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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane, for his part, dispenses with subtlety and stealth once he is made aware of the intruder.

With a thunder crack, Fleshbane rends through space and time to appear directly behind the hapless humanoid. Towering above the fleshling with his sword at the ready, his unchanging rictus grin somehow seems all the more filled with malicious glee. "Well, well, well," he rumbles, "what have we here?"

Intimidate check: 1d20+16=31

((Fold Space has a shorter range than how I've been portraying it in fluff bits. In actual mechanics, I'd argue it's still within our limitations on magic and powers. Also I can't take an action until my next turn after a teleport, so I'm just trying to spook him in the direction of Oz's grapple trap.))
The man jumps back violently, shrieking in genuine surprise and fear. "Get away from me, you fucking mutant Toaster freak!" He cries in his native tongue, which is surprisingly similar to Common. He backs up in the direction that Fleshbane intended to lead him, and Ozzan'gac is easily able to restrain him.

"Oh god what the hell is this?!" He whimpers. "Nanomachines? FUCK!"

A small wet spot appears at the front of his pants.

((Short range teleports like this one are okay. To avoid overcomplicating gameplay, we are going to make everyone from this plane speak Common))
First Tiberius, and now Akiba? the elemental thinks, recognizing this as breaking some plot walls, though decides to continue on with his plan. The ground below the man begins to pull him in, and a voice speaks from it, "You have just a few seconds before I allow unspeakable acts to happen to you by that being's sword, now tell us where the rest of your unit is hiding!"

Intimidate: 1D20+22 = [9]+22 = 31

<EDIT: Sense motive vs. his response: Sense MOtive: 1D20+19 = [7]+19 = 26
The man's eyes get even wider and he looks up fearfully at Fleshbane. "I'M ALONE, I SWEAR!!" he cries. "I-I thought I could sneak in real quiet-like and gather some intel to bring back to my commander! I'm the only one who crossed the border. We couldn't figure out why you would hide in the woods rather than go back to the city, so I thought maybe I'd find some kind of secret base in this forest, since it's so close to the border..."

As he speaks, his panicked voice deteriorates into sobs. Ozzan'gac strongly suspects that he's telling the truth.

Mike M

Nick N
“With pleasure,” Fleshbane says, his voice dripping with eager enthusiasm. Extending one massive mechanical hand forward, he grips the soldier and plucks him from Ozzang’ac’s fluid embrace to hold him aloft.

“Your bodies,” he says, giving the soldier a rough shake like a rag doll, “so inefficient. Even an ant is a marked improvement over your design, they at least have a rigid exoskeleton to protect their soft, fleshy bits. But you? You’re inside out. The hardest substance in a fleshling’s body is the enamel of their teeth, but you have too many teeth to fit properly within your jaw! But you’ve caught me at a moment of mercy.”

Fleshbane pries open the poor man’s mouth and inserts two metallic fingers. “I will assist you in removing your excess dentition.”
The man screams unhappily, more than loud enough to wake the others. "NO, STOP!" he shrieks. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"
The racket outside causes Ciel to groggily stumble out of her tent. With a yawn, she starts to trudge toward the source of the noise. Upon seeing Ozzang'ac and Fleshbane with a captive soldier, her mood brightens.

"What's this, a spy? You weren't about to question him without me, were you? I want to join in on the fun too," she says with a rather obviously fabricated pout.
Any hope that may have welled up in the prisoner's countenance upon Ciel's appearance is quickly quashed when she opens her mouth. "Fucking hell! You guys CAN'T be from Esperia! You're way too sadistic... Oh god, what have I gotten myself into..."

He weeps openly.
Mako soon wakes up as well and takes notice of the situation. "What in the hell are you doing? Bring him here so we can speak to him, calmly."
Mako's joining the fray causes Ciel to grin impishly. The idea of her, Fleshbane, and Ozzang'ac just utterly abusing this kid was delightful, but the addition of the more goodly members has Ciel seeing an equally entertaining game of good guard, bad guard coming into formation.

She looks back to Mako and says "Oh all right, you and the others can have a nice, friendly chat with him over milk and cookies. I can let this one go. Let's bring him over, guys."

Before he is escorted/dragged deeper into the grove, Ciel approaches the prisoner and licks some of the tears off his face.

"Your breakdown is oh so delicious. Just remember, you're only useful to us if you're giving us good info. You come off as useless to them, I get to make a necklace out of your intestines! No pressure."

Ciel gives the distressed man a playful flick on the nose and helps Ozzang'ac lead him to Mako and the others.
<What is this guy, btw? A human or somehting that just happens to speak common? If I didn't know any better I would say he acted like a Centaur.>


Menek stands and gazes at the distraught newcomer. He racks his brain for information about this Esperia

((What kind of knowledge roll?))

Ratbreath flaps over and sits on the newcomer's head. I like this one. Perfectly rational response to getting stuck with you lot the owl grumbles as it preens itself.
<Does Ozzang'ac understand Owl grumble>

Ozzang'ac releases the man in front of Menek, Mako, and presumably Sybil and Viss, "Now then... about this everything you were mentioning. Who would like to start?" Ozzang'ac has questions of his own, but he can wait.
While he was interfaced with Zerome when he first appeared in the Astral Sea, Fleshbane recalls seeing an entry on a plane that contained a country called Esperia, as a potential target for assimilation. It was very low priority on the list of targets.

Mike M

Nick N
((Just to be sure I understand my cosmology correctly, the Astral Sea would be the interstitial space between planes, correct? As in a chunk of their world has apparently been torn away into the Sea?))

Mike M

Nick N
"Curious," Fleshbane says as he lumbers at an almost leisurely pace after their captive as he is spirited deeper into the grove by his better-natured companions. "The sniveling maggot would seem to be referring to a nation state that exists on some backwater plane of little note. It barely warrants an entry in Zerome's database that only seems to remark on how unworthy of notice it is."

Turning toward their prisoner, the illumination spilling out of Fleshbane's facial features intensifies. "My, but you are lost far from home indeed, aren't you, filth?"
The man looks at Fleshbane with a mixture of fear and confusion. "N-n-n-no, actually," he replies. "The Prexian border is just a few dozen miles away. That's where I'm from."

Mike M

Nick N
The tumblers fall into place as Fleshbane begins to deduce at least in part what has transpired. "I believe you that this border is only a few miles away relative to our position," he says, "but where do you think it is relative the rest of your world? Look to the sky, wretch. Does it look like any night you have witnessed before?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil is woken from her slumber against a shaded tree by the panicked wails of the imprisoned man. The paladin sits up and tenses her calf muscles, drawing her sword in the process. Pushing off the ground she uses her wings to spring aloft and float over to where the group has gathered for interrogation.

Though relieved that none of the party have been harmed, the tension upon Sybil's face does not ease as she approaches the tightly gripped stranger. Flashing the lapping Ciel a look of disgust, she pushes past her and looks into the man's eyes.

Sense motive: Sense Motive: 1D20+3 = [19]+3 = 22

She stares intently for a few moments before sheathing her sword.

"I will not lie to you. You will not be able to leave until we decide what to do with you. But I give you my word no permanent damage will be inflicted as long as you do as you are told. Flee or disobey at your own peril."

Thinking a moment, she adds "I can't promise reprieve from temporary pain, unfortunately." She looks at the man and the shine of his face where tears and saliva have not quite dried. "This is not my choice, but as you can see the metal Bane of Flesh holding you and the unpleasant fang bearer have a different way of doing things, and interrogation is more their business than mine."

"I'll leave the tough questions to them. I only have one question. What is your name?"

Pacing, she follows up on Fleshbane's train of thought. "Do you believe there has been some kind of conjunction of the planes? Then there could be other realms that have merged with the Astral Sea. Who knows how many, not to mention how or why...."

Retrieving a roll of parchment from her pack, Sybil prods the captive. "You need to draw us a map of where your border is from here, or find some other way to tell us exactly how to get there." Turning to the others she continues. "We will need to keep a good record of the areas we traverse from here on out, beginning with this land beneath the Observatory."


In Viss' mind everything after evacuating the Phonix Maelstrom is a blur. She dimly remembers being angry and that there had been fighting and then suddenly the fighting had been over and Viss had found herself in a vast forest. Under diffrent circumstances this change of scenery might have worked to calm her down, but this particular forest felt wrong. It took her some time, but then she realized why this was.

Melora's voice that had spoken to her through every living being for as long as she could remember, had gone silent.

The sensation left a deep void in Viss. For the first time she realized how big a part her faith had been of her life. She had never been one to pray a lot t now that any communication with Melora had been rendered impossible, she wished nothing more than to talk to her.

She was dimly aware of the group getting busy and planning there next move, but she felt too tired to participate in any of it. She got out the figurine of Tessa. She longed for the company of her friend, but reluctantly put the figurine back into her pouch. Without knowledge of their surroundings she couldn't even be sure if there was anything to hunt here and a diet of fruit wouldn't be sufficiant at all.

Without paying any attention to her collegues plannings, she walks over to one of the trees and lets herself slump against it. Shirox and Pilari come over to her. The lemur especially seems shaken by the events of the last hours. He doesn't even make the slightest attempt of lecturing or complaining. He just slumps next to heralling asleep immediatly, while Pilari settles on Viss's shoulder singing a quiet, soothing song in the druids ear, putting her to sleep.


The rest is shortlived. Viss feels as if she has just closed her eyes when screaming and talking pulls her out off uncomfortable dreams. Her fur in disseray she sleepely stumbles in the direction of the ruckus. Ready to wash the head of anyone that dared interrupt her sleep.

The sight of the enemy being escorted into the camp by Mako and the rest is enough to make her fully awake. Before anyone can stop her, she jumps at the man and pins him against a tree, her hands around his throut and claws out just enough to ever so slightly pierce his skin, without leaving any doubt that they still can go much further.

"You made a grave mistake my friend. You think I'll just let you attack my home, harm my friends and have you disturb my sleep, without any repercussions? I gotta admit you have some nerv showing up here like that? Tell me, why shouldn't I just tear you apart right here right now?"
((I feel it should be noted that Mako has not really left the camp, cause if she does the grove disappears.))

"Sweet Erastil... Viss get off of him, he has enough people threatening him. He is far more useful to us alive then dead, so please, move your tail so we can talk to the poor man." Mako then turns to Menek and says, "Menek, if you would, I think you might have a few insightful questions that don't require such rashness." Then she begins softly humming a strange tune.

((Mako using inspire competence to boost menek's diplomacy skill by +4(competence bonus, but unless you are rocking a circlet of persuasion you probably don't have to worry about it not stacking with anything).))
((It sounds like you guys aren't actually sure what to ask this guy so this post is gonna be a little out of character and info-dumpy. Here it goes))

"My name is Joseph," the man says, just before he's pounced on by Viss. He seems to take her threat seriously.

"Oh god!" He yelps unhappily. "A cat-human hybrid?! And that one has WINGS??? Genetic engineering is supposed to be against the law over here! But I guess you guys aren't Esperian so that doesn't matter to you..."

He takes a deep breath. "Please don't kill me. I'll do what you ask. I'll draw you a map, anything! But you guys won't be able to get across. It's pretty heavily guarded. Even with your... advantages, you probably couldn't force your way through.

"See, my people - the Prexians - are militaristic. For a long time now we've been wanting to take over Esperia, but haven't been in a spot to do it. Then the other day, like the Toaster said, the sky got weird and suddenly there was a giant building floating right above the border so the Brass decided to take preemptive measures.

"During the invasion they saw all kinds of Toasters - Synthetics -, including this one that tried to pull my teeth out, and that confirmed their suspicions because Esperia is known for cranking out Synthies. Synthetics, I mean. Ones that can think.

"But none of them are like you," he says to Fleshbane. "We never came across a Synthie that was immune to our laser weapons like that before. Not that I saw firsthand, but I knew one of the guys who retreated from the firefight."

He turns back to Viss and Sybil. "What else you wanna know?"
"It seems you are new to the Astral Plane," a giant head made completely of water explains as he moves into Joseph's view, "I myself have seen many wondrous things in this new world... and no, I am not comprised of.. whatever it is you called me. I am natural salt water from the Plane of Water."

"We don't care so much about your city as much as taking back the observatory you have raided. Tell us everything about where your men are stationed on guard in that building, around that building, on the way to that building, and what happened to the goddess and her.. OUR people," he quickly emphasizes to make it clear how much of a mistake this man helped create.
The man shakes his head miserably. "I don't know the level of detail you're asking for," he says. "All I can tell you is that the floating building is full of my people and that they're armed to the teeth. They're trying to figure out how to move it into Prexian airspace. If you approach by air, you're going to be spotted a mile away and blasted out of the sky. Or maybe swatted out of the sky, if projectiles are ineffective," he acknowledges Fleshbane.

"The border leading to Prexian territory is delineated by a massive wall of reinforced steel and patrolled by guards and assault drones.

"You should also know that they'll probably send a tactical squad to find you after a day or so. The force won't be too big because they'll want to avoid being discovered by the Esperians, so you might be able to take them out, but if you want to avoid making a scene then you'll have to get out of this forest."
He's been completely honest with you the entire time so far. He would have to be a maater manipulator of the highest order to be lying at this point, and he just doesn't seem like he has it in him. He fears for his life and is willing to cooperate as much as he has to in order to survive.

"I hope you don't kill me," he cries. "They sent me to get intelligence. They were hoping I'd return unseen by you."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil nods as the man wraps up his tale. "I'd say we need to get out of here and seek the Esperians. Enemy of our enemy, right?" She looks to their captive. "Joeseph, do you know where we can find these people? The Esperians?"

To the others she says in a whisper "Can we put him unconscious before we leave?"

Mike M

Nick N
"I can certainly deprive him of consciousness," Fleshbane says, his pulsing light quickening with excitement, "but I suspect it might be a more permanent solution than most present would be amenable too, and engaging so many of you for the sake of ending one fleshling hardly seems worth my while.

"Besides, I am most eager to meet these synthetics he speaks of..."
Ozzang'ac moves over to Viss, and makes a suggestion with a whispered tone, "Can you turn him into a land beast? He will blend in with this environment and won't be able to communicate with his comrades and we can leave him behind."
((This kind of became a wall of questions. It probably should have been multiple posts, but I didn't want to hold things up asking every question that pops into my mind over a day or two.))

Ciel is mildly surprised by Viss's shift towards wrathfulness and tosses her a glance of curiosity and approval. With the others about done asking questions, she decides it's time to get information useful for talks with the Esperians regarding an attack. But first, she responds to Sybil's whisper. "Yes, he must be made unable to report back to his forces. Letting him do so would be a pointless risk. But first, I have more questions for him."

Ciel approaches. "I actually have several questions. But first, I believe we've been a little hasty. Menek, Fleshbane, come here real quick and help me search him for any strange technological devices. He may have a device on him letting his forces know what we say, and I don't want the Prexian army to have a heads up on what I'm asking him. She turns back to Joseph, glaring at him. "If you have such a device on you and we find it or anything we mistake as it before you tell us, your death will be most gruesome. Now would be the time to save your ass and reveal such a thing. Tell us what every device on your person does before we have to find out ourselve."

Once that's resolved, Ciel begins the questioning proper. "Now, you mentioned your people are militaristic. Tell me about the high brass and who governs down here, as well as where they would be. In fact, just tell me about as many important people regarding the workings of your forces as you are able. Now, let's say we need to get past the forces of your city, and I decide to impersonate a soldier. What codes and phrases would I need to know? Would I need an ID? How about if I want to bring the others in as false prisoners, describe the protocols I would need to go through for that."

"Everything I just asked you about the Prexians, I want you to now answer to the best of your ability regarding the Esperians. Also, tell me of their government. Are they also militaristic, or are we looking at a more peace loving government?"

Ciel looks at Joseph impatiently, only considering him worth keeping alive if he continues to be useful.


((I really, really want to write another reaction post to this situation but I'm currently stuck in the smallest two person tent I've ever seen, with my mother, I have barely enough room to turn around, let alone get out my keyboard and start typing. In generell Viss is still really pissed at the guy. The thought of "preemptive strike" does not agree with her philosophy at all. She is also really happy to cast baleful polymorph on the guy if we don't need them anymore. On the fluff side of things she just realized that she is out of liquorice roots. So before we get rid of the guy she'd want to know if she can find some on the planet.))
<I agree with searching him for any listening devices before we proceed further. Something I want Ozzang'ac to say might compromise them if they're listening.>


((Ratbreath is speaking out loud))

((Inspired Perception to search the spy with Mako's buff

Inspired Perception with Mako buff: 1D20+24+4 = [2]+24+4 = 30
1D8 = [5] = 5
1D8 = [2] = 2

((Taking the 5 for 35))

((Inspired Know:planes Esperia and separate one for Know: Planes Prexians))

Inspaired Know Religion Planes with Mako buff: 1D20+24 = [5]+24 = 29
1D8 = [1] = 1
1D8 = [7] = 7
1D20+24 = [14]+24 = 38
1D8 = [6] = 6
1D8 = [1] = 1

((So taking 29+7 for 36 on Esperia. And 38+6 for 44 on Prexains... If I can use the +4 from Mako on Know rolls rather than Diplomacy than that goes to 40 and 48 respectively.))

Menek mulls over what their hapless spy has told them as well as the discussion and after he is divested of any listening devices says.

Yes it would make far more sense that, for whatever reason, the appearance of the Observatory was as much a surprise for these Peraxians as the appearance of this land was for the Raven Queen.

Menek looks up at the damaged Observatory in the far distance. The Peraxians being prepared for attack were far better prepared for this mutual surprise rather than us denizens of the Observatory who thought it to be a diplomatic neutral ground for even the most powerful of divine forces, floating peacefully above the Astral Sea, and so without any need of preparation for war.

Menek looks around Considering that we are on a plane of existence that seems dead to magic and thus definitely no longer in the Astral Sea I think it is safe to surmise that we were not invaded by these people, but are instead the unwitting invaders of their reality. Or perhaps there really is a convergence of some sort as Sybil theorized and the Astral Sea is no longer keeping the planes apart which is far more frightening.

Menek casts a glance towards the shivering Joseph. I agree with Sybil. The Peraxians seem paranoid and have reflexively decided that we are the enemy. We have no real way of contacting their leadership without infiltration which would sour them even further. The Esperians might be more receptive to diplomacy. We will probably need help to do what we need to do which is rescue those of us left on the Observatory and then, figure out what in the name of Arozora is bloody happening

Menek locks eyes with Joseph. I'd suggest you answer the good lady and the bad one and tell us everything about Esperia, most importantly, how to get there

Ratbreath gives Joseph a friendly peck on the head. I'd do what they say, friend, you would not believe the kind of things these guys have killed
((Ciel can beat a 30 if I don't get dice screwed, so I'll have her roll perception for searching Joseph for devices as well in case it makes a difference.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95833]Perception: 1D20 + 25 = [11]+25 = 36
"I have a device that I can use to communicate with my superiors," he says immediately when Ciel asks. "But it's not on. You can do whatever you want with it." He takes out a small metal box and hands it over.

Further searches yield no additional hidden devices. ((Gonna assume that the device is either destroyed or put far out of earshot at this point))

Joseph does his best to answer Ciel's questions, but this is a young kid and his knowledge is far from perfect. He is able to offer that most of the military's top brass, including their Commander-in-Chief, are based out of New Prexia, a city located approximately 100 miles into the territory. He does not know most of their names, outside of his own direct superior officer, that guy's boss, and then the Commander-in-Chief himself, Potentate Nicholas Carlson.

He explains that the protocol for identifying yourself to a fellow officer who doesn't already know you is something called a "retinal scan," which is performed with a hand held machine. He has no idea what sort of procedures would have to be followed to bring prisoners through a checkpoint.

He knows even less about Esperia. He has a feeling that their leader is "President Darien-something," and that's about it. He does say that the Esperians are not militaristic at all and refers to them as 'pussies.'

The most useful piece of information he has about Esperia is that their nearest city is just a few miles eastward, and that it's called Tevash. He's never been there, but it's well known to him because it's so close to the border between the nations.

((Menek's knowledge rolls get him basically nothing. He may have heard the names somewhere before, but it was in a passage so obscure and lacking in context that he remembers nothing notable about them. The only reason I gave Fleshbane anything is because of his natural 20.

Anyone with more questions, keep them coming))
Ciel hrmphs at the young prisoner's answers, as they just torpedoed her initial idea for sneaking past the Praxian wall should such an opportunity arose.

"I see. That's somewhat somewhat useful to know, at any rate. Asking more about Esperia seems to be a waste of time, so back to the wall. All right then, are there any pipes or subterranean routes going through or beyond the wall? Is anyone on the wall equipped with technology to see something invisible to the eye? And assuming we get past the wall, what could we expect in your cities? Is everyone military, or do you have civilians and civilian-centric locations?"

At this point, Ciel figures that any foray into Praxia after speaking with the Esperians will involve cloud shaping and going over the wall, but every bit of information helps.
Now that Ozzang'ac is sure that the listening device isn't operational, he adds, "And whatever you happen to don't know, I want you to tell me who would know. We still lack insight on the aftermath of the battle."

<@Ciel: I just want you to know that no matter what happens in the future and how our characters might interact, I just want you to know that I never in my life had considered taking a feat that would allow me to alter Ciel's alignment for a good 10 minutes/caster level. Definitely not a consideration that has crossed my mind whatsoever, no siree.>
"I don't know about any subterranean pipes. I guess they might have night vision goggles or something, I don't know. They wouldn't be using them during the day though.

"Prexia's cities all have a pretty big military presence. The population is mostly civvies though."

To Ozzan'gac, he seems unsure how to answer. "I don't know, I guess my superiors might know some of this stuff. All of 'em are on the other side of the wall though. The higher rank someone has," and he points to a single pip on the collar of his uniform, "The more they'd know, I bet. I'm just a private so I don't know a lot of the stuff you're probably looking for."
"Let's assume that we get past the blockade. What is the guard presence like among the civilian portions of your city?" It is starting to sound like that the military they are dealing with are far less omniscent than Cecil was.. perhaps the carnival can become a viable idea this time around.
((Well that's fortunate, abruptly shifting Ciel's alignment would probably have unforeseen consequences. :) ))

Ciel nods slowly, utterly unsatisfied with his answer. "I see. Very well then, I'll get out of the way so the others can finish with their questions."

Returning to the huddle, she whispers to the group, "He knows too much and is a coward, he'll tell his commander our location and plans the second we're back, along with anything he remembers of what we asked. We need a permanent solution, ideally one that doesn't leave a corpse when we're done. If you don't have the stomach to let me or Fleshbane solve this, I'm open to compelling ideas."

((That seems like where Baleful polymorph would come in, along with any other cool ideas))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I could use a Geas on him, but I'm not sure how well that would work for our purposes here. Also I'm suspicious about the fact they sent a rookie into the forest in the first place. No matter how we deal with him, they will likely come looking for him if he is missing too long. I could probably have said this stuff in character but I'm not feeling very creative this weekend.))
((The best thing I can think of is some kind of mind wipe that would have him going back believing he found nothing, but I don't know if anyone has spells like that. Otherwise, it seems like we polymorph/kill him and get to Esperia before the search unit finds us))
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