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Nayuta no Kiseki |OT|



Title: Nayuta no Kiseki
Developer: Nihon Falcom
Platform: PSP
Genre: "Story Action RPG"
Release: July 26, 2012 (UMD/PSN - Japan) - UMD passport available from August 23 (1000 yen)
Website: http://www.falcom.com/nayuta_psp/index.html



There is an "end" to this world... we've been taught this for a long time.
The ocean expands infinitely; no one knows where it ends, or what lies beyond.

"Therefore, the world is flat."

That's what the scholars say, and the people believe it to be so as well. But is it really true...?

No, I really don't think so. There remain too many mysteries left unsolved in the world. And what about the projection in the light reflected by the star fragments?

So I'm sure of it. Yes. That the world is much, much larger.

-- by Nayuta Herschel

Nayuta no Kiseki is an action RPG, instead of being turn-based like the previous games. However, this time, Falcom is being a bit bold, proclaiming that just as Dragon Slayer began the action RPG genre, Nayuta no Kiseki will be the first game in a new genre of "story action RPGs." Their aim for the game is to have a game with Ys-style action and Kiseki-scale storytelling. Kondo says that they began development of the game focusing on the boss battles. They didn't want to just make big bosses, as Falcom is already known for, but to make each boss an important part of the story, so every boss battle will feel like it's a final boss.

While sharing the title and a similar philosophy with the Kiseki/Trails series, this game is entirely standalone and can be played without having played any of the others.



Nayuta no Kiseki takes place in a world that is believed to have an "end." The inhabitants live on a small island called the Isle of Remnants - named such because of the remnants of ruins and shooting stars that constantly crash to the surface. The island is surrounded by an infinite sea, the other side of which no one has ever seen. Along with the ruins have come mysterious stones which the people have named "star fragments." If light is shined through these fragments just so, a vision of a beautiful world with many natural lands and creatures can be seen. The people have named this phantom world "Lost Heaven," and the visions have convinced Nayuta that there must be more to the world than they can see from their island.


Being an action RPG, the gameplay of the game is as you would expect, with direct control over Nayuta. Along the way, Nayuta will eventually happen across a character named Noi with whom he can attack in tandem.

Nayuta is able to use both one-handed and two-handed swords, each of which has its own advantages. Upon clearing a stage, your actions are evaluated and you may be able to increase sword arts and knowledge, both of which lead to improving Nayuta's abilities in different ways. To balance Nayuta's physical focus, Noi's abilities are magical. Specifically, Noi employs the magic of the four seasons, allowing her to summon butterflies, fire light beams, generate whirlwinds and freeze enemies, with more abilities to be learned as the game progresses. Since Nayuta's actions and Noi's actions are each bound to separate face buttons, they can be used simultaneously to great effect.

Noi's seasonal magic isn't limited just to combat, however. She can also affect the seasons of the different areas of the game. Doing this not only affects the appearance of the area, but also the enemies in it and the secrets that can be found.

The two characters can also work together in another way, using Noi's mysterious gear apparatus. These abilities are called gear crafts. Using it, they can roll around at high speeds, form a shield to deflect enemy attacks, perform powerful attacks, among other things.





They didn't want to just make big bosses, as Falcom is already known for, but to make each boss an important part of the story, so every boss battle will feel like it's a final boss.

That sounds awesome and totally an idea I had when I was a kid.

Hope this will be available in English at some point.
Excellent OT Aeana. This is going to be my home base for the next month/forever.

I'm picking this up day -1, so I'll be sure to post impressions/flail wildly come Wednesday afternoon next week.

Also, new Falcom OST is a reason to rejoice, even beyond the game itself. Unnnnghh.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Really do hope the game turns out good. Got my pre-order for it in also.

Always did love Falcom since they make games for people who love RPGs. Not to mention generally pack their titles with content.
Going to assume the download version is Vita compatible since it looks to be a part of the UMD Passport program.
Will probably use this to tide me over until Zero no Kiseki Evolution.
Wow, this looks really
promising. That bit about the boss battles and the "story action RPG" interests me a lot.I hope it gets localized because understanding the story fully seems to be pretty important on this one.


Great OT!
I'm going to download it on my Vita as soon as it pops on the PS Store.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Nice, clean OP.

Eager to hear impressions for this, particularly for the combat and methods to improve abilities.

Noi's seasonal magic isn't limited just to combat, however. She can also affect the seasons of the different areas of the game. Doing this not only affects the appearance of the area, but also the enemies in it and the secrets that can be found.
Did they say whether or not the enemies present in certain seasons would influence difficulty or different tactics to use? I think the only thing they said about it was regarding quests...


Nice, clean OP.

Eager to hear impressions for this, particularly for the combat and methods to improve abilities.

Did they say whether or not the enemies present in certain seasons would influence difficulty or different tactics to use? I think the only thing they said about it was regarding quests...

I think that's a given based on how dramatically the stages and enemy setups change between seasons. The site touches on it slightly, but doesn't go in-depth. It does seem that each stage's difficulty rating on the map can change based on some conditions, and perhaps season is one of them. We'll just have to see, I guess.
I fully planned on getting this upon release, but then I realized i had two Ys games I still haven't completed and am only just now getting into Ao no Kiseki (Orkis Tower was just unveiled).

But I'll be looking forward to seeing impressions of how the game "feels" in terms of having the 'Trails' name and how the story is. I wonder how long it will be until the next Zemuria title is announced ...


Wow, great OT, this game looks so cool. Hope to hear out it turns out and at least comes to NA PSN sometime in my life.


While Famitsu reviews aren't really to be trusted, in this week's cross review they agreed that the pace of battles is really good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I love the Falcom logo. It's so late 80s cd tek looking

I hope it comes out over here in one way or another.
Awesome OP Aeana! I've been following Nayuta since it was announced and. "Story action RPG" is my dream genre. I'm really hoping that it does well for Falcom and maybe it will grab XSEED's attention for localization. But I won't hold my breath.

I'm still shocked that we're getting new PSP games (Unchained Blades, Growlanser, etc) this year, but you know that train is running out of steam.
You joke, but I get the feeling that there will be some sort of twist linking this to the Zemuria games somehow.

I'm convinced (for no real reason) that this is in fact connected to the Zemuria games, even if only tangentially.

I'm not expecting a big surprise twist, but something more subtle that fans of the series will notice and be like "Hah! So that's what's going on!"

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think that's a given based on how dramatically the stages and enemy setups change between seasons. The site touches on it slightly, but doesn't go in-depth. It does seem that each stage's difficulty rating on the map can change based on some conditions, and perhaps season is one of them. We'll just have to see, I guess.
Ah, thanks. I see some of it on the site now that I've checked, but they don't say much about it.

I hope people's impressions can expand on this. It would be neat if difficulty ratings ended up changing depending on seasons.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm expecting something a bit more direct, though that'd be cool too.
In the Trails games, there's quite a few "teasers" that the world may share the Gagharv lands. The picture on the Lusitania, Thirteen Factories, Doll Knight and a bunch of other one's. If they go out and link Sciencia Sea/Lost Heaven with Zemuria, then that makes the connection to Gagharv too. Would be interesting. We already have Mishie and maybe Poms in there, so it is possible.


Kind of an awkward feeling when you find out this is the second Falcom game where you've been named after a pink-haired loli.


If they go out and link Sciencia Sea/Lost Heaven with Zemuria, then that makes the connection to Gagharv too. Would be interesting.

Depends on the way it's linked, if it is. It can all still be circumstantial evidence, and that doesn't put us anywhere better than where we are now.

I just stopped predicting and all after Ao no Kiseki. Falcom blew apart my theories so quickly in that game. (Glad, too. What it really was- I think- was better!)

There are still some tattered pieces of my theory that might still work. ...but I've got nothing to back it up anymore, really.


The removal of Legend of Heroes from the title of this game is the main thing that makes me uncertain about any links. But it's possible that they did that because it's a different type of game instead.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Depends on the way it's linked, if it is. It can all still be circumstantial evidence, and that doesn't put us anywhere better than where we are now.

I just stopped predicting and all after Ao no Kiseki. Falcom blew apart my theories so quickly in that game. (Glad, too. What it really was- I think- was better!)

There are still some tattered pieces of my theory that might still work. ...but I've got nothing to back it up anymore, really.
Connection theory?


There is a new 13-minute play video put together by 4Gamer


Shows lots of stuff. It gives a really good idea of the structure and flow of the game. It seems that the pace of the combat is much more in line with Ys 7 than Zwei, so I'm very pleased.

I like what they showed in the footage, but the one thing which I find a bit off-putting is the way the stages are designed with crystal trails to collect. That seems more of the sort of thing you would find in platformers which don't emphasis combat. Here it just rubs me wrong. Hopefully it's not a big part of the game!


I like what they showed in the footage, but the one thing which I find a bit off-putting is the way the stages are designed with crystal trails to collect. That seems more of the sort of thing you would find in platformers which don't emphasis combat. Here it just rubs me wrong. Hopefully it's not a big part of the game!

That is actually something that struck me as a bit odd, too. But at the same time, I'm also all for more platforming since I missed it in Ys 7.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Is that the museum and Saints-Elysees we see when they reach the docks? Such beautiful graphics right from the get-go.


The art design of the game is certainly really good. I hope it looks nice on the Vita, although I won't be able to play it on mine until the UMD passport is available, so the PSP Go will have to suffice until then.
I fell in love with the first teaser image and the game cover since the first time I've seen them, I'm definitely going to check this out as soon as I'm done with the main Kiseki series.

They didn't want to just make big bosses, as Falcom is already known for, but to make each boss an important part of the story, so every boss battle will feel like it's a final boss.

This reminds me of Okami, a detail that I loved about that game. It always felt like the game was coming to an end but then... wait! There's more!! It felt like it could never end.


Well, many developers have made the claim about every boss battle feeling like a final boss. We'll see if Falcom delivered this time.


The boss battle seen in the various gameplay videos they've released definitely doesn't feel anything like a final boss battle. Lol.


The boss battle seen in the various gameplay videos they've released definitely doesn't feel anything like a final boss battle. Lol.
Re-reading what was said in the interviews, I actually think that Kondo may have been talking about the boss's story involvement. Maybe. I'm not positive.


Neo Member
According to the picture, we have a forest level, a fire level and an ice level. Yup, its a video game.

Trolling aside, the game seems interesting.

And I figure this would be the place to ask: I know of Falcom, but I have not ever played one of their games, so I ask: what are the "must-plays"? I was thinking of picking up Ys on Steam, but I don't know if they are even "good" really.
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