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NDS Operating System Details - Instant Sleep mode


October 05, 2004 - According to development sources working with the system, the Nintendo DS will feature a very intuitive start-up menu system that will give players easy touch-screen control to choose the game to play.

This menu system will enable gamers to boot a Nintendo DS or Game Boy Advance title, load up Picto-Chat, download a wireless program from specific sources, as well as other features

Also of note: each Nintendo DS game will be represented by its own graphical icon created by the developer of the game, similar to the graphic on a GameCube memory card file

As we get closer to the release of the Nintendo DS system, more details are beginning to surface on the device. One of the more interesting aspects of the Nintendo DS is its "sleep mode," an advanced version of the Game Boy Advance's own battery-saving mode where players can pause the game and power down the system without turning the system off.
On the Nintendo DS, however, it can simply be activated by closing the system.


nice. im sure you'll also be able to access the clock, calender, and alarm from there too. i really hope they let you have a little contact list type of thing. you know, phone numbers, little notes, stuff like that.

the sleep funtion is cool. now you can be tough stuff and close the system and put it away in your inside coat pocket instantly.

aoi tsuki

When did IGN start doing that inline sponsored link crap? It's not like they haven't got every other web ad to date on their site. What's next, ad-serving ninjas jumping through my windows offering to sell me crap?


Unconfirmed Member
Johnny Nighttrain said:
the sleep funtion is cool. now you can be tough stuff and close the system and put it away in your inside coat pocket instantly.

"Oh teh noes, a person am coming!!1" *nerd mode insta-off*

"Why hallo thar!"


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The DS will be cool, what I wanted in my PDA but could not afford (the PDA that would play games similar to what the DS will run were way too expensive).


Zilch said:
Kiosks at EB or other stores you can just walk up to and suck demos out of? OMG WTF


It's true, though? Go to the kiosk, and by being wirelessly connected you should be able to share the game being played in the kiosk...thus basically being able to download demos. Maybe, along with a demo Unit, they'll offer up "Walk in, and download Demo" service.


aoi tsuki said:
When did IGN start doing that inline sponsored link crap? It's not like they haven't got every other web ad to date on their site. What's next, ad-serving ninjas jumping through my windows offering to sell me crap?

Yeah, I noticed they have been doing this as of late.

but there's no way I'll pay for an insider subscription. :lol


aoi tsuki said:
When did IGN start doing that inline sponsored link crap?
For a while now, actually - when they first started, I pointed out back on the old GAF that one of the sponsored links on IGN.com went to 1up.com. :D

As for the DS and the sleep function - what happens when you're in the middle of a game and you put it to sleep, say by closing it?
Society said:
It is not point and click, it is point and touch!

Nintendo better patent that. (As MS proved, you did not have to think of it first)

Now that you talked about point and click/touch, how about some Lucas Arts Classic remakes?Monkey island 1/2, day of the tentacle or Sam & Max.


explodet said:
As for the DS and the sleep function - what happens when you're in the middle of a game and you put it to sleep, say by closing it?

Seems like it will pause the game.


G4life98 said:
hold on a sec...if im downlading programs to my ds...does that mean some type of internal storage.

Well...there has to be some form of it. Because, as long as you don't turn the system of, last I heard you can play a game with a friend if one of you have the game, and then as long as you don't turn off the system you can play the game all you want.


works for Gamestop (lol)
If they have some sort of downloadable demos, I guess it'll be stored in the RAM or something and you can play it as long as you don't turn it off.


G4life98 said:
hold on a sec...if im downlading programs to my ds...does that mean some type of internal storage.


just like how you can download chaos to you GBA, via. Sonic Adventure 2 battle.
You could even disconnect your GBA from the cube and you could still play the game on your GBA until you turned it off.

What I'm interested in is if were able download programs from the internet.

Example: Visit an upcomming game's website and it prompts you to activate your ds, so it can stream data to your DS through your wireless router.

homebrew possibilities!!


works for Gamestop (lol)
neptunes said:

just like how you can download chaos to you GBA, via. Sonic Adventure 2 battle.

What I'm interested in is if we can download programs from the internet.

Example: Visit an upcomming game's website and it promps you to activate your ds, so it can stream data to your DS through your wireless router.

That'd be pretty hot. But what's gonna prevent people from making homebrew programs and such? I don't think Nintendo would like that


I think that DS's ram is too small to contain an entire game, or you could give developers certain parimeters/codes/etc.... so that it would be difficult (though not impossible :lol) for such a feature to be exploited and used for nefarious purposes.

aoi tsuki

Memles said:

It's true, though? Go to the kiosk, and by being wirelessly connected you should be able to share the game being played in the kiosk...thus basically being able to download demos. Maybe, along with a demo Unit, they'll offer up "Walk in, and download Demo" service.
i wonder what protocol these'll use. If it's WiFi, there's a great potential for someone with a WiFi PDA or laptop to simply identify as a DS and initiate the download to their device. i'm assuming it's Nintendo's proprietary protocol, which had better not be Bluetooth. In terms of security, it's worse than WiFi.

Either way, along with a way to store demos, this would be a very cool way to distribute demos without actually having to worry about things like replication and packaging.

On a related note, there was talk among companies several years ago about using cell phones to serve location-based ads, coupons, and services. Basically, if you're in the vicinity of a Best Buy, you might get a $5 off coupon for any purchase, usuable within 24 hours. This would be in conjunction with a GPS-enabled phone to track your location. If Nintendo's planning wireless demo downloads and it takes off, i wouldn't be surprised to see something similar happen. Instead of using a GPS, the demo unit could record how many times a particular DS passes by (or maybe even in) a particular store. Matched with the user's registration info and retailer info, they could track an individual's purchases and see the effective of a wireless ad campaign. Cool, although very scary stuff.


im hoping for an internal memory card...like the ones in cell phones

make use of their close ties with panasonic and finally used sd cards for something.


Wario64 said:
That'd be pretty hot. But what's gonna prevent people from making homebrew programs and such? I don't think Nintendo would like that
While I'm sure there will be some security procedures in place, in all honesty, it's probably going to be a piece of cake getting home-made programs, small commercial games, and partial commercial games to run on DS illegally.

aoi tsuki

G4life98 said:
im hoping for an internal memory card...like the ones in cell phones

make use of their close ties with panasonic and finally used sd cards for something.
And risk cannibalizing their memory card sales? SDs are so much cheaper than memory cards it isn't even funny.


Tag of Excellence
I was ALWAYS hoping for a Nintendo Power-like service from any company. It's kinda nice to see Nintendo planning something that could be adapted into that type of service.

Kon Tiki

TekunoRobby said:
I was ALWAYS hoping for a Nintendo Power-like service from any company. It's kinda nice to see Nintendo planning something that could be adapted into that type of service.

Going back to Nintendo Power's roots, could WiFi game help be an option?


what was the rate?

$1.90 per minute or something?

EDIT: I thought Society was talking about the nintendo power line (hints/tricks) :lol


Tag of Excellence
Nintendo Power was a service they had in Japan where they setup Kiosks in popular locations (such as a game store or a quick service store like 7-11) and you could bring a blank cartridge (or buy one there) and download a game for a small fee.

Now with WiFi and the possible use of it to download demos Nintendo could effectively do the same with much lower costs in both Japan and in the US. It is in my opinion that doing so would have a much larger use as an advertising tool than a service to the consumers. Having a portable system with the ability to download demos of games (free of charge of course) at the local game store would do wonders with the typical American/Japanese consumer.


Those talking about the infeasibility of fitting "whole demos" in the memory of the DS aren't being that imaginitive. :) The thing has wireless...you stream the demo. Instead of a cart, it reads off a data stream. Things that need fast acces certainly would fit in RAM, the rest would just stream (ala the GameCube piracy scene..).

This is completely feasible, and would be an awesome thing for gamestores to do -- host hotspots purely for streaming demos to DS games. It would cost pretty much nothing, and have the potential to be very popular.

aoi tsuki

fugimax said:
Those talking about the infeasibility of fitting "whole demos" in the memory of the DS aren't being that imaginitive. :) The thing has wireless...you stream the demo. Instead of a cart, it reads off a data stream. Things that need fast acces certainly would fit in RAM, the rest would just stream (ala the GameCube piracy scene..).

This is completely feasible, and would be an awesome thing for gamestores to do -- host hotspots purely for streaming demos to DS games. It would cost pretty much nothing, and have the potential to be very popular.
Feasible, but as someone who's worked at a gamestore, i shudder at the thought of a dozen dorks camping outside my store, or worst, inside, making noise, not buying anything, and just generally being dorks.

But now that i don't work at one, i get to be one of those dorks! :D


Closing the system brings up sleep mode? GREAT!

I wish the GBASP had such a feature, because sometimes I'm in the middle of an event in a game that can't be saved at, and my car is on the school parking lot. :D
Sleep mode just by shutting the system? I like that. No need to go through a menu when you're in a hurry for something.

Hmm, and downloadable contest (probably via another DS, remember the game stream thing?, kiosks, and others means)? I'm excited!


Fafracer forever
Panajev said:
The DS will be cool, what I wanted in my PDA but could not afford (the PDA that would play games similar to what the DS will run were way too expensive).
And have a battery life of about 2 hours when playing such games too :p


Memles said:

It's true, though? Go to the kiosk, and by being wirelessly connected you should be able to share the game being played in the kiosk...thus basically being able to download demos. Maybe, along with a demo Unit, they'll offer up "Walk in, and download Demo" service.

That'd be so damned amazing. Rather than having to wait for 6 year old kids who don't know what they're doing and just stand in front of the controller to hog the game I can wirelessly download the demo and take it home with me. *_* IMPLEMENT THIS IDEA NOW!!!

neptunes said:
I think that DS's ram is too small to contain an entire game, or you could give developers certain parameters/codes/etc.... so that it would be difficult (though not impossible :lol) for such a feature to be exploited and used for nefarious purposes.

hrm... it'd be asking for too much, but it'd be nice if Nintendo including a "Demo Card" memory stick with the DS upon purchase. You could constantly re-write the information with every new demo that came out and keep it until you downloaded a new one. It'd be extra sweet if you could pick and choose which particular demo games to keep. ^_^


Gold Member
My frothing demand for Nintendo DS increases. I just want to preorder all the games already, since I already have the device ordered. I'm gonna change shipping to courier to get this baby on my hands as soon as possible.

Rub Rub Punch! It's all in the mind!


Bluemercury said:
Now that you talked about point and click/touch, how about some Lucas Arts Classic remakes?Monkey island 1/2, day of the tentacle or Sam & Max.

As long as the speech is intact, otherwise forget it. Well, apart from the ones without speech that is.


It'd be good if Nintendo set up koisks where you could download a Wario Ware Micro Game each week/month through the RAM (Maybe a trade feature also?).

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