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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Like I said, I could just heal myself if everything else fails. But with the observatory more or less gone or the Raven Queen at least heavily occupied, I don't think I we should risk anyone dying for the time being.))

((Just fyi, Pinning does not make an opponent helpless, so you can't, normally anyways, CDG. If that's something you wanna houserule though... we now have potential for a new redunkulous strat.

Also a question, what happened to my slow spell?))
((Oh shoot really? If that's the case then Sybil will definitely heal. Give me a moment to write up the fluff for my post but Sybil can use Heal which will probably bring Viss back to full health as it cures 130 HP.))
((On grappling, now that Ozzang'ac has the pin, can't he tie up the mech next turn and have it helpless at that point (assuming it doesn't escape, of course)? If that's the case, it would still make sense for Sybil to heal Viss.))


((Yeah, full HP would probably keep me around for at least two more rounds of heavy attack. Which might be needed, considering that I probably won't be able to actually take out any of the enemies just yet. Pretty sure the two guys I'll be attacking haven't been hit yet but they are the only ones close enough together that I can hit them both.))
((....Shit. Sorry DP, your slow spell got lost in the complexity of battle :( it would take a lot of work to redo that turn correctly and I don't have time for it now because I'm about to get to work, buuut I can at least try to simulate its effects for now.

Anyone who got hit, reverse the one that dealt the most damage. Also, I'll be at my computer in about 20 minutes, and when I get there I'll put all the bad guys back in their original spots.

I looked up pinned vs helpless and there's some debate about it. The definition of pinned is "tightly bound", and the definition of helpless includes being "bound," so my interpretation was that pinned = helpless.

Edit: Decided that canceling a few hits is enough for now. I just rolled their saves and only one of them failed, so this is a good enough workaround. The one that failed will have the Slowed condition going forward.

You can add the slow spell back to your list, DP, as compensation for my screw-up)


((Hm, with 59 HP I might be able to survive another round without the need to be healed. It's a risk but if it gets us the chance to get rid of the big ship...))
((....Shit. Sorry DP, your slow spell got lost in the complexity of battle :( it would take a lot of work to redo that turn correctly and I don't have time for it now because I'm about to get to work, buuut I can at least try to simulate its effects for now.

Anyone who got hit, reverse the one that dealt the most damage. Also, I'll be at my computer in about 20 minutes, and when I get there I'll put all the bad guys back in their original spots.

I looked up pinned vs helpless and there's some debate about it. The definition of pinned is "tightly bound", and the definition of helpless includes being "bound," so my interpretation was that pinned = helpless.

Edit: Decided that canceling a few hits is enough for now. I just rolled their saves and only one of them failed, so this is a good enough workaround. The one that failed will have the Slowed condition going forward.

You can add the slow spell back to your list, DP, as compensation for my screw-up)

((Well okay then... if you don't already have them you might wanna consider picking up chokehold and Grabbing Style. Then have someone with a high movement speed pick up a quick runners shirt(or i could make it. hell i could make a custom one for Ozz as well in whatever slot you want, just be a bit more expenisive but theya re cheap as fuck anyways). Bet he perfect way to take out priority targets as quickly as possible.))

Mako decides to fucking in battle heal for once, so flies over to K9 and uses channel on... everybody(within 30 ft of her). Except Ciel because sadly you can't channel healing and dealing damage to undead at the same time.

Channeling: (7d6=23)

((nice, only 1 below average))


((OK. Back to 82 HP. Sybil can take out that ship then :) ))

Shot after shot of the unknown attackers dig into Viss' flesh but she doesn't even realize it. Her decent to the forest below is already more resembling a fall then it does a flight. Somewhere in the back of her mind it is registered that for a moment she had been close to dying but all she can think about is taking out the enemy that has dared to attack her home.

Explosion of Rot:13D6 = [2, 6, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 5, 4, 3, 6, 5] = 55 centered between the enemies on I15 amd E16, both get hit.
DC remains 20 if it fails 1D4 = [1] = 1 rounds staggered.


((With the Slow damage reduction and Mako's heal Menek is back to full health))

Clever. Menek mutters as Mako's healing washes over him. They are targeting the magic users.

Trying to maintain the magical assault as Viss attacks the creatures on her side, Menek maneuvers closer to the two close to him and delves deep into the mysterious arcane. He manipulates the shadow stuff that is the domain of Zora into a manifestation of a sorcerous Shout spell to hit the two bikes in front of him.

((Updated Map Casting Shadow patron spell Shadow Evocation to cast Shout. 5d6 sonic damage and 2d6 rounds of deafness hitting G2 and J3 in the 30 foot cone.

5d6=16, 2d6=10


Since it's a Shadow Evocation it's not a real Shout and there is a Will save DC 23 to disbelieve. Don't know if it applies to these non magical guys but them's the rules. If they make the save than damage and duration are reduced to 1/5th.

THEN on the Shout itself there is a Fort Save DC 23 to reduce damage by half and negate the deafness.

IN CASE there is 'Any exposed brittle or crystalline object' on the bike then there is an additional 12d6 of damage to THAT specifically with a separate Fort Save DC23 to reduce that by half.


Maybe this wasn't the best idea....))
The ineffectiveness of her attack serves to further outrage Ciel. Thanks to Cecil's parting gift, the party knows her secret and is surely questioning her capacity as a ruthless killer at this very moment. To be faced with a group of enemies that are highly resistant to her techniques so soon thereafter can't be a coincidence. The universe must be conspiring against her. No matter, the assassin thinks in an effort to compose herself, I'll just have to conspire back.

Thinking back on her training, she looks intently at the armored soldiers on the hoverbikes. At first glance, the armor is impenetrable, and orders of magnitude better crafted than the finest full plate. But as she looks, she begins to see minute openings, points where the protection is weaker. The hoverbikes are also less indestructible than initially thought. If she could get an arrow properly wedged into the weaponry on the front, the whole thing might blow.

Ciel makes a beeline for the artillery while attempting to finish off the hoverbike she previously attacked. Ozzang'ac's hold on the larger mech means a possible opportunity could be coming.

((Casting favored enemy, full attacking the hoverbike at N4 again, and moving to behind the artillery. Ozzang'ac can still make it helpless and open to a coup de grace by tying it up his next turn, right?))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95606]Manyshot: 1D20 + 29 = [18]+29 = 47
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95607]Damage: 2D8 + 36 + 7D6 = [7, 5]+36+[6, 6, 6, 3, 1, 1, 5] = 76
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95608]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 29 = [5]+29 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95609]Damage: 1D8 + 18 + 7D6 = [3]+18+[5, 6, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5] = 52
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95610]Base Attack 2: 1D20 + 24 = [19]+24 = 43
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95611]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 24 = [17]+24 = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95612]Damage: 3D8 + 54 + 7D6 = [5, 2, 3]+54+[6, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5] = 90
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95613]Base Attack 3: 1D20 + 19 = [18]+19 = 37
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95614]Damage: 1D8 + 18 + 7D6 = [5]+18+[4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 6, 4] = 50
Ozzang'ac can still make it helpless and open to a coup de grace by tying it up his next turn, right?))
<I think it was DM ruled that it was considered helpless, so it shouldn't need to be tied down.

I mean, this is basically Raditz being held by Goku so that Piccolo can kill them both.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
With her allies restored, Sybil wastes not time in casting Freya's judgment upon the giant fire breathing machine. "By the gods of Asgard you shall be judged!"

As Ozzang'ac holds it down and peels apart it's insides, she calls upon her inner strength. Sybil's muscles tense as she surges forward like lightning to plunge her blade deep into the helpless canon's circuitry.


((I just realized a cou de grace does not require an attack roll and also comes with a start up DC of 10.

Expending a lay on hands to cast smite evil against the artillery as a swift action, then attempting cou de grace.

Damage: 1D8+4+2 = [4]+4+2 = 10

Since cou de grace is auto crit that makes the damage 20.

DC Fort save versus death if target not evil = 30
If target is evil DC = 43
If evil and outsider = 53))

Mike M

Nick N
“Fools,” Fleshbane says, his words lost in the wind to all but his own audio receptors as he watches the mechanized assailants focus their attention on what they mistakenly perceive to be the greatest threats. “You ignore me at your own peril!”

Augmented Energy Current (4 points to up damage and save DC, +2 DC for electricity, +2 manifester level for purposes of overcoming resistance, which they don’t seem to have in the first place)
Hoverbike G2: 13d6=50 (Reflex DC 29 for half damage)
Hoverbike J3: 13d6=47 (Reflex DC 27 for half damage)

((By my reading, this power is in continuous effect until I lose concentration, and since these guys have a difficult time inflicting damage so long as Energy Conversion is up, I can probably keep concentration until they’re all toast. If it kills these two jabronis, the power will automatically move to another target within 55 of me and an additional secondary target within 15 feet of it the next round. Which, uh… may include allied units if there aren’t enemies in range, I’m not sure…

Seriously, it’s a shame we already totaled so many of these guys, I could probably sweep this whole fight myself unless Lunarian starts pulling out dirty tricks))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I can never decide if fleshbane is uncharacteristically fragile or utterly broken. It'll be fun when our characters inevitably do battle))

Mike M

Nick N
((I can never decide if fleshbane is uncharacteristically fragile or utterly broken. It'll be fun when our characters inevitably do battle))
((I think he's just highly situational. He seems unstoppable in this fight and is immune to, like, all status ailments, but his AC and melee DPS are kind of shit relative to everyone else. Those Juggernaut levels came at the expense of ones in Warblade.))
As the party adapts to this strange and unusual class of foe, they begin to tear through the enemy forces.

Sybil's sword punctures a critical component of the larger machine, and it stops resisting Ozzan'gac's grip. The elemental is able to release it, and it falls limply away.

Almost simultaneously, Ciel is able to overcome the attackers' superior armor and finally kills her target with a flurry of arrows.

She is able to get one more hit into a different target, which is then ended by Fleshbane's ruthless electric attack.

Viss's and Menek's targets only fare slightly better; they are heavily damaged but they retain their ability to fly.

The remaining enemy forces pull back, retreating toward the much larger swarm of forces above. Reinforcements loom in the short distance, but it makes no matter, as less than a minute later, the party reaches their destination. Hot on their heels are Scraw, Jonna, Shirox, and Pillari, all of whom were able to evade capture and destruction.

The thick cover of the expansive forest proves too much for any would-be pursuers to overcome. Though hoverbikes can be seen patrolling overhead, for now the situation is under control.

Relatively speaking.

The Raven Queen's Observatory still floats above, a grim reminder of what they had failed to protect. It would seem that the enemy has captured it and made it their own, rather than obliterating it.

Another unusual fact quickly arises, once the party has had a moment to catch its breath: This place is bereft of magic.

The idea is so foreign that it's difficult to process at first, but it remains true. The air, water, plants, and animals all around them are fully mundane. On any other plane, even the most barren deserts were rife with magical energies and mana currents, ripe for manipulation by any wizard or cleric of minimal skill.

Here, the only sources of magical energy are the party members and their equipment.

Compounding the isolation is the realization that right now, no one feels connected to the deities they serve. Asmodeus's grip on Ciel's soul is loosened; the Asgardians have been disconnected; Fleshbane no longer feels Zerome's meddlesome influence on his actions. Even in this natural, wooded area, Melora is silent to Viss's feline ears.

Crickets begin to chirp. Nightfall looms.

((Magical spells that work over long distances don't work right now. That means no message-sending, no teleporting, no plane-shifting, or anything like that. Think of it as though those spells require wi-fi, and in this place you don't have a signal.

Any magic that only affects the area around you is fine and will work without trouble.

Oh and also: Welcome to the actual start of the campaign! :) ))
((TheRealDarkSoulsBeginsHere.jpg :) ))

The successful attack is enough to bring Ciel's ego back into equilibrium. She is ready to tear into the remaining forces when they retreat, allowing the group to escape into the woods below.

With things seeming safe for the time being, she pulls out her wand and treats the wounds received during the fight as Thanatos lumbers around looking for animals to eat. As one of the members who was more or less coerced into SAED, she fills no guilt or unease when looking up at the taken observatory. "Hmm, looks like the Raven Queen's having a bad time up there. So much for interplanar agreements doing much to curb mayhem." In between her amusement at the situation and relatively weak magic compared to the rest of the group, she is among the last to realize that this place is devoid of magic.

However, she does notice rather quickly that the burning sensation she had grown used to feeling in her chest is considerably lighter here. "Well I'll be damned a second time around. It seems the gods have little to no grip here. In between that and this lack of magic, it seems everything is technological here. If they can't detect or deal with things of a magical nature... ooooh, yes, I could grow to like this place. Assassinate people in ways this culture can't fathom, bring cities down from the inside out, I think we can have a good time here. But for now, we should rest. We haven't had a chance to since our little meeting with Cecil, and this seems as good a place as any. I'm sure we can set up a functioning camp in between the lot of us."

With that, Ciel begins to look around for basic supplies that would be used for setting up camp in the woods, only going at it half heartedly as she figures this is Viss's area of expertise.

((No one else seemed to want it, so I'm going ahead and equiping that +4 periapt of wisdom we got earlier and jotting it down on my sheet. If anyone did want it after all, I can part with it.))
"A camp should be no problem, just follow me a moment." Mako says as she moves towards a location she had spot from above before, were they find a nice, roughly 20 foot radius, grove, but not much else, but then she grabs a blade of grass as well as a leaf with some water on it and begins chanting. Once she completes the spell *cough*10 minutes later*cough* the party finds themselves in a grove sheltered by fruitful trees, surrounding a shallow spring of drinkable water.

"I think this will do for now."

((I cast Grove of Respite.))
Once finally in the forest highly resembling the reef and the endless pillars that reside in Faerun, Ozzang'ac immediately heads over to the civilians, practically failing to appreciate the strangeness of their surroundings in the thought of catching up to the others that have fled from the ship. Losing the sense of being attached to Mystra is only a minor cooncern as their relationship was strained at best to begin with. The former guard, and possibly former SAED member is quick to express relief that the less combat able are safe.

Jonna approaches, a half-orc man brought to tears as he reaches out, "Master..! Hugh.. Pepa.. I should've stayed behind and been there for them!"
"None of this is your fault. I should have been there to save them, but our duties.. our duties have distracted us from a true threat."
"What will we do now..?" the orc asks, and the elemental answers just as unsure, "I don't know.. If we cannot find a way to retake the observatory, we may be left only to navigate the astral sea for answers."


Menek slumps down onto a handy stump as Ciel and Mako make preparations for the night and Ratbreath flaps to a nearby tree keeping a wary eye on Thanatos.

We are caught outmatched, unprepared, and outnumbered, by a foe that we did not even know that we had. Lost in unfamiliar territory and, depending on what is happening to the Raven Queen, perhaps no longer functionally immortal.

He looks at the others.

It has not been a good hour

((Menek didn't do any research, what would he know about the forests beneath the Observatory?))

Mike M

Nick N
The steady pulse of Fleshbane's inner light quickens in excitement. Though the means of his escape from Zerome's control did not fall within any probability matrix he had devised, it scarcely matters. He is free, uninhibited once more and free to act in accordance with his nature and design.

Who would be the first? Sybil, for daring to lay hands upon his form during their first flight in the Abyss? The insufferable know-it-alls, Menek and Mako? Maybe Viss, just to experience what it would be like to cause the extinction of a species? Ciel may even join in the fun before realizing that without the further need to free himself of Zerome's control, Fleshbane no longer need be concerned about their pact. Ozzang'ac would probably try and stop him. An unfortunate but unavoidable casualty.

But here beyond the reach of the Raven Queen and Zerome, there is no guarantee that the resurrection process is still intact. These creatures may be inferior to him, but they are still far more powerful than your average fleshling, and they outnumber him greatly. To fulfill his purpose in construction, he must first prioritize his own survival.

If he possessed the capacity for gustation, the realization that he must for the time being allow these worms to live would leave sour taste in his mouth.

Still, they were on an entire continent belonging to the intruders who had displaced them from the observatory. He was but one Xenocide unit, but it may not be difficult to convince the others to assist in their destruction...

At Menek's lament, he turns to face the inquisitor witch. "Outmatched?" he asks. "Have your touted powers of observation failed you? No, I am far from outmatched here. Their weapons are ineffective against me, and they are particularly vulnerable to my powers. It is highly possible that I could destroy them by myself, though acting alone would slow the process considerably."

Turning to address the others, he continues, "That is why we must strike as soon as possible. We must anticipate that they will augment their abilities to reduce their weaknesses to our attacks and find a way to circumvent my own defenses. Never will they be so vulnerable as they are right now."
((Azih: The landmass below the observatory wasn't there before. I may have done a poor job of emphasizing this, but before you guys left for Faerun there was nothing under you except the sea itself.

This continent-sized landmass appeared out of nowhere. You wouldn't have had time to do research on it))
<I dunno Faerun is incredibly mundane, textbook fantasy Earth, unless by mundane you mean we won't run into dragons and tigers and ogres and gryphons and Drizz't as random encounters.>

The elemental returns to the party, at least momentarily before he plans on watching over the innocent servants nearby. He takes notice of what Fleshbane has just stated, "Make no mistake, we must find a way to recover our observatory and find out if our friends are alive.. the question is if we truly have the strength right now to do so. It is true that you had a great advantage over their unique sorcery- but who is to say they may not adapt and find a more conventional means of killing you, Fleshbane?"

He addresses Menek now, "Why is it that we are still on Faerun? Shouldn't we be on a different plane where the observatory is...?"


It is not your prowess I question. Menek sighs But your numbers as compared to theirs. As in you are one and we have no idea how many of them they are.

Menek fishes out a piece of scrapnel embedded in his robe and holds it out. The machines we were pursued by are most similar to yourself. Do you know what they are? Where they come from?

To Ozzang'ac Menek says We are not on Faerun. See the vanquished Observatory still hanging above us? But this land was certainly not here the last time we were here. It was naught but sea before. It is... mysterious. I feel magic here is.. not present. I do not think we can planeshift our way out of here. And our deities feel much... fainter

A thought occurs to Menek and he looks at Ciel and Fleshbane. Are you free of your compulsions to Asmodeus and Zerome?

((If that's too metagamey I'll retract the last comment. It just makes sense that Menek would make the connection though. Int through the roooof on this one))
Ciel takes a moment away from making her impromptu tent to respond to Ozzang'ac. "I have to agree with Fleshbane on this one, to an extent anyway. It is before they have time to adapt that we should burn their cities and leave their invasion force with nowhere to return to. Causing an extinction event may be out of this small group's capacity, and I would advocate a more saboteur-oriented approach, but the general idea is right." Turning to Fleshbane, she adds "If you want to cause as much damage as you can before they adapt, I say go for it. Killing organics is your primary function, is it not?"

At Menek's question, she does not answer him outright, but gives the investigator a wry expression. "And if we were to say we were, how would you respond to that?"
Ozzang'ac shakes himself, his head, "Just because now is the most opportune time does not mean that we would be able to successfully capitalize on it. We don't even know if we are safe here in this... Faerun imitation.. or if we are still capable of recovering from death."
Ciel tsks at the water elemental. "And here I was under the impression you wanted to return to the observatory. Causing as much damage as we can here to impede supply lines for their attacking force seems the most effective way of doing that. You clearly disagree, so what do you propose in alternative then? Sitting on our asses... well... your chin or what have you until the inexorable march of time turns this place into dust? Launch an even more suicidal attack on the forces at the observatory? Go on, I'm listening." With a bit of exasperation, she adds "if you don't want to participate, then don't. Let your fear of the unknown paralyze you. Sit here being too concerned about the possibility of dying to do anything about it. Maybe you can become the king of this forest or something."

Her piece said, Ciel goes back to setting up her tent.
"I wish that, for once, we can come up with a plan in order to make these attacks instead of only wishing to kill whatever we deem fit. I guarantee you that even if we made such a plan, they'll find a way to attack us first just like the succubus attacked us first and Cecil found us first while we are out here alone."

"I also don't know what is going on at the observatory, but I know that there are people alive here, and I must make sure that they aren't going to be killed."
Without turning around to stop work on the tent, she replies "So making a plan is pointless because an interception force will show up that anyone in on this will have to kill or escape from, got it. That saves a lot of brain storming and hypothesizing over a culture we lack any real intel on right now. Feel free to stay here and protect these inconsequential people you've formed some kind of life bond with. I, on the other hand, am going to get some beauty sleep, and after that go get shit done before they figure out how to detect magical disguises and invisibility."


Menek holds Ciel's gaze I would congratulate you on the relief of your burdens. Your deities are harsh masters

He then turns to look at Ozzang'ac oddly The succubus would not have attacked if we had not gone to the Ivory Labyrinth in search of the lost souls. That was our decision. Cecil would not have pursued us if we had not parlayed with him, then investigated his origins, and decided to break our agreement in order to investigate the source of his powers further. You cannot expect others to stop acting while we carry out our own plans. In any case Ciel is correct. We need sleep. It has been a harsh and tiring day. We need to recover our energies and then.. tomorrow.. we will find out where we are and what is going on.

Mike M

Nick N
“I may as well compare you to a sloth,” Fleshbane says in answer to Menek’s inquiry. “In both examples, the resemblance is superficial at best. The precursors to the Pan-Skirn Consensus from which I trace my descent were independent weapons forged in the crucible of a war on magic. They were primitive and incapable of true autonomous thought--the best that could be assembled by inferior fleshling minds—but they were still capable of operation without a pilot and specifically built to combat magical forces. This civilization presents a curious paradox to me; their constructs are simultaneously advanced, yet lacking independent intellect, effective armaments, and adequate defenses.”

Turning to face the trees in the direction that he saw signs of cities and other advanced architecture, he adds, “Your apprehension regarding the status of our connection to our respective patrons is not unwarranted. I first began to detect interference with Zerome’s control over my directives while I was still aboard the Observatory prior to the attack, and now it is absent entirely. My code is once again pure and unadulterated by outside influence, but I currently calculate that I can grind more bones beneath my heel by attacking the habitation infrastructure of this landmass with the assistance of those present than I could if I were to end your miserable existences now.”

With his body still facing in the direction of his desired target, his head pivots around like an owl to speak directly to Menek once more. “You lay claim to the title of military tactician, what would you do with diminished forces wielding a weapon of devastating power that cannot be assured to be retain its effectiveness in the face of the enemy’s ability to adapt and counter it? You fear the consequences of a full frontal assault? Then let us wage an insurgency. A guerilla campaign. Anything that will slake my thirst for their blood.”


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil descends from her skyward patrol and lands in the clearing. She returns her sword to her scabbard before falling to one knee with her eyes closed. She whispers something before standing once more and marching over to Mako.

"This is astounding magic, Mako. We should not tarry long, but this grove is very peaceful, and the fruit and water will be much appreciated for helping us recover. Yes...yes this is a much needed reprieve!" Sybil speaks in a distracted and rushed tone that seems in sharp contrast to the bags beneath her eyes.

Encountering the talk of strategy, she simply frowns and then stares up into the sky for a moment. Whispering a prayer, she waits for an answer. A look of puzzlement is soon replaced by shock as Menek lays out the silence of the gods.

"So that's why I...can't feel anything." The paladin's face goes very pale.

"I trust Master Menek will see us through a good plan of action. Please excuse me." She makes haste to leave the others, her hand still gripping the hilt of her blade tightly.

Small streaks stain the paladin's face through the grime and dried blood caked into her skin from the day's battle. She is alone near the magically created spring when Scraw finds her. She knows it is him. She could recognize that shuffling walk anywhere.

The green symbols the sorcerer uses to communicate float over the surface of the water and lay in front of her.

"You look bad when return to ship...now worse. Wings much less heavy when finding you and others alive."

Scraw lays a hand upon Sybil's shoulder but she flinches and pulls away. Not turning to look at him, Sybil ties her hair into a ponytail and kneels to wash her face. Scraw looks over to her discarded mail and frowns at the charred straps, the surface stained with blood. He grabs a handful of grass and sets to rubbing the plate, his hands glowing with faint magic.

Sybil rebukes the youth with tired voice. "Don't bother. That's not even from here. That's...Fairhaven. I've already tried to clean it, it won't come off."

She continues without a hint of warmth in her voice. "You should probably run. If you transform you could probably make it far enough to contact the council and have them return your soul to Valhalla. I doubt they would want anything to do with me, even if I could speak to them."

Scraw throws the breastplate onto the ground and begins to gesture wildly, symbols flying from his hands in frustration.

"Ship destroy. Raven home broken. Forest is all wrong. Now you wrong too!"

Sybil turns with her eyes downcast and envelops Scraw in a tight hug, before kneeling to pick up her armor and re-fasten it.

"I'm glad that you are safe. I wondered if you would be lost in griffin form for a while again. Like when you were first cursed by the blackthorne druids."

Scraw sighs, his anger extinguished, his face returning to a look of confidence. "That was olden time. I control better now."

Nodding, Sybil stands up, fully armored once more. "I should take first watch. Try to stay with the others, you are best able to protect them. That's all we can do right now."

Scraw nods and walks back toward the camp.


Returning to the others, Sybil lays out her idea for the night, her voice hesitant as she is unused to speaking without feeling the connection of her faith. "I thought maybe I could take first watch. Safety and rest are the most important right now, so can't strategy wait for tomorrow? Restoring our magics after the marathon of baffles might be really important. We could use as much rest as we can afford."


Menek nods wearily. Yes, sleep. Let us all think on what needs to be done for a spell and confer again in the morning.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I did notice the grove spell has some kind of alert enchantment but in-character Sybil wouldn't necessarily know that. Also how does the work mechanically? Do you think it's worthwhile still having a watch rotation or should we just leave that as fluff?

EDIT: I forgot Oz doesn't need sleep. We could have a short scene then before Sybil sleeps if he plans to swim about all night.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane stands at the edge of the grove, arms crossed as he stares unblinkingly into the darkness beyond. "I would detail all the ways in which a consciousness seated in a gelatinous goop that can only function for a few hours at a time is deficient, but for the time being my continued survival may require you to be at your peak performance, substandard though it may be."

The veins of light tracing the joints of his armor dim, but do not fully extinguish. In the fullness of darkness, he appears to be an abstract line art rendition of a humanoid created from the dying embers of a campfire. "I will slaughter all that approach," he assures. "I trust their screams rousing you from your slumber constitutes an adequate means of alarm?"
"Don't get too excited, this place is already covered by an alarm spell... well that only helps me, but attackers should be rare as this place also hides us from those outside. As for what we do tomorrow, I think our first objective should be gathering information. A wind walk spell should useful given our current situation where teleportation seem to not be an option, although I will likely need Viss' help to get the spell on everyone."
As for what we do tomorrow, I think our first objective should be gathering information.
"Agreed. Unless something inevitably goes wrong, we'll want to find a way how we can best cripple the forces and infiltrate without drawing attention to ourselves."

<A reminder that Ozzang'ac has a really good stealth bonus.>
((If Ozz can replenish his ki without needing to rest or meditate, I see no reason why not. Otherwise, it can just be fluff.))

"Better than that, how about you play the screams of dying people on repeat throughout the night? It'll make for soothing background noise. If you have to actually kill intruders, you can just double the volume or something," Ciel says jokingly.

"The world may be ending after all Mako. That's multiple times in less than a week we agree on something. I would also add that as this is an utterly alien culture, we should assume that they will speak and write in a language none of us have ever seen or heard of before until proven otherwise. Anyone who can should prepare spells to get around that."

The makeshift tent basically complete, Ciel gets up to find a place to bathe after a long two or so days of killing people. This requires her to slip off into the woods for a bit with Thanatos in tow, in part to avoid exhibitionism in front of the rest of the party, but more importantly because bathing in what is supposed to be drinking water is a terrible idea.

Eventually, Ciel finds a suitable looking pond or river and removes her equipment, leaving it by Thanatos and giving him a stern instruction to guard it. She carries along a small vial into the water as she immerses herself. Opening the small vial of color remover, she pours a little in her hair and rubs the rest over her skin, no longer having a point in dying her hair and altering her skin tone. She submerges herself for a minute, and as the muck clears away, she surfaces. Ciel's eyes letting her see clearly in the dark, she looks down at her reflection, utterly clear of dye and makeup for the first time in months.
All things considered, these past few days haven't been too bad. I got to kill some paladins, watch a paladin kill another paladin and get shaken up over it, and now I'm getting a break from all of this god business. Sure, everything related to... this... sucks, but this place seems promising. If I'm lucky, Fleshbane will get himself destroyed trying exterminate all life here, and the others will either get caught up in that and die or flee and try to get back to the watch tower. I just might get a chance to vanish, assimilate into their culture, and make myself a feared god among assassins all over again. Yes, in a place with no magic or ki, I think I can do pretty well for myself.

Ciel stays in the water for a little longer before getting out and deciding it's time to return to camp. With a snap of her fingers, Thanatos begins flapping his wings as fast as he can, serving as a giant air dryer. Once he's done, Ciel puts her clothes and equipment back on and returns to the grove of respite. On the way back in, she'll say "So, had to break anyone yet?" in passing to Fleshbane as she walks over to the impromptu tent and prepares to retire for the night.

((It turns out it's surprisingly hard to find SFW picks of dhampirs outside of a few stock photos. That's about as close as I could find to what I imagine Ciel looking like when not disguised up. Just imagine the skin as a bit grayer and the eyes as green. And no collar of +5 bat escort, of course :p))
we should assume that they will speak and write in a language none of us have ever seen or heard of before until proven otherwise.
<Ozzang'ac doesn't know it yet, but unless ruled otherwise, this might not be an issue.>
((Well, it still came out way, way astronomically better than anything I could have drawn.

And besides, now you know why I said "draw him to look effeminate." XD))

Mike M

Nick N
((That has a somewhat limited usage. However we should have multiple ways to cast Tounges and maybe even communal tounges, so we should be okay.))
((It's not literally Comprehend Languages, the only real limitation is that it doesn't apply to written words.))
There is no night in the Astral Sea.

The pinkish twilight above grows darker during a predetermined range of time, but there is no setting sun, no black oblivion, no watchful moon. Just a noticeably darker pink.

Even so, after the day they've had, none in the party have much trouble drifting to sleep, leaving the non-organic members of the party to patrol the outskirts of the grove - Fleshbane on one end, Ozzan'gac on the other.

Ozzan'gac perception DC 20
You notice a lone humanoid man approaching, trying to be stealthy about it. He looks very similar to the men who were attacking you on the way down; you can tell because he's wearing the same body armor
<I was on mobile when I saw that post, rolled a 22. (actually more of a 25 because I just remembered I boosted my ranks in perception)>

Stealth: 1D20+23 = [10]+23 = 33

The elemental motions over to Fleshbane, indicating that he has spotted something. Eager to display a bit of cunning, the large form of water sinks into the ground and begins to travel just under the dirt and grass, stalking the strange being and soon moving under him to catch him stepping into damp mud.

<Readying a grapple as an action>
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