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Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly (No Spoilers)


I think what you really wanted to post is this photo. They have a beautiful real life model that has proper big breats naturally, yet they decided to scale them down because it will sexualize females? But the IN REAL LIFE model has tits. They did slim her nose too as well, now that is something you can say is BS and clearly trying to cover up somebodys natural flaws. What kind of agenda are they pulling here...yeah you are beautiful but think of all the ugly trans lesbo chicks out there, we need to make you look worse and with smaller tits. Fuck this little hairy twat Niel.

Or you know, maybe they are trying to make her look closer to Ellies age/figure.


Or you know, maybe they are trying to make her look closer to Ellies age/figure.

She is supposed to be 19 years of age. You don't know any female at 19 years of age with large breasts?
My question remains- why does it look like this game (and seemingly MANY western made games lately) try to desexualize their female characters? What are they trying to say by doing this? Who are they pandering to by doing this? What will it achieve? Are they saying if you have large breasts you aren't a real woman?

Oh and I might add if Sarkeesian had ANY influence in this games story or direction, it's an insta NO BUY from me. She has no salient points in ANY of her videos. I don't care for any of her opinions in gaming and she just needs to keep her bullshit opinions right out of our hobby. She adds absolutely nothing of value to any conversation.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Certainly, there are people out there who show aversion to Trans people.

But there are also people who mean no harm whatsoever to Trans people and who have empathy for them but still disagree and hold objections to arguments self-proclaimed Trans activists regularly wage. There seems to be a strange inability to not mistake the two and you have just given your absolute best to continue that dubious tradition.

It's not just either you're a LGBTQ activist or you're a sexist homophobe transphobe.

Then let me see "those" people prove it then. If you have no harm whatsoever to Trans people "AND" have empathy for them, then why is any of this an issue? Why would making a character Trans-friendly even a bad thing to those people? And please tell me what these arguments that "self-proclaimed" Trans activist wage?
Then let me see "those" people prove it then. If you have no harm whatsoever to Trans people "AND" have empathy for them, then why is any of this an issue? Why would making a character Trans-friendly even a bad thing to those people? And please tell me what these arguments that "self-proclaimed" Trans activist wage?

No one is under any sort of obligation to prove themselves to you.

It really boggles the mind you can't see some of the arguments being put forward. Maybe they think it's not internally consistent, or in line with TLoU1, or any other kind of argument pertaining to storytelling craft. I'm not even endorsing those arguments here. I'm merely pointing out their existence, in light of your talent to miss them altogether.

As for the behaviour of self-proclaimed Trans activists, it includes attempts to redefine language, attempts to obfuscate language and attempts to mandate language via force of law.

Anything else you care to know and is on-topic?


It really boggles the mind you can't see some of the arguments being put forward. Maybe they think it's not internally consistent, or in line with TLoU1, or any other kind of argument pertaining to storytelling craft. I'm not even endorsing those arguments here. I'm merely pointing out their existence, in light of your talent to miss them altogether.

And this is exactly what I'm trying to say- it doesn't worry me if a character in a game is trans/gay/bi/whatever! If it is shoehorned in to please or appease to a certain segment of the population, and that is the ONLY reason they're in the game/film/show then that is where I personally have an issue! Why is that so hard to understand?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
No one is under any sort of obligation to prove themselves to you.

It really boggles the mind you can't see some of the arguments being put forward. Maybe they think it's not internally consistent, or in line with TLoU1, or any other kind of argument pertaining to storytelling craft. I'm not even endorsing those arguments here. I'm merely pointing out their existence, in light of your talent to miss them altogether.

As for the behaviour of self-proclaimed Trans activists, it includes attempts to redefine language, attempts to obfuscate language and attempts to mandate language via force of law.

Anything else you care to know and is on-topic?

I can understand why redefining language may make some people uncomfortable, but that happens all the time. Language is meant to be changed/updated. It's part of its very nature. How people spoke in England during the 1600s is different than how we speak (even though we are both speaking\spoke English)

If a man is transitioning into a woman due to their gender not being aligned with their body parts, why would we keep calling that person a man? Or keeping using pronouns like he or him? Clearly it'll be proper to use other pronouns.

And this is exactly what I'm trying to say- it doesn't worry me if a character in a game is trans/gay/bi/whatever! If it is shoehorned in to please or appease to a certain segment of the population, and that is the ONLY reason they're in the game/film/show then that is where I personally have an issue! Why is that so hard to understand?

How do you know it was shoehorned in?
I can understand why redefining language may make some people uncomfortable, but that happens all the time. Language is meant to be changed/updated. It's part of its very nature. How people spoke in England during the 1600s is different than how we speak (even though we are both speaking\spoke English)

If a man is transitioning into a woman due to their gender not being aligned with their body parts, why would we keep calling that person a man? Or keeping using pronouns like he or him? Clearly it'll be proper to use other pronouns.

There's no doubt in my mind Trans people go though a lot. I can only hope they manage to mitigate their suffering.

So they can do whatever they want with their bodies. Their lives, their body, their decision. None of my business, really. But it is my business, and not theirs, the kind of language I use. I alone get to decide the sort of language I use. I don't require their permission or approval. I am not forsaking that right, not now, not ever.

Any attempt to use state power to mandate language is nothing short of tyrannical.

But this is largely off-topic, so I'll leave it at that.
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Airbus Jr

Druckman trying to reverse the way people think

In his mind

Straight > Lesb/LGBT > Trans

Subconciously trans people always viewed as the lowest in his mind

thats why in the leak you saw the reverse is happening

Joel (Straight male ) and Ellie + Diana ( Lesb) lost to Abby ( Trans)

Druckman wants to established that

Trans > Lesb > Straight

in that order
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I can understand why redefining language may make some people uncomfortable, but that happens all the time. Language is meant to be changed/updated. It's part of its very nature. How people spoke in England during the 1600s is different than how we speak (even though we are both speaking\spoke English)

If a man is transitioning into a woman due to their gender not being aligned with their body parts, why would we keep calling that person a man? Or keeping using pronouns like he or him? Clearly it'll be proper to use other pronouns.

How do you know it was shoehorned in?

I didn't say it was. I said IF and WHEN it is I hate that they feel the need to do it. I don't hate TLOU2. I haven't even played it! I don't care what the sexuality of ANY characters are in anything, as long as it is natural and not put in to please a certain sector of the population. Do it because you wanted to see a lesbian love story. Do it because you wanted to explore the life of a trans person. Do it because this kid would naturally have a diverse set of friends growing up in this part of the world. Don't just shoehorn in diversity for the sake of it... Once again- I'M NOT AGAINST ANY DIVERSITY!


Thanks for the good convo and debate. She deff if a cut above my only gripe probably was that thought she was trained I DOUBT she could take both at the same time, I kind of wish during the fight they somehow separated it via set pieces randomly and you play as both Nate or Sam but separelty in different places, and only meet together near the end when the fight is over.

Now it begs to question for TLOU, that Nadine is trained and is a brutal mother fucker. The world of the last of us is very different where all people regardless male or female have to adapt and be strong due to sure will and survival because thats the world they live in. I wouldnt doubt where if something like that happened in our own world obviously we will have strong and brute men but it wouldnt suprise me if women evolved as well to the extent where they could hold their own a little.
So one person cant takebon two people at once, but Drake (or Joel) can take on a dozen? No offense, but you sound bias towards men....


I didn't say it was. I said IF and WHEN it is I hate that they feel the need to do it. I don't hate TLOU2. I haven't even played it! I don't care what the sexuality of ANY characters are in anything, as long as it is natural and not put in to please a certain sector of the population. Do it because you wanted to see a lesbian love story. Do it because you wanted to explore the life of a trans person. Do it because this kid would naturally have a diverse set of friends growing up in this part of the world. Don't just shoehorn in diversity for the sake of it... Once again- I'M NOT AGAINST ANY DIVERSITY!
Who determines how and if somethimg is put in place to pander to a certain group of people? You? Because you feel that way doesn't make it so.


Neo Member

Yeah! That's the way women need to look like in games, Naughty Dog! What the hell are you doing?
Serious, tho. I don't know why white men have so many problems accepting that we are evolving. There's no right way to represent women in games, movies, and in real life. Grow up, guys.


Correct me if I am weird or something but is one actually supposed to be attracted to polygons? I don't get it.

The character models are objectively detailed and visually appealing, but I don't understand this whole "ugly" vs "hot" women thing going on here?

Is it weird to not be attracted to video game characters or even cartoon characters in general?


One of the more oddly telling examples of...wherever Naughty Dog was heading with this was a comparison picture I had seen.

There was a picture of Ellie's love interest that compared in game models to the actual actress. For the game, they greatly reduced her breast size, squared her shoulders, and made her face less feminine.

It was odd that they essentially made these calculated changes.
Dont quote me on it, but im pretty sure thats done quite a bit with translations from real life models. The adverse take place probably more....the woman being overly sexualized moreso than the model...or some dad bod guy given a 8 pack and large biceps.


Also, is SausageRoll even a reliable source? This seems more like an opinion piece to me.

Plus Neil is on the record showing that her design was based on a female bodybuilder!


Yeah, gonna stop you right there.

1. You're right
2. Isn't what I said (In fact I even mentioned that in my second sentence with female players/athletes being able to technically outplay males, but there still being the physical difference).
3. Isn't what happens in Uncharted 4. (She actually overpowers Drake physically without dodging or precise hits. Which is my problem)
I havent played the game to recall specific events and in no fighting expert, but physicalitybi would assume involves more than size....Drake can be slender fat (my term for relatively then without significant muscle mass....Nadinr however, while light is most likely predominantly muscle...makes things a bit morr even...also there is still the skillset aspect. Knowing how to move your feet, balance yourself and throw your opponent off balance or shift their weight plays a large part as well, which could justified the difference in "physical" size


Who determines how and if somethimg is put in place to pander to a certain group of people? You? Because you feel that way doesn't make it so.

So the many quotes of people in Hollywood saying these things means nothing? Game devs who constantly spew forth this "need" for diversity in games is just imagined?


I really don't care about representation. (Easy for me to say, I"M A FUCKING WHITE MALE!) I just don't want to play as a fugly, muscular, angry woman. Bleh.
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Training is useless if you are in a purely strength related confrontation. Which happened in Uncharted 4 far too often. That's why you can't mix sports in the real world and you have proffessional women players losing to teenagers. Not because they can't outplay them, but because the skill gap isn't high enough to take care of the pure physical differences.

Why there is some truth there, there are plenty of, if not more people who are physically stronger getting their butts kicked against people who are stronger


I really don't care about representation. (Easy for me to say, I"M A FUCKING WHITE MALE!) I just don't want to play as a fugly, muscular, angry woman. Bleh.
But you wouldn't mind playing as an animal, alien, mystical creatures such as trolls or goblins, dinosaurs, particles, a short stubby plumber, some exaggerated anime characters, insects or bugs, anthropomorphic characters, slime or ooze robots or flowers?


I don't know why white men have so many problems accepting that we are evolving. There's no right way to represent women in games, movies, and in real life. Grow up, guys.
That means there is also no wrong way, yes? Because if SJW feminists saw it that way, we would not need to push back.

Also, your assumption that only white men are complaining about this is wrong and racist.

Edit: btw.. humans are evolving, yes.. but female videogame characters are actually devolving. Average real life breast sizes are going up, not down.
(and I'm only half joking, because all that authoritarian *woke* bullshit the left/feminists grow increasingly fond off is no good direction to "evolve" in.)
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
There's no doubt in my mind Trans people go though a lot. I can only hope they manage to mitigate their suffering.

So they can do whatever they want with their bodies. Their lives, their body, their decision. None of my business, really. But it is my business, and not theirs, the kind of language I use. I alone get to decide the sort of language I use. I don't require their permission or approval. I am not forsaking that right, not now, not ever.

Any attempt of use state power to mandate language is nothing short of tyrannical.

But this is largely off-topic, so I'll leave it at that.

It's totally on topic. I get what you're saying, but again language always evolves. It's been that way for 1,000s of years. So you can keep using the wrong pronouns all you want, but then you shouldn't get mad when people call you out on that. Plus it shows you don't care about Trans people (if this is how you really feel).

I didn't say it was. I said IF and WHEN it is I hate that they feel the need to do it. I don't hate TLOU2. I haven't even played it! I don't care what the sexuality of ANY characters are in anything, as long as it is natural and not put in to please a certain sector of the population. Do it because you wanted to see a lesbian love story. Do it because you wanted to explore the life of a trans person. Do it because this kid would naturally have a diverse set of friends growing up in this part of the world. Don't just shoehorn in diversity for the sake of it... Once again- I'M NOT AGAINST ANY DIVERSITY!

I wish more people thought like you.

Correct me if I am weird or something but is one actually supposed to be attracted to polygons? I don't get it.

The character models are objectively detailed and visually appealing, but I don't understand this whole "ugly" vs "hot" women thing going on here?

Is it weird to not be attracted to video game characters or even cartoon characters in general?

You're not weird. You are seeing what sexism looks like. When all lead characters were men, this was never a topic. We never cared if the dude was hot or not.
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So the many quotes of people in Hollywood saying these things means nothing? Game devs who constantly spew forth this "need" for diversity in games is just imagined?

So people in hollywood equates to all forms of media? Video games, books, movie, etc...

You're equating need or want to pandering? If a game company develops a variety of games because lets say "theres a need to have a variety of genres as opposed to FPS and TPS", that means its pandering to a group of people? Or theres a need for a sequal to have a variety of weapons means its pandering as well?

Did or would you have argued that Uhura and Sulu in ST TOS show were pandering?

Cant an artist have a vision without pandering? Real world events, peoples circumstances or experience can and do influence story telling. Just because you believe it to be pandering doesnt make it so.

Are games made only with white characters pandering? If ND changed a character to fit what you like pandering to you? If what you say is pandering then there doesnt seem like there has ever been anything that is not pandering,...


No matter what story they write, everyone will still buy it. There’s absolutely no possibility the game won’t still be brilliant even if 10%, 20% of the story is nonsense. Themes aren’t the story and individual characters/scenes aren’t the story. The full game is the game.


When was that?
Majority of AAA titles for the 360 generation from western devs were male focused. All 5 mainline naughty dog games have been white males. They aren’t obligated to stop, but the fact that they have and the instant response is feminism.

I do think naughty dog can be pretty on the nose, Nadine beating but Drake was a real eye roller. But complaining you have to play as an ugly woman is incredibly odd (Not you specifically)

Yeah! That's the way women need to look like in games, Naughty Dog! What the hell are you doing?
Serious, tho. I don't know why white men have so many problems accepting that we are evolving. There's no right way to represent women in games, movies, and in real life. Grow up, guys.

Is this a sarcastic post or are you serious?

If the latter, well I'm not white but I am a man and since you used Cammy I'll use SFV as an example of why this "evolution" idea is complete BS and a double-standard. With that game, TOs have banned players from using certain outfits with the female characters, such as Mika's default outfit.

Let me repeat that: Mika's. DEFAULT. Outfit. Players aren't allowed to use her default outfit in tournaments, despite that being the outfit which essentially helps to define her visual identity as a character. OTOH, there are no bans on male outfits; for example, it's generally okay for players to rock Urien's default outfit, which is basically a speedo.

It's a double standard, and a hypocritical one to boot. And it's not just white guys who are getting upset with all the censorship and subversions of female characters in games to cut down the "male gaze" (as if the male gaze itself is inherently toxic, which it isn't); guys of all colors are getting tired of it. I'm also sure gay women are tired of the attempts at curbing back healthy sexuality of female characters in games and other media as well.

Come on dog. Lets be honest in here. You know I wasn't being literal. But to answer your question....games between 1985 - 2012.

Metroid had a male lead? Tomb Raider had a male lead? Phantasmagoria had a male lead? I'm pretty sure the DOA games are mainly focused on Kasumi and Ayane, both being women. And if you want to expand it to co-leads, there are PLENTY of games from that time period with central female leads in them, easily.

And yes, that also includes plenty of Japanese games.

This whole idea that games were exclusively straight white male leads or co-leads from any time before the "modern era" is patently false. But it plays up on the lack of historical knowledge of people who fall for the lie.
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I'm also sure gay women are tired of the attempts at curbing back healthy sexuality of female characters in games and other media as well.
Don't discount straight women, you just have to look at erotic/romance novel covers targeted at women to know they like to look at beautiful women just as much as men. (..and let's not talk about all those sexualized males on these covers..)
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Metroid had a male lead? Tomb Raider had a male lead? Phantasmagoria had a male lead? I'm pretty sure the DOA games are mainly focused on Kasumi and Ayane, both being women. And if you want to expand it to co-leads, there are PLENTY of games from that time period with central female leads in them, easily.

And yes, that also includes plenty of Japanese games.

This whole idea that games were exclusively straight white male leads or co-leads from any time before the "modern era" is patently false. But it plays up on the lack of historical knowledge of people who fall for the lie.

Now what's the percentage of those games that you've listed over a 30 year period? Stop playing dumb. Most video games back then had straight white men as leads. And it's not even close. We're not saying it was "exclusively" that.

Jon Neu

That was how Indiana Jones wanted to tell their story, uncharted didnt. She is military trained as stated above, Nate while a cut above the others still doesnt have training compared to her. In all honesty thst would be like you going up against Amanda Nunes. I assume your an average joe as well and I wouldnt have a doubt in my mind she would have her way with you because she has training and is an accomplished fighter

Nate has fought hundreds and hundreds of paramilitary soldiers, but somehow the only one trained in combat was this little woman.

She is stronger than the 6 feet soldiers that double her weight. Apparently they weren’t teached the strongest martial art of them all: feminist-fu.

Beauty and sexuality standards vary based on culture and societal pressures.

That’s held true since the beginning of time.

Hell big tits and ass being “sexy” is a relatively new concept.

I don’t know where you learned that subjectivist bullshit, but you are obviously wrong.
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Now what's the percentage of those games that you've listed over a 30 year period? Stop playing dumb. Most video games back then had straight white men as leads. And it's not even close. We're not saying it was "exclusively" that.

I bet you the percentages are higher than you'd like to admit, that's for sure. It'd be impossible to calculate that outright, but I can certainly name a ton of said games:

>Metroid (female-led)
>Castlevania: SOTN (female co-lead, Saturn version)
>Street Fighter 2 (female co-lead)
>Phantasmagoria (female lead)
>Tomb Raider 1, 2, 3, 4 (female lead)
>Phantasmagoria 2 (female co-lead)
>Night Trap (female lead)
>Mischief Makers (female lead)
>Silhouette Mirage (female lead)
>Jet Force Gemini (female co-lead)
>Metal Slug (female co-lead)
>Shock Troopers (female co-lead)
>Perfect Dark (female lead)
>Resident Evil 1 and 2 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 3 (female lead)
>Resident Evil Code: Veronica (female co-lead)
>Silent HIll 3 (female lead)
>Bloodrayne 1 and 2 (female lead)
>Perfect Dark Zero (female lead)
>Um Jammer Lammy (female lead)
>Space Channel 5 (female lead)
>Jade Empire (female co-lead)
>Mirror's Edge (female lead)
>Heavenly Sword (female lead)
>Heavy Rain (female co-lead)
>King of Fighters '97 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 5 (female co-lead)

...and that's just off the top of my head. There are MANY more games that meet the criteria.
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So people in hollywood equates to all forms of media? Video games, books, movie, etc...

You're equating need or want to pandering? If a game company develops a variety of games because lets say "theres a need to have a variety of genres as opposed to FPS and TPS", that means its pandering to a group of people? Or theres a need for a sequal to have a variety of weapons means its pandering as well?

Did or would you have argued that Uhura and Sulu in ST TOS show were pandering?

Cant an artist have a vision without pandering? Real world events, peoples circumstances or experience can and do influence story telling. Just because you believe it to be pandering doesnt make it so.

Are games made only with white characters pandering? If ND changed a character to fit what you like pandering to you? If what you say is pandering then there doesnt seem like there has ever been anything that is not pandering,...

No point in having a discussion with someone who won't listen! Where did Gene Roddenberry say he put black and asian actors in Star Trek to try please a group of people? He was making a statement that the Enterprise is a symbol of the real world! Everyone needs to be shown to prove the starship enterprise is a reflection of real life. There was a purpose to it, not just done to please a certain demographic and it is seen as groundbreaking... and rightly so!
But when people come out and blatantly say they are diversifying certain movies/games/tv shows because they are pandering to people, that is what I don't like. You can deny it all you want but it happens.

"So people in hollywood equates to all forms of media? Video games, books, movie, etc..." When did I say Hollywood equates to ALL forms of media? Do you understand what I am actually saying, or are you just trying to be obtuse on purpose? I will repeat it again for you- If diversity is a natural part of a story then so be it. Again, I HAVE NO ISSUE WITH ANY DIVERSITY AT ALL. NONE WHATSOEVER. NEVER. EVER! If someone diversifies their art not because they believe it serves the story but they believe they can please a small section of vocal cry babies, then I BELIEVE that is wrong! Am I allowed to have that opinion? No, forced diversity cannot always be proven unless stated, but sometimes it is easy to see.


Is it weird to not be attracted to video game characters or even cartoon characters in general?

Pretty much, Even if you got to to most none gamer crowed out there most of them will tell you that lara croft is hot, polygon or not.


I bet you the percentages are higher than you'd like to admit, that's for sure. It'd be impossible to calculate that outright, but I can certainly name a ton of said games:

>Metroid (female-led)
>Castlevania: SOTN (female co-lead, Saturn version)
>Street Fighter 2 (female co-lead)
>Phantasmagoria (female lead)
>Tomb Raider 1, 2, 3, 4 (female lead)
>Phantasmagoria 2 (female co-lead)
>Night Trap (female lead)
>Mischief Makers (female lead)
>Silhouette Mirage (female lead)
>Jet Force Gemini (female co-lead)
>Metal Slug (female co-lead)
>Shock Troopers (female co-lead)
>Perfect Dark (female lead)
>Resident Evil 1 and 2 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 3 (female lead)
>Resident Evil Code: Veronica (female co-lead)
>Silent HIll 3 (female lead)
>Bloodrayne 1 and 2 (female lead)
>Perfect Dark Zero (female lead)
>Um Jammer Lammy (female lead)
>Space Channel 5 (female lead)
>Jade Empire (female co-lead)
>Mirror's Edge (female lead)
>Heavenly Sword (female lead)
>Heavy Rain (female co-lead)
>King of Fighters '97 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 5 (female co-lead)

...and that's just off the top of my head. There are MANY more games that meet the criteria.

Sure, might even be more that 10%... but let's be honest that there are a lot more dudes.

Jon Neu

Sure, might even be more that 10%... but let's be honest that there are a lot more dudes.

Rightfully so.

Not only most of the videogame creators where white males, but also from a biological and evolutive point, males have been always the ones going into “adventures” while women were back at home nurturing the children. Men are biologically far more athletic, strong and resistent than women.

Videogames, as any other form of art, borrows heavily from reality.


Rightfully so.

Not only most of the videogame creators where white males, but also from a biological and evolutive point, males have been always the ones going into “adventures” while women were back at home nurturing the children. Men are biologically far more athletic, strong and resistent than women.

Videogames, as any other form of art, borrows heavily from reality.
This wasn't really about if it were realistic or the right thing to do.
It just seems like he was trying to deny they were a vast majority.


Pretty much, Even if you got to to most none gamer crowed out there most of them will tell you that lara croft is hot, polygon or not.

Lol I was playing Streets of Rage 4 today and when I played as the female character in all red I said "damn she holding, looking right"


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I bet you the percentages are higher than you'd like to admit, that's for sure. It'd be impossible to calculate that outright, but I can certainly name a ton of said games:

>Metroid (female-led)
>Castlevania: SOTN (female co-lead, Saturn version)
>Street Fighter 2 (female co-lead)
>Phantasmagoria (female lead)
>Tomb Raider 1, 2, 3, 4 (female lead)
>Phantasmagoria 2 (female co-lead)
>Night Trap (female lead)
>Mischief Makers (female lead)
>Silhouette Mirage (female lead)
>Jet Force Gemini (female co-lead)
>Metal Slug (female co-lead)
>Shock Troopers (female co-lead)
>Perfect Dark (female lead)
>Resident Evil 1 and 2 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 3 (female lead)
>Resident Evil Code: Veronica (female co-lead)
>Silent HIll 3 (female lead)
>Bloodrayne 1 and 2 (female lead)
>Perfect Dark Zero (female lead)
>Um Jammer Lammy (female lead)
>Space Channel 5 (female lead)
>Jade Empire (female co-lead)
>Mirror's Edge (female lead)
>Heavenly Sword (female lead)
>Heavy Rain (female co-lead)
>King of Fighters '97 (female co-lead)
>Resident Evil 5 (female co-lead)

...and that's just off the top of my head. There are MANY more games that meet the criteria.

And that's from 1986 to 2010. 25 years there. And almost every other game was male-dominated. Just think about almost every other game released in that 25 years for a second. That's what I'm talking about.


And that's from 1986 to 2010. 25 years there. And almost every other game was male-dominated. Just think about almost every other game released in that 25 years for a second. That's what I'm talking about.
But it is a male-dominated hobby as well. We can bicker over the fact that more women play Candy Crush now than they did back before mobile gaming was a thing, but this has never been a hobby that pushed women away. It was a hobby that historically repulsed women.

This would be like going into a JoAnn Fabrics store and complaining about how all the packing for the sewing supplies cater to women. Men sew too! It makes perfect sense that because our brains and minds are different, we are generally into different things. I can't really think of any female-dominated hobbies or interests that have people demanding better representation for men. Why does it feel like it's only ever wrong if it's male dominated?
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But you wouldn't mind playing as an animal, alien, mystical creatures such as trolls or goblins, dinosaurs, particles, a short stubby plumber, some exaggerated anime characters, insects or bugs, anthropomorphic characters, slime or ooze robots or flowers?

Probably not, if the animal, alien, etc. was visually appealing and someone/something I felt like spending time with. My time is valuable, and if I'm going to spend 10+ hours playing as a certain character, and constantly looking at that character, then I want that experience to be pleasant, not off-putting. It's not an issue of "that looks different than me;" it's an issue of "that looks unappealing/ugly to me."

Something can be different and yet still be visually appealing. I don't find a muscular, manly-looking, angry woman visually or personally appealing.
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