Believe it or not I'm an HHH fan and I couldn't stand that period. I was still on some on and off shit till Cena became CENAWINSLOL and I just gave up. Came back during Summer of Punk for two reasons: I really liked Punk, and I just came back from the US where my youngest brother was really into Wrestling. I had all this useless knowledge of years of jumping from forum to forum so I had to bestow it somewhere. We ended up bonding over that a and some nerdy shit.
Don't hate Cena now. Can't deny that he was in some good matches and does well for the company. But he still mostly bores me where I tune off when he's on. Honestly the memefication of him kind of made me enjoy his presence more.
you... you sound just like me...
are you me? there can only be one World's wrongest man