When she finds her domain largely undestroyed Viss feels a burst of relief that is cut short by the realization that Oldaraphon isn't there. Au's explanation doesn't really ease her worries for the ancient tree.
She nods after Shulmor speaks up. "You are right. I just need to..." She quickly jumps up the ladder to her little tree house and starts rummaging around in one of her trunks until she finds the little bag of balancing stones Curai had giving her all those years ago. She wished she had the time to sit down and play a round to regain her focus and provide her with calmness for the things to come. But for now just having them with hey calmed her down.
She jumps back down and nods to the others. "Let's go."
She nods after Shulmor speaks up. "You are right. I just need to..." She quickly jumps up the ladder to her little tree house and starts rummaging around in one of her trunks until she finds the little bag of balancing stones Curai had giving her all those years ago. She wished she had the time to sit down and play a round to regain her focus and provide her with calmness for the things to come. But for now just having them with hey calmed her down.
She jumps back down and nods to the others. "Let's go."