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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

<I just remembered that Sybil spoke to Ozzang'ac, so that implies a time where he wasn't busy enough to join with them.>

&#8220;I sometimes forget you have spent all your time with us upon land, a foreign place for your kind. I wonder what it would be like if we were to visit a place more like your home someday.&#8221;
As Ozzang'ac idles in the back wagon after his performance, he gives a response to the winged warrior, "It is still strange for me to be outside of the waters.. It is like I am always in a vast emptiness. It is only because of Mystra that I can still swim like I do now." His flying, to him, is swimming.

When questioned about what it would be like for a land dweller to visit his home, he hrms, "I don't know.. I have heard that land people cannot breathe or swim in the waters like the merpeople do. However.." he remembers the state of his home world as it was crushed by the unknown abomination, "I am not sure that visiting my home is such a thrilling idea."


After deciding to go with the others, Ozzang'ac is eventually present with the others before the Vicar. Surprised by the knowledge the man has of them, Ozzang'ac asks, "Heironeous told you about our coming? So you were able to speak with him somehow?" Of course, he forgets to play dumb about it, his stoic demeanor not allowing much leeway for acting.

<Is the vicar capable of detecting that Ozzang'ac was created by a goddess?>
((That's a question that won't be answered out of character ;) ))

The Vicar regards Ozzan'gac. "As a matter of fact, Sir, direct communication with Heironeous is exceedingly rare. His presence is felt by virtue of the divine powers bestowed upon his Clerics and Paladins, but he has not seen fit to hold court with his subjects in recent memory."

He pauses and closes his eyes, as though to help him remember. "He came to me in a dream, as a shining light. I heard no words, and yet a message was communicated, somehow. Travelers from a distant land, steeped in wondrous excess. He told me that I should watch for your arrival, and that I would know it when I saw it. Talk of a traveling carnival reached my ears, and once the wonders of your caravan were beheld by my citizens, I knew that the prophecy had been fulfilled. Even now I can sense the holy power radiating from each of you."


((EDIT: Putting in response to Sybil. Completely missed that post. Sorry Jackben))

&#8220;Wonderfully done, Master Menek! We could not have wished for a better master of ceremonies. Though I am curious regarding the eldest Fairhaven&#8217;s estrangement, I am not sure we will find answers on this matter in Kaku. Please let me know your findings.&#8221;

Thank you Sybil. I do hope I won't have to repeat this too often.Much more used to working in the background but perhaps this outlandish outfit will let me hide in plain sight as it were. Cecil's estranged son is certainly something I will be following up on. Menek says as he prepares to head out in search of the person in charge.


Yes we did have the honour of meeting with your diety and we are thankful that he saw fit to inform you of our coming so we would not have to explain who we are and why are here as he said he would. Menek gives a short bow towards the young Vicar as a sign of respect. Our mission is simple Vicar Fairhaven, we seek to learn what has been happening on Faerun since Cecil Fairhaven forsook the guidance of Heironeous. Is he a relation of yours by chance?


((Finally I got some time to write and I can't come up with anything good for the life of me. I have been writing and deleting stuff for over an hour now, all the while growing more and more frustrated. Screw the idiot who came up with this whole carnival idea...

Edit: I give up. I don't want to hold up everyone. Below are my rolls, just imagine Viss doing something that involves her riding and doing tricks, while Shirox rides next to her on a pony and mimics her. There will also other stuff with animals, I guess. I don't know. I'm frustrated. But I don't want to hold up the progress any longer.
Handle Animal: 1D20+23 = [9]+23 = 32
Acrobatics:1D20+20 = [13]+20 = 33
Ride:1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19

And of course I mess up one of the throws, so I guess Viss fell of the horse or something. Oh and she will tag along with the rest when visiting the temple.))
Ciel looks towards Scrawl bemusedly after Sybil approaches him. "That's probably for the best, mastery of archery is a prerequisite to that stunt. The kid would probably hurt himself if you let him keep trying."

He then turns his gaze back to Sybil as she quietly speaks to him about the night show. "Oh, don't worry, there's nothing in my late show that will be unethic- ok, there's nothing that will jeopardize our cover or hurt anyone. And I'm sure we will share the audience's adoration as easily as we did today."
Ciel suppresses a chuckle as the vicar mentions holy power radiating from him. Actually, this could be interesting. He assumes this means one of three things: either the vicar can't sense their auras, he was expecting someone evil and is unphased, or the Raven Queen's mark of SAED status overrides his own eminence of evil. It may be a matter worth looking into later. For now, the vicar's knowledge of their coming in conjunction with Ozzang'ac's bluntness means subterfuge is not needed here.

"Ah, you were given a heads up then? That certainly makes things simpler. My associates here have already spoken to the crux of the matter, though if you know of the nature or means through which Cecil has driven death from his domain, that knowledge would be of use to us as well."
((Alright, five of you is the limit for the scene with the mayor. Somebody needs to be present at the site of the carnival to keep things moving. Sybil and Fleshbane are both staying behind))

"Your presumption is correct," he says to Menek. "Yes, Cecil Fairhaven is my father. I will be happy to answer any and all questions, as best as I am able." He mumbles a quick incantation, which Menek would easily recognize as a Sending. "Please, have a seat as we commiserate. Aids will be in shortly to serve tea and biscuits." He gestures toward a row of chairs against the back wall, and then he himself sits down at his desk.

"My father believes that he has ascended to godhood," he says plainly. "And most of the citizens in his kingdom believe him. In accordance with that belief, he publicly renounced Heironeous, and proclaimed that any who would follow him in doing so, would be granted eternal life. A select few citizens chose not to follow; I was among them. Together, we migrated here and created this modest hamlet which you see before you. That was three years ago."

A man and a woman enter the room now, serving chamomile tea and small baked goods that are heavy and sweet. Edgar partakes of a few bites, dipping the cookies into the tea liberally before consuming them.

"As to his methods, I confess that I do not know how he does it. He is a formidable wielder of divine magicks, but I regret that I cannot provide more details. I am happy to field any further questions you may have. And please, enjoy your tea, and let me know if there is anything else I can provide for you."
"He did not recently come in possession of any strange items or artifacts? Or perhaps you saw him preforming unusual rituals? Any chance he had gone on a trip before this all started? Any thing you know could be of help."
Ciel thanks the vicar for the offering of snacks, but his untrusting nature keeps him from partaking. For all he knows, they're laced with something that could prove harmful to evildoers, allowing the others to eat and drink in front of him while making it all appear harmless.

"That is a shame, but I can think of something else worth inquiring into. I heard your father drove all of the undead from this continent. Do you have any knowledge of how he managed that? The two things may be related."
Ozzang'ac declines the baked goods and tea, "I am incapable of absorbing these materials for my benefit. I also cannot... sit... I just do not have the body and I would get the furniture drenched."

The elemental soon states aloud, "We should not accept help from you. I fear that we would be unable to repay you should you have a request that we cannot fulfill."
Curl gives Ozzang'ac half a glance after he stands. With some degree of condescension, he says "If you don't want to participate, then leave and let the grown-ups finish talking."

Turning back to fully face the vicar, he says "My apologies for that display. He means well, but is dreadfully concerned about incurring debt and feels that getting any aid from you would so just that. I can't speak for the others, but I would certainly like to hear anything else you know or believe would be of use to addressing Cecil."
"No, this is something that must be brought up. Edgar, you must understand that you would be giving information to people that cannot promise the safety of your father or the return of Heironeous' followers. We simply aren't unified enough in our morals to perform exceptional deeds."


Viss sits silent during the meeting. She happily accepts the baked goods and when she finds them to sweet for her taste, mimics Edgar's way of dipping them into the tea.
Not really versed in diplomatics she decides to stay silent. Especially since most of the important questions have been addressed already.

It is only when Ozz and Ciel start arguing she feels the need to chime in. "His Excellency, the vicar, has already shown that he doesn't agree with his father's choices. I guess it is a save bet that he knows that whatever we got in store for this Cecil isn't going to be pleasant.
"I mean we are talking about a person who has claimed godhood for themselves. I'm pretty sure that appealing to his common sense won't bring us very far.'
Edgar becomes noticeably uncomfortable when the party begins debating amongst themselves. Viss's chiming in only helps his demeanor slightly.

Finally he finds words. "Of course I would prefer if you did not kill him. He is my father. At the same time, I recognize that one who spits in the face of Heironeous cannot expect mercy when the bell of reckoning finally tolls. I am here to serve you as you require, as requested by Heironeous. This talk of debt and repayment is unnecessary."


Menek tires to placate Edgar We do not wish to cause any more disruption in Faerun than necessary. Can you let us know what happened three years ago when your father made his proclamation? Was it a sudden change in him or did his feelings of godhood rise gradually?


bitch I'm taking calls.
((We need to have a come to Jesus meeting with Ozzang'ac. Sybil would be having an anyerism by the prospect of arguing so publicly.))
Not wishing to cause a scene or sabotage this particular discussion, Ciel cuts his words with Ozz short and instead of berating him over how the vicar's sentiment should have been obvious from the start, simply nods to Viss and the Vicar. "Thank you for your understanding of the matter, both of you."

With that, he lets the others inquire for a while, only repeating his question about the undead if it was lost in the spectacle.
Ozzang'ac speaks up once more to clarify, "I did not wish to make a scene, I just felt it required to make it clear our limitations in how we operate."

Though it seemed like bickering to others, Ozzang'ac hopes Ciel eventually recognizes that this may afford him more freedom in his methods. Unfortunately this does not seem like the case at the present moment.

"If this doesn't hinder your willingness to aid, then let us continue. In addition to the other questions brought forward, have your people also been granted immortality, and if so, how?"


With the bickering ended, Viss returns her attention back to the cookies and tea, the combination is certainly growing on her and she hopes that there'll be a second serving, for the plate is getting emptier faster than she likes.

Mike M

Nick N
Somewhere in the distance, there is a small explosion followed by the raucous cheers of a crowd of children.

((Since I'm not in this scene...))
"Actually, my father's crusade to rid the continent of undead creatures was what started all this," says Edgar. "He led most of the big hunts personally, and found that he was exceptionally talented at rooting out and destroying undead abominations. His power increased substantially over time, and he changed as well. He became progressively less pious and more confident in his own abilities. Soon after the crusade was over, and he'd returned home as a hero, he renounced Heironeous, and now here we are."

"No, none of my people are affected by whatever strange magicks are keeping my father's people alive even after death. It is only those who choose to worship him. If you ask me, the similarities they share to the undead make me uncomfortable."

((I have a scene I'd like to do with Fleshbane, but first I have to have a conversation with a player over PMs. I'll put it in another post so it doesn't get missed))


So a slow fall from grace even as he rose in power Menek muses So how exactly do people in his sway achieve immortality? Do they not age? What happens in the case of accident?
As Fleshbane continues destroying rocks and foliage, to the childrens' delight and to his own great frustration, a booming voice cuts through the innocent cheers.

"Impressive display," it says. "Now, do you dare to put those skills to the test against a REAL man?"

Standing (or, rather, posing) a strategic distance away is a human man with bulging muscles, shirtless, and wearing a belt that is equipped with an impressive array of primitive-looking weapons.

"The name is Tiberious Thunderface," the man says, adjusting his pose and flexing. Already the attention of the crowd of children has shifted. "And I am on a quest to become the manliest man in all of Eberron! ...Wait, where are we again?" He pulls a brochure out of his pocket, labeled The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Multiverse, flips through a few pages, shrugs, and tosses it over his shoulder out of frame.

"I challenge you..." He hoists an enormous boulder over his head and tosses it in the air, then performs a jumping upward punch, rending the rock in two. As he lands, he adopts yet another pose, this one facing forward and slightly more threatening. "....To a DUEL!"

The crowd of children "Oooh"s and "Ahhhhh"s, looking back and forth between Fleshbane and Tiberious.
<Knowing Tiberius that was a literal hitch hike, underwater diving equipment and everything.

EDIT: It will be very awkward if he notices Ozzang'ac.>

Mike M

Nick N
"At last," Fleshbane says as the crowd between him and this newcomer part and surround them to allow space. "One who can appreciate a demonstration of raw power!"

Drawing up to his full height, the surface of Fleshbane's armored surface begins to crackle with energy. "Observe, you mewling halfwit fleshlarvae!" he shouts to the assembled children. "Witness the terrifying power of a Xenocide Unit free of limitations!"

((We RPing this or rolling for it?))
((It also wouldn't surprise me if he paid a fortune for that guide, only for it to be some crayon scribblings that looked legit to him.

Inevitable Ozz/Fleshbane tag team wrestling match against Tiberious confirmed XD))
Mike M
My idea for this scene is that Tiberius is just too powerful for Fleshbane to actually do anything to him, but Tiberius only uses nonlethal attacks because to him it's all about the performance, so he can't do anything to Fleshbane either. Tiberius will also be completely oblivious to the fact that Fleshbane is seriously trying to kill him.

Tiberius's stats will bear this out if we actually rolled for it so it might be more fun to just RP it out and see where it goes.

Tiberious's eyes light up. "Aha! An opponent who does not back down from a challenge! Truly, this will be a battle for the ages! I agree to your terms of engagement: No Side Units!" He dramatically pulls all of the weapons off of his belt and lets them clatter to the ground, then dashes forward with an arm extended to the side, obviously going for a clothesline that's aimed at where Fleshbane's throat would be (if he had one).


"Too little time has passed to say with certainty whether or not my father's citizens have stopped aging (although I believe the children still are, at least), but I have heard reports that some elder folk who would have died, instead miraculously return to 'life' in significantly younger bodies, in their prime of life. I wish I could give you better insight, but we are rather far removed from the happenings of Evrai, way out here."
<More that Tiberius will think he was the elemental in the animal breeding facility.>

"Where have these hunts occurred? We may find our answers to the source of his power there. "

When hearing the description of the effects, he gives a simple, "That is indeed peculiar."


We understand completely that your isolated position would keep you from knowing of these unnatural phenomenon. Menek says seeking to placate Edgar's feelings of having failed them It occurs to me that there would be other groups in Faerun other than just your village who would look at these events with concern. Do you know of any that we could consult with? I am thinking of druids and the like who would seek to maintain the balance of nature that Cecil seems to have overturned Menek adds on to Ozzang'ac's query.

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane chuckle rumbles up from his mechanical interior as Tiberious’s arm strikes an ineffective blow against his neck. “You know not what you are facing, fleshling,” he threatens. “I do not suffer your kind’s anatomical weaknesses. For instance, allow me to demonstrate the fragility of the inadequate design of the human knee!”

With surprising speed, Fleshbane rears back, raising his knee up to his torso. While the others look on, he delivers a savage kick designed to hew stone in half to Tiberious’s kneecap, seeking to cripple his boastful opponent.
Edgar scratches his head. "There is a sizable community of druids in the Wealdath - that's a forest to the north, on the other side of the Starspire Mountains -, but I couldn't say whether the Druids even know about this. My father tends to leave the forest-dwellers to themselves. If you'd like to visit them, I can arrange to send Elamir with you - he is a half-elf who knows the forest and the people in it." This answer is completely in line with what Menek would expect, from studying up on Faerun before he left the Observatory.

"Well they don't look or act undead," he quickly clarifies with Mako. "I just mean the general concept. People remaining alive even after they're dead. It strikes me as very unnatural, and I do not like it one bit. When Heironeous foretold your coming, it was quite a relief. Sitting down with you here, even more so."


Tiberious flashes the briefest expression of surprise, and then it's gone. He effortlessly sidesteps Fleshbane's attack and gives a very gentle push, which combines with Fleshbane's forward momentum to cause him to tumble over. He puts his hands on his hips, sticking his chest out and playing to the crowd. "What's this?! The shiny rock man has no neck! It looks like our hero will have to resort to more drastic measures! BEHOLD ---- THE DREADED THREE-ARMED SUPER SUPLEX OF DOOM!"

As Fleshbane is standing up, Tiberious wraps both arms around him and lifts him off the ground. He leaps into the air and somehow twists around so that, on the way down, Fleshbane is the one who lands first. The third arm is nowhere to be found.

"Psst!" Tiberious whispers while they're in mid-air, "Great job with the Heel Act! Keep it up and you may have a future in this business!"

He 'slams' Fleshbane into the ground, though it's not nearly as severe an impact as he makes it appear. Tiberious then hops to his feet and postures to the crowd once more.

The crowd erupts in thunderous applause, and by now there are nearly as many interested adults watching as there are children.

Mike M

Nick N
With a roar of indignation, lifts himself up from the ground, his fingers carving furrows in the soil. "You dare!" he booms. "You dare lay your filthy meat upon me!" With a crackling burst of energy, he catapults himself into the sky and follows a ballistic arc straight toward Tiberious's head, spiked metal fist cocked and ready to smash the impudent human into pulp as he lands with the impact of a meteor.
<Do we already know the location of the hunts and I missed it in briefing or something, or do I still need to find that out from the Vicar?>
((Baphomet is some serious fucking shit. while I'm sure the one I'm fighting now probably makes the one in this game look like crap I'm more glad then ever we were able to avoid that fight.))
The crowd cheers and gasps in equal parts as Fleshbane unexpectedly takes to the air. Tiberious wastes no time and leaps skyward with superhuman strength. Time slows to a crawl as the two titans of the arena careen toward each other, Fleshbane dropping and Tiberious rising to meet him.

The gladiator clenches one fist and spins at least three times in midair, gathering momentum until finally the two figures meet.


A devastating upward punch slams into Fleshbane's midsection, as simultaneously, the robot's spiked metal fist meets Tiberious's rock-hard abs. A shockwave erupts, with force strong enough to blow back the hair of every man, woman, and child in the crowd.

An uncertain quiet overtakes the makeshift arena.

Tiberious lands on his feet, but only barely, needing to balance himself with his hand.

Fleshbane lands on his back behind Tiberious, two seconds later.

The crowd erupts in uncontrollable glee. They surge forward and lift Tiberious over their heads, carrying him in a victory lap around the general area.

Fleshbane is entirely uninjured; the impact was enough to throw him off-balance such that he couldn't land on his feet, but not enough to actually damage him. By now, though, his opponent is far too entrenched within the crowd of innocent bystanders for Fleshbane to attempt to continue the fight.

Some time passes. The crowd disperses, and a beaming Tiberious approaches Fleshbane as he is returning his weapons to their proper scabbards.

"Like, that was quite a performance, you know?" he says, patting the robot heartily on the shoulder. "You were totally made for this type of gig. You really know how to make a crowd hate you!"

He takes a moment to study Fleshbane. "That's some seriously decked out armor, too. Very stylish. Of course, the manliest of men need no armor to endure the mightiest of blows." He raps his fist on his own abdomen and grins. "But everyone has their own gimmick. Anyway, it was totally fun times fighting you. Maybe we'll battle each other again some day!"

Tiberious salutes, then wanders off, away from the direction of the carnival and in search of bigger and better crowds.


Edgar frowns at Ozzan'gac's query. "....I doubt you'd find much of anything if you were to try and retrace the steps of my father's crusades," he explains. "It was mostly ancient temples and ruins that hadn't been used in centuries. Every time one of them was cleared out, it was either razed, or reclaimed, restored, and put back into use. These days, it's quite unremarkable. There are also far fewer treasure-seeking adventurers wandering the continent as a result."

He hesitates a moment before continuing. "Far be it from me to tell you how to proceed, but in my very humble opinion, if it is answers that you seek, perhaps the best course of action would be to visit my father yourselves. He does not shy away from an audience, least of all one of such high profile as yourselves."
Not convinced that the history of the ancient ruins is a deterrent, the elemental responds, "But surely something happened during your father's battles that caused him to claim godhood and immortality. Any clue we could find would be an aid to our purpose even if the form it takes isn't what we expect."

Eventually the elemental starts to think of what he means by treasure-seeking. Perhaps like those that find glimmering objects underwater, but those things are mostly worthless. To him, observing the scenes of battles would be more worthwhile.


With every biscuit eaten and no refills in sight Viss is forced to return her attention back to the conversation.
"Did I just understood that right? Your advise is to seek out your megalomaniac father, tell him who we are, namely the ones that are sent here to stop his megalomaniac ways, and then hope that he is so impressed by our titles, which by the way I'm not sure we have, that he'll listen to reason and stop being a dick and mess around with souls? Wow, that sounds like an aweful idea if I ever heard one."
Edgar is visibly pained by Viss's scathing reply and lowers his head. His hat nearly falls off and he has to struggle to catch it.

"Of course, My Lady. Please forgive me for stepping out of bounds. It is not my place to advise Heironeous's emissaries out of turn. I meant no disrespect." His tone is sincere and full of guilt and regret.

((I'll have to get back to Ozzan'gac. This is going in an unforeseen direction. That's completely fine, but it will require some planning and readjusting))


Meneks gives Viss a warning raise of his eyebrows.

Viss. No reason to be rude. Vicar Fairhaven has far more of an insight into his father than we do. It would seem that Cecil does not see himself as a megalomaniac at all and perhaps believes that he has already ascended to Godhood. If so than far from being threatened by us he would probably be pleased that the deities of the Astral Plane are starting to pay him due respect by visiting him with an official delegation.


While the Vicar's words do not convince her, Viss still realizes that this isn't the right time to argue. She nods in the man's direction. "I'm sorry" she manages between gritted teeth. "It wasn't my intention to mock your help. I just have trouble having the same faith in the cooperativeness of your father that you have."
She just shrugs at Menek's words. Making it clear that she does not agree but won't argue the point infront of Edgar.
<Once Edgar comes up with relevant information on the source of the undead hunts, it'll probably be time to head back outside and continue planning among ourselves.>


Perhaps the history and location of one his greatest triumphs against the undead Vicar? Also, are you the only one who has disagreed with your father? Surely there must be others who are disquieted with the way that the dead are returned to life that might have some more information and insight on how he is accomplishing his deeds? Maybe someone else in your family? And did he perhaps lose someone dear to him that might have led him to try to conquer death itself?

((That's all the questions Menek has))
((Ciel intends to wait before asking this so it's the last question chronologically. If anyone else still has anything we can say they asked it before this.))

Ciel takes note of the interactions going on around him. For a meeting he's making no attempts to spoil, it's sure become pretty bumpy. Perhaps his best course of action in the future is to just stand back for a while and let the others inadvertently tear things apart.

When it appears that everyone else is done asking questions, he chimes in a final time. "There is one last thing I would like to discuss, vicar. It goes without saying that your father probably won't give up his grip on death willingly, no matter how passionate or logical our arguments about natural order are. Thus, for there to be a solution that ends with him still being alive, we should discuss alternative methods for making him stand down, and nothing I can think of is pretty."

"A question. Based on what you know of your father, if his children's lives were on the line, or he at least believed they were, do you think he would give up power to save his family? If you think he would, I can rig poison bombs into the quarters of his children- you included, with your consent- and use that as a last-ditch effort to make him stand down without bloodshed should nicer methods fail. I could lie about the bombs, and I might well get him to buy it, but as I'm not sure how skillful he is with his magic, having actual, traceable spells set to remote detonate them could be the difference between that plan succeeding and failing."

Ciel grins for a moment, "And if you're willing to go along with this, the smoke is very much visible, so it can be set up to insure that neither you nor anyone else in this temple is in any real danger. Now, there are surely minutia to iron out, chief being whether or not anyone can actually die on this continent now, and I doubt you are thrilled about the proposal, but hopefully it's more appealing than having to kill him."
If Ciel's explanation of his plan gets spoken, Ozzang'ac will respond with doubt, "That seems.. very convoluted and needlessly risky using people's lives like that. We may be better off improvising should our plans crumble." As he suspects they will have to just like last time. Verily, he thinks, this is also why he refused to make any promises for the father's life or anything else in the event they are forced to act out of impulse.

<If Ciel responds to this, I'm not responding back before Edgar answers mine and Menek's questions before the above post.>
"If there were any particular battle which could be seen as a turning point in the attitude of my father, it would be the raid at the Tomb of Romarg. When he returned from there, there was something slightly different about him. It was subtle, but I noticed it," says the Vicar. "When I left Evrai, last I'd heard it was in the process of being renovated into a museum, made to celebrate my father's deeds."

Menek recalls that Romarg was a powerful necromancer who lived in the area centuries ago, and was banished to his tomb by a group of intrepid heroes. It was sealed off the entire time, from Menek's recollection; this crusade was likely the first time anyone had set foot inside since then.

"I am sure there are many others who are ill at ease with the state of things here," he answers Menek. "I gathered as many as I could find and brought them here to build this town, but I surely couldn't have found everyone. If you speak of organizations with any real power, though, I am doubtful. At least not anywhere on this continent. If I had to guess, neighboring nations would be displeased with the prospect of an unkillable army, to say the least."

He listens to Ciel, and his face grows pale, but to his credit he does not lose his composure. "I am willing to make any sacrifice necessary in Heironeous's name," he says. "As to whether my father would be moved by such a threat, I cannot say. He will not like you by mere virtue of your intensely evil aura - no disrespect intended -, and a threat could only make things worse.

"You could not easily make such a threat against my siblings, however. They worship my father, and therefore cannot die. At least not by conventional means; I know not your capabilities as emissaries of the gods."
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