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NBA2K12 |OT| Lebron 4th Quarter Lockout Edition


I had the chance to get drafted by the Rockets finally lol, but I messed up and I said I only wanted to play for the Utah Jazz so they drafted me 12th.

I could have easily competed for the starting position with Budinger, I have to work hard to replace AK-47.


Anyone know if they fleshed out the My Player mode. That's really the only mode I care about and I'm hoping they add more features to it. Going to look around for some reviews.


intangibles, motherfucker
pastapadre Bryan Wiedey
NBA 2K12 Online Association advancement periods: Slow (24hrs), Normal (16hrs), Fast (6hrs). Mode will appeal mostly to simmers.

Are they trying to say each person has 1 day to play their game?


Zhengi said:
Anyone know if they fleshed out the My Player mode. That's really the only mode I care about and I'm hoping they add more features to it. Going to look around for some reviews.
They definitely added to it. Much less time spent before being drafted by a team, which is nice. Your player starts out decent instead of being shitty at the beginning like before. Teammate A.I. is a lot better. Maybe it just was me but my team was always a failure when I wasn't on the floor. Not so anymore. Also, your paychecks are part of the mode now. You can spend money on skill point boosts, donate to charity (not sure exactly what this does yet), etc. Post-game press conference is also better. The answer choices show the gist of what you're going to say instead of just "Professional" or "Arrogant". Having a blast with it so far.

And yeah, I'm surprised there aren't more reviews out there. All the ones that have come out have been really positive.


Zhengi said:
Anyone know if they fleshed out the My Player mode. That's really the only mode I care about and I'm hoping they add more features to it. Going to look around for some reviews.

- You get drafted right into the NBA.
- After the pre-draft game, three teams interview you, asking two questions each.
- You can simulate game time until you're subbed in
- They added dynamic goals (don't let your opponent score on the next possession, deny him the ball, get a quadruple single, score 10 straight points, etc)
- You can sim games until the next key game
- Post game interview after every game
- They removed the gym, where you go to various spots to train (or was that nba elite 2010?)
- I think there's only 9 training modes though to boost your attributues.
- You can buy attributes with your salary (unsure if this was in 2k11)
- You can buy other things as well (for example, your player starts off as poor for post spin moves; make it average by spending 8k XP, etc)
- You can buy dunk packages with your money earned as well, along with a few other things (Jordan dunk package, etc)
ph33nix said:
when you press LB, then a player's icon which brings up a set of plays, why does it not call the plays with the buttons you press on the screen and instead is some random shit?

Play calling system is fucked. I just figured out how to call for a screen...and it barely works.

2k fixed a lot and then change somethings that weren't broken like the on the move coaching stuff...they made it more complicated than it needs to be.

it's also damn impossible to drive the lane...the computer has no problem though In fact the computer is godlike. They actually use every move available which is cool when it's Kobe doing it...but when Linas Klieza is doing the dream shake and spin moves on you..not so much . Bigmen are all Dirk like for no fucking reason too.

There are also too many moves man. This is the first year that the criticism of the game being to complicated is right.

I'll eventually get the hang of it because this means I can't just cheese dunks and shit and actually have to play team ball but some of the little things are fucked.
all of this plus the lockout really is making me not like this game


Fjordson said:
They definitely added to it. Much less time spent before being drafted by a team, which is nice. Your player starts out decent instead of being shitty at the beginning like before. Teammate A.I. is a lot better. Maybe it just was me but my team was always a failure when I wasn't on the floor. Not so anymore. Also, your paychecks are part of the mode now. You can spend money on skill point boosts, donate to charity (not sure exactly what this does yet), etc. Post-game press conference is also better. The answer choices show the gist of what you're going to say instead of just "Professional" or "Arrogant". Having a blast with it so far.

And yeah, I'm surprised there aren't more reviews out there. All the ones that have come out have been really positive.

RS4- said:
- You get drafted right into the NBA.
- After the pre-draft game, three teams interview you, asking two questions each.
- You can simulate game time until you're subbed in
- They added dynamic goals (don't let your opponent score on the next possession, deny him the ball, get a quadruple single, score 10 straight points, etc)
- You can sim games until the next key game
- Post game interview after every game
- They removed the gym, where you go to various spots to train (or was that nba elite 2010?)
- I think there's only 9 training modes though to boost your attributues.
- You can buy attributes with your salary (unsure if this was in 2k11)
- You can buy other things as well (for example, your player starts off as poor for post spin moves; make it average by spending 8k XP, etc)
- You can buy dunk packages with your money earned as well, along with a few other things (Jordan dunk package, etc)

Thanks for the responses guys. I'm definitely looking forward to this game :)
Trin3785 said:
MAAAAN, i really want to get it...... anyone know how big the steam download is?

I want to say around 7 gigs.

And that is fantastic that they have a way to get the Warriors and Kings. Love Run TMC.


Any problems visually with the PC version? I remember last year you had to play online with low visuals, is that the same? Offline is it at least as good as the ps360 versions?


war of titties grampa
benjipwns said:
About 7.5 GB.

Damn, well i guess ill just go buy it from Best Buy, otherwise I wouldnt be playing it tonight. Guess my disk drive is empty anyways so ill just leave NBA in it. I SHALL JOIN YOU SOON 2kPCGAF!


DJ_Tet said:
I remember last year you had to play online with low visuals, is that the same?
Offline is it at least as good as the ps360 versions?
There's a shader/lighting effect missing (as in the last two games), but the bump in resolution + AA and stuff makes up for it.


Okay, this is crashing to the desktop after every first quarter (during the around-the-league thing) for me.



war of titties grampa
benjipwns said:

There's a shader/lighting effect missing (as in the last two games), but the bump in resolution + AA and stuff makes up for it.

as tempting as shader/lighting effects are, i dont think its worth an extra 30 bucks. Does the visual quality drop significantly online? Does the console version do the same?


If your primary interest is playing online, the PC version is probably not the one you want. (Automatically low settings but still has a shitty framerate, huge connection issues, etc.) Maybe they'll patch it, but it's been this way for two years so it's doubtful.

And it's just one of the shader/lighting effects, a kind of shadowing thing, all the rest are there.


war of titties grampa
benjipwns said:
If your primary interest is playing online, the PC version is probably not the one you want. (Automatically low settings but still has a shitty framerate, huge connection issues, etc.) Maybe they'll patch it, but it's been this way for two years so it's doubtful.

And it's just one of the shader/lighting effects, a kind of shadowing thing, all the rest are there.

Hmm, so its really paying 30 bucks for online then on the console version.... well that sucks... now i dont know what to do....


I'm digging the legendary teams a lot this year, instead of only the starting 5 so far I've seen the benches go 3-4 deep with real players instead of fake names.

Seeing Walton, Vincent, Sichting coming in for the Celtics instead of 3 generic guys is pretty awesome.

Couldnt help but to laugh at Ainge guarding Rivers occasionally for the hawks/celtics rivalry game.

I also saw Drazen, Bryant, and Robinson sub in for the classic Blazers team too for the Lakers/Blazers game.
ph33nix said:
when you press LB, then a player's icon which brings up a set of plays, why does it not call the plays with the buttons you press on the screen and instead is some random shit?

I will advise you to go and learn the plays. The Playbook and plays are authentic this year and persistent. What I mean is depended upon how you are being defended their are several routes to get the end result. Turn your plays on to full diagram so you can see what you need to do as well as what your team mates are doing.

Plays are assigned differently this year, i.e. P&R ball handler/cutter/3pt ect...Knowing the tendencies of your players and assigning them the appropriate floppy is vital. For example we know Jason Terry is not a slasher, so I will not assign him the cutter floppy, I would assign him the mid range and 3pt plays.

If you see some plays have a P in the description, the P is for persistent which means again if the "D" prevents you from opt 1 go to option to. Sometimes you will see a straight line parallel to a dotted line, this means you can dribble to the spot or pass it to the spot depended upon what the D gives you.

Here are some youtube quick tutorials on plays.

1. Practicing your plays


2. Wizards play of the day


Dev Insight on Play calling. This is a must read too understand the nuances of the play system.


EDIT: and I might add you can add plays into those sets from other teams to whatever your liking.

Living Branches
We went back to the well as a team, along with Da Czar, to provide additional feedback to help us design a system that surpasses any before it in play execution and implementation. It quickly became apparent that our current play system would need to be refactored in order to do the job. One of our top engineers was tasked to redesign our play system to accommodate the massive overhaul to both play logic and play execution. We believe NBA 2K12 offers the most up-to-date and authentic NBA play calling experience available today.

One of the main critiques was that our plays were too static and lacked the ability to branch into other scoring opportunities. In addition, some plays just took too long to get started while others were just plain ineffective.

While past branching systems relied heavily on the pass or no pass option to initiate a branch, NBA 2k12's Living branch system is the first to allow branching based on a pass / no pass option, as well as branches initiated by movement including off the dribble or dribble entry branches. We also have off-ball movement options where the play can branch depending on which way the offensive player decides to run off of available screens

We are also excited to be the first to offer you plays with nested branching. Traditional play branch options usually only provide the option to branch on the initial pass / no pass opportunity. Nested branching is the key to some of the more advanced offensive options we will discuss as we continue.

Persistent Offense
In most basketball games, it has been relatively easy for a savvy defender to take away your best offensive option by simply fronting or denying your star offensive player the basketball. This leads to the offense being forced to freelance at the end of games when they really should be going with an established play. The limited number of plays and the lack of intelligent teammates has given the defense a decided advantage in key moments.

This year, we developed what we call Persistent Offensive technology. These are key plays that some teams have available for their stars. These plays are identified in your team playbooks with a capital P in the name of the play.

These are highly advanced and resilient plays that anticipate a defender attempting to take your star out of the play. As an example, we will review a play for the Knicks called NYK P 3 Ice High. In this play, Carmelo Anthony posts up on high post extended. If open, the pass is made from the top of the key and Melo has the ball 17 feet from the basket and can either post or face up.

After you run this play a few times, the defense will more than likely adjust. If they front him or play off the passer, you have the option to run a dribble entry. Once the dribble entry option is initiated the PG (Chauncey Billups) runs a Pick and Post with Carmelo. Now you have Chauncey and Carmelo isolated on one side of the floor with Melo having great post position. If the defense is somehow able to deny the post entry pass to Carmelo or if you see a bigger stronger post defender guarding Melo you can initiate another dribble branch towards the top of the key that will make Carmelo give up the post up opportunity and cut to the Wing for the isolation.

Some of the more advanced Persistent Offensive plays can offer you as many as six opportunities to score the basketball within the same play.

Before NBA 2K12, it was only necessary to know the play that was being run to be able to fully shut it down. In NBA2K12 and beyond, knowing is only half the battle. Multiple offensive decision points means a greater interactive experience, be it User vs. Computer or User vs. User. There have been some epic battles going on during this development cycle. User vs. User games have an added strategic layer that makes NBA2K12 a blast to play.

Not every play in the game is as complex as the one mentioned above. There are plenty of simple and effective plays that allow everyone from beginners to seasoned experts an opportunity to channel their inner Phil Jackson.

Another area that benefits greatly from nested branches are alley oop plays. In the past, alley oops were a hit or miss proposition. If the play was well defended, there was rarely any time left on the clock to run another play. With the introduction of nested branching, if the defense takes away the lob, you have another option that flows naturally. Many times the defense’s overreaction to stopping the embarrassing alley oop sets them up perfectly for the counter.


Just got the game today and first thing I tried was Dirk's fadeaway and they got it! Even the one leg and everything . Pretty awesome.
Where all the fake rookies you played with in the rookie showcase? It's just you, Ricky Rubio and some guy on the Thunder once the season actually starts.
gluv65 said:
I will advise you to go and learn the plays. The Playbook and plays are authentic this year and persistent. What I mean is depended upon how you are being defended their are several routes to get the end result. Turn your plays on to full diagram so you can see what you need to do as well as what your team mates are doing.

no what I'm saying is I'm trying to call an actual play by doing the LB+Playericon route, but instead of calling an actual play it just says like "P&R Ball Handler" or "Cut to the basket" or some shit like that

also lighting isn't a big deal don't people usually come out with good mods for that?


war of titties grampa
ph33nix said:
also lighting isn't a big deal don't people usually come out with good mods for that?

I am wondering about online now, does PC 2k GAF never play online then or it simply doesnt work?
Trin3785 said:
I am wondering about online now, does PC 2k GAF never play online then or it simply doesnt work?

From what I've seen it forces you into lowest settings and plays terrible

I only got it cause I think it looks better on my PC and I'm a single player junkie
ph33nix said:
no what I'm saying is I'm trying to call an actual play by doing the LB+Playericon route, but instead of calling an actual play it just says like "P&R Ball Handler" or "Cut to the basket" or some shit like that

also lighting isn't a big deal don't people usually come out with good mods for that?

Assign your guys some plays.

P&R ball handler are normally for guards or athletic small forwards.

Step 1 Playbooks


This area will give you access to all the offensive plays in your playbook

You will see the top panel will have

Isolation, P&R, Post up low or high with a number of how many plays are in that set

Below are the team playbook here you can delete and add plays by pressing X to swith panels. Your team is on the left scroll down to the very bottom to add plays or select a play you would like to delete. Once you do that now look to the right you can select a play and add it to your teams play book. Let's say you want to add a lot of 3pt plays to your teams playbook because you have a great 3pt shooter. Once you selected the desired plays back out of that menu and go to

Assign Plays.

Slot # 1 put 3pt floppy there

slot # 2 put mid range floppy there

Leave the other slots blank to avoid clutter and plays that are not design for his play type.

Now when you get in game hit the LB hit the icon for that player you will see the 3pt plays you selected on page 1 now more plays are available on page 2 by pressing RT you will see mid range plays.

Quick tip for isolation, posting up ect... or run best play LT hit right on the directional pad for additional plays.


CB3 said:
Are they trying to say each person has 1 day to play their game?

no, 1 real day = 3 in-game days.

based on their (2K's) online association insight, this will not affect private online associations... hopefully because it's somewhat ambiguous in their own insight.

2K said:
Private Associations are user-created and require a password to be entered before they can be joined by other players. Private Associations allow for a greater sense of league customization and, essentially, allow the commissioner to control just about anything that happens within the league.


Classic Magic having a
baby Sky hook
as a part of his movelist is pretty awesome.

Bird's jumper seems way easier to time this year. The old one had a strange release point compared to the one in 2k12.

I think I'm more impressed with the teams the 15 featured legends are not on than the ones they are. Having the Sonics, late 80's Blazers, LJ/Mourning Hornets in game is a really nice touch.

Post move animations look a lot cleaner this year, hook shots look a lot better than previous years.


mik is unbeatable
EekTheKat said:
Classic Magic having a
baby Sky hook
as a part of his movelist is pretty awesome.
Posting up little helpless guards with Magic is my current favorite thing to do in the game.


I haven't gone online yet, but I noticed a message saying that unless you run the benchmark, online matches would run in the lowest graphics settings. Perhaps this means you can play online at the highest graphics settings that meet some benchmark score?


gatisimo said:
I haven't gone online yet, but I noticed a message saying that unless you run the benchmark, online matches would run in the lowest graphics settings. Perhaps this means you can play online at the highest graphics settings that meet some benchmark score?
said that last year as well
am so glad there is a 'tutorial' thingy now with MJ.

Took me forever to figure out the isostick thing last year. And kinda forgot them again.

Still wish there were classic button controls for some of the stuff though. Never really like the analog thing for fight night either...

Still can't get the 'rotate right stick' motion right all the time though. Would love an arcade version using this engine though. Man I miss nba street =/

btw: is there any 'dictionary' in the game? I know some basketball, but some plays and terms are a bit unfamiliar =/

Is there a good online basketball terms resource or something?


gatisimo said:
I haven't gone online yet, but I noticed a message saying that unless you run the benchmark, online matches would run in the lowest graphics settings. Perhaps this means you can play online at the highest graphics settings that meet some benchmark score?
The problem is the benchmark doesn't work right in saving the status so everyone defaults to lowest settings. They actually acknowledged this wasn't working last year but couldn't fix it.
Glad it quick to unlock my Charlotte Hornets. They nailed Larry Johnson and Alonzo Mourning. But just seeing all the players though - Muggsy, Curry, Kendall Gill, etc., brought back a lot of memories of basketball watching from my youth. Love the game so far!


It shipped!!!111one
I would be surprised if it's not the MJ cover I'm getting.
Bird and Magic aren't that popular in Europe and MJ brought the NBA overseas but I wouldn't really mind though.


ph33nix said:
no what I'm saying is I'm trying to call an actual play by doing the LB+Playericon route, but instead of calling an actual play it just says like "P&R Ball Handler" or "Cut to the basket" or some shit like that

also lighting isn't a big deal don't people usually come out with good mods for that?
Does 2k get shader mods? If I had this game I would give it a try.

The M.O.B

Great, all of the 2K randomized players and my own player have their hair f'ed up in My Player mode. I've restarted it a bunch of times and same thing. This is yet another thing you get for only paying $30.

The M.O.B said:
Great, all of the 2K randomized players and my own player have their hair f'ed up in My Player mode. I've restarted it a bunch of times and same thing. This is yet another thing you get for only paying $30.

I doubt the price is what makes that difference.
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