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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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"and then, so, he went...so, he got there and, so, .....it was so funny. so then,..."

Are you making fun of the way he speaks or something? Because I listened to the Austin podcast with Ryback and that dude is the worst. "Literally... literally... and then literally... and I literally... and this ridiculous positive-thinking book literally changed my life... and then I literally... literally literally literally."

Kill me.

Dogs are a cancer to society.

Kill this guy, too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dogs are a cancer to society.

I was walking with my daughter the other day and a couple were walking their dog in our direction. My daughter asked if she could say hi and the couple said "sure". My daughter asked for the dog's name and the owner said "Maya".

My daughter replied "That's my name!" and the husband asked "Why would your parents name you after a dog?"

hahahaha...I feel terrible because my dog's name is the same as one of my coworkers' children. But hey...there you go. It just means dogs are as dope as children. I mean, children are terrible. But dogs are forever better than tiny humans.


So not worth it
Real talk: Dog owners are pretty much the most annoying people on the street though.

Apparently holding dog on a leash translates into "everyone needs to move out of my way, because I have a dog and thus have the right of way."


hahahaha...I feel terrible because my dog's name is the same as one of my coworkers' children. But hey...there you go. It just means dogs are as dope as children. I mean, children are terrible. But dogs are forever better than tiny humans.

As a father of a 14-year-old human and owner of a ~2-year-old dog: it's true. I often refer to Seymour (my dog) as my favorite son. >_>

Oh, and speaking of dog names being people names: my lady friend's name is Josie and you guys are always talking about Daniel Bryan's dog Josie and it's funny to me...

Real talk: Dog owners are pretty much the most annoying people on the street though.

Apparently holding dog on a leash translates into "everyone needs to move out of my way, because I have a dog and thus have the right of way."

I don't do that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk: Dog owners are pretty much the most annoying people on the street though.

Apparently holding dog on a leash translates into "everyone needs to move out of my way, because I have a dog and thus have the right of way."

Don't walk a dog on the street. Also you need to get out of the way of people.

I walk in the grass when there's a dipshit walking themselves. You should say "discourteous dog owners" which there are plenty.

We aren't a hivemind, but I will teach my dog to bite you. You in particular. "BITE HIM! HE DIDN'T LIKE MARLEY AND ME AND HE HATES YOUR KIND! BITE HIM!" and she'll look up at me and not understand the command, and wag and want to meet you.


'Tis the season, friends.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
To my knowledge, neither of my kids have licked their own assholes. Disgusting animals, dogs are.

That title goes to rabbits, the filthiest most disgusting animals on the planet. It's a curse too, because they look fucking adorable - but they eat their own shit on the reg.


So not worth it
Don't walk a dog on the street. Also you need to get out of the way of people.

I walk in the grass when there's a dipshit walking themselves. You should say "discourteous dog owners" which there are plenty.

We aren't a hivemind, but I will teach my dog to bite you. You in particular. "BITE HIM! HE DIDN'T LIKE MARLEY AND ME AND HE HATES YOUR KIND! BITE HIM!" and she'll look up at me and not understand the command, and wag and want to meet you.

Heh. I walk at least 90~120 minutes a day, and my road to work goes through an area with a small park so I come across a ton of people and their dogs. It hasn't helped my views, I'm afraid.

Also. I have, in fact, been bitten by 4 separate dogs throughout my life, only one drew blood though, when a small dog that was unleashed and unsupervised bit me 37 times when I was a toddler and my brother took me on a walk through the neighborhood.


I have two major audio pet peeves in life: screaching and the sound of the word "literally". People can't grasp the concept that there is no way something they're claiming to have literally happened could not have done so figuratively.

My daughter, who is 6, brought this shit home from school after some asshats started dropping it in class. I put a stop to that reeeeeeal fast. Literally.

I mean, I can handle someone using it incorrectly from time to time. It happens all the time with folks. But when it's repeated almost every sentence... c'mon.

I think both Cats and Dogs are shit and don't like either.

You sound miserable. Do you like any animals? I'm literally curious.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Heh. I walk at least 90~120 minutes a day, and my road to work goes through an area with a small park so I come across a ton of people and their dogs. It hasn't helped my views, I'm afraid.

Also. I have, in fact, been bitten by 4 separate dogs throughout my life, only one drew blood though, when a small dog that was unleashed and unsupervised bit me 37 times when I was a toddler and my brother took me on a walk through the neighborhood.

Well considering where you live, let me just say it's not that big of a surprise that everyone else there thinks their shit doesn't stink.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
really? when that list includes Hogan, Khali and Big Show?

I don't really consider Khali and Big Show main eventers because they bounced around too much and Khali was only in the main event for like three months.

I can't think of a single move The Rock did that looked like it actually hurt


The Rock told stories in the ring that made me care about everything in the match without any indie flippy shit or YMCA MMA kicks.

The Rock is the definition of Professional Wrestler, you ungrateful bastards.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Rock's spinebuster and DDT looked like transition moves. Rock's DDT might be one of the most responsible for turning it into a mid-match move. It's so quick and floaty. It's like an armdrag for the head.

Spinebuster is just this lazy 'pick up and fall over' thing rather than a pick you up and slam you on the fucking mat.
The Rock told stories in the ring that made me care about everything in the match without any indie flippy shit or YMCA MMA kicks.

The Rock is the definition of Professional Wrestler, you ungrateful bastards.

Uh huh, but I specifically said 'wrestler' for a reason

and Hogan worked crowds better. And Bret told better stories in the ring.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What's the over/under on Owens dressing as Santa sometime this year? I'm giving it a 99.9% probability, but people think I hate him.


The Rock told stories in the ring that made me care about everything in the match without any indie flippy shit or YMCA MMA kicks.

The Rock is the definition of Professional Wrestler, you ungrateful bastards.

couldn't agree more, wi-five brother


Haha, people like The Rock's spinebuster. What a piece of crap that thing was. And that's without even comparing it to Double A's. If you consider that, hoooo boy...

if anything, Austin was worst than Rock in the ring

Maybe after his neck injury. Definitely not before it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Did someone say "Spinebuster" and "Double A"



I'm assuming most of the tickets were gobbled up yesterday, or today's allotment was small.
Yesterday was a super tiny allotment, but they also release tickets in waves. So just keep searching for what you want and it'll probably show up eventually. fwiw I had better luck with the phone app than the website, no clue why.

I won't lie though. It'd be dope to hold grumpy cat for a minute.
My kitty is a snowshoe siamese like grumpy cat, but she's full sized. It's still pretty great to hold her.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Listen, the gay jokes are unfortunate looking back. The product (and times) were different back then. Doesn't excuse it. But History and time will negate what used to be funny and turn it into an unfortunate series of memories. Thankfully, there was more to his mic work than the occassional stupid gay jokes.

I just watched his 2012-2013 stint and when I caught the RAW after his first Cena Mania win where he said "dude whistled at me. Oh and he;s a Cena fan too", I cringed hard.

Dude was still magic in the ring. He had energy, charisma, wasn't stiff in the ring nor on the mic. Was he perfect, naw. We know that now. Doesn't take away from all the things he did right.

It was really weird during his 2012-2013 appearances how often he relied on gay implications and saying Cena was like a woman, like being a woman is a bad thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He was still doing that crap in 2012/2013?!

Jesus, guys. Jesus.

One thing that does give me some hope is consuming any media pre-2010 and noticing how much as a society that we've changed. Gives me a lot of hope.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This provides some context to that incredible Mania 14 post-show interview with Tyson, courtesy of @ObserverQuotes:

Mike Tyson was in the luxury boxes with Shane McMahon, cheering on the babyfaces, in particular his favorite, "Cold Stoned." [1/98]
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