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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
((Are we flatfooted? Not that it matters, Fleshbane has Uncanny Dodge to keep his 1 point of Dex bonus anyway. Heh.

I picked Energy Conversion as my latest psionic power, and I think I've over complicated things for myself...
  • It says it's the same as Energy Adaptation, only I can store absorbed damage to shoot back later. Energy Adaptation says I get 30 points of energy resistance at level 11, I would guess that still applies to Energy Conversion?
  • What's the absorbed damage? The amount of damage negated by the resistance bonus, or the amount of damage that breaks through?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sybil does have resist energy communal, which could give 30 points of lightning absorption per hit. Only problem is that it is touch based and I don't think we want to be standing close with that canon around...))

Bracing for impact, Sybil covers herself as several bolts of blasted lighting absorb into her shield. The final shot she deflects easily before swooping around to face the elite menace. She surveys the field and then raises an arm to wipe the sweat and grime of battle from her forehead.

"Into the trees! That is our best chance. We must lose them so we can regroup!" The paladin's voice is shaky both from the fatigue of battle and the painful sting of having to cede both the Maelstrom and the Observatory to the foreign legion.

As she attempts to make sense of the battle, Ozzang'ac screams and a monstrous explosion forces her back. Sybil uses her wings in an attwmpt to cover herself from the worst of the damage.

Reflex Save:_:1D20+13 = [2]+13 = 15

Unfortunately she is too slow and the fire sears through her feathery wings and burns the paladin deeply. With gritted geeth, she touches a hand to her breast to heal some of the burn and ease her pain.

lay on hands: 5D6+10 = [3, 5, 6, 5, 1]+10 = 30

((Options here are cast a defensive spell of some kind, a get Blessing of Fervor going, or try to run up and attack. What do you guys think?))
Reflex: (1d20+14=21)

((I just... Well, thanks to me not casting barkskin before the battle(at least I healed, for all the good that did me), i get hit by the first three attacks and i fail to dodge the explosion or w/e so i am at -17 hit points, so i'm dead))


((My AC is sooo shitty...)

They are retreating. They failed.

Viss can only watch as the observatory burns and is swarmed with enemies. Every muscle in her wants to turn back. Keep fighting and protect the observatory. But somehow her rational thinking manages to gain control for a few moments and she sees herself forced to retreat with everyone else. Rational thinking should also tell her that this wasn't her fault. That there hadn't been anything that she could have done. But rational thinking can only do so much...

Before they could reach the hypothetical safety of the strange area that has appeared below the observatory. (Viss automatically started descending towards the forest.) they are ambushed. Viss tumbles slightly as the strange hot rays burn into her, scorching her feathers and burning her flesh. She flies a small circle and is just fast enough to evade a huge explosion coming from the big flying metal ship.

Reflex Save:1D20+12 = [17]+12 = 29

She then focus all her anger into a magic attack, targeting two of the smaller enemies. Her mind fills with thoughts of decay and dead. The smell of rotting flesh and corroding metal in her nostrils.

Explosion of Rot: 13D6 = [6, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 6, 2] = 43
Staggering Effect: 1D4 = [2] = 2 Rounds.

It's centered somewhat below the guys on M12 and L14 so they both will get hit.

DC 20 Reflex for half damage and negate staggering.

((Oh shit just saw Mako dying, not sure I I can make anything except maybe fly over and catch her body?))


((I know it's a bit meta gamey but would it make sense for us to get a round or two to buff before we lure them into the forest?))
((Azih makes a good point about buffs since you were already in the middle of battle, story-wise. I also may have gone a little overboard with my Round 1 so yeah, you guys can each have a buff active before that round happened. Meaning that everyone had a round prior to this battle with which they could cast Haste or Sing or something like that.

If, even after that, Mako still would die, then instead she just goes to 1 HP. I'm not going to let someone die before they even get a chance to act :p

EDIT: You are not flatfooted. I'll have to investigate the Energy Conversion thing later))

EDIT 2: Viss's magic attack is extraordinarily effective against these guys. It seems to be dealing double the damage that it normally would.
((well, with barkskin i go from 3 hits to 1 hit, doesn't help with the explosion(although if anyone gives a buff that gives at least +1 reflex...) so I should be good now. well, at 28 hp, so not good, but not dead yet either.))


(( Huh, that would mean those guys are some kind of plants...Gotta have to look into any useful buffs. My spell count is rather low...))

Mike M

Nick N
((If we get a chance to buff, I'd use Energy Conversion, but that's getting real meta gamey since I now know they're shooting lightning. I had actually thought of mentioning it in the fluff I wrote, but I was all "nah, no need to burn psi points on fluff." Heh.))
<I misread my character sheet (I have penalties in parenthesis but I also have my AC w/ the Barskin buff in parenthesis so I accidentally looked at my Barskin AC thinking the AC outside of the parenthesis was my penalty for being on land...

The good news is that I don't have to change my turn since I'm not actually flatfooted, giving me enough AC to dodge those attacks anyway but not enough to avoid getting hit by the one that did hit.

I guess if I had a buff it would be one of my potions of Heroism because I don't have enough ki to justify using Barskin (I will have one more use of Insightful Wisdom after I help Mako), and even then I don't think it would stack with Blessing of Fervor buffs.

And yes, I meant for Mako to reroll her reflex save, I just didn't have the energy to double check at the time.>


((Dont' know if it's metagamey if the fluff part of the invasion was full of lightning attacks as well.))

The death of Cecil left Menek in a subdued mood. Unlike Viss, he had truly believed the elder Fairhaven to be a genuinely good person. Cecil's campaign to remake Faerun had been similar to Menek's own efforts in his past life in Minae after all. The biggest difference, of course, was that Cecil had been far more pure and honourable in his efforts and had actually moved against genuinely evil threats. Menek's own misguided and far more vicious crusade seemed petty, ugly, and stupid by comparison.

Ciel's mental breakdown and erratic behaviour had not helped matters.

It was because of this introspection, combined with the general strain of the long day, that left Menek completely nonplussed by Bungo's shouted warning let alone the actual attack and the scene of their new home being assaulted by overwhelming numbers.

It was horrible.

As Menek frantically mixed an extract of Iron Skin it dawned on him why he was so panicked. He couldn't remember the last time he had faced an opponent that he had not prepared for

We don't know anything about them.. they obviously know... how could the Raven Queen have not been ready? he muttered to himself as he swigged the extract down as Fleshbane charged through smaller foes and Sybil organized a semblance of a line of defense.

((Iron Skin +6 AC as inital buff, making Menek's AC 29 unless there is some other buff incoming))

He doesn't remember who shouts the command to retreat to the forest but Menek obeys it guiding his broom into a deep drive towards the trees, trying to ignore Ratbreath's frantic gibbering under his robe.

High... technology Menek shouts. They must.. they have to be vulnerable to electricity

Drawing from the depths of his expanding new knowledge of the arcane Menek hurls a massive ball of lightning at the large artillery piece willing it to arc to the other enemies close by.

((Round One Standard Action: Chain Lightning, new 7th level spell, 13d6 damage, hit artillery as well as secondary bolts on N4, M12, and L13. Artillery needs reflex DC 25 to halve damage, hoverbikes need reflex DC 23 to halve damage. Rolling 4 times in order of mention))

13d6=46, 13d6=42, 13d6=49, 13d6=40

((Can Menek roll any knowledge to try to figure these guys out? That might affect a swift action))

((Free Action Inspired Knowledge:Engineering roll. Using brand new Tenacious Inspiration to allow a reroll of inspiration and take higher value:

1d20+12=28, 1d8=7, 1d8=2 So taking +7 to get to 35 ))

((Move Action Studied Combat on Artillery))

((How many people are going to attack the artillery piece? if a roll of 35 is good enough than Menek can use the +4 to attack roll buff for one round for maximum effectiveness))
((Knowledge Engineering applies here.

Fluff-wise, the riders are separate from the hiverbikes, but for combat purposes we are treating them as the same creature.

I'll allow Fleshbane to use Energy Conversion as a pre-combat buff.

Menek's Chain Lightning also deals way more damage to these guys than expected. In fact that might be enough to take some of them out in combination with Viss's spell. I can't do the calculations right now, but we can adjust subsequent targets if necessary.

Also you guys aren't in the forest just yet. You're heading toward it but you're still too high up to have any cover from trees or anything))
<I'm gonna wait until Mako rerolls her Reflex save and see what she does before I actually do my action (SPOILERS: I might go after the big machine because, well, I'm a pretty big guy myself.)>
((35 is good enough))

These are constructs. The smaller ones are quick, but they are sort of one-trick ponies and can only effectively attack with the mounted laser turret. Their tactical ability is great enough that they can fire multiple blasts even while in motion.

The artillery is capable of firing both targeted laser attacks and area-effecting explosive shells. It can use the explosion attack repeatedly. Its laser is more powerful than that of the bikes, but it's less accurate in its aim.

All of these things seem exceptionally well made and well armored. In Menek's judgment, their construction seems to be more advanced than that of Fleshbane (though the machines themselves aren't intelligent). Physical attacks against them, even those that hit, will be blunted considerably.

However, they seem to have an extreme weakness to magical attacks, and were not designed with magical defense in mind.
((I didn't have Barkskin under my spells prepared for the day and Ciel can't haste herself, so she's getting hit by the first three attacks. I'll cast Aspect of Falcon as my buff. That said, if haste is one of the buffs, that puts her up to 28 AC, and I forget if ties hit or miss in Pathfinders. If blessing of fervor is one of them though, then Ciel's definitely only getting hit by 2.

For Ciel's turn, it depends on whether Sybil will cast resist energy communal if she can get over to her. If Sybil will, then Ciel will fly over and attack the hoverbike at N4 in passing. If not, then she'll just attack one of the bikes near her. I'll wait to hear back from the others before typing up her turn.

EDIT: Just saw the bit about drastic physical resistance. It may not matter all too much which one I attack then.))


Menek relays what he can figure out from the astounding effects of not only his lightning but also Viss' blight.

Not Lightning... but Magic.. Magic is the key! They are not built to withstand it! They seem incredibly well armored against physical attacks however! These machines are death dealers built to kill!

((Could Ciel focus on the riders not the bikes themselves?))
((They're the same creature for combat purposes. The riders have advanced tactical armor that gives them the same advantage, if you'd like a flavor justification))

Mike M

Nick N
((Preeeeeety sure the “absorbed damage” in Energy Conversion must refer to the damage negated by the resistance bonus. Otherwise it would get weaker as you leveled up and increased the resistance bonus, and that would make no sense. We’ll say he cast that during the previous firefight))

Action Before Thought to save vs. artillery attack: 1d20+13+5=30

Fleshbane dives headlong toward the ground below, looking less like controlled flight and more like a metal statue dropped from a great height. The first two bolts from the energy weapons of one of the hoverbikes strike him, but look to cause no damage. Indeed, it looks more as though the malevolent construct’s armored form has sucked the energy up as though it were some sort of sponge.

The rest of the volley of attacks miss him, however, as he begins to make minimal adjustments to his trajectory in order to weave between the glowing projectiles. He banks hard to avoid the explosion of the artillery shell, and though he does not evade it completely, it too seems to have caused no apparent harm. Over the howling wind of their descent, the whine of the hover engines, and the squawking of laser fire, one might be able to hear him laughing as he abruptly turns around to face behind him and somehow fires the hoverbikes’ energy bolts back at their source from the palm of his hand.

Ranged touch attack vs. whichever enemies are left standing: 1d20+13=25
Damage: 37pts of absorbed lightning damage
I guess if I had a buff it would be one of my potions of Heroism because I don't have enough ki to justify using Barskin (I will have one more use of Insightful Wisdom after I help Mako), and even then I don't think it would stack with Blessing of Fervor buffs.

((Barkskin and heroism would stack with blessing of fervor since its bonuses are untyped, the only thing that doesn't is haste since BoF specifically says it doesn't stack with haste))

Reflex: (1d20+14=22)

((rolled 1 higher, but its enough... Well, I guess since I am not in immediate danger of dieing I can take my turn))

Mako starts dancing(swift action now, wee!) and casts Slow(DC 20 will save) on the big guy and the hover bikes on M12 and L14, then moves back a little.

<I have just decided I'm gonna start keeping a separate TreeSheets file to keep track of active buffs in battle.

My options are either to attempt a grapple on the Warmech or I am thinking bull rushing it into a lower altitude to try and get it away from the rest of the party until we can destroy it proper.>
((Sybil will have cast Blessing of Fervor so everyone can add that for their turns if needed))

Sybil rushes forward and attacks the fire breathing machine.

Attack vs Artillery: 1D20+17+2+2 = [17]+17+2+2 = 38

Damage: 1D8+4+2+1 = [1]+4+2+1 = 8

((What a waste, I should have just healed Mako))

((Actually the bonus from blessing of fervor not only makes all the attacks miss, but it means i passed my reflex save without needing the reroll, so i only take 18 damage, which is easily fixed with a CMW.

On the note of healing, who else needed health after the battle with Cecil? I spent 3 charges from my wand on my self, but i didn't see any numbers on what other people needed healed.))
((Yup, blessing of fervor means only the first two attacks hit Ciel, so she just went from being in sketchy territory to being in pretty good shape again. Taking the +2 to attack, reflex, and AC for her and Thanatos this turn as well.))

Ciel was starting to enjoy herself with the fighting when the tide begins to turn against them in an increasingly clear manner. The overwhelming numbers leave them no choice but to retreat. Not one for self-sacrifice or suicide missions, she is among the first to start fleeing when it is clear they have no hope of victory. She is given precious little time to think about retaliation via the assassination of important officers or the terrorization of their civilians, as a pursuit squadron comes for them immediately.

The pursuit squad moves like a well-oiled machine, taking shots at the entire party. The rider chasing Ciel catches her with the first two shots of its odd weapon, but Ciel is able to swerve Thanatos around the remaining three, keeping the damage from becoming severe. She is ready to open fire when she hears Menek's warning. "Strong against normal weaponry but weak against magic? Well fuck, I may be deadweight this time around. That whole retreat to the forest thing is sounding more and more appealing."

Unable to strike with the fury she'd like to, she vanishes from sight while pulling Thanatos back towards the more magically capable. Thanks to the shift in priorities, she is able to navigate without sustaining fire from the riders near her, and in the hope of maximizing what she can do, she opens fire at one of the riders hurt by Menek's lightning while relocating.

((Moving to K/L 5/6 and attacking the hoverbike at N4, assuming it's still alive. I think we ruled that constructs are immune to sneak attacks and crits earlier, so hopefully the invisibility still at least catches them flatfooted and provides much-needed concealment.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95500]Manyshot: 1D20 + 23 = [16]+23 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95501]Damage: 1D8 + 12 + 7D6= [4]+12 + [26]  = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95502]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 23 = [8]+23 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95503]Damage: 1D8 + 12 + 7D6 = [7]+12 + [22] = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95504]Base Attack 2: 1D20 + 18 = [18]+18 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95505]Damage: 1D8 + 12 + 7D6 = [7]+12 + [26] = 45
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95506]Base Attack 3: 1D20 + 13 = [3]+13 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95507]Damage: 1D8 + 12 + 7D6 = [6]+12 + [27] = 45

((map. I guessed at where Sybil would be after her attack to keep it current, so feel free to update that if needed.))
((By pathfinder rules constructs are not immune to crits, but idk if fleshbane is and that rule has been applied to all constructs. Actually, in the case of robots, I think in PF they are vulnerable to crits(and electricity). Of course these guys are custom so all that may not apply.))
((Yup. I do know Fleshbane is thanks to our short fight in the Abyss, but I'm not 100% sure it was applied to all constructs, so a ruling on that would help. If DM fiat lets me add my sneak attack damage, I'll gladly go back and do that. :) ))
((Fleshbane is immune to crits because he has levels in Juggernaut, a class which specifically gives him immunity. Other constructs aren't so lucky. Add your sneak attack damage))
((Sweet, damage rolls have been edited to include sneak attack damage.

EDIT: I just realized I forgot about Mako's dance bonuses. That's +3 to each attack and damage roll, right?))


((Even with Barkskin and Fervor I'm still getting hit by the first two attacks but Viss has crazy high HP so all is fine.))
"They are too mobile and numerous for me to block with my body, you'll have to take them out," He states, "Don't let them bypass us!"

He begins to swim over, swooping under the other party members to move past them to result in being in front of the largest machine- the beast. Knowing that attacking it directly won't do much, the elemental attempts to grasp it to try and wrestle it and disrupt its movement.


<Choosing +2 to Attack and AC/Reflex rolls, with Heroism and Inspire Courage I have +7 attack for this CMB check>
CMB check for grapple: 1D20+30+7 = [5]+30+7 = 42

<Of course I roll like garbage on a +37 roll. Thanks Coyote Roller>
Battle Theme

The party is assaulted by the squadron of pursuers, but is able to withstand the worst of the assault. They scramble to retaliate.

Ciel's barrage of arrows is significantly less effective than anyone expects; the soldier she targets sustains three direct hits without going down, though he is not entirely unscathed.

Menek's and Viss's magical attacks tear into the enemy, however; the necromantic energy causes rapid decay on the soldiers' machines, while lightning blasts blow out significant portions of them.

Fleshbane, sensing an opportunity, blasts one of the worse-off targets, annihilating the machine and sending its rider's body plummeting toward the hard surface below.

Ozzan'gac, meanwhile, easily engulfs the smaller metal monster within his watery body. Unable to escape the elemental's grip, it tries to use its laser beam to force Ozzan'gac away from it,

The other hoverbikes scramble all over the battlefield, making it difficult to focus fire, and switch up their targets. They seem to have tactical training.

((Numbers 4 and 6 are attacking Viss; 3 and 2 are attacking Menek; 7 and 1 are attacking Ozzan'gac. The artillery attacks Ozzan'gac. And oh god this is a lot of die rolls

Ten attacks total from the two enemies on each of you, plus another five from the artillery on Ozzan'gac. The first number is the attack roll and the second number is the damage (lightning) if it hits.

27; 13
28; 14
36; 15
12; 15
19; 9
29; 15
32; 9
28; 12
27; 15
19; 17


33; 19
33; 15
36; 8
16; 8
15; 10
37; 16
28; 12
14; 16
13; 10
13; 18

Ozzan'gac from the hoverbikes:
36; 14
30; 15
18; 14
12; 15
25; 11
27; 12
41; 7
33; 15
24; 14
22; 10

Ozzan'gac from the artillery:
not a 20;
not a 20

(won't bother rolling damage on those because Ozzan'gac's AC is really high)

You're up!

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55caa09dc94ba Map))
As Ozzang'ac is fired at by lasers, he compresses his form to begin crushing the moving parts of the warmech together. He takes his time to begin opening various compartments to try and expose a weak spot by manipulating the exterior with the flow of water. Finally, he manages to open a ventilation cover to reveal critical components that were being cooled with airflow, "This resembles what Fleshbane looks like when he's killed- Lady Sybil! Are you able to attack?"

<Edited dialogue in the event Sybil might need to heal someone.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((My damage is pretty low with my longsword. Do you guys think I should burn a lay on hands to convert my smite chaos to smite evil or use a smite chaos as a swift action? Either way I can still do a full action to cou de grace i just want to try and make the DC fort save vs death as high as I can.))
((With those rolls, Ozzang'ac can probably keep it pinned for another turn if need be. If Sybil doesn't kill it this turn, Ciel will end her turn adjacent to it so she can Coup de Grace next turn. With crits and bonuses, she can make the hit do somewhere in the 80-100 damage range before DR knocks it down, which should make for a really high fort DC

I'd say go for a smite if you can afford to waste one. We don't know their alignment so it will be a guessing game, but if you use one that works, that will help a lot. If you're low on smites it's probably not worth it.))
<If my metagaming calculations are correct, it might actually have a decent chance to work, cause reasons.

But yeah, I can keep this thing pinned. If Muun can pin down a crocodile for five turns before being brutally murdered, Ozzang'ac will have no problem.

EDIT: Wait a second if Muun and Tarkus went into the Astral Sea in the future and had their respective Navigations Across the Astral Sea in the future but their bodies got brought into the past but the bodies in the past being revived corresponds to the Astral Sea events in the future then- *head explodes*>


((Ouch! That were a lot of hits. I'd love to attack since I'd still be able to hit two hoverbikes at once with another explosion of rot but Viss is down to 40 HP and won't survive another attack like this... If no one else can heal her I'd do it myself.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Can someone heal Viss? I'm torn between cou de grace or doubling back to heal her. Her spells do a lot of damage so it would be really helpful if she could attack this round to shave down the number of enemies.))

Indecision grips Sybil as she wavers a moment in battle. Her sword arm aches to condemn the giant artillery and stab it's foul smokey heart. But after seeing the flash of light as several energy bolts blast into Viss, she considers rushing back to go to Viss aid.
((Naturally, Ciel has nothing that can heal anyone besides herself. I think Menek and Mako have healing spells, but if neither of them want to heal this turn, you can go heal her and Ciel can get in CdG position for next turn. So I guess wait and see?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I can't heal Viss, but I've got something that would remove her from combat.

Alternately, I think I can take out the two nearest guys to me. That third is juuuuuust out of reach. Basically these guys can't hurt me much and I can wail on them with electric powers, so keeping Viss in the fight isn't strictly necessary.))


((Like I said, I could just heal myself if everything else fails. But with the observatory more or less gone or the Raven Queen at least heavily occupied, I don't think I we should risk anyone dying for the time being.))
((Just fyi, Pinning does not make an opponent helpless, so you can't, normally anyways, CDG. If that's something you wanna houserule though... we now have potential for a new redunkulous strat.

Also a question, what happened to my slow spell?))
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