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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
((Hm, even if I get airborne, he's going like six times my move speed. I guess I could use Fold Space to travel the maximum distance possible and take the next couple terms getting in place to intercept? I can go just shy of 900 feet in one go.))


((Would be great to go after the big bad in a stolen cruiser but is there anything close and how long would it take Satra to hotwire it?))
((The demon will be inside the Observatory in less than a minute - it's only a quarter mile up. By the time a cruiser were acquired, the demon would already be inside.

Either you're chasing after him in hot pursuit immediately, or the team is pausing to regroup first before going in, basically))

Mike M

Nick N
((Do we have any idea how beat up he is and whether it would be worthwhile to try and slap him down?

I can warp us all 920 feet and put us between him and the Observatory, at 120ft/turn we'd have six turns to get airborne/buff up and get into position, presuming he maintained course.))
((I'd say that's worth doing. One roll in the 19-20 range during any of Shulmor's deadshot rolls and that demon is having a very bad day. Not to mention all the options everyone else has.))


((Well I think it is obvious that Viss would be in favor of going after him. Though I dont think there are a lot of airborn animals that can deal as much damage as my current form. I do have airwalk however and if I get the time to cast it on me and Tessa, and who else would want it, I'm all for warping.))
<yes, i definitely need a warp, as my only other option is to convince the commander to let me use her gun with absurdly good range- assuming i used overland flight when we needed a way to levitate at aldebaran's it should still be active since it lasts for hours, or if the dm says I didn't i can use it now.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Sounds like we're gonna do the space time warp again (yuk yuk yuk). Presumably Menek's coming along, but I'll hold off on the write up until Azih chimes in on that))


((Sounds good let me do one thing though))


Menek shakes his head with frustration at the ineffectual defense forces of the city. Concentrating Menek creates a tight cylindrical wall of Blindness around the ascending demon.

((Fort save dc23 or blinded))
((I rolled his Fort save and he got a Natural 20, so this time it won't be necessary, but if anyone casts a spell against this guy then you have to roll a Caster Level check to overcome spell resistance))

Mike M

Nick N
((We should have a round or two to get ready. I cant take any action after warping and you may need to use a move action to get near me, but you could buff this turn.))


((OK. I'm gonna cast airwalk commune then. If anyone wants to get some of it feel free to come over.
Not sure how to roleplay all of this though. Does Fleshbane announce his warp idea? Because otherwise Viss would've probably just taken after the demon immediately.))
<My last substantial buff is Enlarge Person. Does Fleshbane count as a person?

I could try asking the commander why she isn't calling in a military, and/or asking to borrow her weapon (I don't know if I can attack with it this turn) while waiting for the teleport to happen.>

Mike M

Nick N
((OK. I'm gonna cast airwalk commune then. If anyone wants to get some of it feel free to come over.
Not sure how to roleplay all of this though. Does Fleshbane announce his warp idea? Because otherwise Viss would've probably just taken after the demon immediately.))
((Yeah, he'll announce it. I can take a move action to get close to everyone if they're bunched together, that'd give everyone a full action afterwards.))
<My last substantial buff is Enlarge Person. Does Fleshbane count as a person?
((Well he's certainly a humanoid creature.))
((Everyone was able to gather around by strategically using move actions, and Fleshbane teleported everyone 930 feet closer to the Observatory. Viss immediately cast Air Walk Communal, and Satra cast Enlarge Person on Fleshbane))

Fleshbane scarcely gives the party time to react before slingshotting them far past the demon, which is now approaching them. Viss thinks quickly, though, and casts a spell that prevents anyone from falling to their doom. Satra administers a special potion to Fleshbane, which causes him to approximately double in size, and everyone turns to ready themselves for the demon.

In midflight, when it is 720 feet away from the party, the Demon vanishes from view.

Spellcraft DC 21
The demon just cast Greater Invisibility on itself.

((Begin next round))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101201]Spellcraft: 1D20 + 19 = [15]+19 = 34
Shulmor's rocket boots activate before he has time to fall, but not before he can get a shot off on the vanishing demon. "Confound it! The demon put greater invisibility on itself! If I can spot it or one of you can grant the ability to see the invisible, I have a spell that can make it seen if I can get it to stick. I assume I'm not the only one with such spells prepared."

While he waits for a spell, he tries to look for a blur in the air or hear a distortion on the wind that would signify where the flying demon is.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101202]Perception: 1D20 + 30 = [5]+30 = 35
((Bad roll :(. Though should be good enough if the demon's just hauling ass and not using stealth. Time to find out!

EDIT: Ooh, maybe Fleshbane could tell Shulmor and the others where the demon is, and then Shulmor can cast Faerie Fire and the others can lob spells if that fails. Shooting isn't really an option until he gets closer. Though I'd have to make it a readied action since his max range right now is only 640 feet))

Mike M

Nick N
"Prepare for spacial relocation," Fleshbane announces. For a moment so short it could scarcely be said to have existed at all, the party is subjected to the unimaginable cold of the quantum vacuum that exists outside of time and space itself as he brings the two ends of the fabric of reality together. Outside the flow of time, even that nanosecond seems to stretch into an eternity of agony...

Reality snaps back into place, the party now positioned some distance away from their original position, this time facing the demon as it flies toward them rather than away from them. His form expanding into an even larger, more menacing form, Fleshbane trains his visual sensors on the demon as it shimmers from view and adjusts his spectrum receptors.

((Using Pierce the Veils))
((Fleshbane can see the demon, but for anyone else, at this distance the perception DC is literally a 92, so not even a natural 20 is going to do it right now))
((All I can really do is have Shulmor cast longshot on himself for when the demon gets a bit closer and is exposed, so that'll be his turn of the checks didn't eat it up already))


((Fact that it turned invisible does mean that it seems scared. It really wants to run back to the Observatory. Are we going for damage or some way of grappling/halting it? I've got something for that but dude seems like he's got good saves))
((I'd say go for damage for that very reason (his CMD seems pretty high too) though if you want to try grappling/stopping him after he's glitter dusted or otherwise made visible it's all good))

Mike M

Nick N
((At the speed he's moving, we'd have to glitter dust him and take him out in the same round or he'll be beyond our reach the next (and we'd have to wait a bit for him to be in range). Fleshbane can see him, but his damage output is shit. Could maybe try a grapple?))
((He beat a 35 to grapple, if you can do better then go for it. Otherwise, maybe try hitting him with something big like that disintegration ray. Though waiting for him to get closer is also a fine option.))

Mike M

Nick N
((The disintegration ray does practically nothing if the target makes the Fort save, and I'm guessing his Fort bonus is through the roof. Could maybe hit him with some sonic energy attack, though.))
((Some of the grapple checks from Viss succeeded, but every time she attacks she has to release the grapple and try again; the final one of 32 or 33 didn't cut it))


((Ha ha, just woke up and caught up with the thread only to see that I posted here last night without remembering it. Still no idea what to do though. I got nothing prepared to make the thing visible. So the only real option would be another buff I guess. I've got bull strength mass prepared... which would be useful for Viss and Tessa but I don't now if anyone else can use it as well...))
((It's going to be at least two turns until anything else happens so let's play this a little differently in order to save time.

Everyone take two turns in a row. Menek can take three since he hasn't taken an action yet since being teleported. Figuring out exactly where the demon is will be impossible unless you can see him (so Fleshbane only right now).

After the two turns, he will be in range of Glitterdust (230 feet away - he's taking Full Run actions with a fly speed of 60) so we can get to the interesting part.

If Fleshbane wants to move forward to meet the demon, he can be there when the Demon gets to that 230 foot mark, after the two turns are up. This wouldn't strictly be possible, but I'm simplifying the timing in the interest of expediency))
((I just realized that normal flight means Shulmor has had a flight along. Oh well, couldn't have kept up and attacked at the same time. I can't think of anything to do besides move forward 60 feet and spend the next turn readying an action to shoot the demon as soon as it's made visible and within 150 feet, which should let him get off a shot between rounds 2 and 3 unless the demon's stopped and intercepted before then.))


((OK, with two turns for buffing I can get bull's strength and Cat's grace casted on everyone who wants it. So Tessa and Viss will just stay put waiting for the demon to come closer again.))
<I got sick and wasn't able to post last night, but Satra will drink greater magic weapon +5 on one turn and infuse his the first round in his gun's chamber with a bomb on the next turn.>

Mike M

Nick N
((My best play is probably to use Sustained Flight to get airborne, move to point out of range of everyone else and fire up Energy Current with sonic energy and hope to nail him as he passes.))
((I almost forgot, but since Shulmor's just doing a standard move on that first turn, he'll also activate fiendish boon to put the axiomatic property on his gun. Turn 2's still that same readied action.))


((Menek's buffs and debuffs are both pretty short range. I guess Viss grappling and holding on while the rest of us try to damage him is the best way of doing things?

I can stay close to you guys give everyone Fortune and keep Cackling. When he comes into range of Viss I'll hit him with -4 to his AC and give everyone close a one time +4 buff to attack also.

I have an Enlarge Person+Long Arm extract for anyone to drink if they want it. Maybe would be good for Viss? Huge Range?

So my acts could be

1. Fortune on Viss, Fleshbane, Cackle.

2. Fortune on Satra, Shulmor. Cackle.

3. Pour Enlarge Person + Long Arm down Viss (if she wants it ). Cackle.

4. Glitter Dust on demon when Fleshbane calls out he's in range.

And then everyone can scatter and do their own thing with 3 rounds of Fortune on them because I don't know if we want to be clustered together when the demon comes in range. He might have some nasty AoEs that could hurt us badly.

Viss is short range while Shulmor is long range. Should I stay within 30 feet range of one or the other of try and keep Fortune going and give the one time +4?))
((If you need to pick one over the other, I'd say Viss. Shulmor will gladly take rerolls to fish for a crit, but he's targeting touch AC so he doesn't need the +4 too badly. And if it comes to AoEs, all his saves are through the roof so not having the reroll for that shouldn't hurt too much.))


((Viss and Tessa are short range and would ideally move into flanking position for another +2 from outflanking. Not sure if I need that long arm, since I'm already large and can attack without provoking AoO if I understand it correctly. Does the + 4 on attack stack with the bonuses from bull's strength and favored enemy?))


((Yup the +4 is an insight bonus so stacks with the rest. Menek will follow Viss

Long Arm would increase your reach out by 5 feet so it's a minor buff. Maybe not the best since now that I think about it Enlarge Person won't affect you since you're not humanoid. I might activate Menek's Fly hex as his option on #3 to give him more movement flexibility))


((Yeah. I'll cast it so that my AC goes from absolute abysmal to only slightly shitty :D Range of both spells should be 85 feet if I'm not mistaken.))


((Alright replacing 3 with Flight Hex on Menek. I think I'm ready to go))

The gut wrenching swirl of nausea's from Fleshbane's unique method of transportation faded as Menek found himself staring down at the ascending demon rather than watching helplessly as it soared away from Viss' claws and Shulmor's bullets. He racks his brain to see what he could remember of demons, even ones as heavily modified as this one.

((Roll 101439 on Coyotecode on Kn:planes. Rolled 36))

It's hurt! he yells out. And it is running. We need to end it before it gets back to safety

To that end Menek starts granting his allies arcane bits of good fortune when suddenly the demon seems to wink out of existence. I can make it visible again when it is 230 feet from us but someone has to tell me where it is he yells out before giving himself flight and preparing a casting of GlitterDust as soon as it comes within range of his spell.

Mike M

Nick N
No sooner does Fleshbane drag his companions to the far side of the field of conflict than does he take to the air. “The demon’s paltry attempts to remain hidden are useless against my detection systems,” he announces as he starts to move in on an intercept trajectory. “By my calculations, he is moving at a velocity that we cannot hope to match should he pass us. We will only have this one opportunity.”

Fleshbane’s armor begins to emit a low frequency hum that resonates in the thoratic cavity of those nearby. His form starts to blur as the additive synthesis of the vibrations increases even further. In short order, the whine in the air is painful to listen to, almost to the point of inflicting injury to those just outside his range.

((Using sonic Energy Current, augmenting it with another 4 points. Has a range of 55 feet, Fleshbane will target the demon as soon as it’s in range, Reflex save for half damage, DC 30.))

Caster check: 1d20+18=36
Damage: 13d6-13 (Sonic energy is -1 per die, but ignores hardness if that’s of any use here)=50
((Ok I think everyone has taken their two or three turns. When the Demon hits the 230 foot mark, that's when he hits Fleshbane's attack.

Fleshbane succeeded at getting past Spell Resistance, but the Demon rolled high on his save so he takes half damage (good choice on using Sonic energy here).

Since Menek said as much, he's casting Glitterdust on the Demon, which means that everyone knows where the Demon is at all times. However: This does NOT negate the other benefits of his invisibility. If you attack the Demon then you have a 50% miss chance per attack; roll a d100, and any result between 1 and 50 means you miss.

Also, the Demon is immune to blindness so there's no need to roll the Caster Level check for that.

Menek's Knowledge check tells him that this guy has Spell Resistance, Damage Reduction, True Seeing, and a variety of spell-like abilities up his sleeve - though the check wasn't high enough to ascertain what those abilities are, exactly.))

The demon careens forward with blinding speed; its velocity renders it unable to entirely avoid the area of Fleshbane's sonic attack, but it is able to maneuver around enough to prevent the construct from attacking it on the way by.

Menek's Glitterdust allows the entire party to know where it is at all times - though hitting it still isn't going to be easy.

((Menek's turn is casting Glitterdust; Fleshbane's turn is casting Energy Current. Everyone else may take your turn for the round now. The demon is twenty feet to the side of Fleshbane, and 230 feet away from the rest of the party. The Observatory is about 600 feet behind the party. Sorry if it's difficult to picture but I can't get into Ditzie right now, and plus the distances would be difficult to portray in Ditzie anyway))
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