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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((Assuming Viss and Tessa will five step to surround him east west
Menek hits the demon with a hex targeting the demon's ability to defend itself and moves in close to hem it in in an attempt to keep it from its destination ((DC 23 Will for 13 rounds of -4 AC, otherwise just for one round))

It resists damage but it's hurt and running. Now may be our best chance to get our Observatory back he shouts as a swift action giving Viss and Tessa a bit of a boost to their chance to hit their fleeing foe ((+4 on attack rolls)).

((If Fleshbane warps in then everybody just might get an AOO if the demon keeps running))


((Sorry I'm having internet trouble (again :/). If it isn't fixed by tomorrow I'll need to do it on mobil. Hopefully not because with all the attack throws it'd be a pain in the ass.))
((I'll do your rolls for you, Nezumi. You are welcome to add in the roleplay later, but for now I'm going to get things moving again.

Tessa is moving in to flank the Demon with Viss.

Viss's attack rolls:

Bite: 46 vs AC; 58% for Concealment. Hit.
2d6 + 12 = 22 damage.
Grapple: 22 vs CMD misses.

Claw 1: Natural 1 misses.

Claw 2: 48 vs AC; 27% for Concealment misses.

Bite: 29 vs AC misses.

The Demon attempts to make a Full Run action straight upward, giving everyone around it the chance for Opportunity Attacks.

Viss and Tessa's Opportunity Attacks:

Viss: 36 vs AC. 64% for Concealment. Thanks to Menek's penalty to the Demon's AC and the bonus to Viss's attacks, this just barely hits on the nose.
18 damage.
Grapple check: Natural 20!! Demon is Grappled.

Tessa: 28 vs AC misses.))

Tessa and Viss position themselves perfectly, catching the demon between them and forcing it halt abruptly as much of the party quickly surrounds it. They do their best to hurt it, but its invisibility makes it tricky to land a decisive hit.

....That is, until the Demon tries to change directions and becomes sloppy in doing so. Even while invisible, the sparkly coating informs Viss of its precise location, and a weak spot is exposed. She closes her tiger jaw securely around its abdomen and does NOT let go.

((We are on to the next round. There's a pretty decent chance you guys will kill it this round, but given the 50% miss chance, I want to play it out until that happens, just in case))
<the one liner thread from yesterday made me curious if people noticed the one I dropped after Aldebaran's death because I am really proud of that one.

After I finish eating I'm gonna toss more dispel bombs and I hope to do so before others attack #supportrole>
((I never took my turn from the last round since I was waiting to see if it got grappled. I can do two in a row when I'm home in a couple hours though. Being grappled negates the concealment benefits of invisibility, right? I think the only benefit at that point is a -2 on maintaining the grapple

EDIT: Just noticed the AoO was where the grapple landed. That means last turn's attack has the miss chance regardless. So if it's all right when I get a chance, I'll roll the attack, his AoO because he was going to move in to help surround it, and then his next turn's full round attack
((I just tried to research that question and the answer is unclear. The creature that's grappling the invisible guy doesn't need to roll for concealment, but it doesn't mention how to proceed for other characters.

I'm going to rule that there is still a miss chance for everyone else, but it's only 20%. So on a d100, a 1-20 is a miss.

Though for Shulmor, his first turn that he's about to take will still have a 50% miss chance))

<One of these days the dice will stop hating me.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I think all my psion stuff is AoE splash damage except for Energy Current, but the rules seem to indicate it would hit a secondary target, friendly or not. I could hit him with my sword, but its damage isn't great. My disintegration beam would probably need to be augmented, over-channeled, and hit a natural 20 to beat his Fort save.))
((Mike M:
It's meta gamey as hell unless Fleshbane whips out a knowledge roll, but you could channel ice and direct the secondary toward Shulmor, since he's immune to ice damage. And from what I read on energy wave, the extra ice damage probably offsets the demon's assumed ice resistance and reduced sonic damage. Or you can just point the sonic at the demon/Shulmor. He has a +28 reflex save right now, so he's fine if he doesn't roll a nat 1. If he does, eh, he has 200+ hit points and 12 more touch of corruptions to heal himself with, so he'll be fine. So I'd say do one of those or just go for the vorpal. Though do make sure the cone wouldn't hit anyone else if you do that.
((Ok, I can do my rolls now. Wall of stuff incoming))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101961]Hit Chance: 1D100 = [6] = 6
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101962]AoO Hit Chance: 1D100 = [18] = 18
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101963]Dead Shot Hit Chance: 1D100 = [48] = 48
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101964]Dead Shot Attack 1: 1D20 + 39 = [6]+39 = 45
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101965]Dead Shot Hit Chance: 1D100 = [20] = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101967]Dead Shot Hit Chance: 1D100 = [42] = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101968]Dead Shot Attack 3: 1D20 + 29 = [10]+29 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=101969]Damage: 2D8 + 2D6 + 15 + 20 + 18 = [5, 4]+[6, 2]+15+20+18 = 70
((Yeesh, a lot of bad rolls there))
Shulmor spins around and takes a shot at the fleeing demon as it passes him, but the bullet careens past it, his gun's banshee howl fruitlessly echoing through the sky. Frustrated, he engages his rocket thrusters and pursues it, forming a circle around it with the other party members. As it tries to escape, Shulmor throws an open-handed uppercut, his fingers clawing the air and leaving a trail of negative energy. However, this too fails to connect. Fortunately, Viss is able to get a grip upon the monster, making it an easier target. His focused shot still does not hit with the force he would like, but it connects quite solidly upon the restrained demon.


** AOO **

Studied Combat stirke with Miss Chance : 1D20+23 = [19]+23 = 42
1D6+13 = [3]+13 = 16
1D100 = [14] = 14

((Damn that miss chance))

Menek stabs with unerring accuracy at the demon as it tries to get away only to see his attack whiff through the demon's illusory magic.


Seeing Viss successfully grab the demon he tries to ensure that the demon can't escape by hexing the demon's ability to escape or attack

((Evil Eye hex on AC *might have expired based on his Will save last round* but Shulmor and Satra should benefit from it as Menek is going after them. Putting a new Evil Eye Hex on attack rolls, -4 to his attack rolls for 13 rounds DC Will 23 would reduce to one round))

He cackles to extend all active hexes for a round on everybody within 30 feet of him.

((Didn't Satra hit with two bombs though? Since it's only a 20% miss chance on the guy after the grapple. So maybe there's one more set of rolls left for a possible dispel?))
<Oh you're right. It does ignore SR. That would mean that the checks made to beat SR can be ignored (so I didn't lose against SR on the third roll that's featured in the previous post just yet).

For whatever reason I keep thinking of the demon's SR buff as universal when it's on a spell by spell basis.>
((If that's the case, then the demon loses its Invisibility, which means it's basically dead because it only has 16 HP left. I'll do a writeup in a few minutes when I get home; combat is over))
No sooner than when Menek sprays down the demon with glitter dust that Satra begins to pull out cylinder objects with a division in the middle flickering a red light. He announces, "I've got just the trick to show the audience a magician's illusions!" and twists the pipe bombs, turning the light blue. He allows the modified pipe bombs to roll from his palm to free fly towards the demon- they promptly explode mid-air, creating small anti-magic fields that threaten to catch the demon. Unfortunately, Satra's smirk turns to alarm as the thrusters and the mid-air mobility of his target propel to swoop between the anti-magic explosions.

"Damn!" Satra quickly turns and gives chase. His slower speed allows him to arrive on a scene which the glittered dust is suspended in mid-air, caught by the fierce animals. Seeing a chance as he flies by, Satra dumps one last anti-magic bomb near the creature where it will surely wipe away its invisibility, and gives a flicking wave as he says joyfully, "Nice to see you again!"

That's when he can leave the rest to the others.
When the Demon becomes fully visible once more, it looks imminently mortal, far removed from the half-demon, half-machine abomination that it truly is. Its wounds are dire and numerous, and as it squirms sickeningly within Viss's ironclad grasp, its injuries only open wider. Soon, it stops moving altogether.

Viss loosens her grip, expecting the demon to fall limply to the ground below. It starts to do that, but then it surprises everyone by ceasing its descent almost immediately, holding in place instead.

Before their eyes, the machinery that has become part and parcel to the monster creeps outward, replacing rent flesh and humming with a horrid life of their own.

As it rebuilds itself and the machinery expands and contracts, for a brief moment a crystal can be seen within, very much like Fleshbane's own resonance crystal - the one that Aldebaran was so hell-bent on studying.

Soon, the creature awakens - but not as itself. The demon that has haunted Viss since early in her life no longer exists, and has been replaced with something else.

It looks at Fleshbane, and in the moment of their eye contact, there can be no mistake as to what presence has overtaken the corpse of the creature.

"We await your return to us," it says in a wholly metallic, detached voice. "There is much to discuss."

It vanishes.

((That was a cut scene so there's no opportunity to fight it before it disappears.))
Satra hovers in the air for a moment as he begins to watch the metallic remains of the mutilated corpse begin to drift helplessly to the earth- only for it to regain its power and suspend itself and resume function without the living host. He thrusts his gun in front of him and closes an eye, using the other to line up the angle of the gun using the sight at the end of the barrel, only to hesitate and dull his aim when its power source reveals itself. "Another resonance crystal..?" he asks, unsure of what he's supposed to think.

Just as he tightens his arm and readjusts his aim does it mention its final words before disappearing, prompting him to lower his gun and ease his tension. Moving his weapon back into the holster under his vest, he looks over to Viss and asks, "Are you alright..? I don't know what we just did exactly," unaware of Viss' past or the role of the demon they had just killed, "but it might've dealt us a better hand."
As the feeling of his smite fades away, Shulmor reloads his gun and holsters it, watching the demon's corpse expectantly as it is to fall to the ground. Instead, it reanimated and mechanizes, almost as if by magic, yet it appears mechanical by design. Most perplexing. It reminds him of the magitech of his former empire, but something about it feels off. It seems much more advanced, much more powerful. He scarcely has time to address the automoton before it speaks to Fleshbane and vanishes.

The cat's rabid response warrants a response and quite possibly discipline at a later date, but this new reaction changes priorities. Wholly unconcerned for Viss's wellbeing as she appears to have sustained minimal damage, Shulmor looks towards Fleshbane. "Am I correct in assuming you are aquainted with the AI behind this?"


Menek sighs with relief as the demon stops struggling only to be shocked by the mechanical parts of its body seemingly taking the opportunity to take over the demon's body. He gives Fleshbane an appraising glance before turning towards Viss. Viss... You did not react this way to any other demon... And we traveled through two layers of The Abyss itself.

Mike M

Nick N
((Getting shades of this from this scene...))

"Impossible," Fleshbane murmurs as the demon's mechanized augmentations find new life of their own after the passing of their previous owner and reveal the presence of a resonance crystal. Even as he utters the word, he knows it to be false; the picture of what is transpiring and the role he has played in facilitating it is beginning to make itself clear.

Confirmation of his deductions lies aboard the Observatory, looming overhead a malevolent omen of what is to come.

"You have just had the pleasure of meeting my erstwhile patron," he answers Shulmor. "His motivations have up until this point been a mystery to me, but I believe I am beginning to see the arc of designs..."
"Fascinating," Shulmor utters. "The AI is your patron then?" "Intriguing..." The Lich says. "If I understand correctly, the AI controlling you has declared dominion over the Observatory and reached a level to do so? Or am I misunderstanding something?"

As he says this, Shulmor is reminded of why he has destroyed AIs and derivative intellects before they have had a chance to deeply evolve
"Hang on... Viss was quick to attack that demon, but it was actually a construct Fleshbane knows? Is there some kind of singularity going on with how it was meshsed with metal parts? Now that I think of it.. it looked like the kind of thing Aldebaran would've wanted to create... I'm probably just projecting my own ideas but could be what Aldebaran would've wanted to do with Fleshbane."

Satra looks down at the city below him, "They're probably wondering what's going on.. and might blame us for it."
((Gonna put things on hold until Nezumi is able to make a post. There's no better time for her to make an exposition dump than this very moment :) ))


((Just wanted to check in and say that I'm hard at work on my exposition dump and that so far I have not felt the compulsory need to delete everything I have written :D I have stop writing now though because my mom is visiting and she is a little bi... bit demanding at times. I WILL finish this thing tomorrow! Otherwise feel free to kick me out of the game. *Gotta set myself a strict deadline so that I don't start procrastinating again*
Edit: I already past 2000 words, but I'm still not quite done. I'm kind of putting every piece of backstory I have into that one post:D Internet is still wonky though but tomorrow someone from the provider will take a look at it.))


((OK! Here we go.))

As the demon takes flight Viss had already prepared to change once more to follow it in pursuit when she becomes dimly aware of Fleshbane saying something but before she has time to wonder about what it might have been some alien energy rips her out of her existence. For the fraction of a moment Viss finds herself in a state that does not compare to anything that she would have defined as reality. A kind of unease sweeps through her that she had never felt before and panic threatens to overcome her at the thought that maybe this feeling might never pass. But before it can overcome her, the moment has past and reality as she knows it is returned to her.

Her relief is short lived when the realization that she now finds herself high up in the sky without a pair of wings. She is about to turn herself into a falcon once more when she notices that she isn't the only one that had made the strange trip. Tessa starts to growl in distress next to her and Menek and Satra also seem to have become involuntary airborne. In pure instinct she reaches out to the source of her power and quickly extends it to everyone around her, allowing them to steady themselves as the air beneath seems to turn into solid ground.

Once no one is in immediate danger of plummeting to their deaths her mind and focus snap back to the demon and rationalized thinking takes a leave of absence was more. Every muscle in her huge feline body seems to work on its own when she readies herself in position to intercept her tormentor on his way to safety and end him once and for all.

She hasn't even begun to move forward when her enemy vanishes. Her head darts around in the hope of spotting him again but even when she tries to make out his foul stench it is simply too omnipresent than to pin-point it to a certain location. She howls in frustration at the thought that once again her foe might best her.

That's when the rest of the team springs into action all around her. Watching everyone around her work together in unison to fight the enemy, to fight THIS enemy, sends a strange shiver down her spine. This was her fight. It had nothing to do with anyone else. And yet here they were. People that she had barely known longer than a week and others to which she has shown nothing more than contempt from they moment she had met them, all coming together, supporting each other, supporting her.

She quickly snaps out of this thought. They were after all in a battle. A battle that she had started. The least she could do to pay back the others was doing her utmost to end it.

As everyone moves into position and prepares. She herself reaches out to Melora and even though she can't feel the goddess presence in this strange and alien plain, she is still able to call upon her power, drinking from it to become stronger and faster.

She feels like she is bursting with energy when a glittering shower of golden dust begins trickling down on them, lending the scenery an almost angelic atmosphere. And there, in the sparkling inferno she is finally able to make out the demon again. And without a moments pause she turns on the creature that had haunted her her entire life, that had killed her and that now had come after her to haunt her afterlife as well.

She jumps and her claws and teeth sink into the demons flesh.

She is young, maybe six years old. Curai is standing before her, a stern look on the normally so gently face.
“Tell me Vissaria, why did you do this.”
She stares to her feet shuffling them about a few seconds before she looks up, her face defiant and stubborn.
“This things bit me! They are ugly, they stink and they hurt me.”
Curai shakes his head looking at the space where about four square feet of forest floor were burned and charred.
“And that gives you the right to kill them?”
She shrugs her face still sullen.
“What does it matter. They are just fernstingers. It's not like they do anything useful. I'd liked it best if they were all gone, so that I don't have to get bitten anymore.”
Curai takes her by the hand then. He walks her over to where the fernstinger nest had been and with a stick moves away the charred earth, uncovering a second burrow beneath it. The burned remains of some small mammals still inside.
“Silkmice use fernstinger nests to keep their young save from predators. The reason those nest stink so much is because the fernstingers use the excrement of the silkmice to strengthen their nest. Now tell me, how do you judge the usefulness of another being, Vissaria?”

One of her claws finds a way past the demons metal enhancements. Viss can feel the vulnerable flesh rip and tear.

She is a little older. Curai has taken her to the town for the first time. She is overcome by all the impressions, smells and sounds crushing down on her at once. And there were people everywhere. So many people. She hadn't even thought it possible that so many people could even exist in the world.
She is waiting in front of a shop while Curai has gone inside to get some supplies. She spots a group of children and waves at them as they come closer, exited to meet someone her own age for the first time.
"What are you supposed to be?" one of them, a boy, asks, not hiding the sneer in his voice as he circles around her.
She smiles and bows, showing respect as Curai has taught her.
"My name is Vissaria. I have come here with my father to get supplies. It is my first time in a town like this." The way the children circle her starts to make her uneasy. "It is really quite different from the jungle and..." she breaks of with a shriek when on of them, a girl this times, grabs her tail and pulls at it.
"Look at this," she says giving the tail another yank. "Is that some kind of costume?"
Wincing with pain, she frees herself from the girl's grip, turning her head as the children continue circling her. "No, it's not a costume and that hurt."
"Not a custome, eh?" a boy says. "So you are some kind of monster then, should we call the guards so that they slay you?"
"No, I'm not a monster. I'm a normal..."
"Normal? Look at yourself. You are not normal. Normal people don't have tails. They don't have hair all over their body. You are a freak!"
"Yes a freak."
"An ugly freak."
Before she can do anything the kids have pushed her and she falls to the ground, her face slamming hard on the stony street chipping a piece of one of her fangs. Tears fill her eyes. Tears of pain but also of anger. She jumps to her feet with ease, turning on the kids that quickly back away when they see they look on her face.
"Vissaria." Curai says calmly from behind her. He puts a hand on her shoulder and gently pushes her away from the children. "I am done here. It is time to go home."
On their way back through the city her curiosity is gone. The people that she had thought so fascinating before, now seemed to stare at her with disgust and animosity.
The next time Curai has asked her to come to the town with him, she had declined.

Viss feels the demon struggle between her fangs. How it tries to break free from her grab. But she doesn't let go. next to her Tessa snaps at the still invisible figure, her teeth blocking the demon's way of escape.

She runs through the jungle. It is night and even to her eyes the dark forest is nothing more than a labyrinth of shadows. She stumbles for what feels like the hundredth time as one of her feet gets caught on a vine or a root and falls flat on the wet forest floor. The air gets pressed out of her lungs and for a moment she just lies there trying to catch her breath again.
Finally she pushes herself up again. She scans the darkness around her until she finds the bow that had flown out of her hand. Curai's bow. The bow she had pried from the dead hands of his torn and mangled body.
She takes in a deep breath, flaring her nostrils to search for the scent of her father's murderer. It becomes harder and harder to make it out over the myriads of other scents flowing through the jungle but there, just barely she catches it again and starts running again in pursuit.

Something hits the demon and it shakes in her grip. Viss doesn't know what it was she just holds on biting.

It had started to rain and the sun had begun to shine through the canopy above. She is standing alone in the jungle. Next to her the massive body of the huge predator that had killed her father. Tears run down her face as she stands there alone and with no guidance what comes next.
After a while she stumbles forward. Not knowing ad not caring which direction her feet will lead her. She has only taken a few steps when she hears a crunching sound. Looking down she is able to make out the shattered remains of a nest. Broken shells and egg yolk strewn everywhere. It must have happened during the battle.
For a moment she feels like she can hear Curai's voice whispering in her ear, advising her to watch out for breeding mother's as they can be especially ferocious and might attack even when unprovoked.
"We have to be understanding of such creatures Vissaria. We might feel threatened by them and feel attacked but it is always important to look for the reasons behind every behavior."
As she stared down on the broken nest, tears come to her eyes. She kneels down carefully touching the broken shells.
"I'm sorry..." she whispers to the unborn souls whose way into this world was cut short by her actions.
She gets up again and wants to turn away when she spots something in the corner of her eye. There between the ferns in the undergrowth something white is glistening. As she inspects it she discovers another egg. It must have rolled away during the battle and it is seemingly unbroken. Carefully she picks it up and as she presses the egg to her breast she sinks to her knees, crying and thanking Melora for giving her a chance to make things right.

Somewhere behind her Viss hears the pilot, Satra, say something and suddenly the demon is fully visible again. It is heavily wounded and Viss understands that this will end one way or another and clenches her jar around the demon's body even more.

"I don't understand why you are doing this? Why won't you explain what is going on. This is not like you Viss."
It is the day after they had stumbled over the remains of the destroyed village. A day after she had found the trail that she herself hadn't known she had been looking for. Hartur is standing behind her hands on his hips as she is packing together only the most essential of supplies. She doesn't answer him. How would she explain it anyway. How can you explain being haunted by something that you don't even have a memory of. Being awoken by nightmares of people screaming in terror, people that you have never met. Who do you explain how it is to miss a family you never even had the chance to know.
"Viss! Talk to me. What is going on?"
She turns around and musters a smile.
"It is alright," she says. "Everything will be alright. But there is something I have to do." Her voice had become hard at those last words and she can see a frown building on Hartur's face.
"I know that look. You are going to do something stupid again. Better I come with you..."
"No!" she had interrupted him. "This is something I have to do on my own."
And she had turned around and had walked away. Right towards her death.

The demon gives of a sudden wail of pain and terror and suddenly Viss can feel its ghastly aura fade away. She releases her grip and watches as it disappears. She waits for a feeling of triumph to fill her. it doesn't come. Relief, yes, but not triumph. It was over. It was finally over. All this years of anger, dissipating before her eyes. Something lifts away from her. A part of her that had been festering somewhere deep inside like an infested wound that now was cooling down and shrinking away.

Menek's question pulls her out of her thoughts and finally she becomes aware of her surroundings. She turns herself back into her normal form. Her body mostly unharmed by the battle. She opens and closes her mouth a few time unsure what to answer.

"It... it killed me. Back when I was still alive. Really alive I mean. It killed my entire tribe and later when I tried to kill it for it, it killed me instead..." she swallows, having trouble to say the next words out loud.
"I'm sorry," she mutters. inaudible at first but then louder and with a firm voice. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I put everyone here in danger for no other reasons, but my own selfish ones."
She looks at everyone in their little group, lingering just a little longer on Fleshbane and Shulmor. "I need to thank you, all of you, for not abandoning me in this battle even though you had every right and every reason to do so. I couldn't have done it without you and I am forever in your dept."

She takes another deep breath waiting for the others to decide what to do next.
<Fantastic writeup and backstory, the wait was worth it.>

Satra falls silent and lets his arms fall lazy at his sides, allowing a moment where the woman can freely express herself for this moment. He shakes his head and smiles, speaking carefreely with a shrug, "Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do."

He says no more than that, not wanting to be the one to press for questions.. although one thought does enter his mind and linger: if this is what it means to work with SAED, will the fates force an encounter with her? A part of him knows it would not be a happy reunion, knowing how much can change over eons in death.
((Yup, that was good stuff. Wait vindicated XD))

Finally, signs of respect. Shulmor was beginning to wonder if he would be forced to kill the Druid for the greater sake of the organization. This no longer seems quite as necessary.

"I can't say I approve of the... abruptness with which you acted, but your motivations are understandable, and we may now have some tactical advantage in not having to dispatch the demon twice when we enter. There may be hope for civility amongst our collective yet."

Not looking to snuff the embers of better relations the moment they appeared, Shulmor neglects to mention that he has ordered countless such attacks and purges on small, unruly tribes that proved uncooperative towards his government.

The Lich looks around at the group, ready to discuss how to retake the Observatory. "We have expended a substantial amount of energy collectively, yet resting will merely give our opposition time to further entrench. Pressing seems our best course, retaking the Observatory piece by piece. It seems our foe is a god now. I wonder what rift in the planes deicide will leave?"


Menek nods to himself as Viss explains what happened. A minor mystery solved. A deeper enigma revealed. A force of evil dispatched. As far as I am concerned Viss. Your fights are my fights and I do not expect that to change. Shulmor is right. The demon paid for his arrogance with his life though it was less than he deserved. We have regained the advantage from whatever has taken over the Observatory in the bargain. Let us move in and see what has happened to our new home. I do not know what to make of Xerome's appearance. The question that occurs to me is what could have caused the planes to collapse in such a manner that a demon from Viss' home plane would have been able to make a deal with the Machine God.

((Can Menek mix a few extracts. It only takes a minute of work per extract))
((Sure, that's fine. If it only takes a minute per extract then you can do up to 5 of them right now))

With a plan in place, the party opts to accept Zerome's ominous invitation. Together they ascend toward a small precipice that extends out from the Observatory, leading to an archway that was not there before.

When they get close to the Observatory, each of them feel like they're passing through some kind of magical barrier, though it doesn't seem to have any ill effects.

Knowledge Arcana DC 30
There is a temporal difference between the Observatory and the outside world. The variance is small, but time is moving slightly faster within the Observatory than it is on the outside. It's plausible - maybe even likely - that the difference can be adjusted by whomever is controlling this mechanism.

The Archway is ten feet high, and naked - an invitation to any who would dare to draw near. Inside, the air is filled with toxic gas and microscopic glass shards; breathing it in would be lethal to any living creature. The temperature oscillates wildly from bone-chillingly frigid to impossibly scorching. The floor is lined with spikes; hidden mechanical blades drop from the ceiling at random intervals.

When Fleshbane ventures inside as the others make the proper preparations to survive in such an environment, Au seems to materialize out of a nearby wall.

"Master," she says with considerable relief. "You have returned."


((Well Shulmor might be at home here as well. Menek has an Aura of Purity Hex that only works on a 10 foot range around him and can be up for 13 minutes to get rid of the toxic gas. Would Bark Skin negate the glass shards and spikes? Menek also has Endure Elements Communal to negate the difference in temperature))
((The only possible issue is heat, and the rules there are ambiguous as to whether or not he's even open to lethal damage from that since he doesn't breathe. If he is open to lethal, he'll take a protection from elements casting, otherwise he's good to go. DR 15 ought to handle the spikes and blades))


((Viss is immune to poison as well and could cast endure elements communal if that is enough for the heat and cold. As for the Glass shards, she could just turn herself into a wind elemental or something of the sort.))


((Hah, Maybe hang back and let Shulmor and Fleshbane scout?))

((Roll 102491 Coyote code for 52 on Arcana check))

Menek turns from his vials to look at Fleshbane. Your taste in decor has extended to the entire Observatory. It will take some work for us beings of flesh... living flesh... to survive here. You were forced into SAED out of necessity but you are free of Zerome's influence here.I must ask, can we rely on you as an ally Fleshbane? This place... is in a different temporal bubble than the outside world. Time may be moving slower or faster in here... maybe controlled by whoever has mastered the Observatory.

((Roll 102493 Coyote code for 46 on Sense Motive Fleshbane))
((As long as you can avoid inhaling the glass shards, either by Air Elemental-ing up or by other means, you'll be fine. They're not going to affect your outsides.

Ensure Elements will be a good idea though.

Oh and this is specifically the area that was Fleshbane's domain. You guys don't know how the rest of the place looks yet))


((Oh. hahah. Fleshbane can call Menek a fool then for not figuring it out. Aura of Purity and floating and Endure Elements should get Menek through. Menek can use his extract and Viss can keep her spell for next time or vice versa. Either's good.))
<I think it's a given we can tank through the environment, but I still feel like the nature of the area is basically telling us we shouldn't go that way (especially since we were supposed to be welcomed in). Killing that demon gave us the best opportunity to make use of making our own way into the observatory, I say we make the best of it and find some alternative way of getting in.>


((Is there another way though? I just thought we ended up in Fleshbane's area and now have to go through it to get anywhere else.))


((I'm fine with walking straight through. Observatory is hostile inside and out and at least Fleshbane can figure out what happened from his followers here. But up to you guys))
<If we're allowed we can possibly seek out another entrance that would let us take a more stealth approach to infiltrate and see what's going on before we burn our hands in the pot, especially since we're running out of spells.>
((This was the only obvious entrance. The whole place looks much different than you remember from the outside.

You are of course free to look at the outside more closely to try to find another way. That could take time, but could also have its own benefits. It's up to the majority))
((Yeah, I say just go through too. I assumed we were already through the portal anyway. Opportunities to be less linear will maybe come once we're out of his quarters. That said, if everyone else changes their mind I don't object to retconning this post))

Shulmor holds up for long enough to let one of the protection from elements spells wash over him, and proceeds onwards, the poison and glass of no concern. He walks over the spikes, not sharp enough to pierce his undead form, towards Fleshbane. "Not a bad way of demonstrating your superiority over lesser forms. This room ensures that you're at an advantage should weak hearted types try and confront you."

Something the investigator says catches his attention. "Oh? Perhaps it's a means for turning our decade of service into centuries, if not eons. I thought the terms sounded too good to be true. But so long as it is no more than a decade to us, immense benefit for our patrons is expected."


((I'm all for going the obvious way. Though I just remembered I have not only Tessa but also Shirox and Pilari to worry about...))


The temporal anomaly was not the case when The Raven Queen was in charge. Her disappearance is perhaps the most disturbing news that I have heard and that is saying quite a bit considering all that has happened
"A new development then? If not to prolong our terms, then..." Having an epiphany, Shulmor addresses Fleshbane again. "Your patron is a machine, an AI with divine power, correct? Is it still evolving and accumulating information as is the norm for such programs? If it has distorted time, perhaps it has sped up its evolution relative to the outside world. If the Raven Queen's disappearance lines up with this time distortion, it may be possible that she has been assimilated by this Zerome figure."
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