First world problems, but for those trying to keep a concise Twitter feed, Zach Lowe can be an annoying source for NBA news. He tends to tweet commentary on news items without ever tweeting (or retweeting, as it were) the actual news item.
This is him earlier on the Lakers' shakeup:
Zach Lowe @ZachLowe_NBA 9 hours ago
Did they trade for someone? Did they kill Kenny? What happened? A subsequent tweet referenced Magic, but he never revealed that Kupchak and Buss were out and Magic was in.
And then the Houston move:
Zach Lowe @ZachLowe_NBA 2 hours ago
Footnote that probably won't be important: no protections on the Rockets pick heading to Lakers, source says.
Thanks, Zach. Informative.
Yes, first world problem, as I mentioned earlier. But it would be nice if he would assume everyone isn't following the same people he's following.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
(Leave Okafor Alone.)