don't you love to pay $15 + $25 for a popcorn and a coke to watch a movie in a room full of annoying people with kids?
Paying $15 to enter a theater
in 2015?
Use your brain and hit up the matinee like the rest of the smart people who avoid the annoying kids.
ex machina
Basically just stealing more money from youOh i meant $3.50 for them mailed, not just 50c
Also paid $20.70 in service fees and $5 order processing fees for WM tickets, whatever those things mean.
I remember my mom getting me Warzone with the guide book for my 7th birthday. I miss having games where got had to do button combos to pull off the big moves.Remember how WWE All Stars actually had combo lists for each character but denied you actually being able to see them in game and tried to force the strategy guide upon you to find them out?
Carny as fuck.
All Stars was a game I wanted to love but it just had too many flaws, that said the lack of a refined sequel is tragic.
This, No Mercy is so overrated compared to itProbably talking about the game, which wasn't a lie.
Beef pls, I thought you loved automated gameplay with "original" aesthetics consisting of *insert different colour* Hill Zones."look at my auto mario level guys, totes original please star and comment"
Considering I actually saw a decent amount of movies this year for once I could even participate in the voting thread tarnishing it with my casual movie viewing powers.What's WrassleGAF's favorite movie(s) of the year?
You're not entirely wrong, except for the one platformer that was made by a relatively big team not worried about budget and most damningly wasn't Metroid friend, alas that was the best one.You and I are going to fight friend because I feel like last years sites would rather give 2d platformers a 'budget pass' on every aspect of their creation and playing and rather nitpick every open world game to bare bones because 'well big team'
I work on weekdays, you lazy millenial
Your wife wanted some big e, I don't blame her. I want to some big e too and I'm a straight male.Lewd wrestling story:
A couple weeks ago my wife came home from work late while I was sitting around watching TV and she was down for sexy-time if you get my drift. So we're doing this and that and we're getting close to the Big Ending, but then she just stops and starts busting a gut laughing, which kind of momentarily ruined the mood and I asked her why.
Answer: I was watching Raw, and instead of turning the TV off, I just hit the mute button so it was still playing in the background. She looked over at the TV at some point and right there on the screen: Big E Langston doing that hip-gyrating dance while wearing a freakin' cape.
TL;DR: The New Day ruined my sex life.
¡HarlequinPanic!;184187657 said:isn't that the movie that's ripping off the upcoming detroid: become human?
probably Fury Road, but I enjoyed Furious 7 a whole lot. I'm behind on the movies i actually wanted to see this year, but there also hasn't been a whole lot of stuff i've lovedWhat's WrassleGAF's favorite movie(s) of the year?
Her favorite character is Rusev though.Your wife wanted some big e, I don't blame her. I want to some big e too and I'm a straight male.
He's my idol
Straight Outta Compton or GoosebumpsWhat's WrassleGAF's favorite movie(s) of the year?
Well, to play levels in Mario Maker you don't have to use the gamepad ever
Her favorite character is Rusev though.
Whiplash, forever better than Birdman.
PWG should have a streaming network.
Same here. Everytime I actually find a pair of seats its for a section with a limited view.
What a bummer.
Whiplash, forever better than Birdman.
It's at least a step above tripe like Theory of Everything and Imitation GameBirdman is the textbook definition of oscar-bait tripe.
Indeed, even if it was just for their archive content. But, unfortunately, Highspots are jerks and PWG seem perfectly satisfied with the status quo.
Meh, down with physical media!
Her favorite character is Rusev though.
honestly I remember hearing something about how they were prowd that they only used dvds or something.
So should I wait and hope Ticketmaster fixes their shit? Or should I just buy tickets off Stubhub? I don't want to pay scalped prices for this, but I still want a good seat.
It's more that Highspots business is based around DVDs (they've been pretty terrible when it comes to going digital and are unwilling to use another company as a middle man to do it professionally). They don't want anything to rock the boat and assume that if they offered digital downloads at the same time as the DVDs, then DVD sales would drop and quick access to DRM-free MP4 digital downloads would increase piracy (despite the fact that PWG DVDs are pirated to fuck anyways).
I assume PWG get a very favourable deal from Highspots producing their shit, but it still sucks for international fans or anyone who's tired of the DVD model and wants more immediate access across a variety of platforms.
I just watched the Hunt. I've never felt so angry watching a movie.
So should I wait and hope Ticketmaster fixes their shit? Or should I just buy tickets off Stubhub? I don't want to pay scalped prices for this, but I still want a good seat.
It's like they don't realize that having things more easily accessible helps to reduce piracy
for people that have been to a stadium mania before, what even is a good seat?
I'm going to assume the ring will be where the star is.
I figure the 100s will go pretty fast. How about 200s?
for people that have been to a stadium mania before, what even is a good seat?
I'm going to assume the ring will be where the star is.
I figure the 100s will go pretty fast. How about 200s?
for people that have been to a stadium mania before, what even is a good seat?
I'm going to assume the ring will be where the star is.
I figure the 100s will go pretty fast. How about 200s?
The stadium has a big was jumbotron the size of the football field. Shouldn't be a bad seat per say
Boootaaay needs those day 1 retweets
AT&T Stadium has a retractable roof, and I'm assuming that it'll be closed. Still, they would probably have to erect something over the ring for lighting, so anything at the corners would probably have obstructed view. Seats will be closed off for the entrance and the hard camera set-up as well.