Yep still enjoyed 2000 ECW even if it's considered to be shittier.
Favorite thing about the Network has been watching all of the 96'-97' WCW that I missed out on.
I have trouble watching the Network versions of the ECW PPVs since all of the music is missing, which was a huge part of the show.
SS last year was an absolute star making performance by Ziggler...and then everyone dropped the ball on it. Mainly because Ziggler can't sustain any success because of his stale face character but also they had no good authority heel to feud with him.
It was unique at the time. Things like New Jack running out like an insane person with Natural Born Killaz blasting, the whole place just going bananas, me just thinking "oh fuck New Jack is going to actually kill someone".I always saw ECW as a spotfest, aside from a handful of exceptions for its entire existence.
SS last year was an absolute star making performance by Ziggler...and then everyone dropped the ball on it. Mainly because Ziggler can't sustain any success because of his stale face character but also they had no good authority heel to feud with him.
Or that the WWE don't know how to book long term stories. Ziggler's performance was for nothing as the writers squandered it.
It was unique at the time. Things like New Jack running out like an insane person with Natural Born Killaz blasting, the whole place just going bananas, me just thinking "oh fuck New Jack is going to actually kill someone".
It was near I'm dear to me at the time.
Nocturnowl exposing the fucking business
I was like 12-13 then and ECW was god damn magical to me. Didn't see any of the flaws at the time.It was unique, and I really enjoyed some of the stuff they did with the storylines. But once the initial "he's hitting that dude with a [object]" wore off, for me ECW was more the promos than anything in the ring. Which sounds weird to say, since I dislike current WWE promos so much.
Folks, i've had more fun watching Bob Ross on Twitch than i've had watching WWE in a while, eventhough the last 2 RAWs were alright
that's sad
I was like 12-13 then and ECW was god damn magical to me. Didn't see any of the flaws at the time.
The funniest part is how he'd take the money for himself. Well being a huge Christian myself, that happens more and more now.Reverend Dvon was great, loved how people would donate at ringside lol.
True on both counts. lolThe funniest part is how he'd take the money for himself. Well being a huge Christian myself, that happens more and more now.
For me MTV2 was fucking awesome back in 98/99. All of the great music you didn't get on the normal MTV channel by that point.that's what the happy little trees are for
When I was 12-13, Warrior was on his rise to the top and I spent more time watching Yo MTV Raps and Rap City than anything.
Folks, i've had more fun watching Bob Ross on Twitch than i've had watching WWE in a while, eventhough the last 2 RAWs were alright
that's sad
Kinda sucked that the gimmick got canned but at the same time, kinda glad it did for Dave's sake lol!True on both counts. lol
Loved it.
Kinda sucked that the gimmick got canned but at the same time, kinda glad it did for Dave's sake lol!
Whoop whoop, Ive got my 500 signs ready for Mondays UK Raw
Oh yeah, they're over here this week
Yep, raw and smackdown both from Manchester.
It better not suck this year, last year from liverpool was one of the worst shows ive ever seen.
And the past two raws have been better than average so it would be really disappointing.
Cena then complained that we'd been quiet all night after the show went off the air.
You can truly tell that Vince let's his southern mind get in the way of storylines.Damn Del Rio lookin' fantastic.
Mmm, you're not wrong lol
You can truly tell that Vince let's his southern mind get in the way of storylines.
Wanted Ken Shamrock to do an incest angle.
Batista molested by his parents.
Kevin Thorne and Arial into incest.
Wanted to do an incest angle with his daughter.
Come the fuck on!
Damn Del Rio lookin' fantastic.
Mmm, you're not wrong lol
...I mean you do know Vince's background of abuse as a kid right?You can truly tell that Vince let's his southern mind get in the way of storylines.
Wanted Ken Shamrock to do an incest angle.
Batista molested by his parents.
Kevin Thorne and Arial into incest.
Wanted to do an incest angle with his daughter.
Come the fuck on!
Come the fuck on!
He looks a little bit leaner in his return. Maybe it's just me, didn't really track his progress after he quit the first time.
He's in way better shape than when he left.He looks a little bit leaner in his return. Maybe it's just me, didn't really track his progress after he quit the first time.
I've heard a few stories of how rough it was for him....I mean you do know Vince's background of abuse as a kid right?
Bjork, basically he wanted to do an angle with Stephanie pregnant and he would claim to be the father.
...I mean you do know Vince's background of abuse as a kid right?
Yup he's cut weight and got more of a tan. Looks amazing.
He's in way better shape than when he left.
Oh my lordVince just wants to point out that incest as a morally wrong concept is an outdated way of thinking because he made Stephanie, so he owns her and he can do what he wants to her. He's Vince McMahon, dammit
Love his ring work and ring presence. But yeah, personality needs some work.I still find him a charisma vacuum though, like he's just there. I guess you could say that about a lot of the performers though.
"I OWNNN you, God damn it. You came from ME. I MADE You."Vince just wants to point out that incest as a morally wrong concept is an outdated way of thinking because he made Stephanie, so he owns her and he can do what he wants to her. He's Vince McMahon, dammit
Oh my lord
Vince just wants to point out that incest as a morally wrong concept is an outdated way of thinking because he made Stephanie, so he owns her and he can do what he wants to her. He's Vince McMahon, dammit
I'm positive that they told Cameron if she wanted a match on NXT that the stipulation that she was going to get murdered by Asuka.Asuka's armbar is the best thing on TV. Well, second best. King Shark on Flash was hype.
How'd you guess? Lolyou read it in his voice, didn't you?
Seed of his loins, friends, what the Genetic Jackhammer made.