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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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What're the main matches to watch for that?

Extreme Rules 2009, The Bash 2009, Night of Champions 2009 and the TLC match at Summerslam 2009 - the blow-off match of the feud was bizarrely on Smackdown, for some reason. August 25th, 2009. The following week's Smackdown was memorable, as well.


He'd come in as the ultimate veteran, someone who has seen everything, knows most of everything and knows everyone (legend of the industry). He clearly has "powers" revolving around knowing when someone is in mortal danger, ability to summon bad weather perhaps a daredevil thing where he can see while blinded (eyes up into the back of his head taken to logical extreme).Hell, he might actually be dead or immortal but nobody really knows, keep it unclear. He knows what Cueto is up to and all his history, Vampiro's deal all that. He's been to the motherfucking mountaintop.

He never wrestles a full match. Everyone speaks in hushed tones whenever he comes up. He'd take one lucky rookie under his wing to mentor. All his vingette's would be in a dusty old converted bar, walls adorned with trophies (like a rattlesnake, a bear, a softball, you know). He'd drink a lot of whiskey. His ultimate endgame is to see Lucha/wrestling take place with a sense of justice and honor (Wrestler's Court!) and only intervenes when something truly dire is about to take place as the wizened old gunslinger, just to do a chokeslam, tombstone. He's not in it for title's or glory, just to make sure this next generation does things the right way. Definitely not some white meat babyface, just a badass old dude with a moral code he wants respected and knows the dangers of going off the deep end of "evil" (Ministry Taker's excesses). Maybe directly opposed to Mil who just wants to perhaps actually maybe legit kill people.

Thank you for listening to my fantasy_booking.txt



He'd come in as the ultimate veteran, someone who has seen everything, knows most of everything and knows everyone (legend of the industry). He clearly has "powers" revolving around knowing when someone is in mortal danger, ability to summon bad weather perhaps a daredevil thing where he can see while blinded (eyes up into the back of his head taken to logical extreme).Hell, he might actually be dead or immortal but nobody really knows, keep it unclear. He knows what Cueto is up to and all his history, Vampiro's deal all that. He's been to the motherfucking mountaintop.

He never wrestles a full match. Everyone speaks in hushed tones whenever he comes up. He'd take one lucky rookie under his wing to mentor. All his vingette's would be in a dusty old converted bar, walls adorned with trophies (like a rattlesnake, a bear, a softball, you know). He'd drink a lot of whiskey. His ultimate endgame is to see Lucha/wrestling take place with a sense of justice and honor (Wrestler's Court!) and only intervenes when something truly dire is about to take place as the wizened old gunslinger, just to do a chokeslam, tombstone. He's not in it for title's or glory, just to make sure this next generation does things the right way. Definitely not some white meat babyface, just a badass old dude with a moral code he wants respected and knows the dangers of going off the deep end of "evil" (Ministry Taker's excesses). Maybe directly opposed to Mil who just wants to perhaps actually maybe legit kill people.

Thank you for listening to my fantasy_booking.txt

I was hoping they'd go somewhere with how pissed off HHH looked after the cash-in, but we all know that there will be no surprises at all tonight.

Ziggler's feud with Breeze will continue.
New Day will start a feud with Roman Reigns' Cousins
If we're lucky Stardust and Goldust's story will get mentioned again.
Roman will do another installment of "As You Know..." and Sheamus will be like "fook u fella I work for the authority now" and they'll set up a fight at TLC

Nothing else will happen.

Thanks man. Now I can skip RAW.


Hell he had several good promos as far back as NXT 1. He should never have been turned into a clean cut super good guy face, even in ROH as a face he was never that ultra goody two shoes.
It's funny he ended up as a saint of a character given he was the biggest cockbag in the company in 2012. Even as a face in Team Hell No he was a dick, and that was the source of much of the comedy. Even if he was the most sympathetic face they had, he shouldn't be fluffy.

Kind of like how the Rock was best in 1998/1999, by 2001 or so he'd been really sanitized into Catchphrase Man. At least, best traditional Rock that is. Best Rock ever is Hollywood Rock in 2003.

I actually think the best versions of the Rock were Hollywood Rock and that 2000s era Rock when Austin was gone (when Austin would mock everyone backstage and Steph). Rock's first face run after ditching the Corporation was when he was a bad catchphrase machine and I didn't like that run as much in hindsight.

Can I ask why everyone hates Roman Reigns? Since The Shield dissolved, he's been having better matches than Ambrose.

He got pushed too fast in place of someone else who deserved at the time. I don't hate Reigns anymore, in fact I kind of like him, but he's suffering from the Diesel effect massively


I actually think the best versions of the Rock were Hollywood Rock and that 2000s era Rock when Austin was gone (when Austin would mock everyone backstage and Steph). Rock's first face run after ditching the Corporation was when he was a bad catchphrase machine and I didn't like that run as much in hindsight.

He got pushed too fast in place of someone else who deserved at the time. I don't hate Reigns anymore, in fact I kind of like him, but he's suffering from the Diesel effect massively
I think it's scientific fact the best Rock is Hollywood Rock.


Daniel Bryan only became one dimensional once he started getting booked as the top babyface. Heel Bryan, Hell No Bryan, and Summerslam vs Cena Bryan were all pretty good characters.

The re-write in history around Bryan is pretty dumb. His babyface post-Mania character was bad but the guy did great promo wise up until then.

Bryan made some dumb shit work when he was tagging with Kane. If anything he is underrated character wise now. He did a bunch of different characters and got them over both in and outside the ring.

I still won't defend anything past Mania 30. His smiley Yes guy persona was bad.


Also, regarding Reigns, selling him as an underdog is a mistake. He isn't one and there's a part of the audience that will never buy into that.

Reigns has potential but the character and story they are pushing him with just doesn't work. It's what brought Cena down after he became champ.

You can't sell an underdog story when everyone knows the guy is handpicked for success.


I think it's scientific fact the best Rock is Hollywood Rock.

The "I'll be back here when the Lakers beat the Kings in May" line he sang during the Rock concert is what vaulted Hollywood Rock into GOAT tier for me. It's the only time in history where the old fashioned "slam local sports team" trope really worked.

The re-write in history around Bryan is pretty dumb. His babyface post-Mania character was bad but the guy did great promo wise up until then.

Bryan made some dumb shit work when he was tagging with Kane. If anything he is underrated character wise now. He did a bunch of different characters and got them over both in and outside the ring.

I still won't defend anything past Mania 30. His smiley Yes guy persona was bad.

His character got progressively duller the closer Mania 30 got. But I do agree, the promos he was delivering up to then were pretty solid. People at the time were raving about Steph's promos during that build up but honestly Steph's promos were boring and the same shit every week.


FGC Waterboy
Fantasy Booking time:

Rollins comes back with an ax to grind on the Authority for replacing him in the period of 2 weeks.

Rusev comes back as a boisterous face Zangief-like guy who wrestles bears and shit

Cesaro comes back as a Bond Villain with a huge stash in his Swiss Bank Account (which would basically just be foreign Ted DiBiase).

Problem is that Cesaro won't get booed by smarks no matter what. The Cesaro Section will single handedly stop any chance Cesaro has at a push as a heel.


The "I'll be back here when the Lakers beat the Kings in May" line he sang during the Rock concert is what vaulted Hollywood Rock into GOAT tier for me. It's the only time in history where the old fashioned "slam local sports team" trope really worked.

His character got progressively duller the closer Mania 30 got. But I do agree, the promos he was delivering up to then were pretty solid. People at the time were raving about Steph's promos during that build up but honestly Steph's promos were boring and the same shit every week.

They were getting worse I agree but the turning point for me was Mania. I really liked the way he and HHH played off each other. That "you hit like a girl" line was great for example.
Can I ask why everyone hates Roman Reigns? Since The Shield dissolved, he's been having better matches than Ambrose.

Reigns is where a all of the hate gets channeled for WWE predictable booking. Everyone knew Reigns was winning the Rumble earlier this year and that he would headline mania. For me its not so much hating the character but how he is an embodiment of modern day WWE and the lack of allowing anything organic to develop


Problem is that Cesaro won't get booed by smarks no matter what. The Cesaro Section will single handedly stop any chance Cesaro has at a push as a heel.

Then his heel run ends up getting him even more popular, then you turn him back face but now with a character/aesthetic nailed down? Works for most guys.
Worked for Cena, and Rock, and Bryan, and Austin (yes he was already heel before Stone Cold, but it was a revamp), and the New Day, and is currently working for Alexa Bliss.


Hollywood Rock had a feud with the Hurricane. And it was hilarious.
Also the Rock LOST the feud.

Rock almost always put people over.

He was that good of a performer that it he must have said in the back that job or not he is the one that will be over.

Kinda like Mick in that way. No matter what happened people were still going to be entertained or root for him.


Problem is that Cesaro won't get booed by smarks no matter what. The Cesaro Section will single handedly stop any chance Cesaro has at a push as a heel.

You can't be that good of a wrestler and have that flashy moveset as a heel.

Think of how Seth's moveset shrinked as a heel champ. It wasn't until his Cena matchup at Summerslam did he really show some moves.


Rock almost always put people over.

He was that good of a performer that it he must have said in the back that job or not he is the one that will be over.

Kinda like Mick in that way. No matter what happened people were still going to be entertained or root for him.

Rock had done pretty much everything by the time he became Hollywood Rock, and he probably knew he was going to be leaving to actually become a movie star, so he probably had all the fun in the world putting everyone over.
The "I'll be back here when the Lakers beat the Kings in May" line he sang during the Rock concert is what vaulted Hollywood Rock into GOAT tier for me. It's the only time in history where the old fashioned "slam local sports team" trope really worked.

Rock Concert may be my GOAT Raw segment, shame that the attempts to recapture the magic all fell far short.


Rock had done pretty much everything by the time he became Hollywood Rock, and he probably knew he was going to be leaving to actually become a movie star, so he probably had all the fun in the world putting everyone over.

Except he had mania plans for 21. He still wanted to come back for big shows.

Rumors are HHH was able to convince Vince to not renew his contract because they thought he would be a failure in hollywood and come crawling back plus Vince was not a fan of The Rock portraying a gay man in a movie.

Rock's agents don't want him anywhere near wrestling and after he injured himself at Wrestlemania 29 I don't think studios are gonna let him wrestle anymore.
He'd come in as the ultimate veteran, someone who has seen everything, knows most of everything and knows everyone (legend of the industry). He clearly has "powers" revolving around knowing when someone is in mortal danger, ability to summon bad weather perhaps a daredevil thing where he can see while blinded (eyes up into the back of his head taken to logical extreme).Hell, he might actually be dead or immortal but nobody really knows, keep it unclear. He knows what Cueto is up to and all his history, Vampiro's deal all that. He's been to the motherfucking mountaintop.

He never wrestles a full match. Everyone speaks in hushed tones whenever he comes up. He'd take one lucky rookie under his wing to mentor. All his vingette's would be in a dusty old converted bar, walls adorned with trophies (like a rattlesnake, a bear, a softball, you know). He'd drink a lot of whiskey. His ultimate endgame is to see Lucha/wrestling take place with a sense of justice and honor (Wrestler's Court!) and only intervenes when something truly dire is about to take place as the wizened old gunslinger, just to do a chokeslam, tombstone. He's not in it for title's or glory, just to make sure this next generation does things the right way. Definitely not some white meat babyface, just a badass old dude with a moral code he wants respected and knows the dangers of going off the deep end of "evil" (Ministry Taker's excesses). Maybe directly opposed to Mil who just wants to perhaps actually maybe legit kill people.

Thank you for listening to my fantasy_booking.txt

He's basically Raiden from Mortal Kombat. Lambert version to be exact.


Rock was on his way to fucking straight to dvd movies.

Fired his agent, and came back fucking strong.

I don't know if he has as much money as Vince, but he's trying!
That video was pretty godly. Shovel King.

"One man, who has shattered the dreams of the screaming hordes who ache to see their chosen heroes ascend to glory."


The "I'll be back here when the Lakers beat the Kings in May" line he sang during the Rock concert is what vaulted Hollywood Rock into GOAT tier for me. It's the only time in history where the old fashioned "slam local sports team" trope really worked.

Him shitting on Cleveland was good too. "NO WONDER JIM THOME LEFT."


The re-write in history around Bryan is pretty dumb. His babyface post-Mania character was bad but the guy did great promo wise up until then.

Bryan made some dumb shit work when he was tagging with Kane. If anything he is underrated character wise now. He did a bunch of different characters and got them over both in and outside the ring.

I still won't defend anything past Mania 30. His smiley Yes guy persona was bad.

Yep. That's the thing with WWE nowadays. When you turn someone into a face (even a top face), they have to be that super vanilla good guy that smiles all the time. While it canwork for some, not everybody should be put into that position. I mean, you could make someone a face and not be the nicest guy character wise. Just keep them sympathetic enough.

But yeah, Bryan's heel and Team Hell No work was solid.

The "I'll be back here when the Lakers beat the Kings in May" line he sang during the Rock concert is what vaulted Hollywood Rock into GOAT tier for me. It's the only time in history where the old fashioned "slam local sports team" trope really worked.

Hollywood Rock was awesome, especially that promo in Toronto.


He's basically Raiden from Mortal Kombat. Lambert version to be exact.

I was thinking more cowboy, heavy drinking Gandalf but yeah Raiden works as well. Its an archetypal I think any wrestling show can have and that can work exceptionally well. Also great to get heat for a heel who beats him up or gets the better of him.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Problem is that Cesaro won't get booed by smarks no matter what. The Cesaro Section will single handedly stop any chance Cesaro has at a push as a heel.

Make him stop doing corkscrew european uppercuts and all this other smarky shit and you could get him booed.
Rock's agents don't want him anywhere near wrestling and after he injured himself at Wrestlemania 29 I don't think studios are gonna let him wrestle anymore.

Rock's agents didn't want him to associate himself with wrestling, that much is true. Which is why he fired them years ago and hired his ex to be his new agent. I don't think studios are going to try and keep him from wrestling if Rock really wants to.


Rock's agents didn't want him to associate himself with wrestling, that much is true. Which is why he fired them years ago and hired his ex to be his new agent. I don't think studios are going to try and keep him from wrestling if Rock really wants to.

He almost held up production on Hercules.

He has a ton of huge projects lined up (Baywatch, Big Trouble in Little China, and another Furious movie). They are not going to want him injuring himself and delaying production.
Sheamus not being able to hold the belt right in like ANY of the shots at the end was my fav bit I think lol. HHH struggling to sort his shit out and help made it even funnier.

"You look stupid." has never been more appropriate.

My GF literally cackle laughed when Reigns lost, I kept saying no way, nope, you know Sheamus is losing, they're gonna bump up the numbers of cash in failures, he is the perfect candidate.

Then I remembered how stupid WWE is that him winning is exactly what they'd do.


Sheamo is going to have a more interesting 20 minute promo than Reigns could ever hope to have

and I'm not going to watch it
Ok, after watching a bunch of wrestling today I have these thoughts (as an outsider for the last 10 years)

Lucha Underground is pretty damn awesome. It's cheesy and over the top, but it works really well
I really like the Wyatt Family gimmick and kind of wish WWE went full on True Detective season 1 with it. Just get really dark and creepy
Reigns isn't a bad wrestler, but he sucks on the mic
Rollins is pretty damn good
I'm mixed on Ambrose. He reminds me of Corey Feldman for some reason
There are just some really bad wrestlers who do nothing but blatantly choreograph the next moves

I feel like the WWE is in a bit of an identity crisis. At times the characters and gimmicks remind of the mid-to-late 90s and at other times the more "mature" characters have an attitude era feel to them.
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