I'm back from my self imposed 3 month hibernation. This place was getting to me and I was starting to loose site of the prize and turn heel a bit too much there. I'm going to keep it FNP from now on and just share my enjoyment of WWE with everyone and not let the little things get to me. I enjoy this community, and while I know I haven't made friends of everyone here, I hope to wipe the slate clean and declare it is all water under the bridge. This is a new day for me.....I'm back and ready to enjoy some wrasslin and not be that asshole that everyone wants to leave anymore.
And.....to further prove that my hibernation was self imposed:
Needless to say, I'm glad I took that three months away. I had to find my smile again, which I lost somewhere down the line. I'm enjoying WWE on more levels than before and I think you will find that will make me a better community member.