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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

The commander very briefly looked at Ozzan'gac at his mention of demon lords, but that was the extent of her reaction. She quickly returned to looking at the ground after that.


Viss remains silent and pretends to ignore Cecil in a way that only cats are capable of. The thought of that bastard reading their minds is more than a little unsettling. Everything about the self proclaimed god rubs her the wrong way but for the moment retreating and coming up with a course of action as a group seems to be the best thing they can do.
Still refusing to further acknowledge the man she steps over to Tessa and hops on the T-Rex's back, ready to leave whenever the rest is ready.
<Do you at least know if we have the spellcasting capability to protect against scrying and mind reading?

Also, new avatar hype.>

((what you want is mind blank. sadly we are not even close to getting mind blank(Well, three levels for our witch). there might be other lower level ones(that would probably not even help much in this case), but it seems at this point, it'd be a wasted effort.))
"I'm afraid I can't agree with your logic, Sir Ozzzan'gac," says Cecil. "I shall return here tomorrow at midday. I bid you farewell until then."

Cecil turns around and walks away, and he is followed by the paladins and the cleric. By now, the crowd has completely dissipated, and the caravan is given a wide berth, leaving the party alone to strategize and regroup.
Once Cecil and the other paladins depart, Ciel reappears, having treated his wounds. "Well, that could have gone worse. It certainly could have gone better, but it's definitely not the worst outcome. I guess we should get to talking strategy now?"

He looks towards the other diplomatically gifted members of the group. "Cecil does not strike me as the type to listen to conventional reason. If he is to stand down peacefully, he'll need to see the harm his kingdom-wide deathlessness brings. I have questions I'd ask him, but I get the feeling that the very act of me opening my mouth will incline him to dismiss whatever I say. That's where you all come in. We should ask him about the logistics of a post-death kingdom. With no one dying, the population will boom. What will he do about food shortages? Will he have millions starving in agony, unable to die? Will he hire an increasingly huge number of priests to summon food in a growing, unsustainable spiral? Or will he implement some form of eugenics to keep the population down? And what about overcrowding? No matter how efficient they are in building things, he'll eventually need more land. Will he conquer and subjugate his neighbors to provide more land for an uncontrollably growing population? These kinds of questions might give him pause, and that's not even getting into the wrath the Astral Sea will eventually bring upon him for fucking with the order of things."

"Well, that's everything I've got right now. I'd say you guys can go on ahead to the crypt museum while Fleshbane and I stay back, but as Cecil seems to have a knack for scrying on us, he may take looking into that stuff as a hostile action."

Eventually, Ciel finds Fleshbane at a time when the other party members aren't around to listen, and goes to have a quick conversation with him. "Full disclosure, I'm curious about the kind of gift a god like Heironeous would give us for doing him a solid, so I'm leaning towards getting Cecil to back down without any more bloodshed. However, we do have an alliance going on, so I'll ask you this: is Cecil godly enough for you to want to make him your proof-of-concept, or would you rather hold out for someone more... conventionally deific? I can adjust my desires for the outcome depending on your answer."
The elemental watches as the others leave. He is now curious as to whether his words from earlier resonated with the commander or not, "We aren't safe anywhere, but I do feel that we would be better off on the move any way we can."


bitch I'm taking calls.

Sybil relaxes her shoulders, her breath catching as Evrai's champion descends upon them. As the remaining paladins and their commander begin to kneel before their Lord, she lowers her shield. Sweat continues to trickle down the valkyrie's neck as she attempts to sheath her weapon and re-secures her shield. As her blade refuses to return to its scabbard, she drops it to the ground.

Sybil's blue eyes begin to cloud and she winces at Fairhaven's praise of the peace keeping commander and his judgment of SAED. By his words it would seem their purpose in these lands was to allow the invasion of monsters upon their fair city. To add insult to injury, her companions began to voice strong feelings about the confrontation that led to their clash.

Did the laws of this land supersede the laws of nature and its natural balance of life and death? Sybil believed the spark of the fight to be the spirit of competition and a battle without consequence of death. But she was beginning to believe she had made a grave mistake in her own judgment.

Sybil's eyes narrow as Cecil mentions reading their minds gain insight upon them. She considers the weight of his admission versus that of protecting his immortal populace. Before she can question or attempt to divine his aura or motives, she feels a wave of guilt wash over her and shudders.

'His words are true, Ciel and Fleshbane are lawless monsters of chaos. Holding the team together to present a united front is an enormous struggle.' Thus far she put her faith in Freya's grace, Odin's wisdom, and the Raven Queen's peerless insight. The judgement of her gods and her sovereign were enough to prove they served a purpose even if she could not see it herself.

And yet day by day as they navigated the realms of the Astral Sea, her resolve wavered. Increasingly she felt herself acting by an ideal she felt more further away from every day. If the light of her judgement were a star, it could not be more distant and cold than it was now.

Snapping out of it, Sybil finally catches herself in the mire of her own thoughts. Banishing the blank expression upon her face, she resumes listening. And yet in the face of the inscrutable divinity of the omniscient Cecil Fairhaven, answers remained elusive.

Sybil's face retains a rigid expression as the peace keepers and Lord Fairhaven depart along with most of the crowd. However, as the area clears, her brow furrows and her face begins to crumble into a painful expression. Retrieving her sword, she finds it still refuses to return to its scabbard. Shaking with frustration, she ties the blade to the back of her shield.

'Can I support a coup against the man who is now giving us a chance to retreat and regroup? And could I be so foolish as to think there would be no consequences for the battle today, even if those vanquished were to be restored? Why do I fail time and again to make the right decision or divine answers from my mistakes?'

The paladin does not have the heart to take part in the strategy planning, lecture about the dangerous liberties taken with civilian lives during the battle, nor even object to Ciel's obvious ploy to allow Ciel and Fleshbane time alone to scheme. She leans in her armor against a small tree and waits for the rest of the group to come to a decision.

Mike M

Nick N
Once the holy warriors have retreated beyond earshot and visual, Fleshbane emits a grinding squeal from somewhere within as various parts and pieces seem to fall out of joint and hang at awkward angles. It would seem that he has literally been holding himself together for the sake of appearances. “I require time to perform non-routine maintenance,” he announces in a distorted voice. “I would be best served to remain in one place while repair routines are underway.” ((Do we have time to complete an overnight rest and restore hitpoints? I’m not sure if Warforged even gain HP from that…))

In response to Ceil’s proposition of attempting to sway Cecil’s opinion with the force of logic, Fleshbane releases a prolonged scraping noise that has the cadence of laughter. “I am well-versed in the problems posed by an immortal population of biological beings,” he says. “On a long enough timeline, they cannot even sustain a mortal population without destroying the very world they depend on for their survival beneath their feet. If their numbers cannot be culled through natural means, the destruction will only accelerate at a logarithmic rate. The irony of course being that he will not listen to a word that comes from me. If that course of action is to hold any hope of success, I would need to tutor one of you to speak in my stead. I am confident I can reduce the complexity of the notions of carrying capacity of an ecological system to terms that you all would find comprehendible, but ultimately it would be a fruitless pursuit. He will not be swayed.

“We would be better served by finding this tomb of which his loin spawn spoke of. If these abilities manifested after his encounter there, there is a near statistical certainty that whatever power source he is using to perform them was found there. We may be able to cut him off from the source, or at the very least determine its nature and respond accordingly. A direct confrontation would not end well for us unless we have some means to counteract his abilities or forcibly remove him from this plane.”

Once he and Ciel have a moment unobserved, he contemplates the assassin’s proposition. “This target is insufficient,” he eventually decides. “I have seen no evidence of divinity beyond the heights of power that may already be achieved by mortals under, not matter what he and his followers may claim. There is also the added complication of incurring the wrath of Heironeous and the high probability that the remainder of the party will not align themselves with our actions.”

He holds up a hand in front of his face as though examining it. “I would desire to kill him and his followers regardless,” he says almost thoughtfully. “Our opposing natures grant great potency in our attacks against them, but they are granted the same boon. In an even fight, we would be capable of triumph, but as it stands, they would overwhelm us with sheer numbers. No, I fear we must allow this to play out without our direct intervention, at least not at first.”
((Yeah, not too sure what rest does for constructs, if anything. You should be able to use a bunch of your psi points to heal up and "rest" to regain those if we have at least 8 hours, though.))

Ciel grins devilishly upon seeing Fleshbane essentially speak in agreement with him. "Excellent, it appears we're more or less on the same page then. I was enjoying the cull of paladins myself, but as you said, there are too many to just hack our way through outright. Hopefully the others will have the sense to go to the crypt and find something worthwhile. As it seems like our going any closer to the city will spark an immediate confrontation with Cecil, I am content to wait here as well. Besides, I need to replenish my ki and touch up my magics for when shit inevitably goes sideways tomorrow."

When they are done speaking, Ciel goes to sit in a patch of grass and begins meditating, appearing almost asleep, his fists pushed together on crossed legs.

((Incidentally, I'm confused as to where the crypt is. I'm assuming it's in or on the way to the city since we ran into the paladins first. If it's in a whole other direction, Ciel might as well tag along. Assuming anyone goes to check it out that is.))
((Regardless of what the game rule is, Fleshbane can regain HP by taking a full night's rest.

In my mind, I had placed this confrontation in the late afternoon, and Cecil said he would return at noon the next day, so you have around 20 hours before he comes back.

The Tomb of Romarg is in a different direction than the city, but it would only take an hour to fly there. You also wouldn't be venturing any closer to the city itself by going there, and the stipulation that Cecil laid out was that you don't approach the city, so you wouldn't be violating the terms he established. If your plan is to go there, you can make it happen.

It sounds like just about everyone is on board for the trip to the tomb, but Menek hasn't actually chimed in about strategy so I'll wait until tomorrow evening to make a post about it, in case he has something to add.

Also, it will be impractical to take the entire caravan with you to the tomb. Is it fair to assume that you're going to send them back to the airship?))
"Cecil is a man that can read our minds yet act so blind to the treasure of knowledge and our secrets. I doubt the impeding doom of Faerun will speak to his heart. Like Ciel said, he is not somebody that will listen to conventional wisdom."

Ozzang'ac starts to move, saying aloud, "They will have had guards stationed at the crypt in case we decided to go there instead of Evrai. We should be prepared for another battle." He makes his way to a flustered Jonna, finally making his way out to timidly survey the dangers. Ozzang'ac informs the half-orc, "Something tells me that it would be impractical to take the entire caravan with us to the tomb. Is it fair to assume that you will go back to the airship?" Jonna answers giving a passive gesture, "I-I will do my best.. The little ones may take some time to give the proper commands."

Finally, Ozzang'ac moves over to Sybil, noticing her neglected state at the floral pillar, "Lady Sybil...?" He asks with a hint of concern, "Is there something troubling you?"


Cecil is a crusader through and through, Convinced of the righteousness of his cause. I do not believe we will deflect him from his course through words. I know his type. Menek says, then almost to himself he mutters I guess I rather should, shoudn't I?

Shaking himself free of his introspection Menek continues I can confirm that he is the source of this resurrection effect. Also that he is extremely powerful. More powerful than the Balor we slew and of a level with, though not quite so powerful as, Baphomet, He is certainly a demi-god and master of some form of divine necromancy. I agree we should pay a visit to Romarg as necromancy isn't a usual hobby for a paladin. We can only hope that Cecil is honourable enough to not scry and mind read us while we obey his command to not approach the city.

((Was there anything different about the paladin that got vorpaled? Also is it possible to find out if children have been born of people that accepted Cecil's immortality? Menek would have wanted to find something like that out before everbody got scared off by the fight.))

((Would it be possible to buy a wand of Rapid Repair or something like that from the Tomb of Romarg gift shop? ))
((Arcane Sight would have told you that there was a difference between the ones whose bodies stayed behind and the one who disappeared, but you'll need to make a Knowledge Religion roll, DC 35, to figure out why (Menek only since no one else had Arcane Sight up)
The one who disappeared had already died and been resurrected previously.

The gift shop idea made me laugh, but no, youd have to go to a town to find a Wand of Repair. Since Evrai is out of the question, you'd have to return to Kaku, which would cause you to miss Cecil's deadline. It's up to you if you want to deal with the consequences of that.

Edit: Even assuming that you had asked around about it, you wouldn't have gotten a definitive answer about child births at this point))
Ciel's eyes glint with curiosity as Menek speaks of knowing about crusader types. "Oh, is that so? There's more to you than meets the eye, I must say I'm intrigued now. Your interesting statement aside, it sounds like we agree on our next course of action, especially if Cecil is as powerful as you say. Hopefully we find something of value at this crypt."
Edit: Even assuming that you had asked around about it, you wouldn't have gotten a definitive answer about child births at this point))
<This seems weird and noteworthy in itself.

EDIT: dat avatar and username change>>


Viss listens to the suggestion of her colleagues and nods along. "I agree. Checking out that tomb seems like our safest bet at the moment. We need to find out what it is that lends Cecil this immense power and hope that we can somehow use this knowledge against him." She pauses a moment, thinking.
"But what if we don't find anything? What then..." She pauses again seemingly unwilling to bring forth her next words.
"What if... I mean hypothetically if we don't find anything actually condemning on this guy, despite the fact that he is a pompous ass, might we be able to well offer him real godhood?" She quickly continues before anyone can interrupt her. "Look, I know that WE ourselves don't have the authority. But what I'm thinking here is that we can at least talk to people who certainly might have the authority.
"From what Menek has told us Cecil has already enough power to qualify as a demigod. It is not unkwon for mortals to become gods. If we don't find any proof suggesting otherwise, his intention might actually be pure.
"So what if Cecil were to get his own domain in the Astral Sea? What if we can offer him a way to make his actions legitimate? Heironeous won't probably not like it, sure, Cecil kind of stole his thunder afterall, but that is not our primary concern. We are here to see that the souls of the dead go where they are supposed to go. If Cecil were to have his own domain the souls of his worshipers would go to his domain after they've died. He alone would be able to give them whatever afterlife he sees fit for them. It wouldn't be so different from how the situation is now, except that it would be... legal, so to speak.
"Again this is only a thought experiment. I'm not at all convinced that he is as clean as he wants everyone to believe, but I think we should have a plan in case he happened to be just what he says he is."
"I doubt 'true godhood' is what he seeks. Surely he is aware that is an option, but if i had to guess, he hasn't already made them attempt either because he can't, depending on where his new found power comes from, or he prefers actually being with his people and interacting with them directly. As we well know by now, most god tend to take a hands off approach, for good reason mind you, and I just don't think he is that kind of guy."
<Since Jackben's scheduling is hard on him, I'll just assume Ozzang'ac went to Sybil after what he's about to say.>

Ozzang'ac hrms when Viss gives an alternative route to the solution. Verily, it is not a terrible idea, and even a good one in some respects, though he finds some recollections complicating the situation, "Indeed, it technically isn't our main mission fulfill Heironeous' needs, and he may not even manage to recover his former followers after our intervention regardless.."

"However, I suspect that if Cecil were to be granted godhood, he would immediately be put on trial for his prevention of souls entering the Astral Sea and the Raven Queen saw fit to send us out here instead to investigate. I think Menek is right, Cecil seems more akin to creatures like Baphomet that claim godhood but have not truly found it."


Viss nods and sighs. "You are probably right. I was just trying to come up with ways to solve this mess. If what Menek said is right, fighting him directly will only lead to disaster unless somehow the situation changes drastically. Simply telling him that what he is doing isn't right, won't also change anything because he has no reason to believe that. What we need is an incentive for him to change his thinking.
"But I guess speculating won't do us any good as long as we haven't checked out that tomb. If going there turns out to be fruitless, we can still think about another approach."

"However, I suspect that if Cecil were to be granted godhood, he would immediately be put on trial for his prevention of souls entering the Astral Sea and the Raven Queen saw fit to send us out here instead to investigate. I think Menek is right, Cecil seems more akin to creatures like Baphomet that claim godhood but have not truly found it."

"That's a good point. I still think that maybe talking to the Raven Queen after we concluded our investigation might not be the worst idea, though. Maybe there is some kind of deal that could be struck."
<If he's still scrying us, I hope Cecil is reeling from being compared to Baphomet.

If all else fails, we send in Lovebird to deal with the Paladin.>


Cecil would be bound by the rules of the Astral Sea if he did ascend, giving us far more leeway to act against him if he refuses to compromise on his follower's eternal life... but... let us see what we can find out from this tomb first. There is something very odd happening with the bodies of his followers regardless. The ones who died for the first time, their bodies remain upon being killed, but those who have before and are dying again... their bodies vanish. The 'bodies' these souls seem to be re-installed in to come back to 'life' are... unstable?


Viss stretches and yawns. "OK, since everything leads back to us investigating that tomb, I say we get going? No use for further discussions."

With that she gets up and walks over to Tessa. She whispers a few words to the T-Rex and a few seconds later the dinosaur is gone and only a small figurine remains, which Viss stuffs into her pocket. She turns around to the rest of the group.

"Are you coming?"

Without waiting for an answer she turns into a falcon and soars up in the air, where she circles above the heads of everyone else, waiting for them to join her.
The party sends their caravan off to lumber back toward the Phoenix Maelstrom, while they themselves take to the skies to reach the Tomb of Romarg.

The journey is uneventful. The weather is clear, and for most of the party it feels good to have the wind running through their hair/fur/feathers.

The structure comes into view.

Its foundation is significantly below ground level. It's pretty obvious that virtually the entire thing used to be subterranean, but massive renovations have unearthed it and cleaned it up. It still looks mostly ancient, but more modern, civilian-friendly additions have been put in place, and it looks cleaner and almost welcoming. Nearby signs, written in both Common and Elven, advertise the King Cecil Fairhaven National Commemorative Museum. A long set of shallow steps, carved of marble, descend toward the main entrance, which has a revolving glass door.

When the party lands, any citizens who had been nearby scatter. When they approach the museum, everyone - employees, security, and patrons - immediately vacate the premises. They are not panicked, but they do make haste.

By the time they enter the front door, the entire facility is being evacuated. It's not long at all before the party has the entire place to themselves.

The facility as a whole is vast, but less than half of it is accessible to the public. Much of it is blocked off, whether it be from "Do not enter" signs, corralling ropes, locked doors, or newly-constructed walls.

The parts of the museum available to the public have various displays. Some are wax representations of monsters that Cecil and his crusaders vanquished; others are relics that were excavated in the tomb; still others are actual equipment used by the brave men who dared to enter.

Interspersed throughout are informative displays which chronicle the life of Cecil Fairhaven, as well as displays dedicated to his family members. There is even one which speaks of Edgar in an entirely positive light, though the details about his forsaking of his father are much vaguer than what the party already knows.

((Time to make skill checks and/or cast spells, and scope the place out. I figure Perception checks are the most obvious choice, but feel free to get creative if you think something else might work better.

Also, please give some kind of narrative description of how you're searching - whether you're carefully inspecting such-and-such, or just tearing down a wall. I'll try be available to give some feedback as we proceed, but the end result of your findings will come after most of the party has had a go at it))
Ozzan'gac sees a man dressed differently from the others. His clothes are more symmetrical and more well-made, and he exudes a confidence, even in his retreat, that is lacking in most of the other people fleeing.

He extends a watery limb to block the man's path. The man does not resist, and looks the water elemental in the 'eyes.'

"Yes?" he says shortly. His tone is not agreeable.
Ozzang'ac is up front with his request, attempting to remain agreeable as he can, "I apologize for any inconvenience, and we wish no alarm to anyone here, but we may need somebody that understands the history of the site. Can you point us to that person..?" He decides not to press too hard by asking why everyone is leaving as well. The reason seems obvious enough to not need an answer.
Ozzan'gac doesn't notice anything peculiar about the crowd's demeanor. They just seem nervous and frightened.

"I'm the curator of this museum, so I understand it better than anyone." He looks around at the party. "I'd rather leave with the rest of my people, but if you see fit to keep me here then there's not much I can do about it."

His tone remains defiant and confident, though he recognizes that he is relatively helpless right now. He is not trying to deceive you.
"If there is something troubling nearby, then we shall protect you. We need to know about any artifacts or other findings that may have been removed since the renovation here that we will no longer find present. I'm sure the others have questions of their own as well."

<I want to give the others a chance to explore and inquire, but I think an answer was expected from me so I went ahead and not kept pepole waiting.>
"Nothing has been removed from this place apart from refuse and dead bodies," the man replies. "Anything that is not on display, is being stored in portions of the building that are not accessible to the public. I suspect that won't stop you from rummaging around there, though."


Remember we do not need to sour Cecil's opinion of us further by being destructive at his shrine to himself. If we do not find anything here then diplomacy might be our only route forward. This includes torturing his followers of course. Menek says as he wobbles off his stick. It's obvious he's aiming his comments at Ciel and Fleshbane.

Leaving the interrogation of the curator to the others for the moment Menek mixes and drinks another extract of Arcane Sight and walks around to see if there is anything odd about the immediate interior of the place.

((Perception roll))


When they arrive at the former temple Viss is baffled to see people run away from them as if they had come to murder and slaughter everyone. Did this fear came through words spread by Cecil? Whatever the reason, Viss decides that it might be best if for now she leaves Tessa in pocket. The dinosaur wouldn't be of help with the search anyway and Viss would feel bad to startle the people even more by unleashing a 15ft predator from her vest.

With all the visitors gone, the museum is nice and quiet and they can move around freely during their search. The curator might have told them that everything that might be of interest for them could be found in the storage rooms but Viss isn't convinced. Maybe the man might think that he is telling the truth but that didn't mean that there might be things that he didn't know of.

Viss starts to search every nook and cranny of the museum in the hope of finding any hint of rooms that have been sealed off. Is there a breeze coming from a direction where it shouldn't come from? Any smells that seem to be out of place? If needed she will transform into a tiny animal, a mouse, to crawl into smaller spaces and continue her search.

Perception: 1D20+21 = [19]+21 = 40
The sight of people fleeing is refreshing to Ciel, who has grown tired of being diplomatic. On seeing the curator speak defiantly to Ozzang'ac, he figures the elemental can use some help, perhaps some literal tongue loosening- Menek's words snap him out of this train of thought, causing him to look towards the investigator with a false smile. "But of course, a little fun now isn't worth unnecessary risk towards the meeting tomorrow."

Ciel approaches the man Ozzang'ac is detaining and makes an interjection of his own. "You are quite right. We're determined to go through this place. But we aren't entirely sure of what we're looking for, and going through the back area could be messy. A thorough search could cause undue damage to the place as we upend every nook and cranny. To that end, you could help minimize that before you're on your way. Are you aware of any secret passages in here? Any hidden devices on anything, deeper in or in the public area? Anything you provide will have us out of here quicker and have us touching less things we don't need to."

((Since the party has spoken of trying to not cause too much damage, I was intending for that to be a bluff. It could also function as diplomacy or intimidate if need be, that blurb kind of blurred the lines of the three. Also rolling sense motive to see if he's hiding anything from Ciel's line of questioning. I'm under the impression the curator's human, subtract 6 from my rolls if he's not.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93744]Bluff: 1D20 + 31 = [15]+31 = 46
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93745]Sense Motive: 1D20 + 15 = [4]+15 = 19

With that resolved, Ciel sets to searching the place. He casts Owl's Wisdom and Aspect of Falcon on himself to bolster his senses, and sets to looking for any hidden switches, as well as keeping his nose open for any must that would hint at an older, less visited portion of the tomb. Since the place is already evacuated, he calls Thanatos inside and sets the vulture towards seeking out any remaining death in the place.

((Thanatos lacks scent and has an abysmal perception, so going to have him aid Ciel if he passes the aid other check.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93746]Perception: 1D20 + 24 = [18]+24 = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93747]Aid Another (Perception): 1D20 + 2 = [18]+2 = 20
The curator has a pained look on his face as Ciel makes his case. "....You have a point," he sighs begrudgingly. "You'll find no secret passages in the public area. Any place that the public is not supposed to go, is either obvious, or has been entirely walled off. As to the rest of the complex.... the further away from the public area you go, and the older area you find yourselves in, the more likely that you'll find hidden doors."

It doesn't take much searching until each member of the party finds their own avenue into the depths of Romarg's tomb. The contrast is stark: instead of clean, tiled floors and strategically-placed illumination, there is darkness, cobwebs, and dusty floors, befitting of an ancient necromancer's tomb. The area is still consecrated and appears to be free of dangerous creatures, but that doesn't stop it from being creepy.
"Now this is more like it," Ciel remarks as the tomb begins to look less like a museum and more like a place where dead people are put. Thanatos can sense the change as well, and seems particularly giddy about the environment the party has found themselves in.

Ciel continues looking around with the others, expanding his prior search to also include traps now that they are in less charted territory. He does not bother with a torch or other source of light, as he does not particularly need it. Continuing what was done earlier, Thanatos follows along by Ciel, eager to point out anything that could lead to corpses.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93751]Perception: 1D20 + 24 = [20](got damn) +24 = 44
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93752]Aid Another (Perception): 1D20 + 2 = [18]+2 = 20
After Ciel is finished with the man, Ozzang'ac continues, "I would like to have more info on the origins or identities of the dead bodies you removed and the refuse that was cleaned up, as insignificant as it may have seemed to you at the time."


Before heading into the caverns, and after Ciel is done intimidating the man, Menek also wishes to have a word after Ozzang'ac's question is answered.

Anything you could tell us about Rogmar would also be helpful
The curator scowls. "When I say bodies, of course I mean the nameless, defiled remains of the cursed undead. You can read about all the heroes who fell in the name of righteousness in this museum if you're so inclined.

"As for the refuse, do you remember the scraps of paper you threw away years ago?" He sighs and face palms himself, realizing that he's asking that question to a water elemental. He stops to think for a moment. "Forgive me, I seem unable to find a proper analogy you would understand. Suffice to say that they were items such as broken vases, shattered glass, meaningless scribbles on parchment, and the like. Certainly nothing magical, if that's what you're on about."

The curator then sneers at Menek. "It's all in here for you to find for yourself, but if you insist...

"Romarg was a necromancer - a Lich - of some renown, who, many centuries ago, wrought havoc throughout the continent and, indeed, the world. Legend says that he teetered on the brink of world domination more than once. He was brought to heel by an enterprising group of adventurers, but they were unable to destroy him, and settled on sealing him forever in this tomb with powerful magicks. Here he stayed, no doubt seething and preparing for his revenge, until three years ago, when King Cecil the Righteous assembled an elite force of holy warriors and slew Romarg, once and for all."
Legend says that he teetered on the brink of world domination more than once.
world domination
'Baigon, behold this creature! This one has taken the face of a man.' An elemental stands out among his kin as they are beheld summoned for an upcoming battle. Of the six, the elemental sculpted with the face of a human stands out among moving vortexes and shapeless forms.

A heavy set turtlefolk is weighed onto the sea bed, standing before the elemental waters that were beckoned by a nearby withering sahaguin not shy to reveal his powers. Boldly and proudly, this sinister turtle creature boasts heavily while thrusting a massive trident into the thick sand, 'I am Cagnazzo, to-be lord of the seas! Become my grip on this kingdom and its everlasting reign!' He thrusts a thick arm pointing to a city of columns and freize as an organized raid is already in progress, nearly a hundred armed merman and sahaguins swimming to blight their destination.

'Master.. we have helped capture this city like you requested of us. How come my kin were allowed to return home but not I?' The wizardly sahuagin draws closer with a lowering frame that gazes up at the what was then a smaller elemental, 'Hrrm! Hrrm indeed! I did not entrap you, of course no.' The lanky creature releases his grip on a staff, freeing the coral tool to independently move in front of the peculiar elemental as if searching for something. 'Oh? Oh! Oh... Oooh! This is quite odd indeed, indeed! You are a part of this plane now, you see? I don't know why, but it's true!'
Slouching against his newly earned throne, the now King Cagnazzo cackles at what he hears, 'You are a gift! Your face was a sign of my inevitable greatness, therefore you should be rewarded the highest job of servitude! Be just another elemental no more. Be Ozzang'ac, my closest guardian!'

'Sir Ozzang'ac. You have protected my fathers for generations now.. But their assassins were many. Our relationships with what were once enemies are changing, and our people are happier. As a ruling line we have been changing. As a thank you for standing by our side, I would like to offer you a chance to be relieved of your duties.'

Ozzang'ac, the royal guard of the Cagnazzo ruling family, answers, 'This is my home now. I would have nowhere to go if I no longer had anyone worth protecting.'


Ozzang'ac finally snaps back from his sudden thoughts triggered by the mention of world domination as a motivation. He immediately begins to relate Cecil to Cagnazzo, both individuals that have successfully taken a city and became rulers- the Paladin Commander to himself, only acting upon their given duties and naive in their ways in their youth.

But it seemed Romarg wanted more than just a city or country. To dominate an entire world is unheard of for the elemental. It was stopped though, so he decides not to think much on it. He asks, "What is curious was that these creatures called adventurers were not able to kill Romarg while Cecil had gained true victory. Will we find a record of the tactics utilized that made such a great difference?"

Suddenly.. he realizes something, "And... will we find out how Romarg was sealed generations ago?" He will mention it later, but this may be the 'last resort' the party hopefully won't need.


<I'm starting to think I know what's going on behind the scenes, but I could still be wrong and I'm gonna keep it to myself for now.>
"There was a powerful enchantment placed on the tomb and on Romarg's phylactery. I'm no wizard or cleric; that's all I can tell you.

"King Cecil was able to destroy the Lich due to his divine powers, of course. Just like he'll defeat the lot of you when he finds out what you're doing, I imagine. The people from centuries ago simply were not as formidable as our god-king. Still, those brave trailblazers must be given credit where it is due; without them, who knows where we'd all be right now."


Still looking for odd places in search for hidden doors, a question suddenly pops into Viss' head. "What happened to the evil sorcerer's body?"
((I also have a theory... But I'll also keep it to myself just now.))


World domination.. Hrm.. of course.. we can't have that now can we? I thank you for your insight, sir Menek turns away from the angry but commendably composed caretaker.

((Any pings from Arcane Sight?))

To the members of the group he says It seems there are plenty of routes to get into the tomb. We should move together deeper into the complex. With some expediency perhaps. Farihaven may not like us delving into his activities here

Menek waves a hand and casts Detect Secret Doors to help with their tomb raiding expedition as Ratbreath mutters Finally out of that blasted sunlight. Feel better already.

((Menek gets +3 Perception in 'non Bright conditions'. Owls are best familiar!))
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