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NCAA Impressions

FrenchMovieTheme said:
here are some impressions:

- slowdown IS there sometimes, but that isn't whats bugging me, here's whats bugging me:

* homefield advantage is a joke. if you play against the #1 hometeam or anyone in the top 25 pretty much, and the crowd gets riled up, all of a sudden you go into bum mode. you can't run, you can't block, you can't pass, you can't catch, you can't do shit right. i like that there is a homefield "advantage" but this is ridiculous.

* many people have noted the "better defense", and to be honest it is much improved, but a lot of it has to do with nfl 2k3 style drops. these are WIDE open passes that are dropped. if the pass is within 5 yards, and its over the middle, it will be dropped 75% of the time guaranteed. runningbacks cant catch for shit wide open. etc

* triple coverage catches are more common than wide open 5 yard passes over the middle

* the kicking game IS ridiculous. if you have to kick anything above a 40 yarder, you can forget about it.

* commentary sucks balls. sounds like the exact same shit from last year

* online play might as well not be there at this point, it's a crap shoot getting online

anyways, all in all i'm pretty disappointed in NCAA. i can live with the slowdown from time to time, but the rest of the game just isn't all it's cracked up to be. maybe i tricked myself into believing a college football game would be worth my time, maybe it is genuine disappointment.

Glad I decided to pass on NCAA.

FrenchMovieTheme said:
all i can say is thank god ESPN football is out next week

Welcome back.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:
BS, all you do is Hot Streak a fly route then bomb over and over again. You got lucky with it twice in the 4th to win :(

And wtf, am I allowed to get a PI call?! Your guys were just killing my WRs before the ball was even there! Damn Houston refs!

Ha! I have the stats now from email!

Shotgun plays 1 22

Hot routes used 1 13

You cant hide the cheese, Matrix!

HAHA dude you just cant stop it ;) One of your td's was a bomb the sameway.

Houston refs and shotgun Off > DM

I'll send you a friend request later FMT :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fuck I got owned! That bitch that quit on me before I played DM got the win.The damn computer whooped my ass :(


I can stop it, I just cant stop the odds of you completing at least 2-3 of your 15+ bombs. Odds are, you will get lucky with a couple, which you did :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Its too damn hard to complete short passes in this game,atleast I cant right now.Plus my running game sucks,I need to learn how to option better.

BTW this is how the Cougars play these days...CRAZY BOMB STYLE OLD SCHOOL OILER OFFENSE!


For someone who has never played the NCAA series, do you think this version would be a good start. With ESPN coming in at 20 bucks, I somehow feel like spending money on this game to get the college atmosphere. What do you guys think?
truth be told after another day of playing it maybe i was too harsh on it. i still think madden vs espn is the real deal showdown, but ncaa IS fun when online works and its smooth. the DB AI is very good, i've seen lots of nice new animations, and i've had some real nail biting defensive struggles in my games online (which is what i want).

i don't know why you're even looking forward to espn, CP. i'm going to crush you with my iron fist of justice :D
NCAA 2005 is pretty damn good, its just that the impact of it is lost on me compared to 2004.

Passing for me wasn't bad at all last night online. I made some great passes, and dropped ones really didn't come into play. The guy I was playing did nothing but throw long bombs via hail mary/shotgun. I gave up two TD's till I figured how to stop that shit (dime prevent). Then he tried to scramble with the QB while all my DB's were back for yardage. I sacked his ass when he ran out of the pocket. :D

The game seems much harder against the cpu then against the people I've played online. So far my online games have been relatively lag free. And boy, they are fucking fun. Very little chees, it feels like football.

Anyhow, I'm not spending much time in Dynasty mode because it feels same ol same ol. But, I am happy I got it for online play. I'll be around 7 or 8 for a few games if anyone wants one. Tag: BiffHardbody


Drunky McMurder
Ugh. I just cancelled my order for the game. Not necessarily for the impressions here, but because I was told it wouldn't ship until the 27th. Fuck that. Ordered it from deepdiscountdvd.com with that 20% off sale a month ago, the website says the game is available for shipping, but I called to find out when it would ship and they said my order won't ship for two weeks. Dammit.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Man I play like shit when someone goes all out using the home field advantage button....I'm using the damn Cougars,couldnt the person I'm playing give me a damn break.


Matrix said:
Man I play like shit when someone goes all out using the home field advantage button....I'm using the damn Cougars,couldnt the person I'm playing give me a damn break.

Revenge! Lets go!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cant right now..going out to eat dinner in 15 minutes.When I get back I'll lose for you.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I gotta hot date with subway baby!



I knew it!!!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
That kinda looks like MAF.


Unconfirmed Member
Some guy played like two whole games on the kiosk today, then a kid came in and continued his started third game. If I hear USCs fight song one more time *shakes fist* ;)

*Go Bears!*


yeah me and FMT played a game which worked perfectly but as soon as I was done with the game it said I had lost connection with the EA servers and I havent been able to get on since.

I hope it recorded that 3-0 win!


keep your strippers out of my American football
hgplayer1 said:
yeah me and FMT played a game which worked perfectly but as soon as I was done with the game it said I had lost connection with the EA servers and I havent been able to get on since.

I hope it recorded that 3-0 win!

Same here. I won a 3-0 overtime game. I was LSU against Texas.


Damn these ea servers, Haven't been able to get on every time i've tried today.. Boourns...

Hey if any of you guys want a game when the servers get back online, (you'll probably get a win out of it) my gamertag is drey1082


Mrbob said:
Wtf still problems? I just picked it up i want to dishout some beatings!

your results may vary. it seemed to be working almost perfect up until I finished a game (which has officially recorded anywhere yet)

Im about to attempt to log in again so add me and send me a challenge if you can get on.

Gamertag: hgplayer1


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
I can't connect to EAs servers. :(

EA hates Cubs fans...you might never ever play online.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
People on the ign boards are saying its back up...

*runs off to play*


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Friends lists aren't working, or only working sporadically. I'm about to get on too, what's your gamertag?


Oh good grief.

I can log into the server but can't get past the license agreement because there is a database error.



just got done playing Biff. great game Biff! I thought for sure it was over early on because you were having success passing the ball but I dont know if you got conservative or my D just got better but I pretty much shut you down the 2nd half and my offense got going but it was too little too late.



Here are the official results of your NCAA(R) Football 2005 game on 2004.7.15 3:02:10.

Mode: Ranked
Qtr Length: 5 minutes
Difficulty: All-American
Opponent: BiffHardbody
Rank: 1000

Final score: hgplayer1 14 vs. BiffHardbody 21

Statistics hgplayer1 BiffHardbody
Rushing attempts for 22 25
Rushing yards for 75 36
Passing attempts for 23 10
Passing yards for 44 94
Punts 8 7
Fake punts 0 0
Field goals for 0 0
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Fake kicks 0 0
Times player went for two 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 2 1
Passing touchdowns for 0 2
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 1 1
Interceptions for 1 1
Sacks for 2 2
Number of third downs 11 8
Third down conversions 0 1
Fourth down attempts 3 0
Fourth down rushing plays 2 0
Fourth down passing plays 1 0
Fourth down conversions 3 0
Fourth-and-long situations 1 0
Fourth-and-long attempts 1 0
No-huddle plays 0 0
Audibles called 1 0
Hot routes used 0 0
Scrambles 0 0
Option plays 0 8
Shotgun plays 6 1
Hail Mary plays 0 1
Blitzes 8 12
Time of possession 12:17 7:43

Favorite offensive play book Texas A&M Texas
Favorite offensive formation Ace Ace
Favorite defensive playbook Air Force Air Force
Favorite defensive formation 4-3 4-3
Had a great rivalry game against Hgplayer. Luck and HFA gave me the win by a scant TD. I'm glad it ended when it did, he was making a comeback and I was falling flat. Next time we play, you get HFA.

Edit: You totally shut me down second half. I barely moved the ball and didn't score a thing! I liked how you played. No cheese, no bullshit. Just straight football.

Damn, our stats are close!


not an idiot
Archaix said:
Ugh. I just cancelled my order for the game. Not necessarily for the impressions here, but because I was told it wouldn't ship until the 27th. Fuck that. Ordered it from deepdiscountdvd.com with that 20% off sale a month ago, the website says the game is available for shipping, but I called to find out when it would ship and they said my order won't ship for two weeks. Dammit.

Same thing for me. I called them and griped them out about selling us a game under the pretense that it would be shipped to me on the 13th. I think it's kinda crappy of them to do this, but what can you do. I was thinking of cancelling the order, but for that price, it's hard to. But damnit, I wanna play this game so bad. Argh.


Drunky McMurder
shpankey said:
Same thing for me. I called them and griped them out about selling us a game under the pretense that it would be shipped to me on the 13th. I think it's kinda crappy of them to do this, but what can you do. I was thinking of cancelling the order, but for that price, it's hard to. But damnit, I wanna play this game so bad. Argh.

Did they offer to upgrade your shipping for free? My conversation went something like this:

"I was wondering whether my order would be shipping out soon, as it says on your website that it is available now..."

"Oh, okay...well, it says here that we are actually getting it in tomorrow. Since there's an error on our part, I'll go ahead and upgrade your shipping for no charge. We'll ship it overnight, meaning you will get it on the 28th."


"It will ship out Tuesday July 27th or so, and you should get it the next day"

"Yeah...I'd like to cancel the order"


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fuck,I cant see me friends list :(

HG was shutting my ass down 14-0 and the fucking server boots us >_<
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