On breaking ground the in ring work ain't shit to promo class. Holy fuck some of the folks are paralyzed with fear.
It shows.
On breaking ground the in ring work ain't shit to promo class. Holy fuck some of the folks are paralyzed with fear.
WWE doesn't want to give into the fans demand yet again. I'd like to see Ambrose get a run and see if he can do a mini PG-era Stone Cold thing, but they won't do it for a bunch of reasons.
On breaking ground the in ring work ain't shit to promo class. Holy fuck some of the folks are paralyzed with fear.
He's super boring and not believable with the mic. I don't want to see him in the main event picture. Other than that, he's ok in my book.
Daniel Bryan was never believable with the mic once he was in the main event. He was only good during his Hell No/not the weak link phase.
they did exactly that and it was trash by the end.
Mustard spraying jokster Ambrose was the mini PG-era Stone Cold you wanted, i'm sorry
If he was good before, then the obvious conclusion is his material was weak, not his ability.
If he was good before, then the obvious conclusion is his material was weak, not his ability.
Look at that body. Big arms, big chest, strong body!
Or that Bryan is one dimensional?
Or that Bryan is one dimensional?
Nope, it's that he's not a good face. He's a decent heel though and great at comedy bits because he takes shit so seriously.
...The Team Hell No saga?What was the last WWE angle Wrasslegaf liked all the way to completion?
Has there been one?
He has been having better matches.Can I ask why everyone hates Roman Reigns? Since The Shield dissolved, he's been having better matches than Ambrose.
Daniel Bryan was never believable with the mic once he was in the main event. He was only good during his Hell No/not the weak link phase.
It just annoys me that everyone is shitting on Reigns for stuff they never complained about with Bryans. It's not like Reigns is a stiff in the ring. He's been having great matches.
Daniel Bryan only became one dimensional once he started getting booked as the top babyface. Heel Bryan, Hell No Bryan, and Summerslam vs Cena Bryan were all pretty good characters.
It just annoys me that everyone is shitting on Reigns for stuff they never complained about with Bryans. It's not like Reigns is a stiff in the ring. He's been having great matches.
What report?
Hell he had several good promos as far back as NXT 1. He should never have been turned into a clean cut super good guy face, even in ROH as a face he was never that ultra goody two shoes.Daniel Bryan only became one dimensional once he started getting booked as the top babyface. Heel Bryan, Hell No Bryan, and Summerslam vs Cena Bryan were all pretty good characters.
http://www.wwe.com/inside/cesaro-injured-interview Cesaro getting surgery today, rip
In a way, injuries are good only for the possibility of a chance of reinvention and a crazy awesome return. Good talent with permission to reinvent themselves are in a good spot to come back and be something a little different, a lot better. In Sheamus' case it never happened to his character, but Rollins and Rusev and Cesaro will get a chance to re-start what they have, and possibly make it better. Yes, I know "ha it wont happen" but there's a CHANCE.
For Rusev, I really don't see it happening, but for Cesaro and Rollins, I honestly think it'll happen.
Naomi is looking RADIANT.
Stupid Lana. She fucked and fucked him.
foreign Ted DiBiase
Cesaro will now forever be "fragile" to Vince, I hope he's planning on leaving the company once he's at 100%.
they did this with del rio, no sale
Like, ok, pretending Taker went to LU - how would you handle him? How would you handle the baggage he comes in with? Do you try to reinvent him? Make him even MORE dark? Can't make him El Satanico since there's already been one. Considering their heavy reliance on storyline, how do you deal with Mil Muertes occupying some of the same mindshare?
That never stopped Orton from being champion again. And he's the definition of glass man
CM Punk vs Hardy, that was a fun feud. Huge heat, some good matches and the guy on his way out did the job and did it well.
I liked Arrogant Rich Guy Del Rio about 10 times better than Swoleberto.