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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date
I'll never admit that HBK was better than Bret in the New Generation

Almost all of his really amazing matches are post comeback.

If you want to claim HBK had a better career, then fine. I've got no bones there.
HBK is the GOAT. He made even me look good when I was in my mother's womb.

I'm back from my self imposed 3 month hibernation. This place was getting to me and I was starting to loose site of the prize and turn heel a bit too much there. I'm going to keep it FNP from now on and just share my enjoyment of WWE with everyone and not let the little things get to me. I enjoy this community, and while I know I haven't made friends of everyone here, I hope to wipe the slate clean and declare it is all water under the bridge. This is a new day for me.....I'm back and ready to enjoy some wrasslin and not be that asshole that everyone wants to leave anymore.

And.....to further prove that my hibernation was self imposed:


Needless to say, I'm glad I took that three months away. I had to find my smile again, which I lost somewhere down the line. I'm enjoying WWE on more levels than before and I think you will find that will make me a better community member.

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k65e9UD8c7YZaEdDkxj here's a great non-WWE match, get hooked on other wrestling so it's less bad when WWE disappoints

Also welcome back. Also sorry about the timing, RIP Seth

was that a work?? wtf

edit: he hurt his leg with the takedown, which kinda makes more sense. how underwhelming.

Underwhelming but not surprising. JT's knee has been wrecked for years, looks like it finally couldn't take any more. He got taken out in a wheelchair, probably won't be back in-ring in MMA for a while if again

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
why was Kane having perfectly watchable matches (nothing stellar, but not outright bad) during the same era as Taker being nearly unwatchably bad? similar builds, similar gimmicks. was it just attitude? lack of interest? talking like 10 years ago.

Then they were both comparable. Taker from like, 94 until Attitude Era was the bottom of the junk heap. Eventually he got some character and could put on more of an actual match, once New Generation era was done.


Barry Windham in a match with the Legion of Doom on a 1997 Raw is bizarre as fuck. Windham as part of an NWA stable with Cornette, Jarrett, Rock and Roll Express etc is more bizarre. What the hell.


Double edit: lol at LOD member doing the Hogan kick out at 3.01 seconds after getting hit with a weapon to look strong in a loss. What a dick.


Taker from 91 until 96 was all about character. Dude was in so many Casket matches, no sold because "that's his character", didn't talk much, etc.

Then he fought Mankind, Vader, and they started the whole thing with Kane. He started talking more, but his character got fleshed out more because of it, and Paul Bearer was masterful at his craft. That's when he finally became interesting, in addition to working with more interesting opponents.


Guys I want to watch hockey but Im not sure how to start.. I see enough during playoff seaso ln, but Im not some crazy passionate band wagon jumper or anything.

How exactly do you begin to get so passionate about a team? Wrassling is ao much easier to get into

I am right outside Toronto but how do I become a fan?

Follow the Marlies like you're watching NXT and hope their young guns will eventually make it to the Leafs when it's no longer a shitshow (like RAW) and go on to great success.

Also, fuck the Canadiens..

I'm back from my self imposed 3 month hibernation. This place was getting to me and I was starting to loose site of the prize and turn heel a bit too much there. I'm going to keep it FNP from now on and just share my enjoyment of WWE with everyone and not let the little things get to me. I enjoy this community, and while I know I haven't made friends of everyone here, I hope to wipe the slate clean and declare it is all water under the bridge. This is a new day for me.....I'm back and ready to enjoy some wrasslin and not be that asshole that everyone wants to leave anymore.

And.....to further prove that my hibernation was self imposed:


Needless to say, I'm glad I took that three months away. I had to find my smile again, which I lost somewhere down the line. I'm enjoying WWE on more levels than before and I think you will find that will make me a better community member.
Glad to hear you found your smile!


Has there been a match this year that tops the Cena vs. Brock vs. Rollins triple threat match at the Royal Rumble?

Sure, I think both Bayley/Sasha matches stand out for me as WWE/NXT MOTY candidates. Cena/Brock/Rollins I thought was okay. I don't see either Bayley/Sasha matches getting beat by anything else in WWE/NXT land.

In NJPW land, seeing that amazing Ishii/Honma match early this year was just amazing. Crowd loves Honma so much which just makes the match even better.
Is Bellator legit or is it a work?

Because they seem way more carny then a lot of the other MMA companies that have come and gone over the years.

Lots of old guys. Lots of ex wrestliers. I dunno.... seems a bit fishy to me.
Holy Shit Lillian Garcia was trash when she first started.

But lol at The Rock facing Gangrel on Raw. Then he questions the booking.

Guy was stuck in such pointless fueds as a main eventer.
Recall's Recommended Bouts of the Week

Chris Benoit vs DDP vs Raven - WCW Uncensored 98
Incredibly well booked and thought out brawl that used each of the wrestlers talents to perfection. All 3 never stopped and the crowd were going bananas making for a very memorable encounter.
Grade A

Booker T vs Disco Inferno - WCW Superbrawl 1999
Incredible crowd that were treated to a spectacular effort from Disco and Booker let him shine.
Grade B+

Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm - ECW Anarcy Rulz 1999
Technical masterclass that retained some of the ECW high impact stuff which anyone can enjoy. It told its story very well.
Grade A-

Thanks for the recommendations, all awesome matches!

Holy shit at Booker selling the reversal clothesline by Disco. Did a full flip lol. Looked amazing.


Started a Raw Replay run in 1996. I'm up to the International Incident PPV. I honestly think 1996 Jerry Lawler is worse than any of today's commentary. I had to turn off one episode because he was constantly on Jake The Snake for being a drunk. That was the entirety of his shtick for a couple of matches.

At least Lawler gets much better when JR takes over for Vince. Vince just lets him go and resumes commentary when he's done, J.R. knew how to reign him in.
Okada vs Tanahashi hype is rising, crazy pull apart brawl at the show today. Tana's gone all Jumbo, beating the piss out of the punk kid after his spot. Also, huge reaction for
showing up unexpectedly. Jr. tag final was awesome, but kinda sucks it's only led to what's looking like another 4-way at Wrestle Kingdom. But they're alwyas going to try and cram as many guys onto the WK card, so it's to be expected.


The final 15 minutes of the 2010 Royal Rumble is pretty fun, finishing move fest and all. Edge's return was pretty unexpected and laid good ground between he and Jericho. Kofi wasn't a midcarder for life just yet. He had some unique spots/moments. Then Shawn Michaels gets eliminated by (heel) Batista, and Cole does his Owen voice for three minutes. The fuck is wrong with commentary? They did the same when Ryback slammed Cena through the wall a few years ago in their Last Man Standing Match (no winner tho!). It defeats the entire purpose of selling to the audience of being sentimental and authentic of all things.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
As well as best matches of the year, what are people's current front-runners for best promo?

I'll get my obvious marky-one out of the way, Damien Sandow 27th April getting ridiculously over with the audience before being buried in gimmick-land again:


The other for me is the Kevin Owens/John Cena promo on the RAW after Owens' win at Elimination Chamber:

God the way thy screwed up Sandow pisses me off. I don't understand why they buried him after that.
Okada vs Tanahashi hype is rising, crazy pull apart brawl at the show today. Tana's gone all Jumbo, beating the piss out of the punk kid after his spot. Also, huge reaction for
showing up unexpectedly. Jr. tag final was awesome, but kinda sucks it's only led to what's looking like another 4-way at Wrestle Kingdom. But they're alwyas going to try and cram as many guys onto the WK card, so it's to be expected.

In general, that was a better NJPW show than I had expected. The tag matches were all pretty good, and Anderson/Nakamura was very good. Honma vs. Ishii was really, really good.

Also, Go is a no go. Nakamura vs. Styles will be hot fire, and it's a fresh match, but that's why you don't get too hyped with fantasy booking.
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