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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((I'm guessing my elementals can't profit from that buff next round, can they?))

((Unfortunately no. I think they've got to be out at the time of the act. I'd hold off on it but I fear Ciel and/or Fleshbane might be dead in a round.))
((Unfortunately no. I think they've got to be out at the time of the act. I'd hold off on it but I fear Ciel and/or Fleshbane might be dead in a round.))

((This is correct. Summoning creatures is a full-round action, and they don't appear until the beginning of your next turn, so they are not around to receive Menek's buff))


((I can hit with Cecil with a Hex next round to take 4 off HIS AC though which is functionally the same thing and guaranteed. Whether it's useful or not depends on what kind of AC he has. His saves are probably ridiculous. I guess Reflex might be the 'weakest'?))


((I'm also gonna try and get him trapped in a whirlwind from my elementals. Should that succeed it might keep him from slinging around nasty spells for a round or two. Though it probably won't succeed...))
((Mako attack on round one? have you even been paying attention?))

"I think this battle would have been best saved for later, and I don't even want to get into the whole idea of not caring if we get killed, but if you insist on doing this..." Mako says as she begins dancing(+3 attack and damage). She then casts haste(+1 attack ac and reflex), to get the party really started.

Mike M

Nick N
((Well, I'm going to guess with Cecil's saves, Fleshbane's psi powers aren't going to do him a terrible amount of good. Going to go all YOL... uh... Well, you know what I mean. Also, since we're airborne, not sure how charging and leaping rules apply? A lot of the text speaks about attack bonuses when you land, but we don't actually land, sooo... Hopefully I do appreciably more damage than he can regen in a single round : /))

Cackling wildly, Fleshbane instantly shoots forward at maximum speed, a gleaming projectile of jagged metal aimed straight for Cecil's center of mass. Though he would be loathe to disclose it to his inferiors, he has calculated that the best probability of victory for him is to deliver a lethal blow as quickly as possible.

((Going to take the good Fortune Hex to reroll attack. Haste and Inspirational Expertise stack, right?))

Attack v. Cecil: 1d20+16+4+1=37
Reroll attack v.Cecil: 1d20+16+4+1=29

Damage:  1d8+2d6+6=20
Cecil spins around in shock at the fellow paladin's outburst, and is equally dumbstruck by Ozzan'gac's valiant efforts to hold her back.

It would have been left at that and he would have continued on his way, if Ciel didn't break ranks with Ozzan'gac and fly in a perimiter around the king, obviously attempting to block his escape.

Things are only made worse by Viss using summon magic and Menek throwing out magical buffs on his allies.

And then Fleshbane charges him. The unholy vorpal blade cleaves a gash into Cecil's shining, holy armor, and draws blood.

His eyes shrink and his lips curl.

"So be it," he says quietly, and yet the sound carries easily to the ears of each party member. "I fained to release you unharmed, and yet you choose to ambush me with my back turned. Very well, then - if you wish to battle, then I shall grant it!"

He raises both arms, and clouds spontaneously materialize above the battlefield. Thunder rumbles and lightning strikes; a torrential downpour drenches the party as gale-force winds threaten to blow them away.

Cecil himself, however, appears unhindered. He looks as though he is about to retaliate against Fleshbane, but then he is suddenly gone.

....And he appears adjacent to Ciel, floating just slightly above Thanatos. He heaves all his might into a merciless strike with his longsword.

((Fleshbane's attack connected.

Cecil casts a Quickened Control Weather (I'm aware of the casting time disparity. DM fiat.) The winds are Severe; medium flying creatures need to make a DC 20 Fly check at a -8 penalty, or they can't move. Small flying creatures need to make a DC 25 Fly check at a -8 penalty or else they're blown away (this includes Falcon Viss. If she fails the save, she is blown back 60 feet and takes 6 nonlethal damage).

Ciel must make a Ride check at DC 20 or he falls off of Thanatos.

Then he teleports adjacent to Ciel and Power Attacks him for 6 with a Smite Evil.

38 vs AC. Ciel takes 40 damage.

Begin Round 2! Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55b6c62acc72b

Also, Ozzan'gac can behave as though he's actually in water, due to the rainstorm))
((Defering until Menek casts his AC debuff if he's still doing that, then doing Ciel's turn typed up below))

Ride: 1D20 + 19 = [1]+19 = 20

((Oof, though I don't think skill checks auto fail on a 1. That's just attacks, right? I can retype if necessary.))

((Turn retconned for now, RP stuff coming later))

Everything is seeming to go wonderfully, with the party squabbling as they descend upon the haughty paladin. And then the storm comes. The winds catch Ciel utterly off guard, but his experience with riding Thanatos allows him to stay on board the vulture. However, the greater degree of concentration leaves him defenseless against Cecil's sudden teleport strike. Ciel winces as the blade leaves a large cut in its wake.

It is a worst case scenario for Ciel after all. He is probably not getting out of this one alive, but he was prepared for this, and knows the best he can do is inflict as much hurt on Cecil as possible before he goes down. Luckily, not all is grim. Thanatos's bulk leaves the bird relatively unaffected by the storm that seems to be pressing most of the others. Thanatos flies along a diagonal path before making a near-180 degree turn with a grace none but Ciel have seen from the vulture so far. Safely pulled up alongside Cecil, Ciel prepares to make the best use he can of his gambit.

"The paladin sighs,
as servants of gods strike back.
Can't blame evil now."

His focus set, Ciel unleashes as many unholy-water coated arrows as he can manage. He has no idea if the unholy water will actually make a difference here, but every little thing to sway the odds in their favor helps. In an attempt to help, Thanatos also takes a bite at Cecil.

((Taking Thanatos along a long route to AB/89, and then moving south one to flank Cecil with Fleshbane. This route should avoid any AoOs, and wingover ought to let Thanatos make the turn from AB/89 to BC/89 without having to roll a fly check. Making a full round attack with Ciel.))

((MID-POST EDIT: I forgot to add the +2 from quarry, so those first two attacks should be +34.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94495]Manyshot: 1D20 + 34 = [17]+34 = 51
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94496]Damage: 2D8 + 40 + 6D6 = [3, 6]+40+[4, 1, 6, 1, 5, 4] = 70
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94497]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 32 = [20]+32 = 52 (Auto Confirmed)[/url]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94498]Damage: 3D8 + 60 + 6D6 = [5, 6, 2]+60+[2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 2] = 93
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94499]Ki Attack: 1D20 + 34 = [13]+34 = 47
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94500]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [8]+20+[6, 1, 5, 6, 5, 5] = 56
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94501]Haste Attack: 1D20 + 34 = [10]+34 = 44
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94502]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [8]+20+[3, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2] = 53
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94503]Base Attack 2: 1D20 + 29 = [11]+29 = 40
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94504]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [8]+20+[1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 5] = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94505]Base Attack 3: 1D20 + 24 = [17]+24 = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94507]Base Attack 3 Reroll (Gotta shoot for 20): 1D20 + 24 = [5]+24 = 29
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94506]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [8]+20+[2, 3, 2, 1, 6, 1] = 43
((Forgot Thanatos's bite))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94508]Vital Strike Bite: 1D20 + 12 = [18]+12 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94509]Damage: 6D6 + 9 = [6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 4]+9 = 34

((EDIT: just realized I forgot Mako's dance bonuses, so all the attack and damage rolls should be 3 higher (9 for the crit if that damage is subjected to crit multipliers))
((Cecil didn't teleport back to his original position. He stayed adjacent to Ciel. You may want to rethink your turn.

Also I named the file incorrectly so the sprite is called 'Cyrus'. My bad.

Your ride check is fine. You won't even need to roll for it since you still succeed on a natural 1))
((Ah, gotcha. The map threw me off. In that case, Ciel will defer his turn to see if someone flanks Cecil with him. If I can keep those rolls, I will. If no one does that, I'll try and come up with something else. Either way, I'll do up another RP post when it's time for his actual turn.))


((Shouldn't the elementals Viss summoned be somewhere on that map now? Do I need to make a save for them as well, they are large. I guess I can't turn myself into some other animal before attempting the save?

Edit: Doesn't matter since...))

Fly:1D20+12 = [13]+12 = 25

((Close one. I type up a post as soon as I know where my summoned creatures ended up.))
Mako, not having many options right now, attempts a dispel magic on the control weather effect, and anything else he might have hopefully. (I assume i can either target him, to get rid of the control weather effect since its centered on him. otherwise my turn my have to change).

Greater Dispel magic: (1d20+12=27)

((This is actually a really good roll, that i now realize will like do nothing because he would damn near have to have over 20 caster levels wouldn't he? God i wish i could mythic surge right now...))
Ozzang'ac quickly realizes his error once the others begin attacking Cecil. He lets go of Sybil and apologizes, "I'm sorry..."

He swims around the newly summoned air elementals to join them in surrounding Cecil. He calls out to the Paladin, "I am left no choice but to fight you now. For such a powerful being, you have made two mistakes: you try to control the elements but only give us a home, and most importantly... that wasn't a kraken that destroyed my kingdom." Verily, a kraken is easily identifiable as little more than a collossal octupus that destroys ships. Whatever abomination that destroyed his home was larger than the kingdom itself.

Ozzang'ac decides to attack Cecil normally, not only to give a chance for the air elementals to work, but remembering what Fleshbane can do to escape his grip.

Attack Roll (Buffs: +4 Inspirational Expertise, +1 Haste, +3 Bard, +1 Water); Damage (+3 Bard, +1): 1D20+24+4+1+3+1 = [18]+24+4+1+3+1 = 51
3D6+2+10+3+1 = [3, 2, 4]+2+10+3+1 = 25

He throws out a swift yet forceful slug at the man's face.

<I believe the Tomb bonuses let that bypass damage reduction as well.>



((Hm. I'm wondering if it is worth it to at least attack directly this round so that Menek's bonus is not wasted. So if I turn Viss into a giant falcon can I use Flyby Attack to get at least some damage in or am I too far away?))


Wobbling on his damn stick, without which he is convinced his attempts at diplomacy would have been more effective, Menek struggles against the gale force winds summoned by Cecil. Not looking to move Menek flings out an arm and casts Evil Eye on Cecil, dropping his ability to protect himself. ((-4 AC till either Round 3 or Round 13 depending on Will save DC 24)). Then laughs to extend the duration of the Hex. ((Cackle to extend Hex on Cecil to Round 4 or 14. It also extends the Fortune on Ciel and Fleshbane to be active until Round 3. Yaaay cackle!)).

((How's your HP looking Ciel?))
((Hm. I'm wondering if it is worth it to at least attack directly this round so that Menek's bonus is not wasted. So if I turn Viss into a giant falcon can I use Flyby Attack to get at least some damage in or am I too far away?))

((You could easily do that, assuming that you can Wild Shape as a swift action (I can't remember if you took the feats for that or not). A giant falcon's fly speed is 80 feet, which is 16 squares. Just make sure to change your size on the map (hold Shift and click-drag your icon).

KM, that's correct about your ability to ignore his DR))

Mike M

Nick N
((I have juuuuuust enough points in Fly that I can make that check with the penalty if I roll a perfect—))

Fly check: 1d20=15
[code]Fortune reroll Fly check: 1d20=15

((Still nope. Do we need to make this check every round that we want to move? I can toss out psi powers (I’m presuming the no ranged attacks doesn’t apply to that?), but I’m sure his fort saves are through the roof, so I doubt that’ll do much good.))

The light of Fleshbane’s arcane inner power source seems to grow even more sinister when contrasted against the darkened sky as it spills out between the joints of his mechanical form, his laughter carrying over the howling squall that has arisen around him without warning.

“Wind?” he taunts. “Rain? I am a Xenocide Unit! When the miserable worms of Skirn sought to end my kind, they left the planet a blistered wasteland of ash and decay. They brought about their own destruction, but we still survived, sifting through the remains of their pitiful civilization to find those who remained and finish the job that they themselves started! I was built to withstand the end of worlds, fleshling! Do you think inclement weather will stop me?”

((Actually, would Slip the Bonds apply to this? I had it in my mind that it was primarily to avoid grapples and entanglement, but the text seems to apply more broadly as a general Freedom of Movement effect. If Slip the Bonds works, he’ll do that. Otherwise, Force Screen.))

Mike M

Nick N
((With that as a standard action, I'll just move 10ft closer and get my +2AC bonus from his stance. No need to get adjacent when I can't attack this turn.))
((Ciel's at 67, but remember, negative energy for Ciel only. Menek would already know that from the end of the Abyss mission so it shouldn't be an issue if he has it.

Also, is Thanatos/Ciel good for flanking at the current location or do they need to back up five feet? I also have no idea if five-foot steps are a thing in the air.))
((Ciel's at 67, but remember, negative energy for Ciel only. Menek would already know that from the end of the Abyss mission so it shouldn't be an issue if he has it.

Also, is Thanatos/Ciel good for flanking at the current location or do they need to back up five feet? I also have no idea if five-foot steps are a thing in the air.))

((You're good for flanking. I will also allow 5-foot steps while airborne, even though you won't need to make one here))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I plan to smite and then move into attack range or cast a spell, haven't decided. Sybil's fly is master level so the weather check should be a breeze. Will try and get a post up tonight back at the hotel))
((Sweet! In that case, I have an idea for maybe prolonging Ciel's life expectancy by another turn.))

Everything is seeming to go wonderfully, with the party squabbling as they descend upon the haughty paladin. And then the storm comes. The winds catch Ciel utterly off guard, but his experience with riding Thanatos allows him to stay on board the vulture. However, the greater degree of concentration leaves him defenseless against Cecil's sudden teleport strike. Ciel winces as the blade leaves a large cut in its wake.

It is a worst case scenario for Ciel after all. He is probably not getting out of this one alive, but he was prepared for this, and knows the best he can do is inflict as much hurt on Cecil as possible before the paladin inevitably strikes him down. Luckily, there seems to be some hope. Thanatos's bulk leaves the bird relatively unaffected by the storm that seems to be pressing most of the others. Whereas many of the others are struggling against the winds, the bear-sized vulture is relatively unaffected. It is when Ozzang'ac rushes behind Cecil and throws a strong punch that Ciel sees his opportunity.

Whereas Cecil probably expects Ciel to flee after being dealt such a sudden and major blow, the assassin holds his ground in front of him, using the close range to negate the dilemma of shooting through a storm and Ozzang'ac's favorable positioning to lock down their foe. Readying seven of his unholy-water coated arrows, he hopes this attack overwhelms the paladin's defenses enough to leave Cecil desperate to mend his wounds.

"The paladin sighs,
as servants of gods strike back.
Can't blame evil now."

The arrows towards the perceived weak points in Cecil's armor, exacerbated by Menek's hex. Ciel can't be sure that the unholy water makes any real difference, but every little thing that shifts the advantage in their favor helps.

With any luck, the attack utterly surprised Cecil and gravely wounded him, as it required Ciel to face down the paladin and not retreat, a move he may very well regret in a manner of seconds. Well, I've done about all I can. You fuckers better kill this guy, because I'm not so sure I'll get a second chance to strike.
((Keeping Ciel's attack rolls from the above post, and it looks like Thanatos can't move without nullifying the attack, so *gulp* staying adjacent to Cecil and keeping Thanatos's attack. Map is as it was before my turn))
((Axel, read the answer to the question on this page. It contains a lot of variables (feats known, tricks known, etc) that you would know better than I would.

If you have the appropriate feats, make the Handle Animal check as outlined in that link. If you don't have the appropriate feats, then you're not allowed to take a Full Attack when your mount, so you'll have a decision to make.

If you are able to roll the Handle Animal check, and you pass the check (DCs are outlined in the link), Thanatos can withdraw. If you fail the check, he just moves away normally and you'll eat the AoO))
((Yeah, I went to look at mounted combat while you were typing that up and saw the bit about mounts using my move action to move. That throws a wrench in things, I should have read up on that more before doing my initial turn. I don't have mounted skirmisher, and while Thanatos does have the flee trick which might work, I don't think that will cut it without mounted skirmisher going off the page you linked. If that's the case, Ciel will stand his ground and hope that the attack did enough damage to let the others finish him off, with or without him.

EDIT: just saw this on the http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Mounted-Combat page.
You can use ranged weapons while your mount is taking a double move, but at a &#8211;4 penalty on the attack roll. You can use ranged weapons while your mount is running (quadruple speed) at a &#8211;8 penalty. In either case, you make the attack roll when your mount has completed half its movement. You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving. Likewise, you can take move actions normally.

So I'm not sure where the answer is getting the you have to have mounted skirmisher to make a full attack idea from. That said, it says you have to make the attack halfway through the animal's movement, and that would not only screw up the flanking, but you said it can't happen in this weather. So I think Ciel's staying besides Cecil regardless, death sentence it may be. I edited my turn accordingly. Also just realized I butchered stable gallop and the motion rules in my initial type-up. Stable gallop would only reduce the penalty by 1, and I thought it was by 2. Also, no moving means I don't think there is a penalty, which would actually make all his attack rolls two points higher. I'm going through the mounted combat rules again to try and make sure I'm not messing things up more.

Stupid mounted combat rules I've never had to use before now. XD))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil glares at Ozzang'ac as he finally releases her from his watery grip. Before she can speak, a terrible wind buffets the team and pelts the paladin's armor like watery hail. Summoning her strength, Sybil initiates a maneuver to remain abreast of the gale.

Fly Check: 1D20+16 = [18]+16 = 34

Twisting free of the storm, Sybil surges toward Fairhaven, casting Freya's divine judgment upon him in a smite as she closes the distance and swings upon him.

((Smite on Cecil then a single attack))

Attack vs Cecil: 1D20+17+7+4+1 = [3]+17+7+4+1 = 32

((If my movement ability or action economy is wrong let me know and I'll cast blessing of fervor on everyone instead))
Sybil glares at Ozzang'ac as he finally releases her from his watery grip. Before she can speak, a terrible wind buffets the team and pelts the paladin's armor like watery hail. Summoning her strength, Sybil initiates a maneuver to remain abreast of the gale.

Fly Check: 1D20+16 = [18]+16 = 34

Twisting free of the storm, Sybil surges toward Fairhaven, casting Freya's divine judgment upon him in a smite as she closes the distance and swings upon him.

((Smite on Cecil then a single attack))

Attack vs Cecil: 1D20+17+7+4+1 = [3]+17+7+4+1 = 32

((If my movement ability or action economy is wrong let me know and I'll cast blessing of fervor on everyone instead))

((I assume with haste you have 40' fly(20 normal, +20 haste), so horizontally, you can reach him, but if you are on the ground and he is in the air, you move at half speed if you are going up at more then a 45 degree angle. so uhh... idk how high you both are so idk(and i'd be too lazy to math it out anyways). although, assuming neither of those air elementals are in the way, you could probably charge him. maybe.))


((Yeah, they gonna attack, but I'm still pondering if it would be better to buff one of them in the hopes of getting at least one hit in or attack with Viss. Their current attack is a mere +19 since they neither got the buff from Menek nor the haste from Mako. I'm gonna need some really lucky rolls to hit Cecil...)


((Here's a crazy idea.Would Viss doing a flyby grapple on Ciel to get him out of Cecil's way by actually valid? Or would that provoke an AOO as well?))
((I'll allow the action, and if Ciel is willing to be picked up then no grapple check will be necessary, but Cecil would get to make an AoO against either target, and spoiler alert: he'll be making it against Ciel))
<I don't know how a flyby grapple works but as long as she never crosses a threatened square then I can see it not provoking AoO.

I think you can also drag him if you have enough load for it.

EDIT: based on this line, dragging might be preferable

An enemy being moved by a drag does not provoke an attack of opportunity because of the movement unless you possess the Greater Drag feat.

From what I can tell, you position yourself where you aren't adjacent to Cecil at any point while being next to Ciel, roll an attack roll vs. Ciel (don't roll damage) and every 5 points that roll beats Ciel's CMD adds to how far you can drag him (starting from 1 square of movement). This requires you having enough movement to pull off this feat though.>


((Lack of movement shouldn't be a problem at all. Shitty attack roll might be one though. Let's see what Axel says to this plan.)
((This is a pretty weird situation (the weather makes things difficult, everyone is airborne so a drag seems weird, and the rules only talk about dragging an enemy), so I'm going to modify things a little bit.

Rather than making an attack roll, Viss will have to make a Fly check with a DC of 25. If she fails, the maneuver still works, but Cecil will get his AoO. If she succeeds, then he won't get the AoO.

Either way, you'll accomplish the goal of getting Ciel away from Cecil (if he wants to). ))
((Yeah, I'll go along with that. Pretty sure Ciel is dying if he's still next to Cecil when the turn ends (he might still get rekt by Cecil anyway, but now there's a chance). ))
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