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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((I have no idea what spells you have prepared, but looking at 7th levels, if you have transmute metal to wood you could cast that on Aldebaran and let shit hit the fan. Just try to aim it so it doesn't hit our equipment :D. Fire storm would be another good attack spell. Buffs or Azih's suggestion of something to tie up the drones also sounds good, and if you're really stumped, you can just use a high level summon nature's ally and have them run the screen against the drones.

EDIT: Sorry for going vague at the end, I have a class about to start. As a last second addition, fickle winds is a great defense option here against the drones, and failing that, maybe stone wall could work.))


((Hmm, I do have the transmute metal to wood spell but I wasn't sure if that would do any good against Alderbaraan himself. It says it doesn't work on artefacts so I thought that it can only be used for simple objects and not something so complex as an android.))
((Ah. From what I got from reading it, in between that and the spell resistance it can only overcome so much magical opposition. But Aldebaran isn't actually magical (to my knowledge), soo.... :)

But yeah, I don't know if it'll work for sure. It seems like a fun option though.))


((Plus the only way to revert it for sure is through super high end magic that Aldebaraan has no access to. So would be funny if it works for sure))
((Hmm, I do have the transmute metal to wood spell but I wasn't sure if that would do any good against Alderbaraan himself. It says it doesn't work on artefacts so I thought that it can only be used for simple objects and not something so complex as an android.))

<Pathfinder seems to define artifacts as legendary magic items, so an artifact would be something like the Holy Relics from thLunarian's first game. Aldebaran while an exceptional machine is most likely still made out of what Esperia considers existing technology.>
((Super sorry that took so long guys. Work has been kind of crazy, I didn't even really get a lunch break today.

If Viss wants to cast Transmute Metal to Wood on Aldebaran, I'm going to give him a saving throw to resist it because he's a living creature - and a boss, no less - so a no-save insta-kill seems kind of excessive, plus the spell wasn't designed for non-magical settings.

So yeah, she can try it and he will get a saving throw to resist it.

I'm going to assume that Viss does that in the interest of saving time, and..... ::rolls dice::))

Aldebaran scoffs at Shulmor's attempts to intimidate him. "You treat me like a peasant at your own peril," he grumbles, unleashing a bone-shattering backhand at the Lich and sending him reeling, unable to keep from collapsing to the floor.

"Once.... I figure out..... your secrets...." he says, intermittently pausing to stomp a thick metal leg directly onto Shulmor's skull, "You.... Will decorate.... My mansion!"

The final stomp produces a large, ugly crack in the Lich's bone structure.

He turns slightly to address his Droids. "Enough of this! Execute Pattern Theta!"

The droids immediately stop what they're doing and rearrange themselves in a loose circle which encompasses the entire party, save for Viss. A large network of barely-visible fibers begins criss-crossing in a pattern, creating a paper-thin dome over everything.

The dome immediately crackles to life, and is filled with a paralyzing electric burst. Even Satra, in his partially intangible form, is swept up in its power. Fleshbane's circuits are temporarily overloaded and he can scarcely move.

"I grow tired of these games," Aldebaran speaks now. He seems unaffected by whatever energies have afflicted the party. "Soon you will all be unconscious, and then the real fun can begin."

He makes a demented cackle, which fills the room and the ears of the party....

...And then, abruptly, the cackle turns to panic and anguish.

Before everyone's eyes, the entire room begins to rapidly change form. Tables, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, instruments, tools - everything turns brown and inert. The dome of microfibers turns into a canopy, and the electrical attack ceases faster than it started.

The droids are swept up in the effects of the spell, powerless to prevent themselves from turning into wood. ALdebaran seems to be resisting somewhat.... but not nearly enough.

"No.... No! What is this?!" he shrieks. Gradually his body begins to change- starting at the bottom, keeping him rooted to the floor, and steadily creeping upwards. He bends down to knock on his unmoving legs. "WOOD?!" he blathers. He whirls around to Viss and glares at her. "YOU! Undo whatever you've done right now! I command you! I gutted your friend and I'll gut you too! I... I...."

A look of pure terror engulfs Aldebaran's face as the wood reaches his neck. He screams a blood-curdling (yet no doubt satisfying) howl of horror just before his mouth, and, ultimately, the rest of his head, is completely transformed.

((I won't require a saving throw from Fleshbane because he's both magical and a sentient creature.

I made the roll to overcome spell resistance of everyone's magical weapons and armor for Viss, and it was a 17 total, so no one's equipment gets transformed.

Combat is over))
Satra, now that he's duped the sensors of the drones thinks of what to do next. Realizing that he had to give up being able to play a passive role to go into hiding, he decides to try and free the others while the rest handle the fight on their own.

Searching for the right terminal doesn't go as well as he hoped. It seems most of the systems in the room are made to handle security of the entire house. It takes him what seems like an eternity with the battle noise in the background to discover the locks to the cells. Once there, he starts to frantically adjust the gauges of a user interface he's never used before, and a highly advanced system he has no idea how it works.

"Here it is!" a wispy voice from his form cheers, but only once he is finally able to make any semblance of progress, a jolt vibrates through the particles in the air about him, forcing a crying howl from his form; the small elemental becomes distorted and immobile by the static energies filling the room.

Satra is left helpless.. but fortunately.. left helpless to watch the room slowly turn to nature, all of Esperia's technological developments, all of its metallic confines revert to the very forest it was likely built upon. He withers, struggling to gain back his feeling, until he is finally able to muster a smile and a voice, "It's... only natural that you'd go down like this.. Aldebaran."
To Shulmor's alarm, Aldebaran knocks the lich to the ground and begins to pound away. This display of insolence will require a dire punishment in retribution. The realization that his corporeal form may be temporarily shattered is infuriating, but projecting weakness is beneath an emperor. Instead, he focuses on the punishment he will eventually bring upon Aldebaran. Perhaps the burning of this mansion, the slow killing of his most trusted confidante...

Shulmor's thoughts are interrupted as he notices the caged catwoman preparing a particularly convenient spell. Refusing to admit he is being bested, he addresses Aldebaran triumphantly. "On <smash> the contrary, a peasant is exactly what <smash> you are. You forget, you face more than Shulmor, and I have served more than adequately as a-" <CRAAAAAACK>. Before he can finish proclaiming victory mid-curb stomping, Aldebaran's final stomp cracks Shulmor's skull, causing the flames in his eyes to fade away and silence to overtake the lich.

The lich's remains crackle with dark energy as much of the room turns to wood, he rises like a puppet hoisted up by its strings, the cracks throughout his body disappearing. "Distraction." he says, taking in the new state of the room. He makes no acknowledgement of the stomping he received, and proceeds towards those he has yet to speak to, basically acting as if that never happened. "An admirable performance, Aldebaran's annihilation is complete." Glancing towards the catwoman, he adds "You in particular fought valiantly for one imprisoned. Your command of nature is as expected of a god's agent."

He allows the two a moment to collect themselves before continuing. "As you were indisposed on my arrival, I shall explain my presence. The wretch has been dismissed of her duties, and Shulmor has been given her place. That should be sufficient. If it is not, speak now."

Addressing the entire group, Shulmor says "Aldebaran is vanquished, but his judgment is incomplete. For the crime of declaring war on representatives of the gods and murdering one such agent, death is insufficient. His possessions must be destroyed, and all loyal to him annihilated. This place must become a monument to his folly. Regrettably, there is no hierarchy amongst this group. I am left little choice but to put the matter to a majority vote. It goes without saying I am in support of the notion. Decide now whether or his actions will be treated with the appropriate weight."
The effects of the spell manage to warp the wall around the plexiglass barriers enough to easily push the barriers over, allowing Viss, Shirox, Pillari, Dewie, Scraw, and a solemn Jonna to escape their cages and reunite with the party.

Scraw rushes to the side of his deceased patron and tries fruitlessly to rouse her. Once he realizes that he won't be successful, he collapses to his knees and lets out a frightful cry of anguish - the first actual sound he has made since being introduced to the party.
Satra begins to pull his way from his spot.. his elemental form begins to dismiss and he pounds the floor to shake off his invisibility.. He starts to push himself off of the floor to stumble towards the freed captives. Dewie quickly scampers across the ground and leaps into the man's arms; he rubs the Kobold's forehead, saying with a smile, "You know that there's no copilot I'd rather have than you, sorry if I was a bit late." Dewie then tugs on his clothing and points over to the others. There is the half-orc, clearly injured and under duress. Satra quickly makes his way over, kneeling in front while easing the half-orc to slow down and get prone as well, instructing, "Take it easy, you're going to be alright." "What he did.. I thought I was going to-" "Shh, shh.. Let's worry about your injuries. Here, drink this-" he hands over some healing potions, before grasping Jonna's arm to see the holes that have ruptured his wrist, "I've got something that'll help permanent injuries too." He pulls out an infusion of restoration and begins pouring it onto the wrist wounds.

"He.. he said my loss wouldn't be missed," the half-orc says, seeming clearly hurt in more ways than one. Satra quickly plants his palms on each side of the half-orc's face to direct his gaze up to him as says, "He was wrong. I'm sure somebody would miss you- like Dewie is for me, it just takes one to be somebody's family. Why don't you hang with me for awhile? I am always open to have new crewmembers on my ship, how about it?"

As Satra eases the vice on Jonna's head, the orc's face drops and ponders Satra's words, "Family.. like Hugh.. Master Ozzang'ac, and even Pepa. I just wanted to see Fae'run, I never thought it meant I might never see them again." Satra's response is to quickly place a hand on Jonna's shoulder, "You're still alive, though right? If there was anything I would gamble on, it's that they're all just as lucky as you are."


Menek collapses to the floor as Aldeberan's final screams die away shivering in shock for a few moments as the rest of the prisoners are freed and Scraw mourns for Sybil. Struggling to his feet he says thickly First. His name will be made mud in his own home. he moves back to the door to the garage and takes his phone device from the Unseen Servant. When there is reception (floating up the entrance shaft if required) he takes the recording and transmits everything that happened to Abbot and Joshua with the message. HELP. SEND AUTHORITIES TO BASEMENT OF ALDEBERAN'S MANSE.

Coming back to the others he says If the law if this place is inadequate then we will take matters in our own hands. Satra... could you help with disabling the safeguards on the vehicle? We may need to flee. Viss. Fleshbane. All of the rest of you. What happened here? How were you taken?
Satra pats Jonna's cheek, "Can you walk? Looks like I'm needed.." Jonna then grasps Satra's shoulder, "What about them?" They look over to where Scraw is mourning over Sybil's body- Satra simply responds, "Let him be for a moment. There's nothing I can do.." After helping the half-orc back up, he looks over to Menek, "It'll be a tight squeeze in that vehicle."


((I'll make a post as soon as I have some time. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon. I want to incorporate a bit of back story since the set up is just too perfect not to use it. So this calls for a longer writing session :) ))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane stands before the transmuted form, the his glowing pulse quickened to almost a state of constant illumination.

"He... betrayed me," he answers Menek. "He presented himself as being willing to share in his technological advances and a disregard for the life of organics. I took him at his word, but instead he infected my processing unit with some manner of virus code and attempted to take my resonance crystal for himself."

With a howl of inchoate fury, Fleshbane balls his fists above his head and brings them smashing down on the wooden remains of Aldebaran. "Is nothing in this accursed place as it should be?!" he shouts, stomping on the shards and splinters and grinding them to saw dust beneath his heel. "Constructs who act like fleshlings, fleshlings who act like constructs! The order of the world was supposed to be simple, binary! Why does nothing conform to my statistical projections?"

Standing in the center of what used to be Aldebaran, Fleshbane's light dims as he stares at his own hands. "How... How could the Consensus be wrong? Why would they mislead me?"
Jonna begins to free himself from his weakness, dismissing Satra so that he can get used to walking on his own. Satra turns his attention towards the tantrum made by the hulking construct near the room. Privvy to the outspoken thoughts the machine boasts, Satra answers, solemnly repeating thoughts that he once spoke during a conversation with Aldebaran himself, "..To close the gap between man and construct.. Aldebaran saw the evolution of mankind as modulation.. What would he need your resonance crystal for, anyway? And the virus.. are you still infected?"
Shulmor shakes his head as the machine dubbed Fleshbane has its outburst. "Such is the fate of machines given sentience. In the time I ruled, I only saw such tools given minds take two paths: either they tried to wipe out all life after deeming it inferior, or they sought to become identical to the species that created them. I can think of very few instances that did not end in the utter annihilation of the machines given minds. If you seek salvation, you must find the means to carve your own path for answers. So long as you are bound to an imperfect ruler, you will be lead to ruin. The only hope of escaping deterministic oblivion is to become a perfect ruler yourself."

During the time of speaking to Fleshbane, he leaves Scraw alone so he may rightfully grieve the death of his sovereign and his failure to prevent it.


((Bumping and holding out for Nezumi because I really want to see her backstory piece))

((I'm sorry, but an unexpected visit from my mother in law ruined my planning. Will get to it today!

Edit: OK, sitting at it right now. I will not leave my computer until I'm finished!))


((OK guys I'm still working on that stupid backstory piece but it isn't really coming together how I want it to. So instead of holding everything up even more than I already did I just make a normal reaction post for now. I am however pretty confident that I can set things up so that I can include the piece in my next post or so, once it gets ready. It's just that this is a scene I had in my head ever since I created the character and I really want to get it right. I already deleted three different versions...))

A scream shakes Viss out off a trance and for a moment she isn't even sure where she is. Only slowly her surroundings become sharp again. When did she get out of the cell? Hadn't there been a battle? The last thing she remembers was the machine fighting with that monster that, for some reason, had come to her rescue. She also remembered getting more and more frustrated when Aldebaran had seemingly ignored her attacks. But what had come after that?

She looks around the destroyed laboratory as her eyes fall on the distorted figure of Aldebaran and the realization hits her that the mayhem around her was actually her doing. Before she has time to dwell on how that makes her feel, however, her thoughts are interrupted by Menek's question.

"Hm? What? I... I don't know." She shakes her head still not entirely able to sort everything out. "I just went to my room and to bed, when I woke up I was here. I don't know how he did it. Shirox and Pilari also didn't see or hear anything... I..." She breaks off as her eyes fall on the corner where Scraw is mourning over Sybil's mutilated corpse. Again anger rushes up in her, but it is weak flame compared to the raging firestorm that had filled her moments ago. She considers going over there to console the youth but stops after the first step towards him, unable to find any words that might help.

Looking at the persons around her doing her best to ignore the undead newcomer and Fleshbane another dreadful thought appears in her head. She turns to Menek. "Where is the rest? Mako, Ciel are they..." She breaks off unable to finish the question in fear of the answer.
It soon becomes apparent that the catwoman druid is deliberately ignoring him, and Shulmor inwardly fills with outrage. How dare she. He has treated these people as almost equals, given them more respect than they deserve, and she is content to pretend he's not there? Such impudence, she is a druid through and through.

Druids have proven an odd lot from past experiences, throwing themselves into the path of unnecessary annihilation. Most of the druid communes he encountered refused to assimilate into his empire and proved unwilling to adopt simple technology, let alone anything that would make them space faring. That was simple enough to accommodate, so long as they understood that the planet they were on was his. Issues arose when they would fight back against running powerlines through their territory or against the destruction of trees to mine for resources. This was the stubbornness that forced him to kill them to the last man, as they frequently proved unwilling to surrender as spec ops dwindled their numbers, combatant and noncombatant alike. When the earth beneath was not an issue, orbital bombardment proved effective for getting around their control of nature. And then there was that foolish lot who would try and kill him simply because of his ascension to a perfect vessel, shrieking foolishness about the wrongness of undead before being struck down.

Unfortunately, this cat druid seems to be of the undead hating fanatic variety. Shulmor would teach her manners right now, but he is duty bound to not turn against his fellow squadmates. At least this is for a mere decade. Stiffling his rage, he does not try to get Viss's attention again. With Fleshbane still in thought, he sees little to do but address Menek and turn his attention to the grieving welp. "Your condition is a reasonable one investigator, but let us first see what the others think."

Shulmor walks over to the still distressed Scrawl, looking at him impartially. "It is the mark of a proper leader to be grieved by her followers upon death. I do not know if you were her bodyguard, intelligence manager, confidante, or some other position, so I can not speak to whether or not you have failed her. That is something you must figure out. Bereft of your superior, the task before you is grim. You must decide what to put your existence towards now, you must decide if you wish to partake in retribution against the holdings of the robot who did this to your former master, and then re assimilate into this order and find someone else to serve as a subordinate under, at the very least until conditions are adequately restored for you to request your dismissal. If you are unable to do this, and have lost the will to live, then at your request I will put you out of your misery." Shulmor puts a hand on his gun with these last words, not pulling it from the holster just yet.
<Am I allowed to take over the Scraw NPC, or is he strictly DM only now?

@Nezumi: Just do what I do, just randomly insert small bits of backstory snippets (although I mostly do this because I make up backstory elements as I go along and are convenient).>

Before Satra is able to incur an answer from Fleshbane about the state of the virus and the purpose of his resonating crystal, Satra quickly darts back onto his feet and quickly approaches Shulmor, "Wait a second, we just saved his tuft and now you're going to just going to hand out a brass verdict?" Without waiting to see what Scraw thinks, Satra attempts to make a deal to try and get the winged person out of trouble, "Why don't you let him hang with me for awhile at least until after we get out of here? I could always use a good set of eyes on a ship." An assumption.


<Am I allowed to take over the Scraw NPC, or is he strictly DM only now?

@Nezumi: Just do what I do, just randomly insert small bits of backstory snippets (although I mostly do this because I make up backstory elements as I go along and are convenient).>

((Thats what I'd normally do, but this is one of maybe three scenes that I had planned from the very beginning since it is basically the how Viss got Tessa story.

And oops at already pissing of Shulmor :D ))
<Ah, yeah. I can see how it would be hard to find an opportunity to implement that. I usually end up turning what was intended to be a humorous bit of dialogue while in a tavern or something into a serious backstory moment because that crocodile broke my grapple and scored a crit>


((Yeah, the problem is that Viss as a character has evolved a little bit from when I first created her and now I need to implement this changes to make for a coherent story. That the general premise of said backstory is somewhat cheesy doesn't really help.))
Without turning his body away from Scraw, Shulmor's head rotates on its axis towards Satra, the full breadth of his malice and contempt upon him. "The decision is not yours to make." Shulmor says harshly. His head then rotates back around to Scraw. "It seems you already have a voluntary benefactor, should you decide to keep living. You still have time to think, but we shall need to move shortly."
((KM - After this post I'll hand Scraw over to you, that's fine))

The pretty young man gazes into the barrel of,Shulmor's gun and stands up. Writtem words appear in the air, in Elven - Shulmor's first language, from eons ago, when he was still a living creature. To Fleshbane, they appear in binary code; to Satra and Menek, they are in common; to Viss, they are Sylvan.

The time is not right, the words spell out. I must first honor the memory of my Mistress, and return her remains to their rightful resting place: Asgard. Will one among you secure her body to my back?

Scraw transforms into a four-legged Griffin before their eyes, and kneels down next to the table upon which Sybil's dissected corpse rests.


Viss is appalled at the undead's suggestion and ultimately relieved when Scraw doesn't take him up on his offer. To his request she answers with a silent nod and steps over to Sybil's body looking at her companions for help as not to have to simply fling the dead paladin on the griffin like a piece of meat.
Satra backs off at first, but when the girl gives a look that she needs help, he volunteers figuring he's closer after protesting to Shulmor. He starts by helping unfasten and disabling the binds that Aldebaran might've put in place before helping get the Paladin onto Scraw's back.
As words appear in the air, Shulmor raises the ridge where an eyebrow would be for a moment. It is when the kid turns into a griffon that this makes more sense.

Taking his hand off the Conqueror, he says "Very well, it would seem you have found your answer. As I am obligated to act in the interest of this group as a whole, I must remind you that the corpse of a paladin is still full of power, power that would allow her to continue to further the interests of SAED if reanimated. Yet not so much power that it is a necessary course. You are in a better position than I to know whether she would wish to be buried or continue to be as useful as she possibly can."

Shulmor is about to move to fasten the body to Scraw, but Viss and Satra move so quickly that there is no need. Just as things should be, others delegating themselves to the mundane tasks beneath Shulmor.
<I couldn't really think of anything that would seem necessary to add but I'm starting to think we're waiting on me so apologies if everyone was wanting me to do something>

Scraw's posture dips under the cold weight of the body heaved upon him, readjusted under the leverage of his four legs. He flexes his wings and gazes onward, glancing towards the others expectantly.

Satra almost doesn't speak, feeling conflicted about having to mourn the loss of somebody he barely had a chance to know- unsure if it is just as sad to not know her well enough to feel strongly about her death.. it gives an uncanny feeling regardless, this sudden change that happens overnight.

Trying to regain his urgency, he holds his chin with his other arm crossed around his torso, looking upon the winged creature and observing the image he sees, "..the constables are going to have a lot of questions.. both about what he is and about the body."
After a short time spent regrouping in the basement, muffled commotion can be heard on the surface above, through the garage. It seems that the authorities have arrived on the premises.

((Not sure if you guys are looking to interact with the authorities or get away from them. That probably requires some in-character discussion.

Also KM, I think everyone was waiting on me while I was waiting on a discussion of what the next step would be. Just a miscommunication, thats all))
<Menek texted Abbot and Joshua a recording and a text saying to send authorities, so I assume that was an indication of intending to interact with them, and is probably beyond in-character discussion at this point since the message was already sent.>

Satra hears the noises above, muttering, "I get the feeling this is going to be bad.. very bad for us.." He pulls out his phone and replays his own recording of the events for himself.


Satra, could you remove the safeguards on the vehicle in case we need to flee? I will understand if the rest of you wish to leave but I, for one, intend to ensure that Aldebaraan's crimes are made plain to his fellow citizens Menek has a stony expression on his face as he drinks an extract of Focused Scrutiny and prepares for the arrival of the authorities. They should not know of the shaft entrance and will come in from inside the house. This should allow us to effect an exit from the hidden garage if need be.

((Menek might be completely wrong about where they come in from lol))
"On the contrary, I foresee no long term difficulties. We have removed an infection they were too weak or too ignorant to remove on their own. They shall be made to understand this."

His attention shifting towards Menek as the investigator speaks, Shulmor says "I have no intention of leaving, I am interested in seeing what passes for law enforcement in this society. I shall observe, and if your recording and reasoning fall on deaf ears, I shall intervene."


These are our only possible allies, and this is the only effective place from where we can marshal our plans to take back the Observatory. I hope that we will not have to flee. Menek responds to Shulmor. I would suggest any unpleasantness only be used for that purpose however. I do not want us to conduct an assault on the Observatory while being hunted by Esperians. We do not need more enemies here.
((DC 25 Knowledge Engineering to break through the vehicle's safeguards in time for it to be relevant))

There is another period of waiting, this one a little longer as the encroaching authorities make their way through the mansion. Eventually they are able to find one of the well-hidden secret entrances to the laboratory, and a stream of peacekeepers filters in from a doorway. Their uniforms are mostly blue, and are significantly more fortified than those worn by the men who escorted the group into the city; they wear helmets with clear facemasks, and they carry highly advanced guns. Most of them are Androids.

Most of the Peacekeepers spreads out around the basement to secure it, while the one red-clad among them approaches the party.

"What happened here?" she asks in a commanding tone. "Where is the Councilman?" She seems bewildered by the radius of wooden furnishings, and looks like she wants to ask about it, but isn't exactly sure how to even form the right question.

She finally notices Shulmor's ghastly countenance, and her facial expression wavers slightly, but that's all: while she may or may not be afraid of the Lich, her training prevents her from showing it outright.


With the discussion about their next step in full motion Viss forces her grief for Sybil in the back of her mind for now. She turns to Menek first.

"I know that you really love diplomacy and all that, but how can you even consider those people our allies? They denied us any help already. And the guy that pretended to has killed Sybil! How the fuck can you even consider still talking to those people. I say, let's get out of here and let's do it fast. Because in case it hasn't occurred to you, we just killed a member of their council. I'm for one would very much not lay my fate into the hand of whatever twisted form of justice is used in this blasted place."

Finally she turns to Shulmor for the first time, shivering slightly.

"And maybe someone would have the decency and tell me who the hell this is and why I should have to listen to anything he says?"

Edit: ((Oops, too slow...))
((Can I add a response to Viss before the people showed up? If not, I'll just strike the text.))

The inside of Shulmor's skull begins to collect soot as the green flames burn white hot from sheer indignation at this druid's sheer impudence. He is barely able to keep himself from reaching out, wringing her neck, and snuffing her life. He looks into her eyes deliberately, speaking with the forced calm of a drill sergeant seconds away from shouting down a private.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough the first time, kitten. The wretch has abandoned you, and I have been assigned to take her place. You will listen to me for the same reason you would listen to anyone else here, the same reason I will listen to you despite having just been given much reason not to, because you have taken an oath with your god that you will serve for a decade. If your feral mind is incapable of understanding what giving your word entails, then listen because of what your savage instincts will tell you shall happen when the decade is finished if you insist on spiting Shulmor." Glaring at her with open hostility, he leaves the matter of diplomacy to be explained by Menek.
The answering security force is less pitiful than Shulmor expected. The leader is apparently even trained well enough to hide her fear. Perhaps this isn't a society composed entirely of peace loving namby pambies after all. For the time being, Shulmor gives Menek a chance to prove himself in diplomacy, waiting to see how this force reacts to the presentation of the phone footage.
He flicks his finger in a gesturing motion, "I'll be right back." He starts to pace to the vehicle when he meets face to face with the Esperian peacekeepers that had just entered the room. He doubles back and looks back to Menek next to him, "I'm back. 'Your time to shine, it looks like."

<I'm gonna skip out on the Engineering check because it doesn't seem advantageous with the peacekeepers already here and I can't bring up my sheet atm>


((I think there's more than enough time for interaction as apparently the guards were stumbling around trying to find a way into the basement for a while. Will try to get a post in but a bit busy with in law stuff :) ))
Fleshbane is able to easily circumvent the lax security protocols. By the time the Peacekeepers arrivd on the scene, Aldebaran's personal cruiser is ready to bolt at a moment's notice.

((I moved ahead a little too fast here, so if you all want to have some discussion before they get there then go for it. Most of the party elected to stay though, and splitting up the party isn't in the cards here, so you'll ultimately end up meeting the Peacekeepers))


Viss returns the glare with just as much hostility. "Oh great, another idiot that is full of himself." She glances at Fleshbane. "As if we needed anymore of those. And I have you know that just because I'm not old enough for my flesh to fall of my bones doesn't give you the right to call me kitten! I'm at least 25 years old!"
Shulmor laughs as the kitten indignantly speaks of her age. "And here I had given you the benefit of a couple centuries! Kitten may have been generous." He begins to move aside to take an observational position, putting the druid on the other end of being ignored if she yells back a retort. Once satisfied with his placement, he rotates his head back towards Viss. "If I am faced with people who carry themselves as brats, I will refer to them as such. If the label bothers you so, then reevaluate how you hold yourself out to your coworkers. You have considerable say in how painful this next decade will be."

Mike M

Nick N
"Silence," Fleshbane says, his eyes unfocused and staring into the middle distance. "Your respective ages are immaterial at this and most all other times."

Free of his restraints and able to focus again, his mind turns toward the Network. Here he can see the law enforcement forces heading their way as well as... An interesting toy.

"I have circumvented the security protocols on Aldebarran's personal transport," he announces. "It is ours for the taking."
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