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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Half of the surrounding crowd flees, while the rest stand fast and observe the spectacle laid out before them.

The commander's drops her jaw as Ciel singlehandedly murders two of her men. The paladin falls limply to the ground; the cleric's body vanishes, leaving his armor and other possessions behind.

She whips her head back around, just in time to see the assassin attempting to retreat on his flying mount. She turns to the remaining cleric. "COLE! Ignore the bard! I need you to ground this damned bird!"

The cleric, who has been mystically enamored by Mako's wild beauty, shakes it off and releases his hold on her. He winks at the dark-skinned belle before turning his attentions to the vulture.

A divine word is uttered, and Thanatos is frozen in place. No longer able to flap its wings, the bird crashes hard to the ground; Ciel is able to maintain his balance, but only barely.

The paladin leader is waiting for him. She cleaves into him with the first swing of her two-handed greatsword, but he is undaunted and deftly outmaneuvers the paladin in each of the next three successive swings.

"DAMN IT!" she screams in frustration. "Arvis! The assassin is right here!" She points directly at Ciel. "Get over here and help me!"

The lesser paladin nods, his expression unsure, and ineffectually heaves his longsword in Ciel's general direction. He scarcely has to adjust his position at all to avoid it.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, the paladins rapidly realize that they are in over their heads. One of them is scooped up and restrained by Tiger-Viss; he is able to get in a few good swings of his sword, but she maintains her grip on him. Tessa also scores a direct hit on the paladin that threatens Fleshbane, but she is unable to grab ahold of him.

That paladin bravely continues his assault despite being outnumbered, after briefly uttering a holy word to close some of his wounds (a procedure practiced by each injured paladin in turn). Ozzan'gac attempts to disrupt him with a timely water-punch to the gut, but the paladin's armor protects him. He swings at the construct with righteous might, creating sizable gashes in Fleshbane's armor.

A shadow flickers briefly over everyone, and if a glance upward is chanced, anyone can see that a man in armor is floating above the battlefield, waiting and observing. He is far enough away that his features are obscured, but he is definitely wearing full plate armor, and a cape drapes down, just below his feet. The silhouette of a crown can be made out atop his head.

He waits patiently.

((Ciel's full attack just took out Paladin 3 and Cleric 1. I diverted all other attacks meant for Paladin 3, onto Paladin 4 instead.

Cleric 2 releases Calm Emotions (Mako is no longer calmed), and casts Hold Monster on Thanatos. I rolled Thanatos's Will Save and he got a 16, which fails. Thanatos falls to ground level, paralyzed. Ciel can land upright because he's been established as a great acrobat.

All Paladins who are damaged use Lay on Hands on themselves to heal 22 damage.

Lead Paladin takes a five-foot step and uses a Full Attack on the invisible Ciel.
1st attack: 29 vs AC hits. Ciel takes 34 damage.
2nd attack: 25 vs AC misses.
3rd attack: 23 vs AC misses.
4th attack: Natural 1 misses.
Ciel gets extremely lucky as the lead paladin rolls 4, 4, 6, and 1 on her attack rolls :p

Paladin 1 walks to Ciel and uses Smite Evil on him.
Attack: Natural 1 misses. Ciel's luck saves him again. DM shakes fist menacingly.

Paladin 2 takes a Full Attack vs Viss (counting the -2 penalty).
Attack 1: 24 vs AC. I don't know whether that hits because the link to the character sheet is out of date. If that hits, Viss takes 9 damage.
Attack 2: 28 vs AC. If that hits, Viss takes 7 damage.
Attack 3: Critical Threat - 28 vs AC. If that would hit, then the confirming critical is 27 vs AC.If only the 28 would hit, Viss takes 9 damage. If the 27 would also hit, Viss takes 13 additional damage.

Paladin 4 uses Smite Evil on Fleshbane and takes a Full Attack.
1st attack: Natural 20. Fleshbane can't be critted though. Fleshbane takes 29 damage.
2nd attack: 34 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 32 damage.
3rd attack: 18 vs AC misses.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5598a90d39340 Updated Map. Start of Round 3))
<I'm feeling too lazy right now to make rolls, but once I post I do want to try and take somebody out with unarmed damage so that I can capture him.>
((Oh shit, four attacks? Head paladin is a pretty high level.

Also, did you give Thanatos his +4 devotion bonus since it was an enchantment spell? I wrote this up on the assumption you did and he failed anyway. If he passed, I can redo my turn in the morning.

Thanatos crashes to the ground pitifully, attempting to wimper, but for the fact that he can't move his mouth or throat. That is a beating in the near future. Fuck.

Ciel winces as the head paladin's sword digs into him, barely stiffling a scream. However, he reverts to his usual antagonistic self, dancing around her blade and goading her afterwards. "What, is that all you've got, bitch? You knelt down and blew Cecil, and all you can manage for it is one, measly hit? Is that it? Really? Huh? I guess he's pretty impotent."

As the paladin "swings" at him, he laughs. "Wow. Holy fuck, wow. I'd talk shit, but man, you should really just go back to crying over your own inadequacy and sticking your dick in livestock out of desperation. That wasn't even close."

While Ciel talks a good game, he recognizes that he needs to retreat, or the head paladin will cut him down next time around. On that note, his feet glow for an instant and he dashes away at an impossible speed. As he runs, he says "Come get me," leaving the paladins in his wake before they can even comprehend that he was moving. While fleeing to the back lines, he shouts to the party, "The head cunt can see me! Dispel the magic from her eyes or I'm in a heap of trouble!'

((With haste giving 30 feet and a ki point giving 20, Ciel should have a move speed of 80 feet. He's using a full round withdraw to hit 160. Ciel is withdrawing to T10, which should be exactly 30 feet behind paladin 4.


EDIT: I think Thanatos gets a will save each turn. Time to roll with that low modifier
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93045]Will Save: 1D20 + 8 = [11]+8 = 19
The strange manner which one of the surface mermen vaporizes from its shell is not lost on the elemental, but it only brings more question as to how the resurrection mechanic functions.

Realizing now that these guardsman are resisting them, Ozzang'ac slams a watery limb against the shell of the land merfolk, suddenly finding himself in contact with a hard, cold surface. Surprised by the resistance the shell provides, he comments with confusion, "...Just like Fleshbane? These Faerun beings..."

And then his opponent turns to battle Fleshbane. Unimpressed by the declaration of authority going unheard and his comrade in danger, Ozzang'ac remarks with clear annoyance, "So be it. You're coming with us." He then attempts to beat the Paladin into submission, but in a tactful way to avoid shattering bones or his vertebrae, and knowing that the Paladin is preoccupied with trying to destroy Fleshbane, he puts all effort into his formed limbs.

<Using Style strike for first attack to use Shattering Punch, which I choose to bypass any DR>

Non-lethal Power Attack Flurry of Blows First three attacks (plus Haste attack): 1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19
3D6+2+10 = [1, 3, 6]+2+10+6 = 28
1D20+18 = [14]+18 = 32
3D6+2+10 = [5, 3, 5]+2+10+6 = 31
1D20+18 = [19]+18 = 37
3D6+2+10 = [2, 2, 6]+2+10+6 = 28
1D20+18 = [4]+18 = 22
3D6+2+10 = [1, 2, 6]+2+10+6 = 27

(The link doesn't show Power Attack bonuses to damage because I forgot to add it, so I edited them into the post, also, I should stop using Power Attack, the damage gain doesn't seem worth it anymore if I can roll twenties on damage anyway.)

Non-lethal Flurry of Blows remaining BAB attacks (no Power Attack applied): 1D20+16 = [17]+16 = 33
1D20+11 = [19]+11 = 30

Damage: 3D6+10+2 = [3, 5, 2]+10+2 = 22
3D6+10+2 = [3, 5, 6]+10+2 = 26

<Add any flanking bonuses if applicable (I am never sure.)>

<Also, I can spend 2 ki to allow Thanatos to reroll his will save if Thanatos is within 30 ft of Ozzang'ac.>
((Also, quick note. As Ozzang'ac is huge and a level 12 monk (correct if wrong), he'd be doing 4D6 plus strength per hit on damage [I am too drunk to do math right now. The standard 3.5 progression page suggests that 1D6 monk hits would do 2D6 huge and progress up in steps accordingly], at least if what I read here is right. Regardless, I'm pretty sure he hits harder than what the dice currently reflect.


((Here Is my current sheet for Viss and the one for Tessa. I'm still thinking about what to do next, so it will be a few more hours before I post my next turn.

Edit: If I cast a spell, do I get the extra attack due to haste, or not?))

Mike M

Nick N
Wall of Blades counter:

Fleshbane weathers the attacks as the Paladin unleashes with his full fury upon the mechanical construct's armored hide. Joining in with Ozzang'ac, he attempts to overwhelm the Paladin's ability to restore himself between each attack.

"Wretched creature," he says as he hoists his sword overhead. "Your attempts to preserve yourself will only result in the continuation of your suffering!"

Full Attack vs. Paladin 4
Attack 1: 1d20+16=36
Confirming natural 20 crit! 1d20+16+5=31
Damage in case that didn't confirm: 1d8+6+2d6=18

Attack 2 if he still has his head: 1d20+11=14
Not even rolling damage on that one.

Haste attack if he still has his head: 1d20+16=31
Damage: 1d8+6+2d6=23
((I did count Thanatos's bonus against enchantments, so the turn stands as is. Sorry I didn't let you roll it yourself, but the rest of my turn depended heavily on whether he saved or not, so I didn't want to have to wait.

Thanatos did pass his will save on his turn though, so he can act normally on his next turn.

Viss: No. You only get a Haste attack if you take a Full Attack action.

Mako: The Dispel Magic fails, but the song is active again. Everyone else remember to include your bonuses from Mako's song. DeadPhoenix, can you remind us what those bonuses are?

Ozzan'gac and Fleshbane: Paladin 4 takes some nonlethal damage from a few of the hits but is still standing, and then he is decapitated by Fleshbane's first swing.

Ciel is going to take an AoO from Paladin 1 (since you can only declare a withdrawal from a single target). The Paladin rolled a 42 vs AC, but he failed his roll to overcome concealment, so Ciel takes no damage. The DM continues to shake his fist.

Sybil, Menek, Tessa, and Viss may take their turns when ready))
Not exactly how he planned the encounter with the assailant to turn out, Ozzang'ac decides to accept the outcome as salvageable, "We can still take his body to observe how he revives, if at all." His gaze then darts towards how the others are faring before he's able to do anything to help.

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane turns from the decapitated Paladin and scans the battlefield for a new target. "Satisfy your curiosity later," he says to Ozzang'ac. "There is still much blood to be shed."


((Axelhortsemchi, your updated map doesn't seem to be based on the latest map as that one has a lot of the enemies eliminated))

Happening to glance upwards Menek sights the godly figure floating above the fray.

Lord, call of your zealots. This is a farce

((Diplomacy Roll))

Not expecting much as the figure seems content to observe the ridiculous spat Menek laughs ((Cackle to keep the Evil Eye AC on Lead Paladin going)) before casting his own attempt at Dispelling magic on the lead paladin.

((Greater Dispel Magic cast on Lead Paladin))



((So... If I move Tessa up to help Viss attack the Paladin, how does the whole flanking business work? And I can loosen the grab and still make a full attack, right?))
((If two allies are occupying squares on opposite sides of an enemy that are both adjacent to that enemy, then each of those allies get a +2 flanking bonus to their attack rolls on that enemy.

And yes, you may release the grab and make a full attack))


((So if I move Tessa here, that would apply? But that would mean Tessa looses the haste attack because she can't make a full attack, right? But the second attack through multiattack she would still get?))
((Yes and Yes, but I'm pretty sure you can only use Multiattack on a full attack action as well. If you move, then you only get a single attack.

If you've been using it with your move up til now then it's my fault for not catching it, sorry))
((So if I move Tessa here, that would apply? But that would mean Tessa looses the haste attack because she can't make a full attack, right? But the second attack through multiattack she would still get?))

((yes that would flank, but if you move more then 5 feet you only get ONE attack))


((OK, thanks for clearing that up. I don't think losing two attacks for a +2 bonus is worth it, so...))

With the Paladin she had been biting down on gone Tessa shifts her attention to the one Viss is currently fighting with.

((Moving Tessa here with 5ft step and full attack on Paladin 2.))

1st Attack: 1D20+19 = [9]+19 = 28
Damage: 3D6+22 = [1, 1, 6]+22 = 30
Grab:1D20+17 = [7]+17 = 24

2nd Attack: 1D20+14 = [20]+14 = 34
Confirming Critical: 1D20+14 = [13]+14 = 27
Damage: 3D6+22 = [4, 3, 2]+22 = 31
Grab:1D20+17 = [16]+17 = 33

Extra Attack Haste: 1D20+19 = [17]+19 = 36
Damage:3D6+22 = [1, 3, 2]+22 = 28
Grab:1D20+17 = [18]+17 = 35

Viss loosens her hold on the Paladin for a few moments only to be able to claw into more furiously.

Bite Attack: 1D20+22 = [5]+22 = 27
Damage: 2D6+10 = [6, 1]+10 = 17
Grab: 1D20+18 = [10]+18 = 28

1st Claw: 1D20+22 = [18]+22 = 40
Damage: 2D4+10 = [3, 3]+10 = 16
Grab: 1D20+18 = [4]+18 = 22

2nd Claw: 1D20+22 = [4]+22 = 26
Damage: 2D4+10 = [1, 3]+10 = 14
Grab: 1D20+18 = [3]+18 = 21

Bonus Bite: 1D20+22 = [13]+22 = 35
Damage: 2D6+10 = [1, 5]+10 = 16
Grab: 1D20+18 = [15]+18 = 33
((on a crit(with a x2 weapon at least) you roll the damage dice twice and add all your damage mods again(except ones that don't work on crits, but you probably don't have nay such bonuses). so it looks like it would be doing 6d6+44 damage.))
Witnessing the mauling of another by the jaw of the landshark and Viss' beastly state with Sybil still able to continue fighting herself, and the attempt to diffuse the aggression through words, Ozzang'ac responds to Fleshbane, "I cannot be so sure. We have powerful allies among us and they would be foolish to allow ourselves a swift victory and not surrender." Of course, Ozzang'ac is simply trying to bide his time for when the cosmic physics of the universe allow his few seconds of inability to move after an action to wear out. Noting Ciel's attempt to retreat, he remarks, "But you are right, I must hurry."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Apologies for the delay all, though I think I am beginning to sound like a broken record at this point))

Sybil begins to feel the heat of her exertion in her armor as the opposition drops one by one. 'Combat has barely begun' she thinks, and so her body should not nearly be this stressed. Her mind turns painfully on the moral implications and is pinned on the hope that the immortality magic holds true. And yet she wonders.

If balance were to be restored would these needless deaths, nay, murders, become real?

Sybil will cast Blessing of Fervor on everyone within range (doesn't stack with haste but gives +2 to ac and attack if you want it) and then move to J6 to cover Mako.

Wiping the accumulated sweat from her brow, the paladin reaches out tentatively to her connection with the Asgardian gods. Now more than ever she needs Freya's wisdom and Odin's courage. It is as she looks to the sky that she spots the floating lord, spectating from above.
The decapitation of one of the paladins gives all of the would-be inquisitors pause. Despite their alleged immortality, the sight of a head being cleaved clean off of its shoulders has an intimidating effect on them.

They do not lose their fortitude. The lead paladin easily shrugs off Mako's attempt to nullify her enchantments, but is not nearly so successful against Menek's formidable sorcery. Ciel flickers out of her field of vision.

Things continue to grow more dire for the Holy Warriors as Tessa and Viss close ranks around one unfortunate paladin and Sybil grants the blessings of Freya upon SAED.

"CONFOUND IT ALL!" she bellows. "COLE! Can you bestow the True Sight upon me once more?"

"A thousand pardons, Commander, but I have not prepared for additional castings!"

"I feared as much. Recite the Blessings of Our Lord and Savior, and bolster our resolve!"

Cole puts his hands together and calls upon divine magicks to strengthen and fortify his allies. They all take on a faint golden glow, and if one were to focus their vision very closely, one would see thin leylines of energy flowing down into the soldiers, directly from the man floating above the battlefield.

Despite being restrained and surrounded by enormous beasts, Viss's adversary refuses to give up and manages to land three savage blows with his longsword, cutting into her Dire Tiger flesh and spilling blood.

The leader and her adjacent ally exchange knowing glances and simultaneously charge Fleshbane, each smashing into his metallic carapace with Holy-infused weaponry - the lesser paladin with a longsword, and the leader with a two-handed Greatsword.


From above, Cecil Fairhaven descends upon the battlefield, and immediately the paladins and the remaining cleric turn away from their opponents and kneel before the king.

"Your Grace," the lead paladin says with plain reverence.

"Well met, Commander," he says to her. "You have performed your duties admirably. I shall shoulder your burdens for the day. Lady Viss? Sir Ozzan'gac? Fleshbane? Will you permit my people to withdraw? I believe your quarrel lies with me, after all. And Ciel," He looks at the assassin, "I can see you quite clearly. Perhaps you could drop your enchantment, to afford your allies the courtesy of your enchanting visage?"

((This could be the end of combat, but it may not be, so I'm giving you the updated map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/559f1bf7c678e , and giving you the game rule results of this turn, before Cecil came down.

Cleric casts Recitation on himself and his party. They all get +3 to attack, saves, and AC.

Paladin 2 uses Lay on Hands on himself to heal 20 damage, then performs a Full Attack vs Viss.
First attack: 34 vs AC should hit. Viss takes 8 damage.
Second attack: 29 vs AC should hit. Viss takes 12 damage.
Third attack: 28 vs AC should hit. Viss takes 13 damage.

Paladin 1 Charges Fleshbane, activating Smite Evil. 46 vs AC hits. Fleshbane takes 26 damage.
Lead Paladin moves past Mako and Sybil to get adjacent to Fleshbane. Thanatos, Mako and Sybil can make Opportunity Attacks as she moves by. Then she attacks Fleshbane, activating Smite Evil. 50 vs AC(!!) hits. Fleshbane takes 31 damage.

After this, is when Cecil descends and gives his speech))


Menek takes a hurried step back and swigs an extract of Arcane Sight to see what he can of the magical auras surrounding him. Maybe even understand what happened to the people they struck down. Then he speaks

Lord Fairhaven. If we are not attacked then we have no authority to retaliate. If your Commander had not been so zealous in her actions then none of this unpleasantness would have occurred. There was never any need for unnecessary violence.

((Still acting as if we are in combat mode so Menek takes a 5 foot step back, drinks an extract and speaks))

Updated Map:
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93379]Thanatos AoO: 1D20 + 15 = [19]+15 = 34
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93380]Damage: 3D6 + 12 = [1, 3, 4]+12 = 20
When Cecil addresses Ciel, he shoots the lord paladin a grin only he can see. "You flatter me, but my allies already know my enchanting visage quite well. Your troops have proven a bit overzealous in their attacking of us, so while I doubt they'll disobey your orders, if it's all the same, I would prefer to at least stay out of their sight while they retreat."

Thinking of the reward Heironeous promised, he continues. "I'm pretty sure my allies are willing to let them fall back if your troops are willing to do so. I am not opposed to extending a courtesy like that. Since we're talking courtesies though, your paladins gave me some rather nasty cuts during this fight of theirs. Would you object to me tending to my own wounds as they fall back?"

Just in case the paladins get any ideas, Ciel moves slightly after talking, so as to throw off their tracking him by the sound of his voice. He puts his bow away and looks Cecil in the eye the entire time he is moving, making it clear that he's not trying to pull any tricks (other than protecting himself from overzealous paladins, of course). After all, if the fight continued, Cecil could just play spotter for the other soldiers.

((I definitely need stealth for that, and just in case that bit needed diplomacy, I'll link a roll for that too.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93381]Stealth: 1D20 + 42 = [1]+42 = 43 (profound sadness)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93382]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 23 = [11]+23 = 34

((Updated Map))
Ozzang'ac steps closer to the city's lord in particular. The former captain of the guard recognizes that the foolish Paladins are being commended for their aggressive bravado, meaning that the party was intended to be killed on the spot. He comments to Cecil, "Your.. grace. You act as if they should have our permission to withdraw when only the commander's word is enough." Ozzang'ac is quick to point out a quick report of the aftermath, hoping the commander hears, "I must say.. if it weren't for the immortality that blesses them, several men would've been lost today." Indeed, it is unsettling how easily men can die to the hands of the party, and even more so how willing leaders are to test the dangers.

He asks Cecil finally, "Who told you about us, our names?" He is certain that he most likely knows about their purpose as well, but will allow Cecil to make that clear.


As soon as Cecil calls off his his people Viss stops attacking the Paladin and turns back into her usual self. Tessa catches on to the situation as well and holds her attack, still eying their enemy suspious, though.

Since she is bleeding from several wounds, Viss uses the pause in battle to heal some of them.

Cure critical wounds: 4D8+12 = [8, 2, 8, 8]+12 = 38

She has no intention of trusting Cecil at this point but since there are others in their group better capable of diplomatic talks, she opts for keeping silent for now. The chances of her just involuntary or voluntary insulting the ruler are too high.

Well Menek, now let's see what a reasonable man this Cecil really is...

To show at least some good will she and Tessa take a step back from the kneeling Paladin.

((Can't update the map just know but, Viss is back to normal size and has taken a five foot step away from the Paladin. Tessa will move in such a way that should the battle begin a new she would be able to flank the Paladin with Viss.))
Cecil chuckles at Ciel. "Of course you may tend to your wounds. I am not a monster as you are." The paladins and cleric are ignoring Ciel entirely, so it's not clear whether or not they can tell that he moved.

"Ambassador Menek," says Cecil, his tone taking on a chiding quality, "Your companions are scourges upon this world and ought be destroyed without prejudice. As such, I disagree with your assessment that violence was unnecessary. The primary purpose of this squadron is to eliminate threats that attempt to encroach upon our territory; if you would try to tell me that Ciel and Fleshbane are NOT threats to the people of Evrai, I would tell you that you are lying."

To Ozzan'gac, he says, "We know of your identities through judicious use of scrying magicks. I have also taken the liberty of delving into each of your minds - save for the Xenocide Unit - to learn more of your identities. This was my right, as the sovereign of the lands you've entered without permission and under false pretense."

Ozzan'gac doesn't detect any signs of falsehood in Cecil's words or actions.
((Sorry about that Azih, I'm not sure how I missed you casting that.

When the paladins were dying, there was definitely a magical aura, and its source was Cecil himself. The school of magic most closely resembles necromancy (doesn't mean evil though), but it has divine qualities that are consistent with the aura that would be given off by a deity))
Cecil has multiple spell-like abilities, both arcane and divine in nature. He is also capable of casting 11th-level Divine spells (accounting for metamagic). His aura is extremely powerful and similar to that of a deity.

For comparison's sake, he is certainly more powerful than the Balor, but maybe not quite so powerful as Baphomet was.

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane stays his hand as Cecil calls the battle to a premature end. The rents in his metallic body struck by the focused efforts of the paladins are deep indeed, revealing portions of his inner workings and spitting showers of hot sparks at sporadic intervals. Even though he would appear to be bearing what would be mortal wounds even for a being such as himself, he does not seem to acknowledge that he is but two strokes away from destruction.

“You would gain nothing for your attempt to penetrate my mind anyway,” he informs Cecil, a twanging note of distortion in his voice belying the amount of damage he has sustained. “You would find naught within but my fathomless hatred for you and all your kind, a fact that I would share with you freely. You are right to fear me, though. Were I not encumbered with these accursed restraints, I would carve a bloody swath across your land to your doorstep and tear your civilization down about you.”

Lowering his gaze he addresses the two paladins before him. “To my eternal chagrin, I am currently powerless to fulfill my destiny unless I am under direct assault. I am not surprised that you would take the coward’s way out and disengage rather than risk another of your number losing their head. It is the nature of your detestable kind.”

((Fleshbane is in… not good shape. Unless anyone’s got a repair spell or something, I’m going to have to burn a good chunk of psi points healing him back up.))
"Spying on your brother, you mean," he boldly accuses. "If you have truly read our minds then you know the magnitude of your errors and why we are here."

Intimidate: 1D20+22 = [3]+22 = 25
He also raises his voice loudly enough for the Paladin commander to hear, "You also would have been wise enough not to send your men to challenge a group capable of defeating a demon lord with unimaginable strength." He hopes this convinces the commander of what kind of leader Cecil is to funnel his men into their doom so willingly.

Sense Motive vs. next response to the party: 1D20+16 = [2]+16 = 18
(My rolls have been awful this post.)


((I think we should have Make Whole and Rapid Repair wands in the future?))

Ozzang'aac speaks wisely Menek says agreeing with the Water elemental And scourges, my Lord? What have Ciel and Fleshbane done other than defend themselves? They, and indeed all of us, are bound by strict requirements as to how we can act. The deities of the Astral Plane, whose representatives we are, are not as short-sighted as you seem to believe. Until your Commander came onto the scene we traveled across your land peacefully and with no disturbance. It is your Commander that instigated this debacle Sire.

Menek pauses

However, you are correct that we have come onto your lands without invitation and with disguised identity. Perhaps we could discuss our reasons for doing so with you. I will repeat our request. May we have audience with you? Perhaps tomorrow so we can heal from our wounds and put some distance between ourselves and today's unpleasantness. I must insist however that all of us be treated equally.

((Inspired Diplomacy))


((Inspired Sense Motive))

Ciel's face briefly shifts to amusement as Cecil casually calls him a monster. The talk of mind reading is cause for concern, but for now, the path seems clear for Ciel to heal himself. For the time being, he is contend to pull out the wand on him and mend his wounds as the more goodly members of the party try and reach some kind of understanding with Cecil.

((If the conversation goes on long enough and there's no pressure, I'll just burn 8 wand charges to put Ciel back at full health. I forget if the full health when combat's not in effect thing is still a rule, so way more than that if it's not.))
((It was son, so I'll just roll with the retcon))

"Your dealings with my son are not a concern of mine," he replies. "I am content to leave him and his people at peace.

"As to the monsters you have brought before me. It is only a matter of time before they woukd wreak havoc upon my lands. They are to be afforded no more benefit of the doubt than the undead, which I cleansed from this land forever. Ciel's smoke bomb and Fleshbane's foul words are all the evidence I need to condemn, heedless of whatever guidelines you claim are imposed upon you."

He pauses to consider Menek's proposal. "Very well, I will allow you a day to compose yourselves, and then I will return to you for an audience. Those two are under no circumstances allowed any nearer to my city, but in the interest of diplomacy I will guarantee your safety, so long as you stay here."

He seems to be telling the truth.

He lingers for a bit, in case there are any parting words ((mostly giving Sybil and Mako a chance to chime in if she wants to, but the rest of you can also respond if you like))
Ozzang'ac makes one last statement for Cecil to stir in his mind for the day given before the party dismisses itself, "It is only because of your excess expression of your newfound power that what you call monsters were sent to this world with the rest of our group." He gives a very conclusive, "Remember that."
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