was referencing that event when it got too heated.


WWE is too image focused to do hot button issue storylines. They don't want to upset any of their advertisers and therefore will never do anything that makes waves...not even a ripple.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ascension in NXT tonight against Jordan and Gable.'must see.
WWE is too image focused to do hot button issue storylines. They don't want to upset any of their advertisers and therefore will never do anything that makes waves...not even a ripple.

Being a publicly traded company with dubious ad buy rates for shows with declining TV ratings is a hell of a thing.
WWE is too image focused to do hot button issue storylines. They don't want to upset any of their advertisers and therefore will never do anything that makes waves...not even a ripple.
Fuck the advertisers. I'm sick of them. All this bull shit has ruined the fun in wrestling. At the end of the day, it's fake. Just deal with it. Movies are fake. Tv shows are fake and get to deal with edgy topics.

And I don't care who disagrees with me, it's my opinion.


Fuck the advertisers. I'm sick of them. All this bull shit has ruined the fun in wrestling. At the end of the day, it's fake. Just deal with it. Movies are fake. Tv shows are fake and get to deal with edgy topics.

And I don't care who disagrees with me, it's my opinion.

it's still considered low brow.

that's just the way it is and always has been. wrestling is a traveling circus act to advertisers. tv shows ain't.
Met this guy last night


WZ is running with his photo to point out the low attendance. The one thing about UT is it's a college town so the college students won't really care about WWE. That's how it was when I went to the house show when I was in school, some had interest but didn't pull the trigger since they haven't been interested in so long. It's niche to do it here but there was a nice turn out considering where we were. I was ringside btw.

Also Raw is in Nashville so no one is going to travel as much for SD as they would Raw.


My opinion of heels doing edgy shit: I'm all for it as long as the heel actually gets comeuppance. If a heel wants to go out and say "Chris Benoit did nothing wrong", or "We need to ship all the Mexicans back to Mexico," fucking go for it. But the heel has to get their just desserts or else the story makes no sense. When the story makes no sense, you end up getting Triple H vs Booker T.



Fuck the advertisers. I'm sick of them. All this bull shit has ruined the fun in wrestling. At the end of the day, it's fake. Just deal with it. Movies are fake. Tv shows are fake and get to deal with edgy topics.

And I don't care who disagrees with me, it's my opinion.

I was about to make this point. People say it's fake, and then it gets too real for them.

The fucks.

edit: lol. Fucking Randy Orton! The real opportunist!
I was about to make this point. People say it's fake, and then it gets too real for them.

The fucks.
If it gets to real then they're doing an amazing job. In Theatre we always went out of our way to make things seem real as possible. At the end, people ask, "wait was that part etc etc."

We smile and laugh because we did a great job.


The last edgy thing I can even remember happening was Zeb Colter's debut. But then Glenn Beck got all butthurt and they had to put a stop to that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The last edgy thing I can even remember happening was Zeb Colter's debut. But then Glenn Beck got all butthurt and they had to put a stop to that.
That video they had to do to show people wrestling was fake was pitiful. Pitiful that it had to be done.


Ascension in NXT tonight against Jordan and Gable.'must see.

JJ and Gable are always must-see.

Fuck the advertisers. I'm sick of them. All this bull shit has ruined the fun in wrestling. At the end of the day, it's fake. Just deal with it. Movies are fake. Tv shows are fake and get to deal with edgy topics.

And I don't care who disagrees with me, it's my opinion.

We've got a regular Jim Cornette on our hands.

MC Safety

WWE is too image focused to do hot button issue storylines. They don't want to upset any of their advertisers and therefore will never do anything that makes waves...not even a ripple.

That's partly it, but wrestling is also aiming to avoid being the snake that eats its own tail.

For years, comic books have catered almost exclusively to a narrowing audience. The WWE understands that to have a thriving business, it can't alienate or exclude younger viewers. They're the ones who are going to be taking their children to the shows and buying the T-shirts in 10-, 15-, 20-years.
why did Andre vacate the title ?
Illegal sell.

Anyone believe if Vince allowed Macho to wrestle that he would've kept him as a for lifer employee?

I ask because Vince and Macho were tight and I've heard that Macho was like family to him. He even asked Vince's permission about inquiring about WcW. Then the rest if history. Do you think he could've been the next big loyal employee like Monsoon?


If they wanted to be real and edgy with the women they would have ran a story about the NXT girls coming up on the main roster to beat the shit out of everyone because they working way harder and way better for way less money. But no, had to bring in some dead kid into a storyline that didn't warrant nor deserve such a thing.


Reid thing was more desperation than anything. Like they watched UFC on Saturday and just three the woman out therewith the cheapest of heat.

Really lame imo

I wonder if they heard of Beth Correia's comments about Rousey's father and that's what they patterned that after?

The general feeling I got was people were less upset about the use Flair's brother and more upset with Charlotte's terrible promo skills.

I thought she was great but I seem to be in the minority. She really stepped it up.

Charlotte wasn't great but she was fairly good in that segment on the mic.

Probably my favorite part of that segment was Cole filling in the backstory and explaining that Paige and Charlotte had been "best friends" since they tried out for NXT 2 years ago and met each other, instead of "they met 3 months ago when Divas Revolution started".
Met this guy last night


WZ is running with his photo to point out the low attendance. The one thing about UT is it's a college town so the college students won't really care about WWE. That's how it was when I went to the house show when I was in school, some had interest but didn't pull the trigger since they haven't been interested in so long. It's niche to do it here but there was a nice turn out considering where we were. I was ringside btw.

Also Raw is in Nashville so no one is going to travel as much for SD as they would Raw.

There was also supposedly some really bad weather with tornado threats in the area, which may have led to people staying home.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My biggest problem with Charlotte isn't her in-ring performance or a lack of "charisma," so to speak, its that she straight up comes off like she has stage fright and it seems like they saddled her with a gimmick she's deeply uncomfortable with, which is straight up copying Ric Flair.

As for the Reid Flair angle, well, WWE has been doing uncomfortable shit like this since forever. I'm still leaning on the side that the Flair family upset is worked shoot. They're lifelong carnies.


Fuck the advertisers. I'm sick of them. All this bull shit has ruined the fun in wrestling. At the end of the day, it's fake. Just deal with it. Movies are fake. Tv shows are fake and get to deal with edgy topics.

And I don't care who disagrees with me, it's my opinion.

It's not much to do with the advertisers. From what I've read WWE has been very clearly been cultivating a certain set of clients to add to its advertising portfolio. The energy behind the shift to softly softly television is probably a combination of continuing to build up a brand that is appealing to similar, kid/family focused companies and also a concerted effort to erase the sins of the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras in tanking ad rates for the entire wrestling industry.

Looking at the person in charge of the WWE brand, its Steph so this is not a thing that would change once Vince steps aside. Look at NXT as an example of the exact kind of product the main roster wants to become - one that very much can appeal to kids.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Charlotte suxxx, always has. It's hilarious in retrospect that people in here were saying Natalya was actually the one being carried by Charlotte


If it gets to real then they're doing an amazing job. In Theatre we always went out of our way to make things seem real as possible. At the end, people ask, "wait was that part etc etc."

We smile and laugh because we did a great job.
Wait a second, you fuck with theatre? Cause I fuck with theatre.

That's partly it, but wrestling is also aiming to avoid being the snake that eats its own tail.

For years, comic books have catered almost exclusively to a narrowing audience. The WWE understands that to have a thriving business, it can't alienate or exclude younger viewers. They're the ones who are going to be taking their children to the shows and buying the T-shirts in 10-, 15-, 20-years.
The average Raw viewer is in their mid-40s, that ship sailed a while ago.


My biggest problem with Charlotte isn't her in-ring performance or a lack of "charisma," so to speak, its that she straight up comes off like she has stage fright and it seems like they saddled her with a gimmick she's deeply uncomfortable with, which is straight up copying Ric Flair.

As for the Reid Flair angle, well, WWE has been doing uncomfortable shit like this since forever. I'm still leaning on the side that the Flair family upset is worked shoot. They're lifelong carnies.

Thing is she isn't the good parts of Ric - the confidence, the I-am-better-than-you, the heel aspects. Charlotte is a way better heel than she is the weeping, over emotional face. That was her big thing in NXT that I dug about her and her physical stature, in ring style and lineage lend themselves better to heel work than face.

Or they could let her just be whatever she felt she could do best in front of a live camera and see what the audience thinks instead of forcing the WWE babyface formula which works so well.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wait a second, you fuck with theatre? Cause I fuck with theatre.

The average Raw viewer is in their mid-40s, that ship sailed a while ago.

Also yeah, it's interesting. DC came out a ways back and said they don't try to get new readers, they write for 45 year old fat man babies. Explains a lot.


John Cena has a new reality show, American Grit


This just in: I’m honored to host the new reality competition series #AmericanGrit – guiding 16 men & women as we work together to face a variety of military and survival-themed challenges. Coming soon to FOX!

He ain't got nothing on Bear Grylls.
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