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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((Hmm, I think trying to ready an action was a mistake in this context. Shulmor did move forward 60 feet, which puts him within 170 feet, right? If that's correct I'll spend two grit points to do a deadeye, focused aim deadshot to target his touch AC. Otherwise he'll just keep that readied action there for when it moves forward more))
((You guys have done decent damage to him relative to his max HP, but there is still a way to go. Depending on how you guys roll you could take him down. If you're trying to do math then keep in mind that Viss's attacks were being reduced by damage reduction.

Axel, yes that's fine, you can be 60 feet closer))
((Based on his positioning, Shulmor should be able to get off two more shots after this if nothing crazy happens. If. :p))

Shulmor floats in place, preparing to make the shot as soon as the demon reappears in sight. The twitchiness of the situation reminds the lich of a duel he got into with a Drow commander back in his mortal days, before he escaped the hellish free for all life that was the drow enclave and took on the mantle of Shulmor. Not content with a male drow awakening to the powers of a dark ruler, she challenged the would-be upcomer to a duel, knowing pride would not allow him to refuse. Each produced multiple seconds, and began taking ten paces away. Unsurprisingly by Drow standards, all of the commander's seconds attempted to fire on the nameless Drow around the count of 7. However, not one but all of their plasma pistols malfunctioned. In the ensuing chaos where the nameless Drow's followers gunned down the commander's, the two spun to face each other. Time moved in slow motion, and the nameless Drow put a bolt of plasma in between the Commander's eyes before she could finish unholstering her gun. It was at this point that he knew that the universe had sided with him, and so long as he was destined to rule, his luck would not waver.

With the same instant reactions as that day, Shulmor pivots and fires upon the demon the moment it is visible. Disturbingly, luck does not seem to be on Shulmor's side today, as has been the case since his empire fell. This could mean that his hopes of rebuilding are dead in the water, and the universe no longer recognizes his right to rule all before him. Trying to push these thoughts from his head, the lich is still able to at least score a moderate hit on the soaring demon through skill and force of will.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101448]Miss Chance: 1D100 = [78] = 78
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101449]Dead Shot Attack 1: 1D20 + 25 = [9]+25 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101450]Miss Chance: 1D100 = [19] = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101451]Miss Chance: 1D100 = [39] = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101452]Fortune Reroll: 1D100 = [44] = 44
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101453]Damage: 1D8 + 2D6 + 15 + 18 + 10 = [4]+[5, 3]+15+18+10 = 55
((Attack is against touch AC))
<Should I wait on Menek to make an action before I full round attack?

I also assume that if Shulmor can full round attack, I can too (especially since he is in firearm touch range)

Also, Satra will warn Viss and Tessa to stand back because his first bullet now has splash damage.>
((As a heads up, I moved 60 feet closer to it, cast long shot to up his touch range to 150 feet, and then spent a grit point to up it to 180, so Satra may not be in range depending on how much grit you want to spend.))


((Menek's already gone this round. Glitterdusted the guy as a standard action. Will follow Viss as a move action.))
((It's taking Full Run actions with a 60 ft fly speed, meaning its advancing 240 feet per turn. The only exception was when it cast Greater Invisibility; that turn it only moved 60 feet.

Targeted spells depend on whether it's a touch attack. If it requires a touch attack roll then you have to roll to get around concealment. If it's not a touch attack, as long as you know where he is you can target him.

If Satra wanted to move 30 feet during each of his turns that he cast buff spells then he can be at the same position as Shulmor so that he can do a full attack. That's fine with me))
If Satra wanted to move during each of his turns that he cast buff spells then he can be at the same position as Shulmor so that he can do a full attack. That's fine with me))
<Okay. I will retroactively have moved so I can do this. Will post my attack rolls momentarily.>
((Axel, would you mind breaking down the various plusses in your damage roll for me? It strikes me as weird that the damage from a single hit is nearly as high as the damage from when you hit all three times in the first round, and I want to try to understand it better. Thanks!))
<I am actually tempted to just toss a bunch of dispelling bombs to try and get rid of his greater invisibility. In fact I would definitely do that if it means I did it before Shulmor attacked.>
((Sure, dead shot is kind of weird, and the mysterious stranger ability focused aim just makes it weirder. It's a D8 for every attack that hits. The 15 is his weapon plus dex damage, the 18 is the smite damage, the 10 is focused aim damage, and the 2D6 was the axiomatic damage. Each hit adds a D8 but doesn't increase the damage of modifiers like precision damage or extra damage from weapon and ability points. Focused aim is an explicit exception, which is why it did 30 when all three hit. It does less damage than firing off each bullet by itself, but the tradeoff is that if one hit crits, the whole thing crits, and that first attack would have done 300 damage if it got a crit. :) ))


((Menek has no more dispels so yeah dispelling bombs might really help to get rid of the demon's 50% defense would be great. Unless the demon starts fighting we have one maybe two rounds to hit him?))
<I think I'm gonna try to dispel bomb anyway. Using Fast Bombs to throw three as a full round attack....

Aaaand, I rolled 23, 20, and 28 which all most likely miss even without concealment.>


<I think I'm gonna try to dispel bomb anyway. Using Fast Bombs to throw three as a full round attack....

Aaaand, I rolled 23, 20, and 28 which all most likely miss even without concealment.>

((They're on touch so maybe not? Roll concealment anyway, maybe we'll get lucky))
<Huh. I didn't know that splash weapons are touch AC. I'm too used to that one time I played a character with a sling.

I'll just let thLunarian tell me if any of those "attacks" hit Touch AC and then I'll roll concealment, spell resistance, and caster level check.

EDIT: I decided to go ahead and roll those and only the second result passed concealment:

1D100 = [73] = 73
1D20+13 = [3]+13 = 16
1D20+13 = [18]+13 = 31

I'm sure that fails spell resistance anyway.

There's always next turn, I guess. I only have 14 more bombs left.>


((I don't think Viss and Tessa can do anything other than moving closer. Been really busy, by I'll try to make a more proper post later today.))
((The second attack passed concealment, but doesn't hit his touch AC. Invisibility is still up.

There should only be one Caster Level check per spell, BTW. That check is opposed by the opponent's Spell Resistance. Unless there's some other reason you were making two checks that's not obvious to me))
<Even if there was no spell resistance, I would have to make a caster level check anyway to see if it beats the actual spell that is being dispelled (which there isn't even any guarantee that it would be the spell I want).>
((Oooooh you're right, I'm sorry about that. And thanks Axel, that was helpful))

The newly-sparkling and significantly injured Demon persists in its tear across the sky. It makes a small arc to avoid opportunistic attacks from Shulmor or Satra, but can't quite get around Viss and Menek during its final push toward the Observatory.

((Begin next round. I honestly don't know whether Energy Current will affect the Demon at this distance because the spell description is extremely complicated. Mike (or anyone else), if you've done some research and have determined that it will still affect him then I will trust you and you can roll damage. If no one is sure, then I'm going to say that it no longer affects him since he got too far away from it.

Here is a crudely drawn map of the field. I forgot to represent Viss as being Larger, and the names might be a little hard to read but it's at least something to go by.

<I'm too far away to do anything, so I'm gonna double move to get around towards the side of the demon (but not next to it, just sort of orbiting)

I'm gonna use this time to find a new dice rolling website>
((If anyone wants to take a final shot at dispelling its invisibility or hitting it with something that defeats concealment, I can stand by for that. It'll be a few hours before I can do rolls anyway.

And KM, isn't 60 feet close enough to take a full round attack? That's definitely touch attack range if you're using a revolver, and only a -6 on the rolls. Less if you have something enhancing range.))
((Yeah, 20 foot range means -2 penalty for every 20 feet you shoot past. It's a touch attack for first five increments and has a max range of 10 increments. Shulmor wouldn't have been able to attack otherwise. I can't link right now but it's all on the firearms page of the SRD.))
((Also, I just looked over energy current. It has a short range increment (25 ft + 5/2 lvls) and a description for the target shifting to another enemy when the first target is out of range, so I'm pretty sure the demon isn't being hit by it anymore))


((Not sure if I read the map right but it looks like Tessa are in position to flank or at least could get into postion with only a five foot step?))

Mike M

Nick N
((By my understanding of Energy Current, it's in effect for the duration (think it's rounds equal to caster level), so long as the psion maintains concentration. But if the targets move outside the range, they're safe, and maintaining it is a full round action so I can't pursue.))


((Did it get AOOs from Tessa and Viss based on how it ran?

How's this? Satra tries to dispel the invisibility on Demon again. If it works Menek will Hex Demon's AC down for massive damage from everyone. If it doesn't work Menek will try some other Hexes that might not do anything if the demon makes a save

Also.... can't we surround the dude so he can't run anymore? Viss and Tessa five step to block him and Menek and Shulmor move in to hem the guy in. How's that for a (painful for us) plan? It can't run if there's no straight line. This is pretty much a 2D run right? No 3d shenanigans?))
((If we can do that, yeah, I'm game for helping to box it in. But as a matter of practicality, we're all Flying so it could pretty easily raise or lower its altitudes to break an encirclement. Air combat struggles with rules for that though, so it depends on GM ruling.))
((Remember that you guys are airborne. There's nothing preventing him from slipping up or down, eating the Opportunity Attacks, and escaping that way. He may have to slow down a little bit to pull that off; I'll need to look up the rules for a Full Run. But surrounding him in order to block off his retreat is impossible.

Viss and Tessa are going to get an AoO either this round or the next, that is a good point. So each of them will have an extra attack this round, basically. And yes, you guys can flank him.



Run has to be in a straight line is the rule that I'm thinking of. Otherwise he can double move but we'll still have cut his speed in half. Oh and is he losing his Dex bonus to AC? Lol so many rules. Not trying to be rules lawyerly at all here. I'm fine with whatever :)

((Since he started running, his regular AC hasn't actually come up yet. As for your question.... all I can say is that I am aware of the rule ;) ))
((It's starting to sound like a tempting idea, so I have a question myself. Is the caster level check for beating spell resistance just the caster level itself or caster level plus the relevant ability modifier for spells? I ask because Shulmor can cast faerie fire, and that beats concealment. But if it's level without ability modifier, Shulmor's check is far too low to have any hope of beating the demon's SR. Either way, I can stay on standby and see what Satra does. It seems tempting to help box him in this turn and just dead shot next turn while he's escaping as opposed to doing that this turn.))
((It's definitely just the caster level without any ability mods.

KM, I just scanned the Alchemist page and it says bombs have a range of 20 feet. I don't see any indication that they follow the rules of firearms. They're thrown weapons))
<That's what I thought. I'm gonna continue just doing a double move because nothing else I can do would be able to stop his movement anyway.>


((Hopefully either Viss or Tessa are able to grapple the guy, but I'm to tired to make the post today. Will be the first thing I do tomorrow though.))
((Nezumi, when you try for the grapple, if you intend to keep him grappled then you should stop attacking once you get a 35 on your grapple attempt. If you attack again after that then you risk losing the grapple))
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