I'm glad that Russo is getting credit for this. It wasn't just Survivor Series. The storylines at the time were fun, unpredictable, and exciting. About the best as it's ever got for wrestling. Ratings started to skyrocket around this time but not many give Russo much credit anymore.
Look how Vince is involved in every storyline. It's not just the authority being unstoppably evil. It's up and down for Vince. Austin makes Vince pee his pants in the middle of the ring in front of millions and that's just the lead up to this PPV. Vince is still a major villain after that.
Now it's a fact that Russo never actually booked in the WWF, he just had influence in what the finishes was and help fill the pre and post match stuff. However SS 1998 is all pre and post match stuff with literal diva style 2 minute matches with a lot of shady finishes. It's very Russo and when he actually was in control of the whole f'n show in WCW and TNA he'd try his hardest to make all shows as close to this as possible, usually to disastrous results.