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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


Fly Check: 1D20+17 = [9]+17 = 26

With the elementals summoned Viss ponders what to do next as she sees Ciel getting a severe beating from Cecil. Without the possibility to hide and attack from a distance the assassin is having a hard time and is already bleeding from several wounds.

Transforming herself into a slightly larger version of her current form is a simple enough matter. Snatching Ciel from under the paladins nose however...

Beating her wings once, twice she dashes forward, the strong winds only a minor problem now that she is bigger. Her raptor eyes fixed on the assassin she stretches out her claws gripping him by the shoulders while at the same time making a sharp turn to get away from Cecil as far as possible.

Obviously not happy about his favorite victim getting hauled away from him, Cecil raises his sword to get in another blow but he is too slow and his blade only cuts the air where Ciel used to be.

((For some reason I can't select any of the player markers on the current map, only the grid...))

Meanwhile the elementals set to work on what they were called for but their hits proof to be useless against the paladin.

((Rolled a 1 for the first element and a 12 for the second one, not gonna bother with damage rolls.
Edit: Just realized both of them have two attacks... one moment... a 3 lol... but...))

Attack Elemental 2: 1D20+19 = [17]+21 = 38

Damage: 1D8+9 = [5]+11 = 16
((I think that was everyone. I can't type up my turn at the moment, but I know what I'll be doing. Viss, please roll two will saves and designate which one comes first, and then roll an Acrobatics check.

Ciel, please roll an Acrobatics check.
<If she's within 30' feet, spending 2 ki to give her the chance to reroll her second Will Save. I can't help with the Acrobatic rolls, though>


Ozzang'ac has a sudden flash of the future when he notices Viss afflicted with some kind of spell. He calls out loudly a warning of what is about to happen as soon as Cecil casts his spell.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94636]Acrobatics: 1D20 + 15 = [6]+15 = 21
((Not the best roll, hopefully it's enough to keep Ciel from surprise skydiving))


((Damn I forgot the +2 from flanking. Would 33 have hit? Because then I'd need to roll the damage for the 12 I rolled as well.))
((If that works, I'll do it, otherwise I think I'll cast Bull's Strength Mass on the group surrounding Cecil. Not sure if it stacks with any bonuses that are flying around already, though.))

((BTW this is an enchantment bonus, so it wouldn't stack with belts of str and the like, which i assume most people have at this point. and in ciel's case, if he doesn't have an adaptive bow, increasing his str will be of little use, unless he switches his weapon.))


((I opted for a dexterity belt and the elementals don't have anything as well. Though Fleshbane might be out of reach for the spell to work on him...
But first I gotta see if I don't get blasted out of the sky by some übermagic, before I decide what I do next.))
((Yeah, gotta see how this goes. Though if it works, Ciel does have an adaptive bow, and since strength is his dump stat, a little extra would be fine.))
Cecil reels back from a series of pinpoint arrow-strikes, and is blindsided by Ozzan'gac's fierce blow as well. He prepares to retaliate against the ninja, when from out of nowhere Viss swoops by, plucking Ciel off of Thanatos and out of Cecil's immediate threat range.

Eyes narrowing, Cecil waves his hand in the direction of Viss and Ciel.

Viss can feel powerful divine magicks attempting to interfere with her body's natural ability to change forms, threatening to return her to the form of a catfolk. She is able to resist the spell.

Tessa is not.

Seemingly from out of nowhere, the large dinosaur is forcibly transformed out of her tiny figurine form, materializing on top of Viss and suddenly, unexpectedly weighing her down.

Aware of the fact that he is now surrounded by heavy-hitting melee warriors, Cecil then teleports to a less hostile portion of the mid-air battlefield. He activates an aura that Menek feels trying to affect him, and then casts a spell to mend some of the damage.

Fleshbane notes that although most of Cecil's wounds heal at least a little bit, the blow that he struck with the Balor's Unholy Vorpal Blade is not closing at all.

((Swift Action: Quickened True Form, targeting Viss and Tessa.

Nezumi, sorry that I didn't have you roll Tessa's will save, but I didn't realize that the spell affected multiple targets until I set out to write this post, and it was way too cool a development to just let it go. I rolled Tessa's save myself and she got a natural 2, which is nowhere near enough.

Viss has a choice of either keeping Tessa on her back, which will cause her to slowly descend toward the ground and unable to move, or ejecting Tessa, making her fall 60 feet to the ground.

No matter which choice she makes, Viss must roll a d20 and add her Strength modifier + half her level. If the result is less than 20, she loses her grip on Ciel and Ciel falls to the ground.

Cecil's move action: Teleport to H5.

Cecil's standard action: Cast Heal on himself and regain 150 HP.

Cecil's Aura: Whenever you start your turn adjacent to Cecil and he didn't attack you on his previous turn, you have to make a DC 20 Will Save. If you fail it, you can't attack him, target him with a spell, or include him in a spell's area of effect during that turn. This is mind-affecting, so Fleshbane would be immune to it.

This was actually supposed to be in effect from the beginning, I just forgot to point it out. I don't think it would have affected anyone so it's cool.

I think that covers everything. Begin Round 3. Map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55b92a8d293bd
((Do you have any magic to shrink Tessa back down? If not, fun time with choices indeed. Waiting to see what happens with that before doing anything with Ciel. If he falls, I might try to have Thanatos rush over and catch him, though I don't know how (or if) that would work mechanically.))


((only if menek is threatening him. i strongly suspect he isn't wielding a weapon though and doesn't have unarmed combat feat, so he probably isn't.))

((Well it feels really cheesy to retroactively say he totally had his rapier out during the conversation so no AOO :( ))
((So missed the part about him regenerating. since none of us other then fleshbane even have an evil weapon(or a +5 weapon), if we lose him or he just gets rid of that weapon somehow, this fight may actually be completely unwinable.

Or maybe I'm being stupid and he just has DR evil.))
Ozzang'ac quickly darts downward after Viss, Tessa and Ciel as they begin to descend, hoping to stop their fall.

<I don't know the specific action to catch them would be, but it would definitely not be a grapple.>

((Well it feels really cheesy to retroactively say he totally had his rapier out during the conversation so no AOO :( ))
<IMO players having their weapons out should be a given unless they are caught by surprise in a battle.>
Ozzang'ac quickly darts downward after Viss, Tessa and Ciel as they begin to descend, hoping to stop their fall.

<I don't know the specific action to catch them would be, but it would definitely not be a grapple.>

<IMO players having their weapons out should be a given unless they are caught by surprise in a battle.>

((Yeah, its jsut a move action to pull out a weapon and you can do it for free when you move... then a gain if you have been spending your move action cackling, you might not have had a chance yet, unless you pulled it out before the battle, and seeing as at the time you were probably hoping for a peaceful solution, that would be unlikely... fuck idk.))


((I'm completely happy with taking a stab at Cecil if that seems alright to everyone! Probably when he told Ozzang'ac to let Sybil go he took his rapier out. Thanatos can probably save Ciel right?))

Mike M

Nick N
((If we can keep Tessa on Viss's back, can she do anything? Like, can she bite when Viss is adjacent? If not, I'd say the easy choice is to drop her.

Also, I have a +5 Greatsword if anyone has the stats to make use of it and can get adjacent to me for a hand-off.

Also also, that reroll buff is still in effect for this round, right?

Also also also Fleshbane is totally gonna go HAM on Cecil this round, so he and Menek will probably have a flanking bonus unless Menek retreats.))
((I would agree, but then the whole not being evil thing comes into play. It brings so much unnecessary complication.:p

Without knowing anyone's stats/fears, I'm guessing Sybil is the only other one who could put that +5 great sword to good use.))


((Menek would be fine with waiting until after Fleshbane does his thing before taking a 5 foot step back. Actually would Menek need to pass the Fly check to take a 5 foot step back even?))
((I'm pretty sure sybil and ciel are the only other people who even have prof. with greatswords off hand...wait, viss can as well. although not while transformed.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sybil can cast blessing of fervor and then swap weapons with Fleshbane, unless you guys can think of something else. She has power attack and thanks to smite should be able to land some crushing blows if I can get a full attack out with decent rolls.))
((Sybil can cast blessing of fervor and then swap weapons with Fleshbane, unless you guys can think of something else. She has power attack and thanks to smite should be able to land some crushing blows if I can get a full attack out with decent rolls.))

((Well, if you can smite this guy, then you don't give a fuck about his dr anyways. although 2-handing a +5 greatsword might still be a noticeable increase in damage, idk what you normally use off hand.))
<Alright so... I would only need to find a way to pick up Tessa right? Viss and Ciel didn't get transformed into anything that prevents their flight?>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Well, if you can smite this guy, then you don't give a fuck about his dr anyways. although 2-handing a +5 greatsword might still be a noticeable increase in damage, idk what you normally use off hand.))
((yep, already smote him last turn. Sybil will be trying to attack either way just dunno if having the greatsword is a big enough bonus. She normally uses a longsword +2))


((Okay let's take care of stabby time first. As it's immediate and before Menek starts his turn Cecil's Aura doesn't apply))

Blanching as Cecil suddenly appears next to him, and, a bit insulted that Cecil considers such a low threat that he could cast a spell next to the investigator/witch with impunity, Menek lashes out as Cecil starts casting his curative magic with a Studied Strike.

((OK, Menek has a BAB of 9, a Dex of 5, the weapon is +2 (and Keen), getting a +1 from haste, and +3 from bard buff, and +6 from studied combat, which means an attack bonus of 26, damage bonus is 5 dex, 2 weapon, 3 bard buff, and 6 studied combat for 16. Let me know if I got anything wrong. First stab of the game!))

1d20+26=29, 1d6+16+5d6=32

((Damn, roll of 3! Using 2 inspiration on the attack roll to add


Which is 36. Guys. Did I miss any buff? Any buff at all? Just a 1 somewhere, anywhere!))
((If he has a high enough dr, it might be worth it... though the lost attack bonus would likely be very noticeable. but then you are also a ranger vs your favored enemy... ehh.))

((Yeah, that's true. I started going through the math and it would have to be really high to make using the greatsword come out ahead (lost attacks plus a considerably lower chance of hitting mean the base damage output will be considerably lower). But if we're talking DR 20 it's probably worth it. Maybe Menek could figure out what's going on with some kind of knowledge roll?

Edit: Any bonuses from weapon focus or anything like that?))

Mike M

Nick N
The moment Cecil recovers from his encounter with Viss and Ceil and appears next to Menek, Fleshbane is already hurtling toward him. Unimpeded by the weather, he leaves a glowing after trail against the darkened sky and flashing lightning as he holds his sword at the ready to strike in his flight.

“Are you surprised, Cecil?” he calls over the howling wind. “Have we somehow taken you unawares? I thought a man who could realize the truth of gods and godhood to be smarter than that, but once again fleshbrains only exceed my expectations for disappointment. You who call me a psychopath, you who knows my nature, you whom I have already told has no need to read my mind because I would freely share my desire for your destruction! Would you be similarly surprised to be struck by a viper that you coddle to your chest? What did you think would happen when you turn your back on me?”

Stopping before Cecil, he holds his sword up above his head, unimpeded by the holy aura that emanates from the usurper paladin. “I find the fact that our views overlap to such a degree to be a fascinating anomaly, but ultimately it cannot overcome what drives the two of us to our mutual destruction. Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I first encountered you. There are 387.44 million meters of wafer-thin printed circuits that fill my chassis. If the word ‘hate’ was engraved on every nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of meters it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for fleshlings at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate."

The sword falls.

Attack v. Cecil: 1d20+16+1(Haste)+2(Flanking)=38
((Gah, so clooooooooose to vorpaling him!))
Confirming Crit: 1d20+19=37
Damage: 1d8+2d6+6=19
Bonus Crit Damage: 1d8+2d6+6=20
((I really need to find ways to up my DPS, this shit is unacceptable… Not sure how much of an attack bonus the Battle Fervor would grant?))


((I need to know if I can cast with Tessa on my back. I need to go to bed know so any real post has to wait till tomorrow, though there is no way Viss will deliberately drop Tessa. Maybe someone can cast airwalk on her???))
((You guys are doing fine with planning things out. Menek can get his rapier swing in if he wants to.

Just remember that if you want to move and you're Medium sized, you need to make a DC 20 Fly check at a -8 penalty. Fleshbane is now exempted from this due to Freedom of Movement. Ciel is unable to move on his own at all though.

As for Thanatos. If Ciel is dropped, Thanatos won't be able to save him from landing, but he could go down and pick Ciel back up at least.

As for Tessa. Viss won't be able to stay level while supporting her weight so she'll quickly drop down and not be able to reach Cecil.

DeadPhoenix, when I mentioned Cecil's wounds closing, that was mostly from his Heal spell. This isn't unwinnable, and in fact Ciel came pretty close to taking him out in one round. That's why I had to work so hard to neuter him for at least a turn :p

Nezumi: You will need to make a Concentration Check. The check is a d20 + your caster level + your Wisdom modifier. The DC is 15 + the level of the spell you'd like to cast.

Edit: Holy hell this thread went into turbo drive in the last hour o_O))
He doesn't know how it happened. Somehow he saw Viss and Tessa returning to their stringy beast and land shark forms and began yelling it out.

Suddenly he almost witnesses it happening again just after warning Viss.. except only the land shark seems to have changed. How was his vision confirmed? Was this a gift Mystra gave him, or was his recent retraining so intense that he exceeded his own abilities from his creation?

The elemental swoops down through the rain, darting at the large land shark to free its weight off of his companion's back.

Grapple vs. Tessa (ally): 1D20+28 = [8]+28 = 36


((YAS! I have Weapon Focus that I didn't account for anywhere. Attack Roll is 37! I dedicate this damage to Ciel. I think that may force Cecil to do a concentration check? Flesbane and Ciel still have Fortune on them. So you could try and go for a 20 on your first attack if you want Mike.))
((I doubt Tessa would resist against being saved by Ozzan'gac, so yeah, Viss is no longer being encumbered by Tessa, and Ozzan'gac is holding the dinosaur.

Viss still has to make the Strength check to keep from dropping Ciel though))

Mike M

Nick N
((YAS! I have Weapon Focus that I didn't account for anywhere. Attack Roll is 37! I dedicate this damage to Ciel. I think that may force Cecil to do a concentration check? Flesbane and Ciel still have Fortune on them. So you could try and go for a 20 on your first attack if you want Mike.))
((Rolled an 8. Nope.))
<I am holding the dinosaur... now what?

I would wield Tessa as a weapon but that would be animal cruelty just like that one time Val suggested we toss Coriolis at the mutant snake man as a distraction>
((Azih - You're right, but I just rolled it and he made the check. It was DC 39 and he rolled a 46.

Now I'm thinking about what sort of on-the-fly houserules I could come up with that might cover a water elemental swinging a tyrannosaurus rex around as a weapon))
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