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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((BTW: What does Menek's surface level knowledge tell him about how Esperians view trespassing and self defense?))

** Before the law arrives **

I understand your concerns Viss but these are the only allies we have in this magic bereft plane and we have to do what it takes to take back our Observatory and save our friends trapped there. Menek turns to stare at the fragments of Aldebaraan More importantly I will not have us be branded as guest oath breaking vandals and murderers. I will not have this deranged maniac seen as a victim or a martyr. Sybil's memory demands no less

As Shulmor and Viss start shouting at each other Menek pinches his eyebrows and makes introductions. Viss, this is Shulmor a lich and I believe general who has no doubt crushed his home plane under his boot. Ciel abandoned us as soon as she could and Shulmor is the replacement. Shulmor, this is Viss. Who, I will remind you, destroyed our foe with one wave of her hand even as we were being tossed around by him like paper dolls. I believe you were having your skull stomped in at the time?


Menek focuses on the leader of the newly arrived force. What happened here Commander? What happened here is that your city's offer of asylum and safety were worthless. You see the desecrated and mutilated body of our friend lying on the slab? Menek points to Sybil still splayed out across Aldebraan's twisted apparatus. It was your Councilman who did this to her. Menek flips his phone open towards her. What happened here has all been recorded and sent onwards. Did your superiors not inform you that we were the ones who called you here?

Menek hits play on the recorded video that captured their entire encounter with the insane construct. It had lasted less than a minute but felt like it had been so much longer. The former Councilman's metallic voice screeched out from the phone's speaker.

"Now I shall have to add you both to my collection.... I will crush you into nothing... a new subject on whom to conduct experiments... Soon you will all be unconscious and then the real fun can begin."

Menek hits pause freezing the crazed laughter in place.

We woke up this morning under your assurance of 'asylum' and found that most of our compatriots were missing. We found them here, imprisoned in this madhouse, and our protector the Paladin Sybil killed and violated by the very one who offered us guest right and safe harbour with Fleshbane soon to follow.

Menek fixes his gaze on the Commander.

As for where your Councillor is now? Menek kicks a chunk of wood aside and unpauses the video to show Aldebaraan's last moments and the terrifying scream that accompanied them.

Your city failed to protect us. Commander. It is obvious that you have no idea of what is happening in your own domain. I assure you also that you have no idea of what we are capable of in self defense. We used our magic to protect ourselves as you can plainly see but this same power is now in the hands of the Prexians. Imagine what they will do with it.

((Inspired Intimidate with Focused Scrutiny))

Intimidate check: 1D20+6+5 = [16]+6+5 = 27
1D8 = [4] = 4
1D8 = [4] = 4

((Taking 4 for 31))

Menek shuts the phone off as the video ends and holds it out, palm up, towards the red uniformed woman.

You would be well within your right to charge Satra, Shulmor, and myself with trespassing but all the rest of this has been us defending ourselves from the monster you named Councilman. If times were normal then we cooperate fully in your investigation but times are not normal Commander. We, the members of SAED, representatives of the Raven Queen and of our respective dieties, granted asylum in the city of Tevash, demand a meeting of your City Council immediately

((Inspired Diplomacy with Focused Scrutiny))

Diplomacy check: 1D20+8+5 = [18]+8+5 = 31
1D8 = [5] = 5
1D8 = [1] = 1

((That should have been a +18 for diplomacy not +8 and Taking 5 for 46))

Menek finishes his speech and watches the reaction of the Commander carefully

((Empathy Inspired Sense Motive with Focused Scrutiny))

Empathy Inspired Sense Motive: 1D20+24+10 = [14]+24+10 = 48
1D20+24+10 = [16]+24+10 = 50
1D8 = [2] = 2
1D8 = [4] = 4

((Taking the 50 and the 4 for 54 Sense Motive))
As Shulmor heads to his self-designated position, he looks toward Menek after the investigator's insertion into the dispute brought on by the disrespectful druid, turning to face him instead of just rotating his skull. "In recognition that you are attempting to play peace keeper here and in acknowledgement that now is not the time for this, I will save disagreement with your point for another occasion. However, I can not let some of your misinformation stand. I was emperor over the galaxy I made mine, not some lowly general. As my arrival was a surprise, it is a forgivable mistake."
The lich watches Menek make his case to the captain of the peacekeepers, fairly impressed. He appears to be a diplomat through and through. Still, not all respond to a soft hand, so he continues observing, standing ready to force the captain into compliance if she proves unyielding.
The griffon puts himself between the feline woman and the undead lich, strongly flicking his wings in reaction when the strange man begins to make insults to his friend.


You would be well within your right to charge Satra, Shulmor, and myself with trespassing
Satra points at himself and mutters silently, desperate to want to protest but soon falls still as Menek continues his speech.


Viss is ready to hiss and shout some more, happy to have found someone to let out her frustration on when Menek and Fleshbane of all things break up the fight. If she is impressed by Shulmor's history she doesn't show it.

To the revelation that Ciel abandoned them she shakes her head. "That bitch! She still owed me drink..."

Before she can continue the guards arrive and she steps back a bit to let Menek do his thing.
The woman in charge of the Peacekeepers turns pale at Menek's barrage of irrefutable evidence, and looks to be sick when she notices the angelic corpse resting atop the Griffin.

"Sir," she says, humbled, "I don't have the personal authority to call a meeting of the Council to order, but I vow as an officer of the law to do everything in my power to help you. To think this man... No, this monster... was..." She trails off and shakes her head, unwilling to even finish the sentence. "Excuse me while I make some calls. I may not have the personal authority, but I know some who might." She turns away and extracts a cell phone from her pocket.

((I don't have enough time to do the next scene justice right now and won't be able to until at least 12 hours from the time of this post, but it's going to take place out in the open, on the way back to the Council's chambers. Feel free to react, converse, and/or have introspective scenes up through that point until I can get back to it))
Satra gives a breath of relief, they haven't tried to spin the evidence against them somehow.. at least not yet anyway. "Even if we got arrested I still say we made the right call."


Menek nods and says I thank you. We can ask of no more from you. He then slumps against some debris looking very old and very very tired as the Commander makes her call. We must look to Sybil. Scraw... could we bury her here or... is there something else more appropriate to her faith?
<Need DM clarification if I can use Hedge Magic to communicate as a Griffon (since Scraw hasn't been given stats besides there being a Griffon bestiary entry)>
((No need, KM - though I'm not sure what you mean by Hedge Magic?))

Scraw seems not to react to Menek for nearly a full minute as he contemplates. Finally, rather than respond to him, he turns to Shulmor.

Words again manifest in the air next to his head - the first time this has happened while in griffin form. Just as last time, they appear in the primary language of whoever looks upon them. Is it true that you have means of restoring my Master by reanimating her flesh? Would she retain her personality and her mental faculties as in life?
Shulmor remains in silence as the situation with the peacekeepers resolved itself. It appears his touch won't be needed after All. Not for now, anyway.

He appears pleased when Scraw inquires into his proposition. "Yes, though travel here has weakened my magic, so it will take considerable time to prepare the spell. You will need to preserve her corpse if you wish her to be more than a skeleton. As for her will and personality, no, she would return as little more than a tool, a powerful blade for this order, not unlike the droids Aldebaran employed. Whether she would rather be given funeral rites or be made useful post mortem is something you must decide as the closest here to an executor of her will."
Somehow the griffin seems to frown. Then I will take responsibility for returning her to her homeland. If her will would not be hers, I could not allow her such a fate as you describe, and for a Valkyrie, a burial in a foreign land is unacceptable.She must be returned to her homeland for a proper laying to rest.

He looks among the party. I must take my leave now. Much has happened, and now that Lady Sybil is no more, I have no place with any of you. I thank you for the hospitality that some of you have shown me. Farewell, and may victory be with you.

With no further discussion, Scraw takes to the air and flies away with Sybil. The Peacekeepers, many of them having witnessed Scraw's unique style of communication and the entire scene with some level of awe, don't move to stop him.
Shulmor no longer seems pleased, but makes no attempt to stop Scraw. "So be it. May you complete your journey and fulfill your duties."

With little else to do while they wait, Shulmor finds a seat and looks out upon the rest of the room. It is no throne, but spending vast periods of time sitting in a chair and beholding what is before him has long since become an unconscious habit. Yes, with a little abstraction, it isn't so hard to imagine this as the seat of power for a new kingdom...
Hoisted upon his owner's shoulder, a still shaken Kobold chatters with a shivering maw. Satra answers, lifting a palm to shield his gaze to the sky, "You had to see her die..? Be strong, Dewie, it was harder for him," he encourages with a sense of certainty in his words.


Viss watches silently as the griffin takes to the air. With a lump in her throat she can only wonder if there would have been anything she could have done to prevent this.
Pilari flutters on to her shoulder, chirping soothingly and even Shirox doesn't offer any smart remarks for once.
All that is left is to see if the guard woman comes through with her promise or if they'll be betrayed once more.
The ranking member of the Peacekeepers returns to the party after a few minutes of speaking in private over the phone. "I think I ruffled the right feathers. The Council is being summoned as we speak. If you'll come with me, I'll escort you to their chambers personally."

She and the party (along with a few additional Peacekeepers who make sure to give Shulmor a very wide berth) leave behind a team of forensic specialists, who will presumably be gathering evidence from Aldebaran's mansion for some time.

Ten minutes into the trek back to the downtown building where the Council would convene, everyone's plans are derailed.

A quarter mile above the center of downtown Esperia, the Observatory shimmers into view. Fully repaired and fortified, it looms overhead as a dark citadel, casting an ominous shadow over the city. Automated defensive turrets begin firing instantly, but each dissipates harmlessly against an invisible, and likely magical, shield. Battle droids immediately deploy, but seem to vanish entirely once they come within a certain distance.

On the ground, a muted and bewildered panic spreads; even the Peacekeepers themselves struggle to keep cool heads, excepting the woman in red - though even she seems somewhat clueless on what to do next.

Less than a minute lapses before a solitary figure emerges from the structure. It flies directly toward the party, and once its visage comes into view, Viss recognizes it immediately.

Somehow - inexplicably - the demon that bested her in the land of the living is standing before everyone, in the flesh.

Not just flesh, though. Its body has been heavily augmented, such that it is almost as much a machine as it is a 'living' creature. Its head is fitted with bionic eyes; its grotesque torso houses a panoply of weapons suited to various tasks; its wings have been woven with microfibers; its legs and arms have been fitted with what Fleshbane recognizes as strength enhancements; its hands and claws have been replaced with savage, mechanized blades.

"Follow me," it says to the party, and its voice is a gnashing chorus of manufactured demonic discord. "Or you, this town, and everyone you've ever known will face... consequences."

It makes eye contact with Viss briefly, and a fiendish smile decorates its lips before it again takes to the sky, heading for an entrance to the Observatory which was not there before.

The Network goes offline almost as soon as the Observatory appears. The sudden silence is almost jarring.
<Can I make a stealth check to get behind cover as the city is attacked? That seems like a natural reaction to make when such a huge danger presents itself.>
((I actually may not have been clear - the Observatory isn't doing any attacking. The attacks I described were from the city, aimed at the Observatory.

You don't really have much to hide from, but if you want to try and stay out of view of the demon when it comes down, you can make a roll))
Stealth Roll: 1D20+24 = [11]+24 = 35

Not one to stand around to let whatever mechanization will let him get a close look- If allowed, Satra will pull Jonna behind a brick corner with him, drawing and grasping tightly his firearm, pulling the lever at his thumb to ensure that the chamber is aligned properly. With the assumption that a Paraxian attack is being carried out, Satra begins to grumble tiredly with a very low voice, "'Our technology is far superior' they said! 'There wasn't going to be any war' they claimed! Can the timing be any worse?"
Shulmor finds the timing of the Observatory's arrival amusing. As attacks against the Observatory fail utterly, they serve to confirm that the slow, peace loving ways of these Esperians have indeed proven to be their downfall. Unless of course, the facility is captured in a timely matter.

The arrival of a technologically modified demon fast becomes intriguing as it gives some indication that it has met the obnoxious cat-druid at a prior time. He prepares to speak to it in the only language demons understand- threats and demands- when it motions them to follow it back to the Observatory and flies away.

"Fascinating, it appears we have been extended a red carpet back into the Observatory. It is quite obviously a trap, but one we can turn back around on them. This may make reclamation a simple matter."


((This is not Viss' day, it seems. I'm gonna make a proper post tomorrow because I'm tired and was already heading to bed. Have to come up with a reaction that doesn't involve any suicidal attacks...))
((This is not Viss' day, it seems. I'm gonna make a proper post tomorrow because I'm tired and was already heading to bed. Have to come up with a reaction that doesn't involve any suicidal attacks...))

((You don't HAVE to restrict yourself like that... ;) ))

Mike M

Nick N
At the appearance of the the Citadel, Fleshbane momentarily cocks his head and looks into the distance to one side, as though he is searching for something. But it is only for a moment.

"Of course it is a trap," Fleshbane agrees, turning his attention back to the augmented demon."But if it will allow us means by which we might put this place behind us, I have no objections to humoring them in allowing them to think us ensnared."


Menek closes his eyes and shakes his head We are diminished from a fight, the element of surprise has been stolen, our bastion is now a trap fortified against us, and there is a new foe that we knew nothing of but knows all of who we are. he sighs and opens them again. My entire life I endeavored to put others in such situations; would that death was so simple. Menek takes a vial from his belt and studies it for a second before tossing the extract of Arcane Sight to the Commander. Take this to the most intelligent of your scholars. And I do mean intelligent. If they can synthesize it and study its secrets then perhaps they can learn to harness the energies that we tried in vain to warn you of. The energies that you are now helpless against. The only advice I can give them is that that the forces they must master are, in the end, unknowable. The more they know the more they will not know. Your people are in need of wizards, madam.

((Can Menek mix a few extracts on the flight up? I really wanted to bring Abbott into the Observatory but it seems like that may not be possible to do safely. Ready to fly up otherwise))


((You know there isn't anything keeping us from trying to take this guy out right now.... the player says as the DM starts laughing maniacally))
((You know there isn't anything keeping us from trying to take this guy out right now.... the player says as the DM starts laughing maniacally))
((I'm not saying Viss should fly into a rage and start a fight, but I'm not saying she shouldn't do that either XD))


((Yeah... I've been wreaking my brain but the only reaction that seems plausible, besides blindly attacking, is letting her have a mental breakdown... Gonna think about it till breakfast and then post.))
((Oooh, oooh, does Aldebaran's cruiser have any weapon systems?))

<I think the joke was that while Satra was looking for ships he only found the equivalent of modern cars, and "the largest ship" was your gas guzzling pickup truck. :/

Remind me to steal Aldebaran's ferrari and sell it for some decent gold later, though.>


((OK, I really hope I'm not screwing us over here guys, but Viss gotta do what Viss gotta do. Besides there is no way I can top Ciel's breakdown, so I'm not gonna try :D))

Viss takes in a deep breath of fresh air when they are finally back in the open. Still not sure whether the meeting with the counsel will really be in there favor she hangs back, lost in her own thoughts.

Her thoughts are abruptly interrupted when the observatory appearsbin the sky above them and for a split second the hope that their friends have managed to take back control and have come to rescue them from this dreadful place flames up in her.

The feeling vanishes before she has time to embrace it. Instead it is replaced by a sudden wave of dread, terror and confusion as she senses a new presence coming towards them. No! That can't be! Not here not now...

But she knows her denial is in vain as the demon appears and descends towards them. It has changed but there is no mistaking it.

Viss feels her fur stand up on her back and her tail twitching. Her ears are filled with screaming and she can smell burned wood and flesh as pictures of charred buildings covered under ferns and bushes flicker before eyes.

She can feel her heart rate speed up as she tries to fight down memories. A dark cave. Helplessness. Pain... so much pain. Why wouldn't it stop?

Her whole body shaking she fumbles the figurine of Tessa from her pocket, realising the spell while never taking the eyes of the demon.

She can hear it talk, hear the voice that still echoes on her ears. The laughter, the pain. The feeling of failure.

Would none of this had happened is she hadn't failed, back then, in that dark cave? Was it her fault the observatory got attacked? Could Sybil still be alive?

Guilt and anger rush through her body like a stream of mokten lava. Not again a voice screams in her head. Is it her own? Did she really scream. It doesn't matter anymore. Things will end. Here and now.

With a scream Viss lounges at the demon not paying attention to anyone around her, she changes into a dire tiger midair. Tessa following suit right behind her.

((If it comes to a battle. Viss and Tessa will move into flanking positions.))
((Viss, roll a Charge attack (you get a +2 to the attack roll) and damage. This is your surprise round.

Everyone, including Viss, roll initiative. If you roll a 13 or better, you can take a turn (including Viss - meaning she can possibly get two in a row here).

Viss is charging forward just as the demon tries to take off again, so it's currently at ground level and within 30 feet of any of you.

Also, Azih, if you mean to mix extracts in the same way that a wizard prepares spells, then no, you can't do that on the way up.

And finally, the cruiser was not equipped with any weapon systems, and is also currently a ten-minute walk away from the current location))

Satra recognizes that the demon is equipped with multiple projectile weapons which are stocking out from its midsection. Some are energy based and others are projectile; some are designed for closer targets and others for further away. The blades on its arms are capable of mechanical gnashing and grinding and look like they hurt. Its wings have been augmented to allow for rapid takeoff, landing, and flight. Its limb enhancements significantly improve its strength, which was probably already very high since it's a demon.
"Dammit, he's built like a warship," Satra whines, "Hey, buddy"- "Jonna," the half-orc interrupts- "Jonna," Satra continues, "do you know who that demon is? I thought Paraxians weren't supposed to to have planar creatures." The half-orc shakes his head, "No. I've never seen anybody like that at the Observatory."

When Viss and... that dinosaur both dart out towards the demon he yells out, "Wait! That demon is augmented with advanced weaponry and side thrusters in its wings!"

Initiative: 1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20

He takes out his vial of Greater Invisibility and consumes it, fully expecting to have to shoot the demon.


((Do I get to make that charge attack with Tessa as well? Or is she hanging behind for that first charge.

Also, if Viss survives this encounter she'll be in total zen mode from then on. Which should be fun to play. If she dies... Well I already have an idea for another character so that's OK as well.))


((Mixing extracts is actually really nice, it only takes a minute to do so I leave slots open usually. Roll 101040 on coyotecode is 10+5 so 15 for initiative))

As Menek tosses the vial to the commander he is caught off guard by Viss's screaming charge at their mysterious new foe. Recovering fast enough to move before the demon can respond to the attack the investigator/witch combines both sides of his heritage in an inspired attempt to remove any magical defenses on the demon itself.

((Casting Inspired Dispel Magic Greater Coyote code roll 101041 Caster level check 22 what a bad roll. Three spell effects on the demon of caster level 11 or lower are dispelled))

((What would Menek know about generic demons?))

His magic defenses may be down! Commander! Fire on it.

Menek studies the demon to see any weaknesses that could be exploited.

((Move action to go into Studied Combat. Sorry for the weird rolling format but invisiblecastle is down and work firewall doesn't trust coyotecode. Rolling on phone posting through work.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101043]Initiative: 1D20 + 10 = [15]+10 = 25
Before any real discussion can happen, the cat woman, now a tiger, rushes the demon. There is a moment where he considers just standing back and letting the two feral beasts kill each other. They are already but a small squad, losing one more won't hurt things too much. He slowly looks toward Menek, the only one who has proven himself capable of rational thought so far, and asks "Is unilateral action a frequent occurrence among this lot?"

As the others around him begin to act, it becomes clear that the group is going all in; leaving the foolish tiger to her own devices is not an option. Shulmor turns to face the demon and smites it, using his power to bring judgment upon those who would deny his right to rule that the universe has bestowed upon him. His eyes flicker as he pushes his will onto the demon. There is little use for words in frightening a wild animal like this so he only says one: "Kneel." Let it feel the brunt of Shulmor's wrath and know that it is going to die.

((Smite chaos as a swift action, Intimidate as a standard action. He's too far away to get his +4 bonus and to try and issue a command, so the demon's just shaken for however many rounds the DC would say, if any.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101045]Intimidate: 1D20 + 30 = [9]+30 = 39

((EDIT: I just realized the surprise round was for Viss only, and the rest is a normal turn. In that case, Shulmor will move within 10 feet of the demon, bumping the intimidate up to a 43 and requiring it to make a DC 24 Will save to not fall prone for a turn under command if he beat the DC for intimidating it by at least 10.))

Mike M

Nick N
((8 on initiative.))

Fleshbane watches in wry amusement as Viss unthinkingly hurls herself at the greatly augmented demon, clearly outmatched and certain to perish. The return of the Observatory may herald the restoration of their ability to be resurrected should they fall in battle, but it seems foolhardy to take such risks without knowing for certain.

The other party members leap into action as well in support of the humanoid cat creature, even the pilot and lich who scarcely even know her. The demonstration of the propensity for fleshlings (and, he supposes, deceased ones) to war among themselves at the slightest provocation should bring him some measure of comfort, a confirmation of the veracity of his ontology.

But recent events have changed things. That constructs could be every bit as petty, conniving, and ravenous as fleshlings, the prospect that the Pan-Skirn Consensus would deliberately withhold data so as to shape his understanding of all things, to turn him into a tool of their agenda rather than an equal member in what he had hitherto considered to be his culture and civilization...

For the first time in his relatively short existence, Fleshbane hesitates with indecision.


((Since a dire tiger has pounce I can make a full attack after a charge so...))

Her thinking entirely disabled Viss crashes into the demon. Biting and Clawing away at it in pure rage. It won't get away another time.

Bite attack: 1D20+25 = [12]+25 = 37
Damage: 2D6+14 = [5, 4]+14 = 23

First Claw: 1D20+25 = [10]+25 = 35
Damage:2D4+14 = [3, 2]+14 = 19

Second Claw: 1D20+25 = [9]+25 = 34
Damage: 2D4+14 = [4, 3]+14 = 21

Initiative Tessa: 1D20+2 = [15]+2 = 17

Initiative Viss: 1D20+4 = [9]+4 = 13

It takes Tessa a few moments to adjust to being free again. She is surprised that she is still in that strange place. Hadn't Viss said that she wasn't allowed to run around here. Instead of offering her any explanation however Viss has already vanished and is now fighting with a strange and evil creature. Something about it strikes Tessa as familiar but she doesn't know what. Not that she cares. The thing is the enemy and so she'll do what she always does with enemies. Bite them.

((Moving Tessa to a point so that she is in a flanking position with Viss, if possible. if not subtract 4 from the attack throws.))

Attack Tessa: 1D20+18 = [18]+18 = 36
Damage: 3D6+14 = [5, 6, 6]+14 = 31
Grapple: 1D20+16 = [15]+16 = 31

Having her trusted companion at her side Viss goes in for another attack. She can't let it get away. Not again.

Bite Attack: 1D20+27 = [14]+27 = 41
Damage: 2D6+12 = [5, 6]+12 = 23
Grapple: 1D20+19 = [16]+19 = 35

First Claw: 1D20+27 = [3]+27 = 30
Damage: 2D4+12 = [2, 4]+12 = 18
Grapple: 1D20+19 = [12]+19 = 31

Second Claw: 1D20+27 = [8]+27 = 35
Damage: 2D4+12 = [3, 2]+12 = 17
Grapple: 1D20+19 = [13]+19 = 32
The Demon's ascent is foiled by a sudden and savage attack from a Dire Tiger out of nowhere. It's caught completely unprepared, and suffers dearly as a result - though Viss herself does not go entirely unscathed, as some foul enchantment saps a small amount of lifeforce away from her with each blow.

Everyone else scrambles to keep up with her. Menek's efforts are able to nullify the protective magicks that had been harming Viss, allowing her to freely attack without fear of instant repercussion. Satra implements a strategic maneuver by attempting to hide himself from view.

Shulmor's command at the Demon seems to catch it off-guard. A flicker of uncertainty appears from its face and then vanishes, but the Lich can tell that the creature was not expecting to see him here.

Viss's next barrage of attacks comes again, relentless in the face of this unholy menace. The demon's bloody mouth grins, its composure unaffected (at least, unaffected by Viss or Tessa).

"The kitty has claws," it says dismissively. "I admire your enthusiasm, but we will have to finish this later."

The demon launches itself into the sky, withdrawing from Viss and Tessa. It moves with incredible speed; before the party has any chance to react, it's already 120 feet away, and moving straight toward the Observatory.

((The demon is fleeing, but it's not automatically going to get away. You guys can remain in combat if you want. Remember that if you don't already innately have the ability to fly, you will have to spend actions to cast the spell/psionic power that's necessary to get you airborne. Also, just so you know I didn't forget, the final grapple checks from Viss and Tessa were unsuccessful, so it's not grappled.

The Observatory is 1500 feet away, so the Demon is going to be exposed for some time.

If any of you cast spells at the demon, roll Caster Level checks to overcome Spell Resistance.

Viss, take a total of 12 Negative Energy damage from the first round of attacks))
((Trying a hail mary here. Here goes nothing!))

The demon does not kneel, but its reaction is still that of a creature that knows it is before a superior force. It takes to the sky to flee, but he has no intention of letting it get away. Taking out his gun, he takes careful aim, straining himself to concentrate. Once he has his target, he fires a single, shrieking bullet that flies towards the demon. He won't let it flee, and if luck favors him, he won't have to chase it down either.

((It's 150 feet away, which puts it 7 and half range increments away. Revolvers do touch AC on the first five range increments, so spending four grit points to do a focused aim dead shot that's targeting touch AC.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101128]Attack 1: 1D20 + 23 = [16]+23 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101129]Attack 2: 1D20 + 18 = [16]+18 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101130]Attack 3: 1D20 + 13 = [16]+13 = 29
((I have no idea of what to make about three 16s in a row. Rolling damage as if those all hit, but if not, I can subtract stuff. He's a chaotic outsider, right?))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101131]Damage: 3D8 + 13 + 30 + 18 = [6, 1, 7]+13+30+18 = 75


((Man I miss Mako. That Haste would be so useful here. Does Menek still have Chain Lightning? Don't know if it went off before Viss one shotted Aldebaraan))
<I remember thlunarian giving a 300mph figure on the esperian cruisers which converted to 440 feet per second so if I GTA a speeder this turn...

Or I can just wait until I get home to figure out my turn.>


((Some free action speechifying))

COMMANDER! That thing is violating your airspace and is vulnerable. For the love of your city FIRE!
((Yeah, I guess this would qualify as the end of the initiative order))

The commander is roused out of a haze of inaction by Menek's plea and nods once, aiming carefully at the Demon and firing an energy blaster.

A series of blasts careen harmlessly past the creature.

"Damn it!" she curses, and turns her attention toward the welling panic in the streets and her own men, who have already moved on to crowd control.

((You can have your Chain Lightning back if you tried to cast it during the same round where Viss ended the previous battle, I'm okay with that. Also, for the record I did roll the attacks for the Commander but she's just not high enough level to make any kind of impact here without a Natural 20))
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