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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((Oh my, if it really comes to a battle... well I guess I finally get to try out how powerful my summoning spells actually are. Even though the current situation leaves me with somewhat limited choices.
Edit: even if changing forms is a swift action for me, I probably should not try doing it in midair, right...right?))


((If it does come to a fight then Menek will try to buff FB and Ciel so they can go out in blazes of evil glory.))
<Alright, just promise that I don't get to see it until like 3 AM I get a chance to diffuse the situation if I need to (I am still salty about how Suvne almost lost her powers)>
((Okay then, let's assume that Ozzan'gac tries to stop Sybil.

How would the rest of you react to that? If everyone else's answer is "Wait and see what happens," or "Help Ozzan'gac," then we are not going to combat.

If anyone says "Attack Cecil," then we are going to combat. So sayeth the DM.

Nezumi, you can just change directly into a different form. You don't have to shift back to a catfolk first))


((Ah, good to know. I'm not entirely sure how Viss is going to react if Sybil attacks. She is kind of on the edge already and chances are that if someone else gets jumpy so will she..))


((If Sybil attacks and Ozzang'ac tries to restrain than Menek's actions will be determined by who wins the CMB/CMD roll off. If Sybil gets past and attacks Cecil then Menek will join in.))


((So, since her good alignment Viss isn't supposed to use spells that have an "evil descriptor". But I have no idea where I would find said descriptor in my spell list. Does it specifically has to say " evil" somewhere?))
<I don't even think Druid has any spells like that (Druid mostly has spells that deal with nature, including spells that replicate natural disasters). There aren't any real texts that state whether a spell is "evil" or not, It's mostly when Clerics choose their alignment and that determines whether they get Cure WOunds or Inflict Wounds, or the choice between either if they're neutral- I think even Wizards can choose Necromancy school of spells without worrying about alignment (at least as far as I can tell).>
((Oh my, if it really comes to a battle... well I guess I finally get to try out how powerful my summoning spells actually are. Even though the current situation leaves me with somewhat limited choices.
Edit: even if changing forms is a swift action for me, I probably should not try doing it in midair, right...right?))
((Unless you want to try to do something awesome like change into an elephant over Cecil and crush him, probably not. :) Oh wait, just saw the DM message, so if it's another flying thing there you go.

Yeah, Ciel will give Sybil shit during and afterwards, and be mad about jettisoning the reward from Heironeus, but he'll jump in the fight if it's happening. Combat wise, he'll probably set up quarry and move towards Cecil on round one, and in round two get in a flanking position to unload a full attack before getting slaughtered. Blaze of evil glory indeed.

EDIT: also saw the evil spell question just now. Spells that have that have it next to the school. For example, epidemic is considered an evil spell if you look that first line right next to disease in the brackets. That said, it's not a druid exclusive spell, just one they have, so most of what you'd be using still won't have that.))
((Okay, so here is what's happening.

Combat has started. Ozzan'gac's action in Round 1 is to try and grapple Sybil.

Sybil will have an RP post, at the end of which she will make the opposed grapple roll vs Ozzan'gac. Then, she will take her turn.

Then, everyone else will take their turns.

If you have time to type up a turn and an accompanying RP, then maybe do so and store it somewhere else, ready to post after Jackben goes.

This combat is in midair, so it should be interesting! I can't make a map right now, but everyone is within charging distance of Cecil.

Also don't worry about rolling initiatuve. For this one. It just makes more sense if we don't, given the circumstances))
((Ciel said he's going for it regardless so combat is happening. Unless I misunderstood Axel))
((Well, it is contingent on Sybil at least trying to start combat, but yeah, if she goes for it, so will he.

Ciel's kind of got his own internal battle going on. For him, it's the benefit of getting a reward from a god versus the joy of killing a major paladin and condemning an entire kingdom to death. It's on a tight balancing scale right now, so if Sybil tips it, it's going down.))
((Well then, all the more reason to attack. If that was the case, he'd have initiated combat himself by now. I should go back and read the posts where Heironeus spoke to the party.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
It will not stand. Sybil looks to the faces of her allies and shudders in anger. She peers into the horizon at the fading light in the sky, its perpetual orange glow while just days ago appearing serene, now just one more thing that feels fraudulent and offensive. Finally she looks up at Cecil and fights her way through the mire of her thoughts.

'How dare he take order into his own hands and spit upon the rule of the Astral Sea? What gives him the right, the accursed conviction of his ideals and the audacity to claim moral superiority? Was this how she was seen by Ciel and Fleshbane?'

"You decadent fool..." she curses under her breath, her hands trembling. Flying closer to Cecil, the paladin finally breaks her silence.

"Your crusade is a disruption of the balance of nature. You mock my allies and their efforts. Your blasphemy astounds me. When I first gazed upon your visage I was inspired by your righteous appearance to aspire to greater faith. And now, the longer I spend in your presence, the more my arm is inspired to take my blade to your throat."

Drawing her sword she points it directly at Fairhaven, inditing him and placing her smite upon him. As she delivers her charge her voice shrill and cracking upon each capital word.

"I will destroy you in the name of no authority but my own! YOU do NOT get to create order! YOU do NOT get to decide what is LAW! I AM an instrument of the law! I CREATE ORDER! I DECIDE who will live and I say DEATH is the fate of all mortal souls! I will wrest your stolen power from you and deliver the fallen souls of your kingdom to the Astral Sea, beginning with YOU!"

Sybil will have an RP post, at the end of which she will make the opposed grapple roll vs Ozzan'gac.
<It shouldn't work that way. if Ozzang'ac's 38 on his CMB check beats her CMD, then she is grappled and forced to try and break out on her turn.>
"Wait, what are you doing you imbec-" Ciel stops mid-shouting as the implications of Sybil's attack have him rethink Heironeous's request. He had been operating off the assumption that they were to save Cecil, but thinking back, the request was more to stop him. It dawns on the assassin that he has been needlessly well-mannered and tempered on this trip for no reason. Well that's a bitch.

He takes a moment to savor the situation before him. Her royal haughtiness has lost at the only person that could have a bigger head than her: another paladin. He is witnessing the burning out of one, quite possibly two, paladins. This is now the best day ever. He wishes he could get an archon to summon a beach chair for him and just watch, but regrettably, it will take a group effort to off Cecil.

"You know what? Fuck it, who am I to bitch about acting unilaterally?" He shouts to Thanatos in necril, "Let's do this! We've got a paladin to hunt!" He focuses his gaze on Cecil, taking in what weaknesses in his armor and form he can find to exploit.

((Mounting Thanatos and taking Cecil as quarry for Ciel's first turn. Keeping Thanatos and Ciel well out of melee range of Cecil, but close enough to where Thanatos can fly adjacent to him and flank with Sybil/Ozzang'ac/whoever else is in melee range with Cecil next turn.))
((Ooh, yeah... for some reason I thought we were on the deck of the maelstrom. In that case, yeah, he's been on Thanatos all along, and is just basically telling him it's time to go in on Cecil. Looks like it's editing time!))
((Sybil CMD = 32, she wouldn't use an AoO to attack Ozzang'ac, so she is grappled))

Sybil struggles against Ozzang'ac's watery limbs. "LET ME GO!"

CMB to break grapple: 1D20+20 = [5]+20 = 25

Try as she might, she cannot force her way through elemental's crushing strength. She attempts to smite Fairhaven even as she fights in vain against the monk's expert grip.

Concentration Check: 1D20+12+7 = [11]+12+7 = 30
Ozzang'ac keeps a tight grip, Cecil already too far away anyhow to be attacked by her, "He's allowed us an out and I've already given up positional advantage. We can't let Cecil take advantage of our rashness."
Ciel looks at Ozzang'ac with contempt as he circles around and says "No, fuck that. She lashed at him, the damage is done. You can get your position back in a manner of seconds, as can Sybil if you just let the bitch go. I'm as guilty of forgetting as you, but stopping him is still part of our mission, remember?"
"We can defeat Cecil here and now.. but that is not what we are going to do." he commands, "We can still return to the Astral Sea to find out any way to convince the Raven Queen to enable dialogue or find out how to recover the Tear's power. Safely."

<Cecil can now cast 11th level spells without taking an AoO (and even then he probably had a kickass metamagic to avoid that to begin with). I would say that we're screwed now if we fight him.>


((So, Viss is going to summon stuff, I just wanted to ask some questions first. If the creature I'm summoning normally has an attack+14 would augmented summoning make that into a +16 since the +4 on strength?))
((So, Viss is going to summon stuff, I just wanted to ask some questions first. If the creature I'm summoning normally has an attack+14 would augmented summoning make that into a +16 since the +4 on strength?))

((Yes, and an extra +2 hp per HD from the con bonus))
((I don't think our chances are too bad. We didn't start off in a favorable position with the Balor either, and 11th level is just metamagiced 9th or lower level spells, so that's not a massive jump from the Balor either. There are probably going to be casualties again, but I think we've got this. Besides, if we wipe, that's about the same consequence wise as just not fighting him.

Yeah, +4 strength would mean +2 to attack, along with whatever bonuses augmented summoning gives.))


((OK, I think I got everything I need then.))

With every word Cecil says. Viss blood seems to turn hotter and hotter. The smugness with which he thinks himself above the most central law of nature is too much for her and when he simply ignores her correction of his false assumptions, the struggle not to fly in his face and claw his fucking eyes out seems unbearable.

But attacking now would be stupid. There are still unanswered questions and maybe with some planning they might even be able to gain some more advantages.

She cringes when Cecil seems to agree with Fleshbane. The whole fact that you share the same opinion with that thing should be enough to show you that you are wrong.

But still, obviously this isn't the best time for a fight and as Cecil turns to leave Viss spreads her wings and leaps from her perch on Mako's shoulder to continue their flight to the Phoenix Maelstrom.

She hasn't flapped her wings once, when she hears Sybil yell behind her. It seems the palladin shares Viss' view on the situation but had less of a hold on her temper. Well, that's a first...

Still, if even Sybil wants to give the guy the beating he deserves Viss doesn't see a reason why she should stay back.

She sees how Ozz interferes with Sybil's attack but doesn't care anymore. Sorry Ozz. No turning back now.

Circling higher, Viss fixes her gaze on Cecil. So the guy wanted to defy nature, huh. Well, let's see how he liked nature defying him.

((Summon nature's alley VI. I opted for the 1d3 level five creatures version. Viss will summon two large air elementals. If I can choose where they pop up I'll have them left and right of Cecil so that they can flank him. Viss herself will stay a little out of reach for the time being.))
((I don't think our chances are too bad. We didn't start off in a favorable position with the Balor either, and 11th level is just metamagiced 9th or lower level spells, so that's not a massive jump from the Balor either. There are probably going to be casualties again, but I think we've got this. Besides, if we wipe, that's about the same consequence wise as just not fighting him.

Yeah, +4 strength would mean +2 to attack, along with whatever bonuses augmented summoning gives.))

((that is assume he has no epic level spells... alright I think TL mentioned something about it before. either way, metamagic is no joke either. he can maximize 8th level spells or some shit. at least one i looked at would put me down to 2 hp assuming i made the fort save(my fort sucks, so that is unlikely and in this case even if you survive taking full damage you get stunned for one round). and that is just assuming he sticks with damage spells. this guy could meta magic miracles if he really wanted to...))
this guy could meta magic miracles if he really wanted to...))
Moving you and your allies, with all your and their gear, from one plane to a specific locale through planar barriers with no chance of error.
<Yeah, not technically a death but would waste our time either way especially if we aren't able to get back to the Maelstrom easily because of something like this.>
((This guy is a beast, and he has the potential for some nasty stuff if optimized, but I play my enemies in character so he's not gonna do anything obscene.

I home brewed him, BTW, so if he does things that aren't necessarily consistent with the rules, overall just go with it, unless you really really need to make sure.

I think we just need actions from Mako, Menek, and Fleshbane.

Also KM, you were right about the grapple check. I got my wires crossed between PF and 3.5 for a minute :p Sorry about that))


((We need to go back to the Observatory anyway. The worst that could happen is a TPK that gets us there faster.))

Let her go Ozzang'ac. Menek says coldly We are already in a fight

((If Ozzang'ac lets Sybil go can she take her action or is the first round wasted. We've got action economy on our side. Also what's everyone else planning to do? Want to coordinate. Are we in surprise right now?))


((My first round was spent in the summoning. I can't do anything else. Next round I was gonna casr greater magic fang to buff one of the elementals I summoned. Otherwise I was gonna stay out of direct battle for the moment.))
((Ozz used his action to grapple Sybil, and will have to wait until his next round to let her go (as a free action). Delaying won't be useful to Menek, and plus he can already see that the rest of the party is moving in on Cecil so he may as well take his turn now))
<I feel like I made a huge mistake doing the grapple. This whole thing is a huge mess.

I only really grappled because Azih wanted to see what happened before making a decision. If I skip my next turn after this one (and this one) can you let Sybil take her turn?>
((KM, I don't see it as a mess at all. It was in character and everyone is clear on what's happening. Menek's decision to wait and see was rendered irrelevant by the fact that Ciel is moving in regardless, and Viss is following right behind him.

Everything is fine :) Everybody knows exactly what they're doing. The only unknown is exact positioning, but that's not as big a deal when there's only one enemy. We are proceeding as normal))


((Well Menek was just 'delaying' because he wouldn't have been the first to attack :D ))

((Sorry for the confusion KM and prompting the CMB roll, but Menek's actions were completely dependent on whether Sybil would have been able to attack Ciel or not since nobody else was making the first move. Anyway it's all good I think. ))

((Round One))

((Standard Action Split Hex))
Menek waves his hand and grants a Fortune Hex to Ciel and Fleshbane.

((Text: The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 2 rounds. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made.))

((Move Action Studied Combat))

Menek focuses on Cecil, noting how he moves, and acts, and the kind of armor he wears. He may be a demi-god, but this was a recent occurrence, the golding paladin still moved like the martial swordsman that he had been.

((Grants self +6 to attack/damage for 8 rounds))

((Swift Action Use one point of inspiration for Inspirational Expertise))

Delving into everything he has learned about Cecil and having studied him on two occasions now Menek has enough insight to give some advice to his compatriots.

He may be barely human at this point but he still moves and acts like it! And he is alone!

((Everbody around Menek gets +4 to attack for one round. So I think Ceil and Flesbane and Mako can use it Round One. Viss and Ozzang'ac and Sybil can use it Round Two as they already went before Menek))

((Oh yeah))
Ratbreath meanwhile drops like a rock out of Menek's cloak with a strangled hoot and finds a rock on the ground to try and burrow under
((That's the Swift and Immediate and Move and Standard Action from Ratbreath))
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