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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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Well shit...They had to catch up with technology eventually, no one is doing anything about NK, not China, not Russia, and they are bigger targets then we are. I mean no one over there in that region is nervous that one of these nuclear tests will go haywire and blow up over their region?

This was something that unfortunately was bound to happen sometime in our lifetime.

Even if that were true, I'd rather it happen with a competent President calling the shots. Not Donald fucking Trump.
Dang N.Korea, will they or wont they?!

If they do testing, well that strike group is there to give more options than dickwaving.

It's just with irrational actors like Kim I don't think you can merely disable his launch pad with a bomb and him not go absolutely ballistic and blow Seoul to shit with artillery.


This whole North Korea thing suddenly being the center of attention is weird. I bet ISIS is like "Guys, pay attention to us!!!"

Frankly, the less media airtime people give ISIS the better.

^They will get them up in the air one day; that would be the pretense. Not that invading is a good answer.
What? North Korea's dictator is not currently a rational actor, and allowing Un to secure long range nuclear and hydrogen bombs sure as hell won't ensure him to act rationally.

Saying that Jong Un isn't a rational actor does not make it so. What has he done to show that he isn't one? Because he kinda has 5+ years of rule showing that he's quite decent at not being batshit crazy, but i mightve missed something.

Thanks for that.

That Cheonan sinking is weird as hell too.

Yarp. That was hella weird. Especially that bit about SK suppressing internal dissent. Inconclusive af tho. Either way, that's 2010 so it'd be back when Papa Porcupine Haircut was in power.


What I am getting at is that the pretense for preemptively attacking NK is that they have nukes that can hit the US but what good are those Nukes if they can't even get them up in the air?

I don't think that's the pretense, they are a risk to their neighboring countries namely South Korea. All of which are our allies.
You really are uneducated in not only history but military capabilites as well huh? Listen, this isn't some Call of Duty fantasy bullshit in your video games. You're advocating risking the collapse of two top economies of the world because NK gets new tech.

I see what you are saying. This is in regards to the South who will no doubt receive the brunt of any retaliation(should it come to that). They are a huge economy and we do depend on them (Samsung and LG are huge). I would think they would have more to say on the matter. Has there been anything?
This image always makes me think of what must be going on in Kim Jong Un's head. This from the missile test a few years ago.


It's gonna come to a head eventually. The situation is not sustainable.

People have been saying this for years about the north and yet it's still here. Mainly because the situation is complex as hell and trump wading in is not the solution.

The man's a fucking idiot.
Please point me in the right direction, where do you go to educate yourself? I'm not saying we should preemptively attack North Korea, I don't want that. I just think your argument is poorly made.

Making a personal attack on me just shows that you've run out of points to make.

I've never owned a call of duty game fyi.


It's perhaps more likely that NK would be hesitant to attack Seoul, in fear of the retaliation.

Okay, let's get into this, but first let me clarify a few things here. I admit, making a personal attack on you was an error on my part but I cannot exactly write out cohesive arguments provided with references on mobile GAF on my commute back home compared to now on my actual desktop with all the necessary tools at my disposal, however with that said, this is what you originally replied to my argument with...

You're assuming that would be the outcome, what assumptions can we make about the consequence of allowing NK to continue doing what they're doing?

Followed by...

Look up missile defense system.

Forgive me if I got a tad bit irritated responding to someone who didn't even bother living up to their onus of providing references in the first place. When arguing with someone you don't tell them to "look it up yourself", I ask you have common courtesy in this because if not, why should I?

But hey, you did provide a reference later on in..

Which is nice, and I thank you for it, but ultimatum the article I find in poor taste as it's ultimately a case of semantics, which it admits too

"If this sounds like squabbling over semantics, it is. But semantics and language matter. The casual, and largely unsupported references to Seoul's potential flattening punctuates the notion that Kim Jong Il is holding a city hostage. It recasts a complex strategic vulnerability as a cartoon: an entire city facing a perpetual firing squad. It also ignores physical laws, and the realities of modern warfare."

And waving aside the catastrophe of what would happen in a potential conflict with vague descriptions of "unknown"

"Buildings would be perforated, fires would inevitably rage and an unknown number of people would die. Seoul would be under siege—but it wouldn't be flattened, destroyed or leveled."

But I agree that hyperbole isn't exactly the best way to construct an argument in the case of what I've done. But on the same coin, simply arguing to pre-emptive strikes shouldn't be on the table as well. With that in mind, however, I still hold on to my description of "flattened" in not just a literal sense but an economic sense (which is what I've been emphasizing the majority of what I've posted in this thread).

"North Korea occasionally threatens to "turn Seoul into a Sea of Fire," he wrote. "But can North Korea really do this? ... The short answer is they can't; but they can kill many tens of thousands of people, start a larger war and cause a tremendous amount of damage before ultimately losing their regime."

But let's go into my statements on artillery range and that you should "look up a map" yeah?

Here's the map showing a distance of 121 miles between the two capitals of opposing nations with a distance of Seoul being just 35 miles off the DMZ. As a marine brat I've been graced to visit Seoul a few times; the distance isn't that far. To continue more on the anecdote, I live in suburban California, I drive daily 40 miles to my college campus back and forth at an average of 85 mph, it takes 45 mins to make the trip on car at best and 1 hour at worst due to traffic. Again, by car.

As for NK's artillery capabilities...

"Regardless of these considerations and constraints on the North Korean side, if Pyongyang embraces the worst-case scenario for Seoul — the indiscriminate targeting of the capital and its suburbs — the damage would still be significant. Some research claims that overall damage and casualties in Seoul would be minimal, but those studies have relied on very conservative data, especially regarding the effective range of North Korean artillery systems. Many findings do not take into account newly deployed, modernized 122-mm multiple launch rocket systems with extended range, or the much more capable 300-mm multiple rocket launchers. If projectile flight distances reach proven ranges (or commonly accepted ones) and involve these new systems, then the northern portion of Seoul could be saturated with fire. Even areas south of the Han River could be within range of 170-mm self-propelled guns, 240-mm multiple rocket launchers or 300-mm multiple rocket launchers, depending on their position on the North Korean side of the DMZ. If every one of Pyongyang's 300-mm multiple rocket launcher systems were directed against Seoul, their range would be sufficient to rain fire across the city and beyond. A single volley could deliver more than 350 metric tons of explosives across the South Korean capital, roughly the same amount of ordnance dropped by 11 B-52 bombers."

NK getting new tech is a cause for alarm to be sure, but advocating preemptive strikes is just as bad if not worse as it serves to throw precedented tactics of appeasement over the half a century out the window in favor of blind warmongering under our contemporary dumbass-in-chief just waiting for an opportunity to wave his military dick around.

I'm a marine brat, I've extended family and friends living in Seoul and Japan, and I'm an Asian american. Anecdote, sure, but I'm well aware of East Asian politics and military capabilities of both sides in accordance with knowledge of the DMZ. While you may claim my argument of "flattening" Seoul to be hyperbolic, I'm under the impression you are failing to recognize the ramifications on a global scale if war were to erupt in East Asia in a NK/SK conflict; economies would be shattered and a power vacuum would come into play, for all intents and purposes "flattening" is an apt descriptor of how this would play out if albeit biased on my part.

And I sincerely doubt you are putting enough effort in argument for even for me to go through constructing this argumentative post. So thanks for riling me up for no reason.


I've never been so nervous about seeing CNN news alerts on my phone as I have been the past week or so.

I keep waiting for "Breaking News: World War III has begun" to pop up.

This is what I am wondering now. I was under the impression they can't.

But I just heard on Fox News - they can already hit Japan with a nuke. He said we would definitely preemptively strike if we thought they were gassing up a missle with a nuke on top of it. This was an ex-military dude idk the rank. He also said to "win" we would pretty much have to nuke them. All the simulations they ran we lost a conventional war.

Idk man we just had 2 pretty big middle fingers to the world. Trying not to hype myself up but it's getting pretty fucking tense.
this is only true if you believe we can't live with a NK that can strike the US with nukes. We seems like quite a leap. Tons of other nations have nukes that can reach the US

Well, I wouldn't consider two to be tons, unless we want to count our allies France and the UK. Also it wasn't like we had much of a choice in regards to the Soviet Union and China at the time they were developing its own nuclear programs.
this is only true if you believe we can't live with a NK that can strike the US with nukes. We seems like quite a leap. Tons of other nations have nukes that can reach the US
Sure but they are not going to use them. Everyone has just in case insurance.

People always joke that Trump is going to nuke someone, when in reality if NK had the technology they would have been nuking anyone around them for decades now.

China, Russia, Japan, SK....

It would be cool if the while world united against them.


Sure but they are not going to use them. Everyone has just in case insurance.

People always joke that Trump is going to nuke someone, when in reality if NK had the technology they would have been nuking anyone around them for decades now.

China, Russia, Japan, SK....

It would be cool if the while world united against them.

Jong-Un doesn't have a death wish.
Sure but they are not going to use them. Everyone has just in case insurance.

People always joke that Trump is going to nuke someone, when in reality if NK had the technology they would have been nuking anyone around them for decades now.

China, Russia, Japan, SK....

It would be cool if the while world united against them.
Yeah WWIII would be so awesome
And I sincerely doubt you are putting enough effort in argument for even for me to go through constructing this argumentative post. So thanks for riling me up for no reason.

Nah b, that was good readin' regardless of that.

People always joke that Trump is going to nuke someone, when in reality if NK had the technology they would have been nuking anyone around them for decades now.

China, Russia, Japan, SK....

It would be cool if the while world united against them.

How did you arrive at that conclusion?
This moab in afganistan really seems like a trial run for
Nk. This preemptive crap feel a lot like iraqs WMD bs we were handed....

...trump has bombed nk because they had evidence of a nuclear detonation... 18 months later.... word has come about that Nk never had nuclear capabilities in the first place and Un was having the entire population jump at the same time to create seismic activity
My fear isn't North Korea. It's Russia, Iran or Syria. Or all three.

What better time to directly challenge the US militarily then when they are engaged with North Korea?

What if Iran and al Assad decide to go after Israel around the same time the US is engaging North Korea? And what if Russia coordinates it?
Israel has fought multiple Arab countries and won several times before and they are definitely prepared to do it again. Syria's army and the Iranian irregulars are completely committed to the battles against the "moderate rebels", Al Qaeda, and ISIS anyway and they can't do anything against Israel. Israel has launched several bombing raids with impunity on Syrian territory in the past few years, Syria knows they can't do anything.


Sure but they are not going to use them. Everyone has just in case insurance.

People always joke that Trump is going to nuke someone, when in reality if NK had the technology they would have been nuking anyone around them for decades now.

China, Russia, Japan, SK....

It would be cool if the while world united against them.

Just what are you talking about?


this is only true if you believe we can't live with a NK that can strike the US with nukes. We seems like quite a leap. Tons of other nations have nukes that can reach the US

Yeah, but the difference between NK and other nations is that NK is the only one (in recent years) that openly threatens to use them against the U.S.


Yeah, but the difference between NK and other nations is that NK is the only one (in recent years) that openly threatens to use them against the U.S.

NK has been doing that since the 50's though. They're not going to kill themselves.


My fear isn't North Korea. It's Russia, Iran or Syria. Or all three.

What better time to directly challenge the US militarily then when they are engaged with North Korea?

What if Iran and al Assad decide to go after Israel around the same time the US is engaging North Korea? And what if Russia coordinates it?
Why the hell would they do that? Thanks for contributing to the insane paranoia about countries wanting to strike Israel and apparently commit suicide


( ≖‿≖)
It's sad that war is always the stated inevitable outcome with North Korea. The entire country has been basically taken hostage for decades and it would be nice if the world could end that situation without war.
Nah b, that was good readin' regardless of that.

Atleast someone appreciates my effort; it annoys me to no end having people talk about military conflict in simple "Yeah we should totes do it!" arguments hinting strongly at a lack of knowledge of recorded military conflicts in the past and contemporary knowledge of what it is today. You don't even have to be a military brat
Though it does help.


this is only true if you believe we can't live with a NK that can strike the US with nukes. We seems like quite a leap. Tons of other nations have nukes that can reach the US

Russia and China, or the Soviet Union, did not constantly threaten to nuke population centers, murder the President, or premptively strike the mainland. That's why the "We will bury you" speech by Krushchev was such a big deal.


Okay, let's get into this, but first let me clarify a few things here. I admit, making a personal attack on you was an error on my part but I cannot exactly write out cohesive arguments provided with references on mobile GAF on my commute back home compared to now on my actual desktop with all the necessary tools at my disposal, however with that said, this is what you replied to my argument with...

Followed by...

Forgive me if I got a tad bit irritated responding to someone who didn't even bother living up to their onus of providing references in the first place. When arguing with someone you don't tell them to "look it up yourself", I ask you have common courtesy in this because if not, why should I?

But hey, you did provide a reference later on in..

Which is nice, and I thank you for it, but ultimarelty the article I find in poor taste as it's ultimately a case of semantics, which it admits too

And waving aside the catastrophe of what would happen in a potential conflict with vague descriptions of "unknown"

But I agree that hyperbole isn't exactly the best way to construct an argument in the case of what I've done. But on the same coin, simply arguing to pre-emptive strikes shouldn't be on the table as well. With that in mind, however, I still hold on to my description of "flattened" in not just a literal sense but an economic sense (which is what I've been emphasizing the majority of what I've posted in this thread).


But let's go into my statements on artillery range and that you should "look up a map" yeah?

Here's the map showing a distance of 121 miles between the two capitals of opposing nations with a distance of Seoul being just 35 miles off the DMZ. As a marine brat I've been graced to visit Seoul a few times; the distance isn't that far. To continue more on the anecdote, I live in suburban California, I drive daily 40 miles to my college campus back and forth at an average of 85 mph, it takes 45 mins to make the trip on car at best and 1 hour at worst due to traffic. Again, by car.

As for NK's artillery capabilities...

NK getting new tech is a cause for alarm to be sure, but advocating preemptive strikes is just as bad if not worse as it serves to throw precedented tactics of appeasement over the half a century out the window in favor of blind warmongering under our contemporary dumbass-in-chief just waiting for an opportunity to wave his military dick around.

I'm a marine brat, I've extended family and friends living in Seoul and Japan, and I'm an Asian american. Anecdote, sure, but I'm well aware of East Asian politics and military capabilities of both sides in accordance with knowledge of the DMZ. While you may claim my argument of "flattening" Seoul to be hyperbolic, I'm under the impression you are failing to recognize the ramifications on a global scale if war were to erupt in East Asia in a NK/SK conflict; economies would be shattered and a power vacuum would come into play, for all intents and purposes "flattening" is an apt descriptor of how this would play out if albeit biased on my part.

And I sincerely doubt you are putting enough effort in argument for even for me to go through constructing this argumentative post. So thanks for riling me up for no reason.

I admit that retorting with "look up missile defense system" was not a great idea.

My only real point was that the flattening of Seoul was not guaranteed, given a preemptive attack on NK.

Maybe that was nit-picky of me, but I get irritated when people confuse an educated and valid opinion with concrete fact.

We don't know what would happen, period, that's what's scary about the situation.

I appreciate your perspective and the time you put into your argument/post, I read all of it.


You don't think NK would launch nukes if they could? They live in a different reality than our own.
No. You are essentially brainwashed into thinking 'crazy kim' can't wait to nuke the world.

NK has been very clear about what they want: protect their country and regime from US coup/invasion.
You don't think NK would launch nukes if they could? They live in a different reality than our own.

They rattle their saber to try and look relevant to their people and to keep others off their back. Even if secretly they want to launch nukes, they know they'd be wiped off the face of the earth if they did. Most dictators want to stay in power, not martyr themselves pointlessly.
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