Maybe he means he's gonna shoot for a single leg?
Maybe he means he's gonna shoot for a single leg?
Featuring Kalisto?Alberto and Zeb's new faction is called Si Si
Alberto and Zeb's new faction is called Si Si
Don't feel bad Gonzalez. I have a Concealed Weapons permit too.
Well the new Attitude Era had to start somehow. I'm just providing the bang.Gonzalez with a gun is the goddamn Darkest Timeline
FBI: "While we take all threats seriously, we do not have specific or credible information of an attack at this time" #wwe @wsbtv
Ugh fuckers gonna be calling in fake shit all the time now because of recent, awful events. I hope the event can go ahead and everyone stay safebecause I am secretly very excited for Survivor Series
It's hilarious. Watch all the little details that lead to the champion being crowned. It's so sad that they can't do that anymore.
Need details?
Damn, America. You scary.
Tonight marks the night he makes the patriot character transition that Cena made from chain gang.Roman Reigns will give a inspiring promo to open the PPV about how he is standing up to ISIS by competing that night and his title victory will be dedicate to the armed forced fighting for our freedom!
Are the VoDs for the show this morning on NJPW World? Decided to spend the morning cleaning the house and walking the dog hehe.
People do it all the time anyway. Like REALLY often. I live in a suburb and there's bomb threats more than once a week in various places that you don't think anyone gives a shit about.
Damn, America. You scary.
Yep, the VOD's here;
Free to watch, incidentally. No account needed.
That is such a Cena move.Yeah, #BIGMIKE's crazy over in Korakuen Hall at least - during Tanahashi's post-match speech some fan screamed at him "this isn't about you!!" and Tana said "I know, tonight's about Elgin".
That is such a Cena move.
Hah, yeah funny how Tana managed to attach himself to the most immediately over gaijin to debut since AJ Styles.
Man, Chono had a shittier STF than Cena. After hooking the leg he just laid down on the opponent hugging their head.
The reason why Rock wore calfless boots is because his were too big lol.Just finished Survivor Series 98! Here's my thoughts-
Opens with Gilberg huh? Oh this shit is about to be special. I can feel it.
Jim Ross has ZERO excitement for Jeff Jarrett. Same for the crowd. Somehow that's still more than he deserves.
Loving Vince's reactions from his wheelchair. Reminds me of the evil tv exec in No Holds Barred. Boss man was awesome in that match btw
A time......before X-Pac Heat?? Mans Man Regal!! Jorts! God this is quickly becoming my favorite thing ever and I'll be damned that match was....solid?! (Insert Kanye "How?" Meme)
I used to love Shamrock when I was young...jeez dude is stinking up the place. He's jacked as shit tho.
Brisco- "And not only THAT but I'm gonna fine HHH!" Crowd- "Um.....okay. Sounds good?"
Meanwhile McMahon is playing a game of "I Win" and Bossman gets to wrestle again! Awesome, I alwa....ROCK WINS WITH A ROLLUP!! This is a fun show!
Forgot about this Undertaker theme. So good.
I always thought Rock's calfless boots were weird. They don't seem comfortable
Bossman AGAIN!! I love it! If you were to play a drinking game for every time Bossman came out, you'd have a decent buzz by now!
Shamrock is doing much better this second match. Not that he really had to do a lot to top that first dumpster fire
Rock taunting Bossman to get a low blow in. So good and the finish.
Divas match? Nah I'll ski....SHANE O MAC IS THE REF!!! *Chants This is Awesome for no reason* that's what the kids do nowadays right?
Jim Ross- "Sable looking for a TKO" I don't think she found it. The fuck was that?
Sable power bombed Mero on the floor. That WAS awesome foreal this time.
King says "it's funny to see Shane set up the ring". Is that true? If so, I never knew he paid his rookie dues in the business. Props to him for that when he coulda played the "my dad signs your check fuck all y'all" route.
This PPV is rolling along FAST. No filler, almost no replays and the backstage stuff is mostly McMahon being shown concurrently with the matches.
Uh oh, watch out Austin! It's 4 old dudes you could kill with your bare hands, one of which is in a wheelchair. McMahon in this wheelchair is GOLD btw. Vince is one of the best heels of all time.
Chioda has pretty much stopped reffing this thing. He's basically a dude in a Foot Locker shirt that made it to the ring and Vince is already cheating so he's like "Eh...fuck it. I'll allow it"
Seriously though, I like how, as the tournament progresses, the rules are fading away. Its basically turns into a no DQ tourney hidden behind Vince's game of "I Win." Great booking.
PLEASE somebody gif Mcmahon's face right after the stairs spot
McMahon sending signals to his crew like a catcher behind home plate...did I mention how much I love this PPV?
Austin DDT'd on chair! 1! 2......and his name is STEVE AUSTIN!! *glass shatters* do do do dooooo
McMahon finally realizes that Foot Locker employee is still in the ring and gets out of his chair to beat his ass. Yes!!
SHANE SWERVE!! I wish I was AT this show. I wish I was IN this show. As Bossman.
Brisco with a chair shot to Austin and Vince is like "Kanye Shrug" and skips to the back like AJ. This is the fuckin best. The BEST.
Aww they're blurring Bird Flipping? Boooo
*flips censored birds at the Network*
And then they just left! As long as Austin don't win, who gives a fuck what happens for the rest of the night! Aww that means Bossman is gone too
Hmmm after reading all of what I wrote so far, did Russo book this?
Undertaker's eyebrow piercing seems....odd. And very 90's
BOSSMAN you son of a bitch!!! This is glorious! If you're keeping score, it's time for another shot!!!
Rock put on another elbow pad for this match. Classy.
I take back anything I said about Rock's calfless boots and redirect to Billy's ASSLESS trunks! ATTITUDE!
Jim Ross just reminded me of Mark Henry's sexual harassment lawsuit against Chyna. ATTITUDE!!
Crowd chanting D'Lo sucks. Is that regular heat or X-Pa....D'Lo Heat? Sky High always looked good as a finisher tho.
Bully Gunn ends it, not with the Fameasser, with a pile driver. I LOVE it. I always liked when matches finish with "regular" moves. You can get up from somebody dumping you on top of your head but not a Rock Bottom? Oh and now he's mooned the camera so take whatever I said about his ASSLESS trunks and ahh fuck it whatever.
Austin chasing the limo! Yknow...wrestling needs more limos these days. How do people know which guys are important and powerful if they aren't hoppin in and out of limos?!
Main event time! As Bossman leaves for the night(?). Rest easy big man, you've earned it. And yeah that would count as other drink.
Uh oh here comes Vince and Shane! Carny shit to ensue!
Rock chair spots with Foley always take me back to the Rumble. Not in a good way
Spanish announce table doing the favors as always. SAT for HOF 2016!!
Rock is burning through elbow pads at this point.
AND THE SWERVE!!! Corporate Rock!! Double Turn!!
Hey guy throwing shit into the ring! Rock says FUCK YOU.
Vince couldn't fasten the belt around Rock's waist!!!
STONE COLD!! Stunner! Awww Rock didn't sell it like he got hit by a tank round like he normally does.
I love how Austin wasn't in the match but still stands tall at the end of the do do dooooooo
All in all that was a God Tier PPV. SO much fun and a reminder of why the GOOD things from the AE were so great. It was so over the top and crazy yet still progressed storylines with all of the top guys includingHHH who wasn't even there
NOW I see why people want this for Roman....I need this to happen now too. If it did I would give them a pass for whatever bullshit they cook up til Mania
Ok til the Rumble
That's not a great angle. He generally used his right arm across his opponent's throat, so his hands end up locked to the side of their head - Cena's ends up with his hands sort-of locked beneath their chin. Also, Chono innovated a couple of variations, namely the Deathlock STF, which is exactly the same except he ties up the legs with an Indian deathlock, and the FTS which is like an inverted STF;
Id have to take Punks side on it, explained Hart. Triple H is a bodybuilder nut. He goes after the bodies. He doesnt care how goodand he can look in the mirrorguys work, he cares how guys look. Punk and Bryan are guys concerned with how they work. Its a different philosophy. I admire Punk for taking his stand. He was the guy doing all the work, every week, going injured, and heres a guy sitting at homeworking three or four times a yearand youre going to give him the main event at WrestleMania? Im not buying it.
I miss Daniel Bryan and CM Punk since they both exited the scene, and I find myself watching wrestling less and less since those guys left, said Hart. I dont know if theyve filled their shoes. Dean Ambrose has done a lot to fill their space, and I really enjoy watching him, but its going to be a tough job for whoever wins the championshipthat person will have a lot of weight on his back to carry the team.
Roman Reigns will give a inspiring promo to open the PPV about how he is standing up to ISIS by competing that night and his title victory will be dedicate to the armed forced fighting for our freedom!
ITS A DEADLY GAMESurvivor Series 98 was Russo's peak.
same here, bret...
I still remember the moment at the Rosemont Horizon with Randy Savage, said Hart. When we finally tagged in at the exact same time, me and Macho, there was this unexpected huge pop from the crowd. We could feel it when we got in the ring together, and we looked at each other and thought, Why arent we wrestling each other more often? Why arent we doing business with each other? We wanted to wrestle each other in a storyline, and I remember, after that match was over, Macho Man grabbed me by the wrist, took me to Vince McMahon, and said, I want to wrestle him. Vince said to us, It will happen one of these days.
Reigns is just like Kevin Nash, said Hart. If you look back at Reigns, his character was getting over really good on his own. Then they rushed him into a babyface turn and crammed him down everybodys thoughts, and people rejected him. It wasnt his fault. It was kind of like with Kevin Nash. He was slowly getting over, and I wrestled him at [the 1994] King of the Ring and we had a really good match. All of a sudden, by August, they were ready to make him the new champion. And Im going, Hes not ready yet. Give him a little time and let him get even more over. Why is there a rush? Reigns got dealt a bad set of cards. It has nothing to do with his work ratehes a really good worker and his style is really good. He just needs to be himself.
I believe he can do this generation some good.Survivor Series 98 was Russo's peak.