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NBC: Yemen raid that left SEAL + 25 civilians dead gave no significant intelligence

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Of course it didn't. Do people think these terorists keep filing cabinets full of documents just sitting around? Maps on white boards?

They knew we were coming, and the firefight lasted for an extremely long time.
Everyone focusing on the SEAL operator's death when most likely he was at the very least indirectly responsible for the deaths of, according to medical reports, seven children, aged 3 to 13, along with a pregnant woman.

Everyone is focusing on the SEAL because he was put in harms way for no reason and he was an American who was put in harms way by direct order of the POTUS

So yes, the civilians who have died were killed for little to no reason, but it's not unreasonable to a country to focus on the death of one of it's own.
Just to remind people

1. Trump made this decision during dinner

2. He couldn't even be bothered to be in situation room during the operation

3. Trump used the name of the fallen solider to deflect criticism from himself

Damn that is some bullshit.

So he just sends people into harms way just because he feels like it.

Stupid ass approach


So here's how it all played out according to how I understand it:

Obama admin passes on info regarding this possible raid to Trump admin, expecting them to do due diligence if they are going to conduct the operation.

Trump decides over dinner with Bannon and Kushner to conduct the raid a week into his Presidency, with no further intel collected and no other advisement on the possibility of success.

Instead of following the raid from the situation room, Trump declines and tweets about TV show while civilians and soldiers are dying.

Trump admin then claims it was a great success, and places any failure on the Obama admin ("they approved it! Blame them!")

A video of "intel" is released, only to be debunked as a 10 year old video.

The leader they were trying to capture wasn't even there.

And they found no significant intel.

So...a colossal fuckup in all regards, and yet not a whisper from GOP Congress about investigating this dick-swinging failure of a operation.


Homeland Security Fail
Judd Legum‏ @JuddLegum

If Hillary was president, how many hearings would have already been held on this?
Everyone focusing on the SEAL operator's death when most likely he was at the very least indirectly responsible for the deaths of, according to medical reports, seven children, aged 3 to 13, along with a pregnant woman.

You can't have that conversation because it leads to questions like relative death toll I.e. how many American civilians have died to terrorism Vs how many civilians have died due to American military.

People don't want that conversation or to see those numbers because ultimately it'll lead to questions like "are we the terrorists?"

Cos anyway you look at that raid it looks like terrorism.

Some Seals drop into a neighbourhood based on aging "intelligence" (*cough WMDs *cough). They proceed to kill a bunch of kids and exchange fire with people defending their homes.

But we're definitely not the terrorists and we definitely have a plan.
Imagine if this was Hillary or Obama. Unfortunately republicans only care about dead soldiers when they can be used as a political pawn in their favor.


Now imagine how this disaster is going to be a recruitment video, thereby radicalizing many more in the region. All they have to do is show the video of 8 dead Yemeni children riddled with bullets to people open to radical ideas.

Imagine if you were a member of the al-Awlaki family. Yeah, the father was a radical who pretty much declared war on the US, so you might be able to get over his death in an air strike.

Then his civilian son is murdered in a drone strike on a cafe with no reasonable explanation given. Then his 8 year old daughter is killed in a raid.

If that were our family, pretty much all of us would be taking up arms. Trump said he wanted to take out the family members of terrorists though, so maybe the plan is to just kill them all until no one is left to grieve?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Source for these?
1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...s-navy-seal-dead-first-military-a7561596.html
”It looks like President Trump got briefed on it, by and large, at a dinner, not in the Situation Room, not with legal advisers around."
2. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...s-navy-seal-dead-first-military-a7561596.html
Amid claims that Mr Trump ordered the operation in the early hours of Sunday morning without sufficient intelligence, ground support or back-up, it has emerged that the President was not in the Situation Room at all.

Trump said:
..Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!
Source for these?

1. Trump made this decision during dinner

NY Times said:
WASHINGTON — Just five days after taking office, over dinner with his newly installed secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, President Trump was presented with the first of what will be many life-or-death decisions: whether to approve a commando raid that risked the lives of American Special Operations forces and foreign civilians alike.

2. He couldn't even be bothered to be in situation room during the operation"]2. He couldn't even be bothered to be in situation room during the operation

The Independent said:
Amid claims that Mr Trump ordered the operation in the early hours of Sunday morning without sufficient intelligence, ground support or back-up, it has emerged that the President was not in the Situation Room at all.

”The President was here in the residence. He was kept in touch with his national security staff," White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.

”Secretary Mattis and others kept him updated on both the raid and the death of Chief Owens as well as the four other individuals that were injured. So he was kept apprised of the situation."

3. Trump used the name of the fallen solider to deflect criticism from himself

@realDonaldTrump said:

@realDonaldTrump said:

@realDonaldTrump said:
I'm so glad that 3 year old terrorist was killed early on in his life, who knows what sort of terrorist plot he would be involved in the future.


Beat EviLore at pool.
This is what the father said.


Discussing the raid, William Owens, who is also a military veteran, told the Miami Herald, "Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn't even barely a week into his administration? Why? For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen — everything was missiles and drones — because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?"


Didn't one of the general basically incite Trump to approve this raid by telling him that Obama wouldn't approve a raid like this? Or am I completely mistaken?


Just to remind people

1. Trump made this decision during dinner

2. He couldn't even be bothered to be in situation room during the operation

3. Trump used the name of the fallen solider to deflect criticism from himself

Also, 44% of Americans stilling support his orange ass.
Trump has the blood of a US soldier on his hands.

Not even a month into his presidency and he stupidly gets one of our best soldiers killed for propaganda.
But Trump and GOP said it was successful and we got a lot of information and took out a bunch of operatives. Who am I supposed to believe?


Wasn't one of the tactics the military used to get Trump to agree to it is tell him that Obama would never have okayed the op?


Condolences to the family of the Navy Seal, it's terrible that he was lost to this pointless mission, but it's really embarrassing as an American that that innocent civilians were killed for this load of nothing, including children. And people can't seem to figure out why a good portion of the world hates us, well look no further.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mr.Shrugglesツ;231151588 said:
spicer was just saying today how the operation yielded good intel.

Spicer is the OT version of Pachter. When he says something, assume the opposite.


if you look closely it looks like his nose is bleeding from all the bullshit hes been spewing


Everyone focusing on the SEAL operator's death when most likely he was at the very least indirectly responsible for the deaths of, according to medical reports, seven children, aged 3 to 13, along with a pregnant woman.

From what I've read, it seems like they dropped in the SEALs expecting fairly light resistance, got ambushed by a shitton of militia in fortified positions, and called in close air support (which is indiscrimate and incredibly destructive) out of necessity.

There doesn't seem to be anything near the level of intelligence that we had on the Abbottabad compound before that raid.


Truly despicable. Hopefully one day this and a laundry list of other attoricities are being read as criminal charges against Trump.
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