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NCAA Impressions


Damnit! I start playing my second game with my beloved Badgers and the guy I'm playing against chooses Florida. He says something about "whooping my ass" and I'm like ok sounds good to me. We start playing and at first I feel pretty out gunned by this guy but I get a few defensive stops and before ya know it I'm up 20-0 at the end of the third quarter. He quits the game so I go to check my stats thinking I'll get credited with a win. Nope! This guy diconnects 3/4 of the way through but no loss? Are you kidding me?

I finally started completing some passes and started enjoying the game a bit more, but I'm robbed of the glory because of a disco. Whats the point of playing the game if stats aren't even recorded? I don't remember the guys gamertag because unlike most live games apparently you can't see who you just played in NCAA 2005.

If anyone is looking for an easy win look me up on Xbox Live.



as long as you werent totally disconnected from the servers Im pretty sure you should be able to see your most recent opponents somewhere on the EA messenger as long as its functioning properly. if you couldnt find his name then the messenger probably wasnt working right but Ill have to check when I get home to tell you what list it should have been under.


This game is fucking busted. Has the "HFA" helped anybody against the CPU? I'm playing this shit on Heisman, Florida Atlantic at Florida. The Swamp is ranked as the toughest stadium to play in, the crowd is rocking on 3rd and 18 after a sack. The screen is shaking and this scrub Florida Atlantic QB fucking completes a 20 yard strike in TRIPLE COVERAGE! TRIPLE COVERAGE! FUCKING FLORIDA ATLANTIC! IN THE SWAMP!

Meanwhile, I got fucking fullbacks dropping wide open dump offs on 3rd and short, I got WRs dropping short slants left and right. I can't fucking run worth shit. I see the hole, but my TB has the agility of a fucking tank. The sense of speed doesn't seem to be there. And the slowdown.....ugh.

Took me 3 fucking tries to even get online, and when I get there, my Friends list doesn't even work most of the time.

I must be the only one not seeing tons of dropped passes at ALL. Played a couple of games using a mediocre create-a-school, so it's not like I've only been using the best teams. Difficulty is at All-American. Drops don't seem anymore frequent than in last year's game. Perhaps I've just been lucky so far.

The tips can be pretty absurd, though. I like how some of the tips go up vertically and hang up there for a possible INT, but it drives me nuts when a ball glances off someone's fingertip and goes flying 10 yards away at a 90 degree angle. Also, the corners magically sliding right alongside the hip pocket of a receiver as they bat a ball away is bullshit.

Overall, the game has some issues and seems a bit rushed compared to last year's version, but I'm starting to get into it now. They also fixed a fair amount of stuff, like sweeps and some of the bullshit blitzes.
for shame marshall!

i played matrix and lost, but if you take away literally 4 of his 30+ yard bombs (sometimes into double coverage come on guys!) then this was a blowout. oh well, i can't change that now.

what pisses me off (well not PISSES ME OFF!! but irks me) is that i had to work my way down field, combining nice running, passing, PA passes, etc to get my touchdown. then matrix on a 3rd and 10 from his own 20 drops back, has 3 guys in his face, and lofts a perfect pass to the receiver for a TD into double coverage. that shouldn't happen dudes.

oh, and p.s. i missed a FG from INSIDE THE FUCKING 10 YARD LINE! i lost by 3! holy shit i suck at FG's! gg matrix, i will get you in the tourney :D


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

I beat FMT for the first time ever in my life 24-21 and as soon as the game is over I get the someone is logged in with your gametag message.Now on my ea record site I'm not credited for the win.I swear everytime I win some bs like this happens now and when I lose they have no problem giving me my loss >_<

GG FMt...I got lucky,but still how many of our fucking recievers dropped wide open passes in that game.I can only make them catch it when I do that long bomb shit...fucking disgusting.
i know matrix, that's what i was just telling DM. you have 2 options in this game:

1. play "normal", and do a variety of passes, and you will score 10 points or less


2. Bomb the shit out of it all day and you'll get a normal score

the defense in this game is retarded. yeah it's "better", but it's only "better" because of the dropped passes and spider senses by the DB's. how the fuck do they ALWAYS know where the ball it going right when its passed? watch a replay next time you're playing single player. the SECOND you touch the pass button they are all over the receiver its going to, and not just one guy, EVERY db in the area! ridiculous
dudes, if you have ncaa xbox why not sign up for the GA tournament?

name: Gaf 2
pass: Jgar

simply go to the "game modes" menu, then "online events" then search for the above tournament and join. you can pick whichever team you like, there are no reserves. we only have 13 hours to get 11 more players


siamesedreamer said:
French, I assume that you are Truelize?

Anyway, I joined the league. Since we only got 6/16, care if I invite a couple people I know?

Tell them tommorrow. I can't sign up for the tourney till I get home and I don't want it filled up ahead of time. :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'd like to sign up,but I KEEP GETTING THE MESSAGE MY GAMERTAG IS LOGGED IN >_< Cant log into the game.

I'm soooo close to getting madden for ps2..this is fucking absurd.


Both of you are having that problem. FMT is having the same thing happening to him. I'm logged out now, and I assume I can go back in...but that's just bullshit.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea it was the message I got after FMT and I played and then they didnt give me my win :( So I just went back on to try to sign up for the tourney and I'm still getting the message! :( :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Can you log in yet FMT?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
WHAT IN THE HELL...I'm still getting the I "cant log in with my username cause its in use" message >_<


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
That's what you get for being an Assssssstros fan.

Well FMT and HG dont root for the stros and they cant log on either.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I logged in with no problem. Started 2 games. On one game the guy quit during the first quarter as I was driving down the field on his FSU team with Houston. The second game was UH vs UT and the game disconnected as Kolb hit a wideout for a 67 yard TD. I mean, I was at the 5 yard line and the game turned into a slideshow, then finally disconnected. I finished up against the CPU and won 27-11. Not sure if it was a total EA issue as my web browsing seems to be a bit slower than usual right now as well.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ok I'll try to go log on now DM,I swear if I cant I will blow up my game.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Atleast I got the win after I finished the game against the CPU. Looking at my page I am 1-0!!!! woohoo. UH is coming for you!!!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
This game is sad...I can look great one minute shutting DM down and the next minute he can throw a 80 yard bomb with 3 men on him.

All we both do is throw long bombs,nothing else works in this game....unless you want to play games where you punt the ball over and over.

Also I love how this stupid ass server posts my loss real quickly,but wont post my win against FMT and HG....THE EA GODS HATE ME AND I HATE THIS GAME.


PS- GG DM and I'm shocked I was able to log in


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Doh,I forgot to sign up for the damn tourney which most likely will get fucked up cause of the servers.

Crag Dweller

aka kindbudmaster
Good game Matrix. That INT from my endzone that you ran all the way for a TD was a backbreaker.:( Good Job. You owe me a rematch after that game.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Matrix, don't get worried about the records. Last year with Madden on PS2, a week or so after release the records were updated to reflect all the wins and losses. And about only throwing long bombs, I don't get that. I have been getting a good running game going every game I have played, online and offline. I think I am going to have to have a NCAA teaching for some of y'all.


I think I'm gonna rent NCAA 2004 and admire it's greatness and disregard that basterd child of a game NCAA 2005.


I knew it was too much to ask for. We should have made the deadline (MUCH) longer, or just gone with 8 people.
sorry dudes, i should have made the tourney deadline longer, but i wanted to get it started and i thought with the server being stable (at that time) we could get 16. i guess its down to 8!


throwing bombs is just an easy way to get around learning the game. the running game is like a billion times better than last years. blockers make some great moves - the option and sweeps actually work this time around.

the passing game is tough, but if you practice you'll be completing at a rate similar to real college games. of course this all depends on your QB and your WRs. short passes are harder because most people just run zone denfesive every play, but just run up the gut a few times so they'll drop down into a 4-3 and throw it over everyone's heads. audible audible audible.


how about scheduling an official sign up day for a tourney......make a chat room in the EA lobbies.......then according to how many people show up, make the tourney to match the number of players and have everyone sign up right then and there.

this would ensure that everyone would be able to get to their My Events screen to sign up, that people would know when the tourney starts (which would be as soon as everyone signed in), and that people could start playing immediately.


keep your strippers out of my American football
FrenchMovieTheme said:
sorry dudes, i should have made the tourney deadline longer, but i wanted to get it started and i thought with the server being stable (at that time) we could get 16. i guess its down to 8!

Count me out. I have been trying all day to get a game in and it is not working. I have started two games only to have disconnections during the opening kickoff on both. So now my disc% is a whopping 66%. I tried to get a game in with hgplayer and it won't even connect! This is really frustrating. I am not going to sign up for any tourney until I know the issues have been worked out.


dskillz if you sign in and just sit at the main screen is it still disconnecting you or just when you try to join games? are you having any other internet related problems? Im assuming youre using a router? have you tried direct connect to rule out the router?

the only reason Im asking all this is because I seem to not really be having any problems today. everything seems to be working as it should though I havent actually played a game yet or attempted to join one except the one me and you were trying to get in.


keep your strippers out of my American football
hgplayer1 said:
dskillz if you sign in and just sit at the main screen is it still disconnecting you or just when you try to join games? are you having any other internet related problems? Im assuming youre using a router? have you tried direct connect to rule out the router?

the only reason Im asking all this is because I seem to not really be having any problems today. everything seems to be working as it should though I havent actually played a game yet or attempted to join one except the one me and you were trying to get in.

I have tried it with and without the router. I have connected to other X-Box games fine with no issues today. My PS2 is even going online with no problems. I did the speed test and that isnot the issue either. It has to be NCAA or EA's servers or something. Everything else is working fine.


that sucks. Ive been sittin here at the main screen since I got home from work which was about an hour ago and I havent disconnected once.

is it only disconnecting you when you try to start a game?
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