DarienA said:Uh... Shaq was never a Heat... he played on the Magic didn't he?
Uh, that was from Steve Nash
He was drafted by the Suns in 96
DarienA said:Uh... Shaq was never a Heat... he played on the Magic didn't he?
Cloudy said:Don't forget:
PS: Darien, he means Nash
DMczaf said:Its new jersey day!
He's back Toronto! But now he has more then a 10 day contract!
Ninja Scooter said:supposedly Gary Payton was interviewed during the ESPY's tonight and was estatic about himself (and Karl) coming BACK to the Lakers next season!?! WTF?!? I thought he wanted out?
Yeah. Don't fuck with my internet powers! *grabs crotch*Bowser said:Didn't he get banned for six months because he mentioned MJ in the Finals thread after Bish said something like, "Try me and we'll see ya this Christmas"? Sad, too, cause I would've loved to hear what he had to say on this crazy offseason.
rc213 said:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (About Payton) If he does decide to stay, maybe they can trade his punk ass.
Ninja Scooter said:True...but you have to think, what could have possibly happened between last week (when the Shaq/trade news first went down, which initially pissed of GP) and today (when Shaq was finally sent packing) that could have changed Payton and possibly Malone's minds?![]()
Ninja Scooter said:Jim Rome is a jackass. Always has been.
Ninja Scooter said:maybe he got some "inside information" about a certain shooting guard's plans to resign?
"I did not force the Lakers to do...anything against their will."
Ninja Scooter said:supposedly Gary Payton was interviewed during the ESPY's tonight and was estatic about himself (and Karl) coming BACK to the Lakers next season!?! WTF?!? I thought he wanted out?
bishoptl said:Loki's ban was just lifted - this Lakers debacle wouldn't be the same without his commentary.
You hear that, Loki? Shaquille saved your ass from sitting on the sidelines until December!
rc213 said:Maybe if we package Slava/D.Gump we can get Carter from the Raptors! lol
Ninja Scooter said:Jim Rome is a jackass. Always has been.
Matrix said:Yao owns Canada....36 and 10.
"I don't want to talk about the discrepancy on the number of free throws attempted or that all of our post players fouled out," said Canadian head coach Jay Triano.
Eminem said:Nets and Nuggets real close for a K-Mart deal. At least three future first round picks? pass.
chimpychi said:Kobe to decide at 3pm et...come on Clippers!
Matrix said:Girl "Yao's so dreamy"
Chinese Harry Potter " I wonder if he will be my special shirtless wizard friend"
Miguel said:...
I thought only the Rockets are stupid enough to trade 3 first round draft picks for anyone.
bionic77 said:So when is Loki coming back? Not that we really need him, you always know what he is going to say before he even says it, but he brought the trollishness that is missing from the thread since he got banned.
Also, predictions for wins/losses and stats for Shaq and Kobe next year. Put your money where your mouth is (this is assuming Kobe stays the Lakers, because if he doesn't he will go to prison and die of dick cancer so he will thus get zero wins and no stats).
51 Wins
24 ppg/ 11 rpg/ 5 ass/ 1.3 blk/ 56% ft%
48 Wins
31 ppg/ 6 rpg/ 6 ass/ 2 stl/
HalfPastNoon said:Fuck off, losers. Besides the great Magic Johnson, there hasn't been a greater PG in the league. That's a fact, now deal with it.
levious said:you a big seattle fan huh? The Payton hate has been ridiculous, and thankfully mainly from laker fanatics, and konex. He's one of the greatest ever, but there's also Isiah, Marivich, Cousey, Lenny Wilkens, Stockton (hate him)...
Cloudy said:OMFG LMAO!!!!
I just saw on Fox News that "a source" claims that on the tape they have of Kobe, the cops ask him why would a girl he just met have sex with him and he starts telling the cops how it happens all the time and mention what happens on the road with him and his other Lakers teammates (they actually mentioned Shaq on the show). They also said dude started crying on the tape when they showed him a court order and told him it was more than just "questioning". They said there is nothing really incriminating on the tape but it could prove highly embarrassing...
No wonder Shaq hates Kobe lol
Bat said:Greatest PG ever are Magic, Isiah, Stockton, Cousy, and Kidd, in that order.
rc213 said:13 minutes... =\
bionic77 said:PLEASE STAY KOBE!!!! I can't live if Derek Fisher becomes the best player on the team!
Blackace said:He might even become a sonic... *sneaks back to tag thread*