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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((INT is 5 not sure if that enough. ThLunarian mentioned the wings as an option. Also, Knowledge (geography) 1D20 +14 = (18)+14=32 Edit: looks like the dice roller I used doesn't save the roll when I link to the site. Gonna use another one next time... ))
((Since the flight thing is a weird requirement, I'm giving a lot of leeway with it. During the downtime between this assignment and the next, there will be enough time to teach Tessa how to use the wings.

However, it just occurred to me that if Viss turns into a large flying creature, and Tessa gets shrunk, she could just carry Tessa along, even at Medium size. Especially with the strength bonus and the fact that your equipment disappears while Wildshaped, it's not going to Encumber you enough to slow you down))


((That would be an idea. Animalwise my Wildshape is pretty maxed out at level 10. Gonna check which animals are an option, right away.))
((INT is 5 not sure if that enough. ThLunarian mentioned the wings as an option. Also, Knowledge (geography) 1D20 +14 = (18)+14=32 Edit: looks like the dice roller I used doesn't save the roll when I link to the site. Gonna use another one next time... ))

((5 is more then enough. basically once a creature hits 3 int, they become sentient and can learn skills and feats like a normal character.))



In my estimation it would take six hours for us to get there. It will not be a direct or simple journey Menek informs the rest of the group.

((Menek can split up to 72 hours worth of endure elements as required. Can I say Menek's owl doesn't need its own dose as long as it stays with him?

This is what he looks like btw:


(( I have a question regarding wildshape. Do I add or subtract the bonuses from my own stats or from those listed under the animal whose form I assume?))
((Familiars can get a pass on Endure Elements since they're much less functional than Animal Companions so they're negligibly advantageous. No need to waste a spell slot on them.

Nezumi, you modify your own stats with Wild Shape. You can ignore those listed under the animal's own entry. That should greatly simplify your bookkeeping I think))


(( Indeed it does. So I only have to know how big/small my animal is and for attacks I just take the stats for unarmed combat?))
(( Indeed it does. So I only have to know how big/small my animal is and for attacks I just take the stats for unarmed combat?))

((Yeah, you gain the natural attacks they have(with attack and damage bonuses based on your stats) and whatever ability are listed under beast shape 3 that said creature also has.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That is hilarious considering the attitude of the owl so far. thLunarian:
No problem, I'm mostly just feeling guilty for not posting as much as I'd like. Life has just been very busy and hectic lately. I have full intentions to be active I just haven't had time to think out good posts lately.

Sybil emerges from her room and spreads her wings out in full, also stretching her more humanoid limbs out in the process. Routinely moving through a set of exercises before donning her armor, Sybil has an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach at the oppressive atmosphere of the Abyss. Such desolation and darkness no doubt held boundless chaos. The inhabitants of a land untouched by law may be a nightmare to handle. The paladin gathers her things and meets with the other SAED agents.

"Master Menek, thank you for your astute calculations regarding our journey. Is everyone prepared to endure the elements outside of the ship?"


Menek stares fixedly at the horizon ignoring the horrible things going on near the ship. I can make an infusion that will protect anyone who requires it for an hour, 72 doses in all if need be. I suggest we fly

Menek heads down to his cabin and mixes that extract that will provide the first 24 hours of protection from the Abyssal plain. He hopes it's the only one they'll need. Then he rouses the owl. Alright Ratbreath. Alchemy won't do the flying for me so I'll have to use magic. I think I've got everything prepared, all I need to do is focus on the eldritch energies and..

Menek lets his subconscious tap into the mysterious forces that he's now connected to as he chants a few words and waves his hand.

Nothing happens.

Menek waits for a few seconds before hopping down a few times experimentally.

I don't think it worked Ratbreath I...


A broom appears out of nowhere and smacks Menek right in the face. He groans and clutches his nose as the sweeping implement flops into his arms.

What is this? he asks as the pain subsides.

It's a broom Ratbreath answers.

Yes, I can see it's a broom. Where did it come from? Menek says getting irritated.

It came from you the owl responds You conjured it. Saddle up witch boy

You must be joking

Yeah I am, but so are the magical powers that be The pocket owl flies up and grips Menek by the collar and stares right into his eyes They don't like you douchebag. So swing your leg over and I suggest we get to work.

Menek strides back up to the deck with a stony expression on his face and the broom clutched in one hand as Ratbreath cleans itself on his shoulder. He does not look like he's in the mood to talk.

Well. Is everyone else ready?
Ozzang'ac gazes out to the darkness below. He always knew that going into the depths of the ocean where the darkest of waters lie laid terrifying creatures and endless black, but he never imagined he would be going into the depths of the astral sea.

Upon Sybil's query, the elemental states, "I am not sure my form will be able to handle the extreme heat on its own. The goddess had given me the ability to swim in the air, however."

<Ozzang'ac's DR only protects against weapons, so I'll take damage from the environment like everyone else.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Casting endure elements upon myself when we are ready to leave. But I'd like to RP sharing the spell if anyone else needs it.))

As the curious elemental expresses worry about the Abyssal environment, Sybil's earlier thought about it evaporating into a cloud of steam returns to mind. The brand upon her neck awakens, its burning perhaps a taste of the oppressive heat they are about to enter. Wiping the precipitation from her forehead, the paladin steps forward.

"Ozzang'ac, I can cast a clerical spell upon you that will allow your form to remain unharmed by extreme temperatures for a single day. However, it requires touch for the enchantment to be fully locked in." Sybil closes her eyes and extends both her hands with upturned palms, a faint light glowing between them. As she whispers the requisite words, the paladin pauses briefly before the final phrase to open her eyes and wait to see if the construct will make contact.
"Very well. I will accept the magical aid." Ozzang'ac draws closer to allow the spell to be cast on him properly. Even just touching the surface of the water should be enough to cast the spell.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the surface of the watery construct touches her hands, Sybil completes the enchantment and withdraws. She watches some of the moisture drip from her hands onto the ground. "That should protect you for 24 hours. I have enough for a few more castings but hopefully we will not have to be outside long enough for that to be necessary." Looking at Ozzang'ac was always an interesting experience, as part of her focus is torn on the reflection of herself and part upon the ever-flowing shape the construct has taken.

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane appears in a burst of crackling energy, suspended in the air several meters beyond the deck in the air, with his back toward the others. If he is moved by the tableau of ungodly horrors and atrocities that appear to unfold uninterrupted all the way to the distant horizon, he does not show it, one way or the other.

“If the meat have finished wasting our time with their pitiful needs to protect themselves from being cooked, perhaps we might proceed,” he says, his metallic voice carrying above the howling winds of this altitude. “I would prefer to minimize the amount of time I need to spend in your wretched company if at all possible.”

((Guess I need to actually start keeping account of my power points now. I get 5 hours of flight time per use right now, so I have to double dip to make the last hour of flight unless we want to fudge it.))
Ciel comes out onto the deck while waiting for Thanatos to be brought up. Unlike the others, he is actively looking down at the sights of tr Abyss and appears to be enjoying himself entirely too much. "Oh, this is going to be glorious," he says to no one in particular.

When Thanatos makes it topside, he addresses the question of protection from the extreme temperatures. "Why yes, I do have myself and my transportation covered." With that, he draws upon some of nature's power to form a protective shield around himself and Thanatos.

If Viss is paying attention to this, she may be alarmed to see that the source of the magic he used closely resembles her own.
Mako will take a few hours of endure elements from however is providing and grants herself overland flight, "Let's do try to make our visit here as short as possible..."


Menek draws half of the extract he created and provides it to Mako. They are both protected for 12 hours now.

((I think everyone is protected?))


Viss is sitting in her cabin of the Phoenix Maelstrom when Bungo announces that they have arrived at their destination. She has spent almost the entire journey there, staring at the never changing scenery of the Astral Sea, thinking about the talk she had with Oldoraphon before their departure.

Viss had been a bad mood when she had left briefing. The thought of going to a realm inhabited by demons had frightened her and the fact that she had been frightened had angered her. Hours after the briefing she had still been pacing up and down restlessly. She had considered using the console to call upon Melora for guidance but her pride had stopped her. This was HER assignment and SHE had to deal with it, otherwise how would she ever make up for her prior mistakes.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed when a deep harrumph had stopped her in her tracks. When she'd looked up she had seen that she was standing in front of Oldoraphon. The tree's amber eyes watching her intently.
"May I inquire as to what it is that is causing my mistress so much distress?"
Viss had averted her eyes.
"It's nothing."
"I don't wish to accuse my mistress of lying but I have a strong feeling that her answer has not been truthful."
Viss had sighed and sunken down to the mossy ground, burying her face in her hands.
"It's the assignment. I'm not sure that I'll be able to fulfill my duty."
"And why would my mistress think that?"
"Haven't I told you before that you should stop with that "my mistress" crap? Call me Viss."
The old tree had smiled. "I apologize...Viss. But I must ask again. What is it that makes you think you are not able to fulfill your duty, to the Raven Queen?"

Viss had hesitated for a few moments. Had considered not saying anything at all but something in the tree's deep voice had made her yield and so she had told him everything.

After she had finished, Oldoraphon kept silent for a little while. When he finally spoke his voice was calm and soothing. "Before your final day in the world of the living, how many battles have you fought, how many evils banished?"

Viss shrugged. "I don't know. It's not like I kept book. But it certainly quite a few. Things add up over twenty years."

Oldoraphor smiled. "And yet you think that this one defeat weighs more than all the success you had before?"

"Well, It did get me killed..."

"But you are here no. And why do you think that is? Do you think the Lady Melora chose you because of your great success or because of your one failure? You should think about this."

After that the tree had kept silent and Viss had gone back to pacing. But it had been a less frantic and more thoughtful pacing.


So for the last two weeks all Viss had done was thinking about every other job she had ever done in her life. Drawing upon memory after memory those last moments of pain and fear. Menek's declaration at their departure that they would mostly be dealing with orcs in the beginning had also helped.
So when she and Tessa stepped unto the deck to meet up with the others she almost felt her old self again. Almost. She still avoided looking at the mayhem below them.
The estimation of their travel time given by Menek seemed about right. She casts endure elements on her and Tessa.

((Now about Viss recognizing the nature of Ciel's magic is there some kind of perception throw i can do to check why he is giving me the creeps besides being a total ass))
((Sounds like it would be a spell craft check to me. not sure why there being another ranger around would creep you out though, unless you believed they couldn't be evil or something.))

And before she forgets, Mako cast False life on her self.

False life: (1d10+10=13)


((Nah, it's more because that ThLunarian already stated in the opening scene that I get a strange vibe of Ciel so I was thinking more about checking up on what that was all about.)
Once the spell is completed, the elemental notices how the flighty person before him looks at her hands as they drip wet... and notices how gravity overtakes the water and drips from her. He never realized until now how fragile and helpless water can be in the dry open. Re-focusing his attention towards Sybil, he notes how people on the surface aren't accustomed to being wet, "I apologize if that inconvenienced you, and as a creature with a much different sense of time I agree that this should be a curt visit."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"It is no trouble at all Ozzang'ac. Only that...it is curious to me that water is such a visible part of you." Sybil opens her mouth to ask another question but changes her mind, shaking her head quickly. "Another time I would like to ask you questions, but for now I should focus on the mission."

Sybil raises her voice to address the others. "If we are all ready, let us follow Master Menek's direction and head out!" Sybil adjusts the straps on her armor and nods.Bending her legs slightly, she flexes her wings, and they beat twice before launching her into the air.

Her stomach lurches momentarily before a feeling of adrenaline and wonder surges through her body. Although this is her first time flying, her wings seem to know what to do. It is as if a deep and intimate knowledge of flight lay dormant in her body, only truly unlocked after her death. The white feathery muscles on her back beat just enough to keep her in flight as she soars up to Fleshbane's height, but keeping a thick horizontal distance between them.
((Viss can make both a Perception check and a Knowledge Religion check to try to get more information.

Make a disguise check. Don't make a link to it; just spoiler the end result. Links sometimes show up even when spoilered

Disclaimer: I'm about to slightly bend the rules to inconvenience the party because I think it could result in worthwhile roleplay))

The party leaves the safe confines of the ship, and almost immediately after take-off it becomes clear that the entire vessel is surrounded by a magical protective bubble that preserves a comfortable atmosphere. Everyone is greeted by a gush of suffocatingly-hot air and a very light, constant drizzle of red liquid that smells vaguely of iron. It has no ill effects, but it is somewhat unsettling. Ozzan'gac can tell that it's not water, and he may expel it from his body on command if he doesn't want to turn red.

On the ground below, the horrors of the Abyss confront everyone's sensibilities head-on. Some are blind to the intruders and resume their own depravities; others take note and make profane gestures to the sky as they pass.

Five minutes go by uneventfully for the party.

Fleshbane's internal sensors alert him to trouble. His systems are in danger of overloading. Although his outer carapace is sturdy enough to withstand these conditions, it appears to be too much for his internal components to handle. It seems he underestimated just how hot it would be out here.

((Fleshbane, take 4 lethal damage, no save allowed. Every minute, you'll take d6 damage until you can get someone to cast Endure Elements on you. I don't want this to be a behind-the-scenes thing. I want you to actually talk it out))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oooooh, dirty pool! This was like half the reason I took those class levels! : P))

Fleshbane abruptly stops mid-flight, heedless of anyone who might be following in his wake. "Existential threat detected," he says, the crimson precipitation sizzling as the droplets strike his heated exostructure. Without further explanation, he turns and flies full speed back toward the Phoenix Maelstrom.

((If no one intercepts, I'm prepared to eat the 5d6 damage on the return trip))


bitch I'm taking calls.
The crimson rain washes over Sybil incessantly, mixing with the droplets of sweat that have begun to pepper her skin. It is a light shower, mostly driven by the speed at which the party is flying...but still it makes her uneasy though she cannot say exactly why. Attempting to concentrate on the journey ahead, it isn't even a quarter sun's time before suddenly Fleshbane calls out something she can't make out above the rush of wind.

Abruptly the mechanic monstrosity reverses direction and blasts straight towards her and then past everyone in the opposite direction. Not about to let the party splinter, especially in this chaotic land, Sybil arcs downward into a nose dive before swooping back up in an attempt to intercept. As she pulls in front Fleshbane, she buffets the air with as strong a gale as her wings can muster. Flecks of the red rain fly off her wings as a strong force is pushed in the construct's direction. Hoping this will slow Fleshbane's movement, the paladin uses the momentary vacuum created to shout:

"Where are you going?! We cannot split up!"

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane does not stop, narrowly correcting course at the last possible moment to avoid collision, and even then only at the demands placed upon his programming to not harm the other members of this team.

"The intelligence provided was flawed," he says in a droning sort of snarl to anyone who bothers to keep pace with his retreat. "My internal systems would have no difficulties in withstanding the environment that was described to us, but obviously the zealot's research was inaccurate. It was an oversight on my part not to conduct due diligence of my own, a mistake I will not repeat. Clearly, biological intelligences are inadequate for the task.

"I am returning to the Phoenix Maelstrom. All other directives are subordinate to that mandating my self-preservation."


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the machine rebukes her attempts and reiterates its hateful diatribe, Sybil feels tempted to allow the horrible machine to go. With it out of the picture, many chaotic variables would resolve themselves to order.

And yet the valknut upon her neck and what it represents reminds Sybil she cannot allow a divide. It would set an ill precedent and to allow the council to begin to bleed without attempting to staunch the wound would be to question the Raven Queen's judgement. She cannot abide by this no matter how much distaste she has for the one called Fleshbane.

Lady Freya give me strength...

Sybil follows and calls out to the construct again.

"You who call yourself bane of flesh would let the atmosphere humble you? Halt your retreat and I will enchant you so you may resist the heat of the Abyss."

Mike M

Nick N
((Hm, what are the rules governing that? Can she just lay a hand on him while matching his flight speed and do it that way, or does he actually need to stop?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Rules wise I think it'd require a stop. The spell is touch range but I don't think movement is allowed simultaneously while casting. I could be wrong though. yeah I was wrong, just read some stuff that makes it seem like that would be possible. Sybil will attempt that if thLunarian rules it okay.

Also she's going to hold it over his head forever if it works.

RP wise, Sybil is not going to attack or grapple Fleshbane to attempt to enchant him. She doesn't want him to go but she's not going to completely abandon the others to do it. If he doesn't stop, she'll attempt to convince the party to return to the ship with her.))
Ciel is riding along on Thanatos when Fleshbane begins to retreat to the ship due to the heat.

"Oh for fuck's sake," he mutters while turning Thanatos around. He attempts to intercept Fleshbane, Casting Thanatos's wings over him as a sort of impromptu shield from the fiery rain.

"You say self-preservation is your primary directive? Fine, prove it you shiny metallic sack of shit. This is the part where you politely ask one of us to grant you resistance from the elements so that we can go and have a fun goddamn time in the Abyss like we're supposed to. Tell you what, you ask nicely now and I won't even ridicule you for not having the foresight to plan for the elements here."

As the sole other voice of evil in the group, Ciel would all and all prefer to keep Fleshbane from ditching them for the mission, even if the two do not particularly like each other. However, if Fleshbane continues fleeing, he'll consider him not worth the effort and continue on to the keep.

((EDIT: Disregard my post if Jackben's stuff works out))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Also KM I'm pretty sure it's blood, surprised Ciel isn't gargling or exfoliating his skin with it right now *barf*))


Perception: 1d20+19= 16+19=35 Knowledge Religion 1d20+3=11+3=14((Sigh, I need to find a Dice Roller that let's me actually link to the throw, any suggestions.))
Ozzang'ac shifts his water to form his facial features on the other side of him, effectively turning around. He calls out to Sybil, yelling to carry his voice through the distance, "You will have to chase him! I have found that containing him physically is not possible!" Despite saying 'you', he starts to retrace his hover as well so that he may address Fleshbane, "You are as vulnerable as the rest of us! Allow yourself to be aided lest your hubris might bring your undoing in future battle."

Whether or not Sybil goes after him, he says to those around him, "If he continues to refuse then we may be forced to let him stay. There is a chance that we may further our purpose without his burdening acts."

((Sigh, I need to find a Dice Roller that let's me actually link to the throw, any suggestions.))
<I am currently using Coyote Roller after Invisible Castle pretty much broke down.>
((Tempted to just haste myself and slap him with an endure elements and give him a stern talking too... but i'm thinking i'll see how Sybil does first.))


((Ciel before Fleshbane turned around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1ZYhVpdXbQ

EDIT: I usually use http://www.coyotecode.net/. http://invisiblecastle.com/ works too.))


Still on the deck of the Maelstrom Viss turns to Tessa. "Well girl, you know what comes now." Tessa growls in protest. "Stop arguing. You rather stay behind?" For a second it looks like Tessa is actually considering that possibility but finally she trots over to Viss, slightly disgruntled.
As Viss touches Tessa suddenly the beast only stands a little taller than 8 feet. Two archons bring out a leathery harness ((gonnna need to know how much the thing is gonna cost me, but I'm assuming I can afford it.)) and under more growled protest Viss manages to strap the thing around the dinosaur's body.

Once Tessa is ready Viss concentrates. She is relieved that the source of her power seemed to work even in such an unnatural place like this. And from one moment to the next a huge Quetzalcoatlus stands in her place ((do i have to make a check to see if Viss actually knows that thing? Seemed like a logical choice since she comes from a place where tyrannosaurs roam freely.)) It spreads it's massive wings and hoists itself into the air, grabbing the two hangers on Tessa's harness. The dinosaur looks very unhappy about the whole affair. A condition that does not change once she and Viss leave the protective bubble of the Phoenix Maelstrom.

When Viss realizes that she is flying through a rain of blood she almost looses her cool again and she and Tessa drop a few feet before she regains control.
When Fleshbane suddenly returns to the ship Viss does not pay him any attention. That thing can stay behind on the ship or slowly rust do death for all that she cares. She will not waste one of her spells on him. Sadly it appears that Sybil does not share her opinion. But that's a paladin for you.
((Sybil can match his flight speed and do it that way as long as he's not actively resisting it. Since Mike M asked if that was possible, I'm going to assume that Fleshbane won't actively resist it.

Also I'm pretty sure that if Warforged existed in Pathfinder, there would have been some rule to where extreme temperatures could affect them :p In 3.5 there's a clause in the Extreme Heat rules about it acting as though Heat Metal were cast on anyone wearing metal armor, but PF replaced that with the "lethal damage if you breathe the air" clause. Warforged don't breathe though, soooo....

And KM, the rain is meant to closely resemble blood.

Viss can know what a Quetzalcoatl is. I'm not gonna be a stickler about that sort of thing))
((Right, sorry))

Ciel's uncharacteristic use of nature magic prompts Viss to venture a closer look at the ninja, but despite the uneasy feeling she gets from him, she still just can't put her finger on what, exactly, the problem is. She might speculate that he's hiding something, but there's absolutely zero evidence that this is the case. It's purely her own intuition and experience talking.


bitch I'm taking calls.

Sybil cuts through the wind violently in attempt to match the pace of Fleshbane's retreat. Soaring ahead of the manic machine was one thing, but calculating his exact speed with her feathered muscles while drawing close enough to touch proved to be a challenge. Missing one pass, she winces at the impending collision before the machine effortlessly changes course. Catching back up to his position, the paladin's eyes narrow and her jaw locks as she pushes herself, arm tensing as she prepares to pass the enchantment as quickly as possible even if she has to punch the infernal talking armor.

Mike M

Nick N
As Sybil’s protective measures take effect, Fleshbane’s retreat rapidly slows to a stop. On the horizon, sporadic flashes of lightning illuminate the sinister red bloodstorm clouds, followed by the muted sound of distant thunder. “You… Dare…” Fleshbane says, turning back to face the winged paladin. “You dare to lay hands upon me? To presume I possess weakness? That I would be in need of assistance from one such as you? You impudent animated filth!”

He closes the gap between himself and Sybil, looming above the smaller humanoid with his hands clenching and unclenching before him. Maybe it’s a trick of the light of this horrible place, but his glowing orange looks to have become a vivid red to match the surroundings. “I will tear those abominable appendages from your back,” he says as he drifts closer. “Watch as you plummet to your death. I will follow you to countless miles to the surface below and I will reduce your mangled corpse into nothingness. I will feel your pulped flesh squeeze between my fingers as I crush whatever fragments remain of your bones into powder, I will crush and grind every molecule of your rotting organic form until not even your genetic material remains behind. I will—“

Fleshbane’s eyes flicker before growing dark. He floats suspended in the air, his arm outstretched toward Sybil’s neck with clawing fingers, but otherwise unmoving and showing no signs of light.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil draws back as Fleshbane looms toward her, threats delivered clearly even through the patter of rain and the boom of far off thunder. She puts a hand on the hilt of her sword, her widening azure eyes never leaving the machine's form as her wings beat to keep her suspended in the air. However, as his barrage of invective threats comes to an abrupt end, the paladin's grip upon her sword loosens. Sybil floats forward until her face is very close to the static fixture that serves as Fleshbane's head. She then slowly and deliberately squeezes the accumulated rain from her hair and fixes it back with a leather strap that had come loose during the chase.

"You're welcome."

Not giving him a chance to reply, she turns to rejoin the others.

Now that the Xenocide unit is aware of its limitations can we please proceed? I wish to be out of this bloody rain as soon as possible.
"Yes, let us proceed. Lead the way." Following Menek back to the others,the paladin's arms shake only a little, steadying after she reflexively grips the hilt of her sword twice.


Menek, focusing unhappily on the wobbling stick between his legs and their distant destination, almost misses the commotion behind him. He takes a long slow turn and heads back towards Fleshbane. Now that the Xenocide unit is aware of its limitations can we please proceed? I wish to be out of this bloody rain as soon as possible. Menek raps on the metallic creature's head to get its attention.
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