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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Thanks to the effects of haste, Thanatos is a giant bullet sailing through the air. As soon as the fighting breaks out, he knows what his job is: to fly around and eat the bad people being mean to his master and friends. Knowing his master, he'll start by shooting at the long-haired people in the back. Thanatos will chew on one first and make it easier! Ciel will be so proud, maybe even proud enough to let him eat the people dying in the chokey smoke.

(Thanatos has 80 ft of fly speed thanks to haste, so moving to attack the cleric at C5. Thanatos is staying 10 feet in the air so he'll be out of melee range, shouldn't incur any AoOs either that way.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92549]Vital Strike: 1D20 + 12 = [19]+12 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=92550]Damage: 6D6 + 9 = [4, 5, 5, 5, 2, 5]+9 = 35
((Updated map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5589afc75804c


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil's stomach churns as she watches Ciel chuck poisoned smoke into the crowd of bystanders with casual malice. Even if they are immortal, civilians suffering and choking in poison was not part of her plan. She spits her words at Ciel, her voice cracking out of its usual assured tone. "You foolish wretch! I should have let them take you!" The winged-paladin's grip tightens, her knuckles white upon the handle of her sword.

Despite the threat of the Evrai peace keepers before them, Sybil neglects to draw her shield. Instead she focuses upon the crowd Ciel threw his poison into. Closing her eyes, she forms the symbols of an oracle spell with her free hand.


((casting Fickle Winds on as many civilians caught in the poison as I can))

A wall of wind whips up around 12 of the people in the thick of the poison. This shroud of air prevents the gaseous cloud from reaching their lungs and disperses it from 10 feet around wherever they walk. She prays to Freya that it will be enough to mostly neutralize the threat to the civilians.

She yells at the assassin in the midst of battle. "Focus on the soldiers or I'll subdue you myself and leave you to Fairhaven's judgement, Accords be damned!"
((The Fickle Winds spell is enough to neutralize the threat of poison, and it was quick enough that the civilians will only suffer minor ill effects.

Azih, Knowledge Religion will tell you all about the abilities that Paladins and Clerics have. I won't even make you roll that; you can just Google "pathfinder paladin/cleric" if you want to look it up. Basically, Paladins are a major threat to Ciel, Thanatos, and Fleshbane; an average threat to the rest of you; and they are very resilient to any effect that requires a save. Clerics are less resilient, and are especially vulnerable to anything requiring a Reflex save.

Other than that, all of the enemies are humans.

You're not at all familiar enough with the area to reasonably use Local or Nobility knowledge to figure out who these guys are specifically))


((I'll take one use of Inspirational Expertise based on that info ThLunarian. Can you roll the grapple checks? I'd like to know if it did anything))
((Gonna skip over Viss and Tessa this round, sorry Nezumi.

Most of the enemies failed to save vs. Fleshbane's attack. Only the Lead Paladin and Paladin 4 passed the save.

Paladin 1 casts Dispel Magic on Black Tentacles and succeeds, making them go away.

Cleric 1 moves away from Thanatos. Thanatos rolled a Natural 20 on his AoO, and deals 14 damage to the cleric. The cleric then moves to D8 and casts True Seeing on the Lead Paladin.

Cleric 2 moves forward and casts a heavily metamagic'd version of Calm Emotions that will only target Mako (DM's prerogative). Mako must make a DC 22 Will Save, or else she is Calm'd, and all of the morale bonuses from her Bard abilities will go away.

Paladins 2, 3, and 4 advance, but none take any other actions, not even the one that ends adjacent to Viss.

Lead Paladin trudges through the Difficult Terrain and uses Smite Evil on Ciel, whom she can see thanks to True Seeing (plus she passed her Perception check). Attacking with a two-handed Greatsword; 32 vs AC should hit. Including the Smite, that will be 32 damage to Ciel.

Each Paladin uses Lay on Hands on him/herself as a swift action, healing 29 damage.))

The holy warriors buckle, but do not crumble, as the very terrain betrays their feet.

The lead paladin wastes no time in rallying her people. "Jenkins! Dispatch of these tentacles. Cole, neutralize the bard. Lockhart, give me the True Sight so that I may deal with the assassin. The rest of you, converge on the metal one. Ignore the others unless they obstruct your path. MOVE!"

And the soldiers follow the instructions to the letter. Like a well-oiled machine, the opposing team works together to undo the party's efforts. Ciel's poison bomv scarcely makes them flinch, even before Sybil dispatches it. Even the damage from Fleshbane's attack is mostly undone by virtue of the Paladins' self-healing powers. Together, they begin to surround Fleshbane.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/558d619142e36 updated map))


Clerics and Paladins! Menek shouts Hardy and Resistant and deadly in attacking Evil. Focus on one to bring them down quickly before their healing can help them. Maybe attack the uncouth and narrow minded head to bring the rest to their senses! Menek points at the leader who had just wounded Ciel.

((Using swift Action on Inspirational Expertise +4 to attack rolls of everyone in range for one round (stacks with Mako). This is the only one I have guys, make it count.))

Then trying to stick to his plan Menek casts Evil Eye on the lead paladin and the cleric that Thanatos had taken a bite out of and laughs to extend the effect.

((Standard Action. Evil Eye Hex on paladin and hurt cleric targeting AC. -4 to AC for 11 rounds or make Will Save DC 24 to reduce to 1 round. Move action Cackle to make it 12 rounds or 2.))
((I'm dumb and I forgot that double moving was an option. Can someone do me a favor and adjust each regular Paladin so that they took another move action in Fleshbane's direction? Their speed is 30))
((Making a beeline or avoiding AOOs? Also of course difficult terrain will halve the speed right?))

((Yeah, take the difficult terrain into account. I guess avoid AoO's just for the sake of simplicity so we don't have to wait for people to roll them. And thanks Azih))
You idiot! Ciel practically shouts in his mind as Sybil comes to the aid of the citizens. So much for forcing the paladins and clerics to take time for a rescue; he'll have to berate her when all is said and done.

His attention is quickly diverted when the lead paladin descends upon him and strikes. The blow doesn't hurt quite as much as expected, but still takes a chunk out of him. He winces, knowing that he needs to get out of attack range quickly. With a sharp whistle, Thanatos flies in a fast circuit, attacking the cleric once more and then soaring around to Ciel, dipping low enough for him to hop on. With a smirk towards the lead paladin, Ciel runs his hands over his face, taking on bird-like aspects.

((I'm on mobile for the day, so typing up the turn is a bit tricky. Thanatos should have enough movement to attack the cleric again, then double back, fly down adjacent to Ciel so he can board him, and then get back10 ft in the air. I think the route is AoO free and I'm pretty sure boarding a mount doesn't incur AoOs. Once Ciel's on Thanatos, he's casting Aspect of Falcon on himself.

Thanatos rolled a 15 to hit, which I'm pretty sure misses. Also, Ozzang'ac has that paralysis-inducing knife we got from Caizel, doesn't he?

EDIT: Updated map should have Ciel on Thanatos, who is now at I/J 2/3 and ten feet in the air.))
((I want to shoot at things, I do :(. But then Ciel would probably die from a full attack from lead paladin lady.

That and the alternative to casting is firing a single arrow.))


((Fair enough, the +4 is a one round only thing thoughl. Maybe fire now cast next round? Up to you, the True seeing was definitely a nasty trick to pull. With all the paladins around Fleshbane is probably going to have to retreat as well rather than try to take lead lady out.))
((Yeah, that can work, though at that point I'll probably just hold off on the spell.

In that case, Ciel will shoot an arrow at the paladin on L10 since the cleric's out of sneak attack range and the lead paladin can see him. 36 to hit flat footed AC, 49 damage. He's also using one of the unholy water-coated arrows, so whatever bonuses go with that too.))
((Damn it, sybil, why aren't you 5 levels higher so i can get your +4 bonus to compulsion spells?))

Will save: (1d20+17=19)
((seriously though, I rolled a fucking 2 :(
I guess this means no singing bonus(i think? probably), but you'll still got haste at least. And that cleric is gonna be busy concentrating, so no only will they not be doing much, but you can for concentration checks by attacking them.))

After a momentary lapse in her otherwise amazing mental fortitude, she stops singing and hers eyes seem to glaze over, "Hey guys... there's no need to fight, we should all just like... chill, ya know?"

She then hovers into the air a bit and faces the cleric who cast on her and says, "We should have a little talk. Are you cool? Wait, I can fix that either way." and cast charm person on them.
DC 19 will save.

((Man these guys are not fucking around... that pld must be a decent level he they are successfully dispelling out magic at -3 caster level and a DC 22 calm emotions requires 30 wisdom... or 26 wis and 2 feats.))
((Charm Person succeeded; dude rolled a natural 1 on his save. Also, Ciel's arrow hit the Paladin.

And for the record, the Paladin rolled a 19 on the die for his Dispel check. And the Calm Emotions was Heightened to Level 6 to give it a high DC. I added another level to it for the metamagic hocus pocus to only target Mako, and that gives you an idea of the level guys you're fighting, given that they're casting Level 7 spells :) ))
<BTW can somebody figure out if these guys are getting their divine powers from Heironeous still, or they are actually getting it from Cecil?

Also, since a Charm Person worked, I am thinking of coming out to talk, but readying an action to attack should they attack anyway on an enemy turn. I am not fully versed what is allowed with readying attacks so I want to know if this will work.>
((It looks like you could move where you want, then use your standard action ready a standard action attack. So I think you would get one punch or stab if I'm reading it right))
((You can ready an action so that it happens before the triggering attack.

Also, flavor text has been added to the enemy turn, so you guys have more roleplay guidance for your turns. Sorry that took so long))
Ozzang'ac finally emerges from under the caravan, forming himself from the puddle sliding along the ground fluidly.

After a spell is cast to force one of Evrai's people to see things their way, Ozzang'ac opts to not attack just yet, but keeps on guard while speaking. "It is true we work with your enemies," he declaires to the Evrai knights, "but the truth of the matter is that you hold no divine jurisdiction over any of us. We will continue to take responsibility for their acts in our own way just as we negated a misguided act."

<Hopefully at least the charm person will listen. Placing Ozzang'ac near the two Paladins around Fleshbane, readying an attack for if one of them attacks.>

((They're going to attack, so go ahead and roll yours in case it would affect their ability to get a swing off.

Also, just to keep people on track, we still need turns from Fleshbane, Sybil, Tessa, and Viss in round 2))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil takes a 5 foot step to the right and uses Menek's inspiration to attack the paladin nearest with a series of blows from her sword.

((Full Attack:
(BAB + Haste + Inspiration)
1D20+16+5 = [18]+16+5 = 39
1D20+16+5 = [1]+16+5 = 22
1D20+16+5 = [7]+16+5 = 28
1D20+16+5 = [2]+16+5 = 23

Damage:_: 1D8+4+2 = [8]+4+2 = 14
1D8+4+2 = [8]+4+2 = 14
1D8+4+2 = [6]+4+2 = 12
1D8+4+2 = [4]+4+2 = 10

((Shitty rolls ahoy! Fitting given the negative karma of this battle. I forgot her shield is a QuickDraw so I've equipped that now, plus haste makes her AC 35))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry for the delay, but shit's been real this past week.

Does Fleshbane threaten those diagonals/can he move w/out provoking AoO?))
((Likewise, you generally threaten the squares immediately around you, including diagonals with your weapon. IIRC, for diagonals they go a square is 5 feet feet, then 10, then 5, in a repeating pattern like that.))
((Likewise, you generally threaten the squares immediately around you, including diagonals with your weapon. IIRC, for diagonals they go a square is 5 feet feet, then 10, then 5, in a repeating pattern like that.))

<That's correct. That's how they allow you to calculate that diagonal movement costs 1.5x as much as regular movement so that your total movement range is more of a circle than a square or diamond.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Nah, I'm more concerned about attacking them from my current position than getting away at the moment.))

Far from being cowed or intimidated by the attention he draws from the paladins, Fleshbane grips his swords with both hands and readies himself. "Yes," he says as the two armored holy knights move in an apparent attempt to flank him. "Isn't this the order of things? Like the meeting of matter and anti-matter, our collision is inevitable and leads only to destruction. Which of us shall remain standing when we are finished here today?"

The unholy weapon seems comically small in Fleshbane's hands, but he wields it with mechanical and deadly efficacy as he moves faster than his bulk would seem capable.

Steel Wind vs. Paladin 3: 1d20+16+1(Haste)=36
Confirming Critical (But no nat 20!  Boo-urns!): 1d20+16+1(Haste)+5(Battle Ardor)=40
Damage: 1d8+2d6(Unholy)+6=22
Bonus critical damage: 1d8+2d6(Unholy)+6=15

Without missing a beat, he follows through on his arcing blow to strike the next foe with every bit as much force as he did the first.

Steel Wind vs. Paladin 4: 1d20+16+1=35
Damage: 1d8+2d6+6=15

((Reeeeeally feelin' that lack of optimization today...))


As the fighting starts Viss just stands there in sheer disbelieve of what is happening. She should be happy that everyone in their group is working together as a team for once but still...
I knew it was a bad idea to come hear just assuming everything would be alright.
It suddenly dawns on her that everyone is already deep in battle as she just keeps standing there.
Ok, maybe now is not the time for an "I told you so".

She gestures to Tessa. The T- rex understands and rushes at one of the two Paladins attacking the construct.

((Ok, since Tessa is large I don't have to move her all the way up to the Paladin, which means that I don't have to fear an AoO, right? And if that is right she would basically only take a 5 ft step which means that she can make a full attack as well, right? If not adjust accordingly.)

Attack 1 Tessa: 1D20+19 = [9]+19 = 28
Bite Damage: 3D6+19 = [5, 5, 1]+19 = 30
Grab:1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26

2nd Attack Tessa: 1d20+9+5=1D20+14 = [2]+14 = 16
Bite Damage:3D6+19 = [6, 1, 5]+19 = 31
Grab: 1D20+16 = [14]+11 = 25

Bonus Attack Haste: 1D20+19 = [19]+19 = 38
Bite Damage: 3D6+19 = [1, 5, 5]+19 = 30
Grab: 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26

As soon as Tessa starts biting down on the Paladin Viss transforms into a dire tiger and pounces at one of the other Paladins.

((Charge attack at the Paladin on i10))

Bite attack: 1D20+23 = [11]+23 = 35
Damage: 2D6+7 = [3, 2]+7 = 12
Grab:1D20+18 = [17]+18 = 35

1st Claw: 1D20+23 = [16]+23 = 39
Damage: 2D4+7 = [1, 2]+7 = 10
Grab:1D20+18 = [2]+18 = 20

2nd Claw: 1D20+23 = [16]+23 = 39
Damage: 2D4+7 = [4, 4]+7 = 15
Grab: 1D20+18 = [11]+18 = 29

Extra Bite: 1D20+23 = [10]+23 = 33
Damage: 2D6+7 = [4, 1]+7 = 12
Grab: 1D20+18 = [2]+18 = 20

((I'm really missing my favored enemy bonuses this time... Updated the map, though Viss' icon needs to be large now as well.))
((Looks like you might be missing haste... You should both be getting one extra attack at full bab(also, +1 attack bonus, AC and reflex). BTW I believe that second grab should be at -5 since that was part of your second attack. Not 100% sure on that though. And finally, Instant enemy is a ranger's best friend(Assuming you didn't ditch spell casting on your ranger anyways).))


((The +1 I used, didn't know about the extra attacks. So Tessa gets another bite attack and me... do I get to choose one of the attacks? So either biting or clawing or do I get all three?))
((The +1 I used, didn't know about the extra attacks. So Tessa gets another bite attack and me... do I get to choose one of the attacks? So either biting or clawing or do I get all three?))

((you get one, so choose wisely(probably the bite since it looks like the most powerful).))
((I just moved into a new house today and won't have internet til tomorrow night. I'll take the enemies' next turn then. It's kind of impossible to do an enemy turn on mobile :p))
((Just realized I never updated the map to reflect Ciel mounting Thanatos. Updating that so there aren't unfortunate errors ending with Ciel eating a full attack from head paladin lady. XD.


EDIT: I just realized that mounting can be a free action and not a move action if you make a DC 20 ride check. Ciel's ride check is high enough that he literally can't fail that. Would it be ok for me to make a full attack instead of just one arrow before the enemies go?))
((Just realized I never updated the map to reflect Ciel mounting Thanatos. Updating that so there aren't unfortunate errors ending with Ciel eating a full attack from head paladin lady. XD.


EDIT: I just realized that mounting can be a free action and not a move action if you make a DC 20 ride check. Ciel's ride check is high enough that he literally can't fail that. Would it be ok for me to make a full attack instead of just one arrow before the enemies go?))

((If you can get it in before about 11pm EST, then yes. That's when I'm going to sit down and do the enemy turn))
((Sweet! Thanks. Looks like Menek's buff is going to get some mileage after all :D. For simplicity's sake, I'll just treat the attack that already got rolled as his haste attack and roll the rest here. If he happens to kill the paladin at H6, he'll put the rest towards the cleric Thanatos attacked. Just ignore sneak damage for those since he'd be out of that range increment.))

As Ciel leaps on to Thanatos and out of the head paladin's reach, he shoots her a smirk before directing his fire on the nearby paladin who's still unable to see him. He focuses and draws back his bow, preparing to unleash a volley upon his mark.

Death descends on you,
as you righteous lot struggle,
with a fight you sought.

With his preparation complete, he unleashes a barrage of unholy water-tipped arrows upon the paladin.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93030]Manyshot: 1D20 + 29 = [9]+29 = 38
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93031]Damage: 2D8 + 34 + 6D6 = [5, 3]+34+[2, 4, 6, 4, 3, 2] = 63
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93032]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 29 = [11]+29 = 40
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93033]Damage: 1D8 + 17 + 6D6 = [8]+17+[4, 1, 4, 2, 3, 2] = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93034]Ki Attack: 1D20 + 29 = [10]+29 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93035]Damage: 1D8 + 17 + 6D6 = [3]+17+[4, 4, 6, 3, 5, 3] = 45
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93036]Base Attack 2: 1D20 + 24 = [14]+24 = 38
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93037]Damage: 1D8 + 17 + 6D6 = [1]+17+[3, 4, 1, 6, 4, 1] = 37
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93038]Base Attack 3: 1D20 + 19 = [20]+19 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93039]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 19 = [20]+19 = 39 (DA FUQ)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=93040]Crit Damage: 3D8 + 51 + 6D6 = [1, 6, 3]+51+[1, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5] = 86
((Oof, dice guilt. Ciel must be reveling in the bad karma that hurt Sybil's rolls. At least with the way this fight started, the paladins can't say they never asked for this. XD))
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