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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

<Not a problem. My post was entirely fluff and I think I still achieved my goal for those reading it.>

"By the authority of King Cecil the Miraculous, I command you to halt," announces the one in the center of the front line. She stands taller than the rest; the only features visible on her are pale skin and a bit of brunette hair that doesn't quite fit within her helmet.

The crowd is swept by a deathly quiet. The woman continues. "We have come to dispatch of the great evils which threaten to encroach upon our borders. You will surrender Xenocide Unit 055, aka Fleshbane, and Ciel, who has too many aliases to list. Comply, and the rest of you may proceed toward our fair city. Resist, and be met with deadly force."
Stealth: 1D20+21 = [20]+21 = 41

Ozzang'ac begins to drip slowly between the wooden cracks of the wagon he is kept in, carefully making himself appear as though it is a simple leak. He only needs to partially put himself where he can perceive the situation that had befallen them.

Confounded, Ozzang'ac is wishing he could've talked the others into going to the temple instead. Not understanding why the identities of two of them are known is very alarming.

<I am now running through about a thousand conspiracy theories in my head.>
((How many of the paladins are human? Ciel's going to bluff regardless since that's his highest social, but it'll be +31 instead of +25 for each human in the group. Also +27 against any elves.))

As the paladins sweep in, Ciel is overcome with laughter. "Oh, this is delicious! And here I thought this was going to be an uneventful trip. For paladins, you are quite oblivious to forces outside of your plane. We're envoys, you imbeciles! Envoys plucked from a variety of planes and worlds, sent by an irate Heironeous to address your leader regarding his policy choices regarding life and death. Now, you can let us continue on peacefully- as his former patron would prefer- or since you seem to know who I am, we can recreate the Bloody Autumn right here in this town square."

Ciel pulls a little pellet out, and smirks as if he's already won. "The next thing you're going to say is 'Joke's on you, assassin, no one in this kingdom can die!'" after a moment's pause, he continues. "As I said, we have a divine power backing us. I tested this divine power on a few lone saps on the way to this city. It turns out, people stay dead when we kill them." With a twirl of the pellet in his hand, he locks eyes with the head paladin.

"Tell me, how many lives are Fleshbane and I worth to you? How many deaths do you want on your conscience because you picked this fight? Ten? Twenty? Maybe one hundred? Would Cecil approve of you gambling with the lives of his citizens like this? And don't think you can just end this by rushing me. Though you may just be after the evils here, there are many others present, just as deadly as the two of us if not more so. Unlike me, they'd rather not see bloodshed, but if you force their hands, these streets will run red."

Ciel has drawn his bow while giving his speech, and appears ready to toss his poison smoke bomb at an instant's notice. "You have a decision to make. Do we end this peacefully, or does this city face the worst atrocity it's experienced in recent history, one you could have entirely avoided? The clock is ticking. Choose."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92437]Bluff: 1D20 + 25 = [13]+25 = 38
The paladins and clerics appear troubled by Ciel's claims, but their conviction does not waver. "All the more reason to put you down, vile creature," their leader says with steely resolve. "And it is not my job to sort out moral quagmires. I specialize in vanquishing evil creatures which threaten to approach my city. I care not if you were sent by Heironeous; he is no longer my patron god. And while I yet live, you shall not step a foot closer." She draws her sword and narrows her eyes.

((Everyone roll initiative on your next post, regardless of what else you do))
((Going to wait to see how the others respond before Ciel escalates things further in case he doesn't have to, but here's his initiative roll.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92445]Initiative: 1D20 + 7 = [13]+7 = 20
"I don't suppose I could convince you to stop by telling you killing either of them is at best a waste of their time? I'd ask them to stay back, but it seems you are extremely insistent on stopping us now, no thanks to Ciel's threats I'm sure..."

Init: (1d20+10=15)

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane draws the unholy blade that was claimed from the fallen Balor during the party's expedition to the Abyss. "You think your alleged immortality makes you unvanquishable before us," he says. "But I needn't kill you to end your meddling, only deprive you of your head and limbs. We either proceed onward without your further interference, or we do so after leaving your torsos and appendages writhing with your precious eternal life in a lake of your blood. The choice is yours."

Initiative: 1d20+2=22
((Rolling hot tonight, c'mon nat 20's on those vorpal sword hits...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
'I am not going to make the mistake again.'

Sybil glares at the chaotic duo before stepping forward to address the brunette paladin.

"If you refuse to grant us clearance to continue, I will advocate for halting our progress. But I cannot allow you to take them into your custody simply for their reputations alone. We have a purpose here that supersedes our individual histories."

"As we are outsiders here, it is your choice. I implore of your wisdom. Their purpose here is not what it may seem. Please allow us to retreat, for the sake of maintaining order within your fair city."

Initiative: _: 1D20+2 = [10]+2 = 12

Diplomacy: _: 1D20+24 = [5]+24 = 29


Obviously two of the most evil beings in the planes would blaze forth like a dark sun in this cleansed land Menek mutters under his breath Should have thought of that

Yeah you should have Ratbreath retorts as he sits comfortably on Menek's shoulder and preens himself. Can't you lot travel at night like sane creatures? All this sun gives me a headache

Ignoring the owl Menek steps foward with Sybil and raises his voice to address the armed paladins blocking their way.

As you have no doubt guessed, we are outsiders, and guests in your land, sent as emissaries and diplomats, I would have hoped that the tradition of guest right would hold in Faerun as well as protection for diplomatic envoys. My companions... Menek extends his arms towards the armed and ready killers Are a part of this envoy and I must insist that they accompany us.

I am sure, as you seem to be incredibly well informed and even know our true names though we did not offer them to you, that you also know that Ciel and Fleshbane have not actually carried out attacks on your land. I am certain that, in the interest of fairness and justice, you would not apprehend any of us on crimes that we have not actually committed.

We would be honoured of course if you would act as our escort to ensure our, ahem, security as we travel to your fair capital and request a meeting with your lord and living patron god.

((Inspired Initiative Using one point: 1d20+5+1d8=15))

((Inspired Diplomacy: 1d20+17+1d8=45))

((Huh. Don't get those kinda rolls in combat.))
<I'm still waiting to know if Archons are around before I take my next action or roll initiative. I'd like to know before thLunarian's next roleplaying post too.>
The archons are still around and still disguised, though somewhat in the background. They aren't reacting to these events at all, and the paladins aren't paying them much attention.

Ozzan'gac also has not yet been noticed by the paladins.
Ozzang'ac allows the bits of water to that had dripped to separate and lose sentience. He is now fully in the wagon again.

He doesn't like what is happening now. The high ranking guardsmen are instigating a battle, and then the Kingdom will send reinforcements that can set up further barriers and flanks to entrap them. What's more, they were never given a chance to discover the source of the immortality, they would simply fight a battle of attrition that cannot be won even with the advantage of not being punished for death.

And giving over Fleshbane and Ciel is not an option.

Ozzang'ac speaks over to his accompanying Archons, "We are forced to flee, but these vessels are too slow. How fast can you build something that will aid our escape? Can the Phoenix Maelstrom be summoned?"

_: 1D20+9 = [2]+9 = 11
The lead paladin stares at Fleshbane for a moment, then looks at Ciel. "You're a liar," she concludes. "The metallic aberration hasn't the faintest idea how our immortality functions, and yet you claim to have the power to circumvent it. Your ignorance will be your downfall."

She begins to advance, but halts her approach at the well-reasoned pleas of Sybil and Menek. Upon hearing their words, she lowers her blade slightly and stops to think.

"Your words have merit," she admits, "And yet I cannot in good conscience allow these monstrosities to roam free. I offer you a counter-proposal: Your envoy may approach our city walls, IF the evil ones among you submit to a series of divine magicks which would serve to temporarily contain and neutralize them. We shall then escort your party to the city gates, whereupon the constables there will figure out what to do with you.

"This offer is non-negotiable. Any trace of resistance or subterfuge by any one of you, and the evil ones WILL be vanquished on a moment's notice, as will any who attempt to stand in our way. The choice is yours."


The archons merely look at Ozzan'gac quizzically. "Insufficient information to carry out request. Please be more specific," one says in monotone.
((That was my in-character way of saying that the archons won't be able to rescue you. If your plan is to escape, you'd be better off taking to the skies and retreating that way))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil nods in agreement to the paladin's ultimatum. She calls out to Ciel and Fleshbane.

"You two need to decide if you think launching an attack here will help accomplish this mission! We are in a city of immortal beings. Use that irritating intelligence and the cruel computational power at your disposal to see the writing on the wall. The runes of fate are stacked against initiating a battle that neither side can lose."


Perhaps Ciel and Fleshbane, you would be willing to stay behind on this one? I would suspect that would be far more perferable to you as compared to divine shackling of any sort
"Absolutely not," the paladins says to Menek's idea. "As I said, great evils such as these cannot be allowed to roam free. Either they are detained, or they will be destroyed."

((Also that would be boring for Mike and Axel. Even if they agree to being detained they can still at least react to stuff))
((You could, but it would begin combat rounds, and you wouldn't even necessarily get it off before the paladins got to go, based on initiative.

I didn't plan ahead and I have no way to link to a map until this evening, but the 5 paladins are standing in a line, each spaced 5 feet from the next, and 10 feet behind the two outer paladins stand the two clerics. The lead paladin is the one in the middle.

The closest member of the party - which can be whoever you like, and you can be positioned however you want - is standing 20 feet away from the paladins))
((I don't like the idea of going to Cecil with what would amount to a 2-person handicap if he doesn't listen to the party. I'm saying we either fly away or fight through them. If we fly away, Ciel will need to hitch a ride on Viss unless Thanatos just happens to be in the immediate viscinity.))

Ciel returns the paladin's glare, not backing down from his initial claim. "Of course the 'metallic aberration'- did Xenocide Unit 055 become too much to say mid conversation for you?- doesn't know how it works. I said that I carried out a test. I am aware that what he described would kill you. It would kill you dead. And normally, you would 'respawn' so to speak soon afterwards. Based on the hapless souls I've plucked, that has not appeared to happen when we do it. You don't appear to be listening to reason, so consider this your last warning; as much as I'd love to ruin some paladins' days, I'd rather not fracture the group."

((In case another bluff is necessary for that))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92499]Bluff: 1D20 + 25 = [9]+25 = 34

Ciel turns his gaze back to the others and says "Well, we tried. If I could stay behind I would, but they're acting like typical paladins. Either we force our way through or regroup, losing two of us in the center of a man unlikely to be reasoned with is not an option."

He discusses a retreat, but Ciel craves havoc. As part of his alliance with Fleshbane, he has looked into morse code as an equivalent of binary. While speaking, he subtly tugs on his bowstring in a manner Fleshbane can perceive.

Bluff as Secret Message: 1D20 + 25 = [3]+25 = 28

Fleshbane/Sense Motive 28 (34 for Menek/other humans)
We should fall back, but if you must fight, I'll go all in.

((Today seems like a bad roll day. I hope that's not indicative of combat if we don't succeed in getting away.))
((Fleshbane automatically understands the message. Others can roll sense motive to figure it out. Not sure where the higher DC for humans is coming from, but I trust that there's an ability at play that I'm not aware of so that's fine.

Edit: and I see now that that's what you were saying and I just misinterpreted it. Carry on then :) ))


((They are immortal and there are only 5 of them. Cover is already blown. Fighting may not scupper our chances of meeting with Ciel. Also you know Menek and his sense motive bonus...))

((Sense Motive))

Menek is aware of what passes between Ciel and Fleshbane but this is not his concern at the moment.

He faces the paladin and in an angrier tone continues This is NOT becoming of how one god should treat an emissary of the other gods. Especially from one who is newly ascended to the pantheon in the Astral Domain. While I can accept your desire to keep law and order you MUST communicate to your deity The Lifegiver Cecil Fairhaven WHO we are and our desire to meet and then leave the decision to HIM of what must be done. This is the first contact from the existing gods to the new one and OF COURSE the emissary would contain representatives of gods and godesses not aligned with you and yours.

((I'm just figuring the party would know the honorifics that Cecil would go with and I plonked in 'The Lifegiver' as one of them))



bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil briefly massages her temples with her fingertips. Hearing Menek's plea denied and Ciel continue his gambit does not leave them much choice. She doesn't know what the assassin is doing, but it's clear he will not submit. And knowing Fleshbane, they would have had to tie him up with chains to get him to back down.

However, Menek's last words strike a chord in the winged paladin.

"Master Menek is right. We are your guests but we serve a higher purpose, higher than even Cecil Fairhaven himself. If you are immortal and choose the way of force, this shall simply be an exhibition of the powers of our gods versus yours."

Overtaken by the competitive spirit, Sybil reminds herself these souls are free from the consequence of death. This fact is what allows the paladin the strength to draw her sword.

"Yes...let us see light of Fairhaven against the might of Freya and the wisdom of the Raven Queen."
"I'll hear no more of your honeyed words, wizard," the leader says to Menek. "You have made your case, and I have little patience for the finer intricacies of diplomacy."

She regards Sybil skeptically. "If what the assassin says is true, Lady Sybil, this is a tad more serious than a mere exhibition match. In the end, I suppose it makes no matter. If your choice is to stand against us, then I must oblige!"

((At this point, there is no way to avoid combat starting, given Ciel's refusal to be subdued. If you choose to flee then we will still at least begin combat rounds. The only thing left to do first is for Fleshbane to have a roleplay post.

Since he also rolled a natural 20 on initiative, he can also take his first turn. The Paladins go on 17 and the Clerics go on 8. You guys should start planning your turns out now, even if you want to wait for the map to go up first))


Viss watches the events unfold before her. She has kept silent for she didn't think that any words from her could do any good in disarming the situation. When it becomes clear that a fight can not be avoided she carefully shifts her weight, ready to move on a moments notice.
Initiative:1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17
((Still not as much time on my hands as I would like.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane’s eyes flash with menace. “You should have accepted the offers of my associates,” he says to the leader of this group. “You may then have learned that I am already subject to a mandate that I can take no action against another unless I am first threatened. I am glad to inform you that you have just fulfilled that criteria.”

Fleshbane swings his sword about, retreating two paces as he adopts a battle pose, the keenness of its vorpal blade making a whistling sound as it cuts through the air. Contrary to his indication to engage in melee combat, however, he instead extends his arm outward with his palm outstretched. Waves of energy pour out of his armor plating and wash over him like a malevolent tide as he lifts his arm, struggling as though he were lifting a titanic weight.

The earth beneath the paladins and clerics cracks and splinters, irregular slabs of stones protruding from the torn soil beneath their feet and rising into the air. In short order, a host of levitating stones hover directly overhead like the most dire of storm clouds. As Fleshbane’s psionic exertion comes to an abrupt end, so do the boulders’ newfound ability to defy gravity.

Upheaval damage: 9d6=42
Reflex save DC 25 for half damage

((Centering Upheaval in the middle of the opposing group. It’s a 20ft radius, so we’re out of range, but the terrain is now difficult. For positioning, I kind of pictured Fleshbane in the back of the group since I figured he’d be walking behind the caravan cart or whatever that everyone else was in. Moving back 10 feet to get +2 AC from Absolute Steel stance.))
((I think Ciel goes second anyway, and there's a chance his action will affect what the clerics and paladins do so typing it up.))

"And here. We. GO!" Ciel shouts with entirely too much glee when Fleshbane roars into action.

"I'd be a joke if I didn't make good on my threats, wouldn't I? Time to figure out your priorities, boys and girls!" With that, Ciel chucks the poison bomb he was holding into the thickest crowd of people nearby. The poison in the smoke begins to kick in instantly, and the air likely fills with screaming and coughing. By the time the smoke has appeared, Ciel has vanished from sight.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92512]Ranged touch attack, smoke bomb: 1D20 + 20 = [14]+20 = 34
((I'm figuring Ciel was around the middle of the group or so at the start of all this. As for his turn, he threw the poison smoke bomb at the crowd; the poison is burnt other fumes. Then he vanished, and moved by stealth to somewhere that would put him within 30 feet of the clerics but able to sprint to the others if they retreat. He's pretty sure there's a fight at this point and is trying to fracture their attention, but the distraction works just as well if we're retreating.

On that note, I should roll stealth. If this counts as an urban environment, add another 4 to the total.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92513]Stealth: 1D20 + 42 = [4]+42 = 46
((I just realized that favored terrain gives a bonus to initiative too, so the total would be 24 if it's urban. Even if that effected anything in this fight though, Ciel would have deferred this first round until Fleshbane acted anyway.))



((Ok, well, this was an opportunity to fight together for a change but Menek is going to be spending his next few turns saving people instead))

By the... Menek's focus snaps from deciding how to quickly incapicate the zealous paladins to the plight of their caravan followers.

I can clear some of the poison! he shouts urgently But not all of it!

((Wait, time out. I was under the impression the followers only applied while we were in Edgar's town. This was intended to be a random collection of citizens in Cecil's kingdom witnessing the spectacle. If that's not the case, I need to reevaluate my turn

((in game rule terms, everyone can consider the entire town of 400 people to be your followers, as per the Leadership feat. This also means that you can potentially lose the followers depending on your actions, but at this point they will provide assistance to the best of their ability while you're in town. They will not follow you around, though.))
I went back and looked. It probably doesn't change Menek's action anyway because dat good/evil split, but yeah, these aren't the people from Kaku. In the event there are somehow Kaku people still following them anyway, he'd have aimed his poison smoke bomb at another crowd.))


((crowd of excited groupies has been following the caravan. Menek would assume some of them are from Edgar's town. I guess Ciel could make sure to target a group that looks like it's from the capital? If so I'll redo Menek's action. He still wouldn't be happy about it but as long as Edgar's people aren't in the smoke he'd be okay.))
((I will confirm that Edgar's people are nowhere near you guys. The crowd is all Cecil's followers.

Also, I got my wires crossed as far as how initiative works; I apologize. You guys all get to go in whatever order you'd like, and then the.... uh... the "bad guys" go :p))
((Damn one more level for swift action bard songs... oh well, I probably don't need to move anyways.))

Mako pops a haste on the team, preferably before everyone moves out of range and begins dancing, granting almost everyone +3 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, and a +3 morale bonus to saves vs charm and fear effects.
((The people following the party were excited fans of the carnival, but they were still all followers of Cecil who hadn't actually seen the carnival yet and were eager to do so.

That's probably going to change now, though.


There's the battle map. Fleshbane's attack managed to hit every single enemy; the area under them without the gridlines is the difficult terrain from the attack.

I placed your icons in the way that made the most sense to me, but you're free to change your starting place, as long as it's at least 20 feet away from the enemies. Keep in mind that if you're walking/running, you can't charge through difficult terrain.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Charging into the thick of it and going up against a bunch of holy rollers with all sorts of abilities that are effective against evil aligned creatures isn't what I had in mind anyway ;) ))
((Anyone who hasn't gone yet, take your turn. It's all party members and then all enemies. I got my rulesets mixed up for a second earlier, that's my bad.

Also I'm just gonna let everyone be Hasted, because it's way too much of a hassle to coordinate who is within 30 feet of who. Consider this a standing rule: Haste just automatically affects everyone, unless they're not actually in the scene or are immune to it (might be the case with Fleshbane but I'm not certain).

So, Menek, Viss, Tessa, Sybil, Thanatos, and Ozzan'gac still need to go))


Trying to take the clerics out of commission Menek throws down an extra field of black tentacles on the already difficult terrain before they have a chance to act.

Foolish! None of this would have happened if you had not insisted on being draconian. Cease this nonsense and the violence will end

((Grapple CMB of 17 from the tentalces on everyone in the radius which is the same as FleshBane's attack))


and then retreats

((Updated Map))


((Any sort of knowlede rolls applicable? Menek likes rolling knowledge))
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