haha JaseC called me out on why he decided to change his avatar from some actress he's been following since she was 13 or something. So, I thought I better try and defend myself rightly or wrongly. Doing it in the Steam thread probably wasn't the best place to do it, since he's the King of the Castle over there, after using his student loans and credit cards to buy as many Steam games as he could.
It is regrettable that someone as well liked as Durante didn't enjoy my posts, but like I said I'm sure we'll both cope and I can still appreciate the work he does.
Perhaps I shouldn't have taken the bait and just let it slide, but I have been known to make dumb decisions in the past. It's been nearly 12 months since the last time JaseC had out little back and forth over his avatar taking over Steam Threads conversation wise, while I did make a passing remark about his 'creepy obssession' with his actress (he watches all her films, tv appearances, and keeps up to date on news about her - I find this creepy akin to people who like 1000 year demons I apprecaite others might not) tainting her after seeing her on TV lately other than that I haven't mentioned a thing in 12 months. Yet, seemingly that was enough for him to have a little meltdown in Steam chat and single me out as the reason he changed his avatar. Naturally, as steam gaf keeps saying 'his cult of personalty' took over and people championed him. As the outsider I was always doomed.
JaseC always needs the last word too, and often brings up PMs I sent to him to discuss this in private, into the public light. To me this is like he's angling for public support within the Steam Thread.