It would have to rank up there with the biggest choke jobs in sports. Not happening though. Right??If OKC blows this, they'll lose in Game 7.
I doubt there is enough time to mount a full comback. Spurs did themselves no favors. Clock is now their biggest threat.
Just saying, the amount of salt would be historic if they did it. Go back when it was 2 games to 1 Cavs last year. The excuses were already piling up, and that was with the Cavs injury riddled C team. They never get any respect.
Of course GS would be favored, but you're crazy if you think they don't stand a chance.
Being an OKC fan during a 4th quarter is just stomach churning...
eh, when 6 point leads can be evaporated in 8 seconds, anything's possible.
Come on, that 2 to 1 lead was a mixture of bad Cleveland players overperforming, Golden State playing shook and the Cavs really benefiting from the lack of "defense" by Kyrie and Love. Sure they have a chance I guess, but it's not very right to look back at that series as an indicative of a possible future series.
Don't forget that the Warriors already beat the living shit out the full strength Cavs in Cleveland this year.
It's kinda like Toronto in the 4th lol
No way that's a flagrant.