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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

<I figure that Polymorph would effectively make him disappear and he won't be able to do anything with the knowledge he has stuck as an animal. They probably don't know how to detect the magic either. If we can't do a permanent transformation we can also just turn him into something small and quiet enough to carry with us.>
((Well that's fortunate, abruptly shifting Ciel's alignment would probably have unforeseen consequences. :) ))
<Oh, believe me. I have foreseen the consequences. :p>
<I figure that Polymorph would effectively make him disappear and he won't be able to do anything with the knowledge he has stuck as an animal. They probably don't know how to detect the magic either. If we can't do a permanent transformation we can also just turn him into something small and quiet enough to carry with us.>
<Oh, believe me. I have foreseen the consequences. :p>

((baleful polymorph is permanent, and if he fails both saves he will even have the mind of an animal. and since we are currently the only people with magic, its unlikely anyone else could turn him back.))

((hmm... it occurs to me i could just charm person him. its only 1 hour per level, but its not like i have any other 1st level spells i'm dieing to use.))


((Viss still doesn't have any moral problems with polymorphing the guy. Oh, and the liquorice question is important for role playing reasons. If she can't find new ones it would basically mean the same as if a smoker ran out of cigarettes. She'd end very grumpy :) Edit: Just read the part about the retina scan, would it be possible for Viss to fool something like that with her "Thousand faces" ability? Though she'd not be very good at impersonating a military person. Something about not being so good at the whole subordinacy thing.))
((That's an interesting question re: A Thousand Faces! I'm going to allow it.

As for the licorice root. I'll let you as a player decide how you'd like To play Viss. If you want to explore her getting irritated due to lack of licorice root then you can't find any. If you want her to find some small solace amid all the chaos in being able to chew, you can find it. That's a small enough touch that I don't want to get in the way of you playing your character))
Sitting in place on the ground, Joseph shuffles around uncomfortably as the party huddles quietly to determine his fate.

Perception DC 36 or Spellcraft DC 38
You hear a subtle, high-pitched ringing sound in your brain. Its source is unclear.

Without warning, Joseph retrieves a black-bladed dagger from his belt and slits his own throat. Hot red blood flows freely from the wound.

He is dead in seconds.

((If anyone is interested, the dagger counts as a Masterwork Mithral dagger in game rules, except the blade is black and is actually probably made of some kind of modern alloy. Carbon steel or something like that))
((They might have, but no one mentioned looking for weapons.

That might be a little flimsy, but this guy is trying to kill himself. If he didn't have a weapon, he would have just charged Fleshbane and let Fleshbane do the deed for him. He wasn't restrained and you guys were huddling away from him, so no one was there to hold him down. Either way, he's dead))
<If he would have charged Fleshbane, Ozzang'ac would've stopped him. If he didn't stop Joseph, he would have stopped Fleshbane.

Also, the last IC post Ozzang'ac made was when he was asking what kind of guards were in the civilian composts, so he would have still been near Joseph when he attempted to take advantage of the group conversation.>
((If it's any consolation, Ciel was going to kill him or have Thanatos eat his polymorphed form anyway.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=95857]Perception: 1D20 + 19 = [7]+19 = 26
As everyone begins to react to Joseph suddenly slitting his throat, Ciel dryly says "For once, that wasn't me. Well, I guess now we decide whether or not to finish resting up or move immediately. In the mean time, we should dispose of the corpse, don't want to give them an indication of where he was when he died."

Ciel removes Joseph's remaining equipment and weaponry so the party can keep it and maybe figure out more about that armor, pocketing the snazzy looking dagger in the mean time. She then utters a single word in Necril, causing Thanatos to rush forward and devour the corpse, leaving no trace behind.

"One final little detail, if anyone can make the blood he spilled go away, that will be even more helpful. Maybe not necessary, but I don't know how thorough these people are."
((Well, it's not so much Thanatos has the devour ability as he's a giant vulture that eats whatever he can. He would have gone for a small, defenseless animal at Ciel's order and been able to eat it pretty easily, I imagine.

But yeah, corpse eating is kind of what vultures do. :p))

Mike M

Nick N
((Mechanically, Fleshbane is covered in spikes, he could have theiretically killed himself without Fleshbane himself lifting a finger, but it's all moot.

Only have 14 in Perception, so I can't get that roll if I tried.))

Fleshbane gazes down at the lifeless corpse of their former prisoner. "It would seem that we broke his fragile little mind," he says. "Not my first preference as a means of elimination, but as long as the end result is the same, I have no complaints. Now if only we could inspire such despair on an industrial scale as we did on Skirn, we could make significant progress on the road to their extinction.

"I thank you all for your assistance," he remarks drily.
For whatever reason Ozzang'ac seems content to watch the man kill himself. No emotional response, no real justification for not stopping him. It was a very out of character moment for the elemental.

Ozzang'ac thinks over the man's last moments, terrified of the strange creatures before him. Even those closest to his design have swayed his senses into confusion.. What now, will their people think if a large elemental of his size simply went in? Perhaps it was acceptable in Faerun, but not acceptable in Prexia. "I will find my own way to the Observatory," he openly announces in decision, "I would simply draw too much attention as a monster. The rest of you would blend in much more easily, especially with sorcery."

He moves forward to the party, "My return to the observatory should distract them long enough for you to find an opening to get past. I expect this will not be in vain."

<Spoony told us not to split the party, but the DM says it's okay that I go to the Observatory, so I can't really afford to ICly argue about it even if there's a better plan>
Mako just watched a man die, unable to stop it for some reason. For that same reason she also decides not to bring him back to life with a breath of life spell, despite his potential use.

"Ozzy, no need to sacrifice yourself, we can come up with another plan. Hell, I could even distract them with more water elementals if you want, although Air elementals would be much preferred. Or we could use some form of illusion possibly, that might be even better."
He shushes Mako with an extension of a watery limb, "I am going. Give me allies if you wish, but I would only compromise the mission at this point. I don't intend to sacrifice myself- I am not easy to kill, but you may be without me for awhile."

<EDIT: Removing crappy comment. The point was that while it doesn't make sense from an IC standpoint, that I hope the rest of the party lets him go free.>
<Sorry about that. I came off as rude (which I probably was, I am honestly not even sure). It's kinda hard to justify Ozzang'ac leaving.

Here's what was said in PM as a way to avoid arguments
Also, I'd recommend that, when you make the post where Ozzan'gac announces that he's leaving, you notify everyone in brackets

And I did a terrible job at that. Now that I think of it, it might have meant OOC arguments so that just makes me even more of a jerk. :( >
((Streams cross sometimes, no worries.

Once the time out is over with, I'll have a post of Ciel approving of him going off to the Observatory ready to go.))
((And we're back. KM is going to start us off when he is able to make a post - probably at some point today if I had to guess. Sorry for that brief interruption))
Ozzang'ac looks between the others, "I think it's safe to say that given the circumstances, it isn't possible to fulfill the duties as SAED for the time being. My only leader now.. is myself, and I simply cannot bring myself to leave any survivors in the observatory behind."

"This will be farewell," he concludes, "I am going to sneak inside and try to find any survivors or any other hint of what is going on.. and help the Raven Queen if she still exists." With that, the elemental begins to rise up, extending a limb to wave at them all, and finally swims off.

<I will be switching to a new character, thus why Ozzang'ac is leaving now.>
"I hate to point out the flaw in that, but we're probably going to Esperia first so buying time is a questionable move given-" Ciel's mind trails off as she imagines Ozzang'ac taking to the air and getting attacked by an entire army, fighting them off until they eventually gun him down. A smile crosses the assassin's face.

"Actually, forget I said anything. You're right, you're your own master. You make that observatory run, Ozz. Give them hell."

Ciel looks clearly pleased as Ozzang'ac flies off. Now, if I can just get the other insufferable ones to do the same thing.

Turning to the rest of the party, she says "Well, he's made his choice, so that's that. We may want to just haul ass to Esperia and rest there, given the circumstances. That's not without its own risks, but I have a feeling a search team will have an idea of where we are sooner than expected now."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil yells out as Joseph pulls out the strange looking knife. Unfortunately she is too late as the strange nervous man runs the blade over his throat before anyone can stop him. Stepping over his body, Sybil examines his wound. It is clear the man has lost too much blood to still be alive, even as it continues to trickle from the arteries in his neck.

The paladin frowns and she closes his eyes with her hand. "A cowardly act..." she murmurs, slightly confused why a man who was seconds earlier so afraid of being killed would abruptly decide to end his own life.

((Sybil failed the perception check))

"Let us bury him before we leave underneath a sturdy tree. Even in this sterile forest, we should allow his soul a proper rest." With the help of the others Sybil rolls up her sleeves and digs a hole for the man before burying him beneath the soil. After burying him she allows the others to do what they wish to hide his grave.

"Asgard does not honor warriors who take their own life. An unmarked grave is as much as he deserves."

In that same sentence she is struck by Ozzang'ac's news of departure.

"How can you do this, Ozzang'ac? We are already dealing with so much loss, and now you want to leave? Even if you make it to the Observatory somehow, you will likely simply be captured by the overwhelming force there!" Sybil's anger rises up from a feeling of helplessness as she watches the elemental rises off the ground. Her bicep tenses up as she spots Ciel sporting a smirk and the paladin suppresses the urge to punch the look off her face.

Struck by Ozzang'ac's determination to depart, the anger dissipates as quickly as it came, like a puddle in the midday sun. Before he is out of earshot, Sybil calls out to him.

"May you be protected by Freya's grace. If...when you find the Raven Queen...tell her I am sorry we let her down."


Ratbreath, who was preening himself, hoots in alarm and flaps over to sit on Menek's head instead of the collapsing suicidal soldier.

That.. That was.. what the hell was that? You guys aren't that terrifying he squawks.

Menek, similarly taken aback, composes himself and says. I think... it was not us, but his superiors that he was afraid of. We will not get an audience with these Peraxians. We need to get to Esperia.

It will be sad to see you go Ozzang'ac but it makes sense. Please if you could find out what happened to the three people in my employ and try to keep them safe... I would be in your debt. Perhaps you could disguise yourself as a shower of rain and infiltrate that way? Be safe. And hopefully we will meet again

((Did we get a map out of Joseph?))

((Also let's say that we buried what remained of Jospeh after Thanatos got full. To keep everything in sync))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Also let's say that we buried what remained of Jospeh after Thanatos got full. To keep everything in sync))
((That works. Sybil would be fine burying the bones, this guy was an enemy anyway even if he was a scared fool.))
((Yup, works for me. For Ciel on the other hand...))

"Oh for fuck's sake, we're seriously going to take the time to bury his remains and set up a 'we were here' symbol? We should just disintegrate the remains and be done with it." She sighs, her good mood from Ozzang'ac's departure now being tested. Given the circumstances, getting into an argument with already on edge party members and rendering them more emotionally exhausted could be a good time, but she wants to be gone before more Praxians arrive.

"...Okay, fine, whatever. Just make it fast."
((Without giving up too much, I feel like I should mention that there were forces outside of my control that provoked that suicide. Your characters won't know that, but I'm just trying to protect my reputation as a DM who tries to at least be consistent :p

And no, he didn't have a chance to draw a map. He did give you a direction toward Esperia though.

Edit: actually lets say he did manage to draw a map first, that's fine. It's crude and not to scale, but the border with Prexia is southward, and Tevash is westward))
The murky twilight of night gives way to some semblance of daylight as the rest of the party watches Ozzan'gac drift upward, spreading himself thin in the atmosphere so as to avoid detection.

With no reason to stay in the forest, there is little choice but to make for Tevash, the nearest Esperian city, as described by Joseph.

Emerging from the forest, they find that the roads in this place are artificial, and made of smooth, black rock ((paved)), with a prominent metal strip running down the center. Fleshbane recognizes it as magnetic.

There are no people or vehicles yet, though. They head eastward down the road.

It's not long at all before wreckage comes visible in the distance.

It is an airship, of similar design to the Phoenix Maelstrom (though in marginally better shape).

As they approach, a man can be seen emerging from the wreckage. He spots the party and walks toward them.

((KittenMaster, it's your cue. Remember to describe what your character looks like))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Can I rush over before he frees himself from the wreckage and attempt a coup de grace))

((just kidding, psyched to see the new character))
A whining barking sound protests from the maw of a small Pink Kobold in a leather bound seat far too large for it to adequately fill. "Come now, Dewie, you'll forget all about how long this trip took once we get there," a youthful man responds, gloved hands gripped against the metal handles of the ship's nautical. Brushing away excess red hair from his view, revealing more of his scarred face, the brash young pilot then points over to a pressure gauge display, "Look! In about ten minutes the power to the Conjuraion core will be restored and we'll be able to Plane Shift a few parsecs closer to the Raven Queen's home plane. They're going to be thrilled when they get their hands on the parts for the improved archon models." A typical but rewarding job for Satra Addlelove and his Kobold friend, taking reign of a two man vessel equipped called The Frontiersman which, much like the Phoenix Maelstrom, is equipped with the necessary magical power and thick casing which to withstand the difficulty of sailing the Astral waters. The Frontiersman is a very small, boxy vessel, its interiors comprising of just a cramped bridge and its magical generators in the room just behind. Its size is made deceptively larger by dragging behind it large storage containers as transport that can be removed at any time. Despite its modest nature, Addlelove feels quite attached to it for how much he had invested and put himself into debt in order to obtain the vessel.

"Working with the Raven Queen is a real big opportunity for us," he assures with a big grin, "The big three of Hestavar wanted this! They have real good relations with her, that's for sure. First, these parts and next we may be trusted to transport gifts, and all in all this tower she's at is supposed to be quite fancy. Maybe they'll let us have a nice good meal in a well made dining room. Wouldn't that be great?" Dewie soon chatters and yaps happily at that idea, quickly warming to the possibilities that await.

After a short wait, a valve begins to whistle, loosely freeing warm steam through a small gap in the metal. Satra glances over and comments, "Oh! Looks like the plane shifting spell is ready. Just give me a few seconds to adjust the coordinates. If this spell fails we could end up a good hundred meters away from where we intended to be, maybe even get turned around and somehow end up in the abyss- worse yet, I have to make sure that our coordinates are precise enough that we won't wreck our ship teleporting into a rock or an arcane storm." Dewie begins to shiver and whimper, causing Satra to quickly console the little creature, "Aw, it's nothing to worry about! It's actually not that hard to get right. I mean.. as long as we end up safely arriving what's the worst that can happen?" In the back, a crystaline rock in a machine begins to glow brilliantly against the darker bronzed metals conducting it. Powerful light begins to channel through thick cables that enable a burst of strength to the thrusters built to the sides of the ship- The Frontiersman disappears, and the two occupants enjoy seeing even the light itself slowing to a halt for that brief moment.

Zipping back into reality, Satra and Dewie are quickly thrown violently in their seats against the navigation tools as an explosion shatters a part of their engine room. "What in the hell!?" Satra screams while flying cyclists whizz by the display, firing blasts of light into the corners of the view. Dewie begins barking furiously. "I know we're under attack!" he responds, quickly setting himself upward and buckling himself into his chair. "I can't tell what's going on! Jettison the cargo so that we can at least try to make a break for it." Dewie gives a hesitant chatter, prompting a pleading "Come on! Just do it!" from the man. The storage containers that drag behind The Frontiersman are de-attached from the ship itself, lightening its weight and freeing it from its burden. Quickly, it begins to accelerate towards a much more competitive speed, its main forward thrusts and external mobility thrusts granting it the mobility it needs to navigate through the waging war like a lost bird in a storm.

Even giving up the valuables has not deterred the onslaught of beams slamming against the fleeing ship, causing it, and the living beings inside, to be knocked around with harsh jerking force. After a panicked chatter from the Kobold, the main pilot comments, "These aren't your ordinary bandits, that's for sure! I don't know who they are or where they came from, but let's start by making sure we never get to find out. Divert several caster levels from the front shield to the Evocation drive," he instructs "We're gonna lighten up their mood a bit," he quips with a near smirk. The external plating of the ships begin to reveal very small transformations as it alters its purpose, sliding open round flaps that reveal underneath large pearls lining the shape. These pearls don't wait to glow, quick shooting Magic Missile spells at the assailants, blasting against them and swatting several away in quick succession, even damaging their rides and causing them to collapse into a fall. Dewie yelps as it points upward, making note of damage being caused on the top of the ship. Satra reacts, "They're on our twelve o'clock? They should be mindful not to step on nails." A tube emerges from the top of the ship- it conducts a highly visible stream of blue lightning from within before blasting Chain Lightning out from the center a few times, instantly causing the explosions of the hapless riders the light touches.

Just as it finally starts to look good for The Frontiersman, several indicators begin to alarm. "Damn! That last blast of magic drained too much of the engine's power! We won't have enough to stabilize the shield spells for much longer, Dewie!" It chatters, and he responds, "I know! But what choice did I have! It was either try to shake them off or let them beat on us for too long." A crippling explosion complete with the ripping of metal is heard and felt, effectively ruining the flight capabilities of The Frontiersman, and causing it to begin its incline. Catching himself by grasping the wheel from the last blast, Satra Addlelove screams, panicked by what is happening to them, "We've been shot down!! Pray for an emergency landing!!!"

...And that is why there is a man in front of a wrecked ship presented before the party. He preoccupies himself with begrudgingly appraising the damages that the ship had incurred in that instant of a battle. With a groan, he explains to his Kobold, ".. the magic core is busted, and pretty much the entire chassis is melted away. A lot of the jumpers are useless now too, they got shorted out when the cables were blasted..." He then feels a tug on his sleeve, "Hang on Dewie.." And again, "Okay, fine. What is it you want me to- oh!"

Others have arrived to check on them, and it doesn't take even a first glance to realize that they are dangerous people. It is bad enough that he lost the Frontiersman, Satra Addlelove doesn't want to lose Satra Addlelove as well.


He turns to the party and raises his arms and calls out to them, "Alright! You got me! I surrender! Just go easy on us, we've had a very, very bad day!"
((Ooh, I'm getting a Han Solo vibe from this guy. I like it, nice introduction))

Ciel eyes the man with curiosity. His getup looks a bit different from the Praxians, causing her to wonder where he's from. An Esperian, maybe? But it seems odd that an Esperian ship would crash so close to one of their cities. Unsure of what to think, she does what she always does when things are uncertain: starts bullshitting.

"And you just kept it from getting a hell of a lot worse. Start with the basics, where are you from? By the by, the last guy we captured killed himself after our questioning, so I would recommend you cooperate more than he did."
Satra lowers his elbows and raises his shoulders to convert his surrender signal into a strained shrug, "He couldn't have had it worse than what I'm going through right now, could he?" he asks. He shifts his gaze between the members while raising his arms back up, not exactly sure what kind of information would be appropriate to give.. his lack of potentially useful information or anything that he could say to bail him out isn't doing him any favors. He tries to shift the topic in his control, "So... May I ask which god I just incurred the wrath of?"

During all of this a pink kobold can be seen hiding behind the man's leg, clinging against his fabric and folding its tail between its legs.
"You seem to be under the impression that we are willing to deal with your bull shit right now. That, unfortunately for you, is not the case, so I suggest you answer our questions."
"As she pretty much said, we're the ones asking questions here. I'd get to answering if I were you."

Ciel begins readying implements of torture, whistling to herself while doing so.
<I just realized, as his arms are raised in surrender his vest will be lifted up enough from the shoulder motion that it would make his gun holster more visible.>
While Satra's arms are up, Ciel notices an odd looking thing strapped to him. The item is unlike anything she's ever seen before. The spectacle of preparing for torture momentarily distracts her, but she soon abruptly stops whistling and spins back around to face Satra.

"Ok, bonus question. What the fuck is that... device you've got tucked away beneath your vest?"

Mike M

Nick N
"An amusing trinket," Fleshbane says in answer to Ciel's question. "A weapon devised for poking holes in fleshlings at a distance. Not unlike your own primitive ballistics, but more compact."

Standing over Satra, Fleshbane gazes down upon the roguish pilot. "My last plaything was as weak of mind as he was of body," he says. "You, though. You will not break so easily, I think. Perhaps I can derive more than a fleeting moment of satisfaction."
He finally explaons, despite their already knowing half of the story, "I was just delivering cargo before you shot me down." He is pretty sure said cargo has been captured at this point, rendering his cooperation moot.

He reaches into his holster to grip the very tip of the handle between his thumb and fingers. He slowly pulls it out where they all can carefully watch his movements. Dangling the gun for a moment, he jerks his head to it before letting it drop to the ground with a clattering bounce. He then takes a step back from it.

He looks up to the robot that threatens torture. He gulps a bit with worry.


The ship design is far more like the Phoenix Maelstrom's than anything from the Peraxians Menek points out to the others. I think it is safe to surmise that he was of the Astral Sea just as we are and picked a very bad day to deliver cargo to the Observatory
"Hmm, so it's like a one-handed crossbow, but even more compact? How interesting,". Ciel remarks, now showing interest in the weapon.

Satra's explanation gives Ciel a moment of pause. "Wait. We've killed plenty of folks in the past few days, but if we shot down a ship, we would remember that."

She nods with Menek's explanation. "That does make sense, his getup doesn't look particularly Praxian. All right then Satra, let's see this cargo of yours." As she says this, she begins making her way towards the ship, not too concerned about getting his permission first.
If anyone bothers to look at the gun closely, it will be a finely refined mold of iron polished to a mirror sheen, and the more arcane endowed of the group will note that it is magic enhanced. Moreso, in addition to custom decorative metal lacings lining the metal, there are words engraved into the gun: Heaven's Door

Satra points over to Menek, "Technically, it wasn't me that picked the day but STILL, I was doing perfectly legal trade. I have no clue what the Peraxians are-" He shifts his pointing finger over to Ciel, "And you.. I have no clue how you found out my name.* I had to abandon the cargo to try to get away. It sort of worked," he half-heartedly concludes. He probably wouldn't even be alive if he didn't abandon the cargo.

When Ciel looks at the ship, she'll note that it is in a very similar condition as when Fleshbane gets destroyed in battle. Torn apart into useless heaps. Though a good portion of the front of the ship is still intact, for the most part it is useless and in no better shape than the Phoenix Maelstrom was when it was destroyed by the Peraxians.

<*this is now canon>

<@thLunarian: Would Satra know anything about the Phoenix Maelstrom, or does the Phoenix Maelstrom blend into a larger fleet of ships and for the most part isn't remarkable enough to be famous?>
((That's what I get for posting too quickly, I say as I proceed to show that I learned nothing about slowing down from that :). ))

Before crossing the threshold of the ship, Ciel turns back to Satra and gives him a nonchalant shrug. "I have my ways."

Ciel looks around the ship for signs of what was being carried on it. Most of what she sees is busted technology that reminds her of Fleshbane after he takes a beating. "Well, he's not going anywhere in this thing for a while," Ciel muses, still a little surprised about the world's luckiest name guess.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil casts her eyes upon the pilot in suspicion. His casual demeanor reminds her too much of Ciel, but she reserves judgment, especially seeing the frightened kobald hiding behind him.

"If he was headed anywhere around here he was probably shot down by the Peraxian's just as we were."

She steps forward and explains the comment regarding Satra being a Peraxian or not. "Were you attacked by a legion of metal constructs that fired lasers upon your ship? We have been told these are the Peraxians. We rode a ship that was destroyed by them when we returned to the greater Astral Sea."

"Whatever God they worship is no ally to us."
He nods sagely, "I couldn't get a close look at them from where I was sitting. I just saw fast moving flying speeders firing at me in a flank. So what you're telling me is that they wrecked your transport as well, then?"

Dewie looks up to Satra and then the Paladin, remaining still for now.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Not only that, but they have destroyed and usurped our former base of operations and disrupted all connection with forces outside the immediate area. These Peraxian's appeared from nowhere like a plague of metallic locusts, invading everything they encounter without mercy."

Looking to the scratches and scrapes on the pilot and his small companion, the brows underneath her scattered golden locks are furrowed. The paladin removes her armored gauntlets and rolls up the silver sleeves on her shirt.

"If you need aid I may apply healing."

Sybil offers what modest healing may be needed for the duo before retrieving a few supplies from her pack. She pulls out a small wooden cup and a green apple she picked from Mako's grove earlier. Casting a quick spell, she fills the cup with purified water and slices the fruit in half. She steps forward and crouches to offer the drink and fruit to the pink kobald.

She sets it down carefully few paces away in case it is nervous to approach and returns to stand by the party. Replacing her light metal gauntlets she tests her mythril mail grip reflexively before nodding with satisfaction.

"Satra, you are fortunate to be alive and from what I can tell you are relatively uninjured. You will need the strength to leave this area immediately. The Peraxian army has been relentless in pursuing those it deems enemies."

Whether or not the kobald eats or drinks, Sybil will pack the items back into her belongings. She calls out to the assassin as she gathers her things. "Ciel, if there is nothing of use in the ship wreckage we should be moving on, this crash site attracts too much attention to remain nearby."


((Sorry, I couldn't post much this last days. Let's just say that Viss has been absent for this scene on accounts of searching for liquorice root. She should easily be able to catch up with the rest thanks to shapeshifting and what not. I'll make a proper post somewhere later today.))
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