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Nearly 100, LSD's Father Ponders His 'Problem Child'

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Nearly 100, LSD's Father Ponders His 'Problem Child'

BURG, Switzerland

ALBERT Hofmann, the father of LSD, walked slowly across the small corner office of his modernist home on a grassy Alpine hilltop here, hoping to show a visitor the vista that sweeps before him on clear days. But outside there was only a white blanket of fog hanging just beyond the crest of the hill. He picked up a photograph of the view on his desk instead, left there perhaps to convince visitors of what really lies beyond the windowpane.

Mr. Hofmann will turn 100 on Wednesday, a milestone to be marked by a symposium in nearby Basel on the chemical compound that he discovered and that famously unlocked the Blakean doors of perception, altering consciousnesses around the world. As the years accumulate behind him, Mr. Hofmann's conversation turns ever more insistently around one theme: man's oneness with nature and the dangers of an increasing inattention to that fact.

"It's very, very dangerous to lose contact with living nature," he said, listing to the right in a green armchair that looked out over frost-dusted fields and snow-laced trees. A glass pitcher held a bouquet of roses on the coffee table before him. "In the big cities, there are people who have never seen living nature, all things are products of humans," he said. "The bigger the town, the less they see and understand nature." And, yes, he said, LSD, which he calls his "problem child," could help reconnect people to the universe.

Rounding a century, Mr. Hofmann is physically reduced but mentally clear. He is prone to digressions, ambling with pleasure through memories of his boyhood, but his bright eyes flash with the recollection of a mystical experience he had on a forest path more than 90 years ago in the hills above Baden, Switzerland. The experience left him longing for a similar glimpse of what he calls "a miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality."

"I was completely astonished by the beauty of nature," he said, laying a slightly gnarled finger alongside his nose, his longish white hair swept back from his temples and the crown of his head. He said any natural scientist who was not a mystic was not a real natural scientist. "Outside is pure energy and colorless substance," he said. "All of the rest happens through the mechanism of our senses. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings."

He became particularly fascinated by the mechanisms through which plants turn sunlight into the building blocks for our own bodies. "Everything comes from the sun via the plant kingdom," he said.

MR. HOFMANN studied chemistry and took a job with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz Laboratories, because it had started a program to identify and synthesize the active compounds of medically important plants. He soon began work on the poisonous ergot fungus that grows in grains of rye. Midwives had used it for centuries to precipitate childbirths, but chemists had never succeeded in isolating the chemical that produced the pharmacological effect. Finally, chemists in the United States identified the active component as lysergic acid, and Mr. Hofmann began combining other molecules with the unstable chemical in search of pharmacologically useful compounds.

His work on ergot produced several important drugs, including a compound still in use to prevent hemorrhaging after childbirth. But it was the 25th compound that he synthesized, lysergic acid diethylamide, that was to have the greatest impact. When he first created it in 1938, the drug yielded no significant pharmacological results. But when his work on ergot was completed, he decided to go back to LSD-25, hoping that improved tests could detect the stimulating effect on the body's circulatory system that he had expected from it. It was as he was synthesizing the drug on a Friday afternoon in April 1943 that he first experienced the altered state of consciousness for which it became famous. "Immediately, I recognized it as the same experience I had had as a child," he said. "I didn't know what caused it, but I knew that it was important."

When he returned to his lab the next Monday, he tried to identify the source of his experience, believing first that it had come from the fumes of a chloroform-like solvent he had been using. Inhaling the fumes produced no effect, though, and he realized he must have somehow ingested a trace of LSD. "LSD spoke to me," Mr. Hofmann said with an amused, animated smile. "He came to me and said, 'You must find me.' He told me, 'Don't give me to the pharmacologist, he won't find anything.' "

HE experimented with the drug, taking a dose so small that even the most active toxin known at that time would have had little or no effect. The result with LSD, however, was a powerful experience, during which he rode his bicycle home, accompanied by an assistant. That day, April 19, later became memorialized by LSD enthusiasts as "bicycle day."

Mr. Hofmann participated in tests in a Sandoz laboratory, but found the experience frightening and realized that the drug should be used only under carefully controlled circumstances. In 1951, he wrote to the German novelist Ernst Junger, who had experimented with mescaline, and proposed that they take LSD together. They each took 0.05 milligrams of pure LSD at Mr. Hofmann's home accompanied by roses, music by Mozart and burning Japanese incense. "That was the first planned psychedelic test," Mr. Hofmann said.

He took the drug dozens of times after that, he said, and once experienced what he called a "horror trip" when he was tired and Mr. Junger gave him amphetamines first. But his hallucinogenic days are long behind him.

"I know LSD; I don't need to take it anymore," Mr. Hofmann said. "Maybe when I die, like Aldous Huxley," who asked his wife for an injection of LSD to help him through the final painful throes of his fatal throat cancer.

But Mr. Hofmann calls LSD "medicine for the soul" and is frustrated by the worldwide prohibition that has pushed it underground. "It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis," he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960's and then demonized by the establishment that the movement opposed. He said LSD could be dangerous and called its distribution by Timothy Leary and others "a crime."

"It should be a controlled substance with the same status as morphine," he said.

Mr. Hofmann lives with his wife in the house they built 38 years ago. He raised four children and watched one son struggle with alcoholism before dying at 53. He has eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. As far as he knows, no one in his family besides his wife has tried LSD.

Mr. Hofmann rose, slightly stooped and now barely reaching five feet, and walked through his house with his arm-support cane. When asked if the drug had deepened his understanding of death, he appeared mildly startled and said no. "I go back to where I came from, to where I was before I was born, that's all," he said.


That's cool, man. I'm personally not into drugs, but I can see the benefits of people trying them. If we can get ourselves detached from the pointless-ass societal rules with which we surround ourselves, we'll all be a little better off.

I think it's possible to do this without drugs, but, to quote Morpheus, "many [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

Ford Prefect

Mihail said:
That's cool, man.
:lol I love how the subject of LSD subconciously triggers someone to respond like a hippie :)

Neat article, though. I had no idea he was alive and kicking (at 100, nonetheless). I've never done the drug, but knowing that it has inspired some wonderful music, I'm a mite curious....

GAF is full of druggards; anybody want to share some experiences?


LSD changed my life, I was diagnosed with depression since I was a kid, and LSD shocked my system so significantly that I got over it.. kinda hard to explain but feel that it is an imporant thing that should be studied and not sweeped under the table because it does not fit into the politics of today.

that said, I do not think it is a recreatonal drug, of all the things one can do ( and I have done more or less all of them) this is perhaps the one that people should study up on and have a good enviroment/guide if they do it... it can put your soul through a washing machine if done badly.


Ford Prefect

"It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis," he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960's and then demonized by the establishment that the movement opposed.
That statement really gets me. I'm very cautious and wary when it comes to any sort of potential mind-alteration, but think about how much of that caution is baseless and all due to the potentially bullshit spewings of society :(

Again with the stuff it's inspired... I don't know what to think.


LSD never helped me find myself or made me become one with the so and so, but it certainly gave me a different perspective on the world around me. You can say "reality is just a construct in your mind" until you're blue in the face, but there's nothing like a 12 hour demonstration to drive the point home.

I did LSD six times and mescaline three and they were all enjoyable experiences except for one of them, which were the six wildest hours of my life followed by eight of the worst. For that reason I really don't recommend it, but if you're gonna, start small and absolutely make sure you'll be around others the entire time. Preferably a sober one in the bunch, too.

edit: And stay away from anything that might be stressful and change your trip. Family, significant other... I wouldn't do it in your house, either. Seeing something you're so familiar with become "not real" in a way could be pretty jolting.


LSD is horrible. There are 100 other drugs out there that are better.

It has the potential to change your brain chemistry, which could lead to pre-existing mental illnesses emerging waaay early in life (anxiety, depression, etc).

Recommend to avoid.


LSD is great. There may be 100 other drugs out there that are awesome, but this is still among the best in its psychadelic awesomeness!

It has the potential to alter your perceptions of the world, which could lead to radical life-changing epiphanies like how awesome nature is and "holy shit, Katie Holmes is dancing in front of my TV".

Reccomend to try at least once.


LSD can make you go nuts. I knew this kid who had an old friend who somehow got his hands on extremely large quantities of LSD - we're talking enough to fill up an entire glass (or perhaps two) -- the guy is locked up in a psych ward. He thinks he's a glass of orange juice because he drank that right before he took the acid. He sleeps standing up because if he doesn't, he thinks he will tip over and he starts freaking out. :lol


Ford Prefect said:
:lol I love how the subject of LSD subconciously triggers someone to respond like a hippie :)

Neat article, though. I had no idea he was alive and kicking (at 100, nonetheless). I've never done the drug, but knowing that it has inspired some wonderful music, I'm a mite curious....

GAF is full of druggards; anybody want to share some experiences?

I haven't done it to much but out of all the times I have, I have handled myself well. It all comes down to whether you are mentally ready or not. If your having problems and not feeling very happy at that time in your life then I would seriously advise against doing it. Even if your family has a bad history of mental problems, then even so I probably wouldn't.

Only weird situation I had been in was once out at a nightclub. Its a very silly thing to do but I had done it before a few times so I knew i'd handle it quite well. For anyone who is into D&B, Dieselboy was playing that night aswell :D.

So bassicly as the night progressed I had started to feel most of the usuall effects coming on, although still at that time I was capable of a conversation. So there I am talking to some chick and so midway through the conversation I start to really, really notice things (Walls breathing) and so at that time I am thinking I better head back to my mates. I end the conversation and tell her I am going to head back and so as I did, somehow it felt as if I moved my lips but I actually didn't say anythign at all.. and so I repeated what I had just said. At first she is like "huhh?" and so I try as hard as I can to get my head together which is impossible and I tell her I thought she didn't hear me. Same thing happend again I thought I actually said nothing at all and at this time I was about ready to repeat myself again. Everything seemed to just loop. I remember saying bye and grabbing my phone as if it rang and walking off. After that I started to feel as if I was slowly spiraling down into a bad trip, thinking she must know I was tripping. I somehow got over it and seemed to enjoy the rest of the night. I spoke to her a few weeks later and she didn't suspect anything, she just thought I was nervous that I had to end the conversation like that.. :/


ToxicAdam said:
LSD is horrible. There are 100 other drugs out there that are better.

It has the potential to change your brain chemistry, which could lead to pre-existing mental illnesses emerging waaay early in life (anxiety, depression, etc).

Recommend to avoid.
How'd I know this would be your take on the drug?

Honestly though, it's NOT for everyone. If you're not ready for a serious mental enema, or even if you think you are, then you're in for a bad trip. People with powerful imaginations should try it at least once, I think.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
All I can say is make sure you get clean stuff, which is harder than it sounds...


Jack Flack always escapes!
LSD can make you go nuts. I knew this kid who had an old friend who somehow got his hands on extremely large quantities of LSD - we're talking enough to fill up an entire glass (or perhaps two) -- the guy is locked up in a psych ward. He thinks he's a glass of orange juice because he drank that right before he took the acid. He sleeps standing up because if he doesn't, he thinks he will tip over and he starts freaking out.

I've heard that story from different people with details changed here and there. This is possibly an urban myth.
Mihail said:
That's cool, man. I'm personally not into drugs, but I can see the benefits of people trying them. If we can get ourselves detached from the pointless-ass societal rules with which we surround ourselves, we'll all be a little better off.

I think it's possible to do this without drugs, but, to quote Morpheus, "many [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

:lol :lol :lol

I did a report on Hofmann a couple years ago. I like how he tested the drug and described his experiences almost positively. LSD has a very interesting history to it.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I can't believe there are people out there pathetic enough, and so bored with their own lives, that they resort to making up stories about urban myths.


Ford Prefect said:
GAF is full of druggards; anybody want to share some experiences?

Here's an semi-essay I wrote about my first major experience with LSD. You can read it here.

It's just one of hundreds of experiences, but this is the one I actually had pre-written like years ago so I always throw it out there at these times.

God bless Albert Hofmann, yo.


yeah there was also the guy who climbed a tree and thought he was a banana growing on the ree and was afraid the monkeys were gonna eat him.

I knew a guy who knew him!!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Miroku said:
yeah there was also the guy who climbed a tree and thought he was a banana growing on the ree and was afraid the monkeys were gonna eat him.

I knew a guy who knew him!!
I am that guy!


Diablos must have been joking because there is noway anyone has not heard that story at least 80 times throughout their highschool career.


Did acid twice, shrooms 4 or 5 times. First time I did acid was totally random at Woodstock 99. This was early in my drug phase, and we'd stupidly bought "shrooms" off some dick inside. They were worthless, so while we licked our wounds over being duped with stuff that could probably have tanked our digestive system, the guys in the tent next to us offered us some geltabs. For $5 a pop, I thought there was no way we'd even get anything out of it. We put them under our tongues and went to the main stage. 6 hours or so later, we're still tripping our balls off with half a million people around us. Fucking crazy. It was scary, but not like freakout scary. Just sit down and not move without holding hands and staying close together scary. :lol It was fucking awesome. DMB and Kid Rock were a blur, but Alanis never sounded better. The night set was bananas too. Me, my best friend and his gf walked everywhere holding hands b/c the visuals walking through that mass of people was simply insane.

The shit really does change your perspective on things. Not so much b/c of permanent damage IMO, but b/c for a good number of hours, you are legitimately crazy. At least IMO, my best trips have been with wavey, psychadelic visuals and deep, deep thoughts on life. I've done an eighth of shrooms at night in a small apartment with about 8 other people. I've tripped out on the middle of a lake with one other person.

By far my worst trip was on shrooms when I decided to go to a bar one night. We figured a chill, jazz bar/lounge woulda been a good call, but it wasn't. I kept imagining myself walking around the room talking to different people and having these strange conversations, and then I'd snap back to reality and still be sitting at the bar next to one of my friends. I mean, some serious space/time distortion shit going on, like I'd never had. I've had visuals plenty of times, but I'd never really been so whacked that I thought I was doing something that I wasn't. I kinda bugged out and told my friends to take me home, where I just grabbed my discman and walked around my old college town, crying and laughing to myself as I thought about the state of my life at the time.

IMO, ecstasy is a bit psychadelic too. Very minor visuals, if any, but you do have very good conversations on them, and you see how chill and relaxed shit can be. I don't think you need to restrict these drugs to the lab or the clinic. I guess I believe in the ability for people to be more responsible through education. But I fear for the day we have space cases on the level of alcoholics. Acid is just so cheap and so strong, that it kinda makes for a bad situation. PEACE.


Hayami said:
Just so you know, I hate that shit.
Here's a hug.



Justin Bailey said:
I've also heard that you can be declared legally insane if you've tripped more than 7 times.

I have dones LSD about 2 dozen times in the last 10 years ( although not in the last two) and have done much heavier hallucinogens such as DMT and iawaska and am not insane leagaly or otherwise.

VALIS said:
LSD never helped me find myself or made me become one with the so and so, but it certainly gave me a different perspective on the world around me. You can say "reality is just a construct in your mind" until you're blue in the face, but there's nothing like a 12 hour demonstration to drive the point home.

I'm largely in the same boat although LSD did help me resolve some personal philisophical cunundrums earlier than I would have without having reality smacked around a bit.


Exis said:
I have dones LSD about 2 dozen times in the last 10 years ( although not in the last two) and have done much heavier hallucinogens such as DMT and iawaska and am not insane leagaly or otherwise.


Same. I don't think I can be considered insane yet, and I've done it far more than this and in a shorter, more condensed period of time!

Although maybe that will change when I get that NeuroPsychology Examination on Wednesday... ;)
The first time I took acid was at a concert in between the support act and Nick Cave. Uh, I took the whole tab of this really strong shit that was going 'round. I uh, now know what it's like to die. Thankfully a friend had the presence of mind to drag my spasming body the fuck out of there. :lol And before you go "that was fucking stupid", I know, I did it because I was bitter at a few of my friends who I was supposed to take it with the previous night - they took it without me. Yeah, I took it in like, the worst place with a terrible mind state, but at least it's a cool story. The first half of Nick Cave was amazing...shame about the second half, and the whole, falling to the floor in the foyer part. Hah!!

I have since taken acid a few more times in uh...more controlled environments, and it was awesome. Just watch out for those mirrors...

Mihail said:
I think it's possible to do this without drugs, but, to quote Morpheus, "many [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

I think I'm going to vomit.


Optimistic said:
The first time I took acid was at a concert in between the support act and Nick Cave. Uh, I took the whole tab of this really strong shit that was going 'round. I uh, now know what it's like to die. Thankfully a friend had the presence of mind to drag my spasming body the fuck out of there. :lol And before you go "that was fucking stupid", I know, I did it because I was bitter at a few of my friends who I was supposed to take it with the previous night - they took it without me. Yeah, I took it in like, the worst place with a terrible mind state, but at least it's a cool story. The first half of Nick Cave was amazing...shame about the second half, and the whole, falling to the floor in the foyer part. Hah!!

The first time i did acid, i did three really strong tabs in school

doing acid during a concert is actually cool, as long as it's not your first time. Then it's dumb! ;)


So, fellow acidheads, what was the coolest hallucination you had while tripping?

Mine would probably be walking through a supermarket but thinking I'm walking about 20 feet off the ground. I could swear I was seeing everything from the top down, and I also felt weightless. Very liberating, kind of like when you're flying in a dream.

#2 would be seeing faces "melt," but one of those melting faces was my father's and it made me paranoid. :p


VALIS said:
So, fellow acidheads, what was the coolest hallucination you had while tripping?

Mine would probably be walking through a supermarket but thinking I'm walking about 20 feet off the ground. I could swear I was seeing everything from the top down, and I also felt weightless. Very liberating, kind of like when you're flying in a dream.

it's still from my first trip, which i guess makes sense 'cause first times for me usually tend to be most memorable

but it was when i was taking a bath on the 3 tabs, and my entire bathtub turned into the amazon river and I was crawling through it. The tap was a waterfall, the sides were covered with greenery and wild life... it was astonishingly vivid, and so, so pleasant.
East Clintwood said:
Like what?

At the time (gloomy late teens) I was trying to resolve the "death as the great nullifier" issue, looking for meaning, etc. Stepping back for a moment and having reality come unfastened allowed me to reset my beliefs. Essentially I was able to take a concrete view of life and create something far more transient and vague that tends to gel better with life and inherently removes black/white thinking which is always beneficial. There is something about having the concept of time removed and trying to “see” things for what they are while free from the constructs of daily perception that really helped me become more grounded (as contradictory as that may sound.)

For instance, even thinking along the lines of “outside is pure energy and colorless substance…” really helped. Of course, the quote is a bit silly since it is all mass whether you a hugging a tree and selling hot dogs in Manhattan are but the message that all we see is the light that enters our eyes and passed on to our conscious minds is a great starting point. It all sounds a bit trite now but at the time it helped me avoid a lot of the pitfalls people have trouble with during maturation.

“So, fellow acidheads, what was the coolest hallucination you had while tripping?”

Every time I tripped, it was accompanied by this pattern of vortexes made up of red and blue boxes with gold letters on each. The vortexes would latch on to anything moving (trees, people, etc.) and stream words towards and around me. I loved it, but beyond the pattern and the usual “*gasp* the walls are breathing!” I didn’t experience much in the way of hallucinations.


My shroom trips have been nothing short of fantastic, but as many posters have noted, there are quite a few ground rules to be observed.

1- Be in a safe environment, someplace familar. You'd be surprised how interesting it gets.
2- Do it with someone.
3- Keep someone totally sober nearby. The end of my first trip had me sleeping in the street.
4- Remember that you are IN CONTROL. If you start to feel bad, convince yourself to feel good.

That said, it's like peeling off every preconception you've gathered. The entire world is new and interesting, your brain flexes itself in incredible ways and you'll feel ways you didn't know you could. It's like a vacation. Don't abuse it, I drop maybe every 6 months or so, and keep the next day free, chances are you'll feel a little bottomed out. Experiment while on the trip. Try complex foods, natural foods. Different kinds of music. Lay down on different couches, beds, whatever. Have fun! It's a hell of a ride.

As for my coolest trip moment: It was late evening, 11ish, and my friends and I were walking down the street. Someone lost a show in the sodium glare of the streetlight and for this one moment that seemed to stretch across all-time and back, all of my friends sounded like angels and the world swelled with the brightest, sweetest light. Magnificent.


NLB2 said:
Didn't that one guy from Pink Floyd go crazy from acid?
Yeah, as others pointed out, it was Syd Barret. He was the leader of the band before they "came into their own," when they were kinda popish and kinda Beatlesey. It's sad because he was the founder, yet he had next to no input in their discography. Plus, he was the only drug user of the band. I mean, they all drank and I'm sure they've all tried LSD once or twice, but none of them were regulars.
Optimistic said:
I think I'm going to vomit.
I wasn't talking about drugs, but about capitalism. I hope it was just a misunderstanding.
Mihail said:
I wasn't talking about drugs, but about capitalism. I hope it was just a misunderstanding.

I wasn't talking about either. I was objecting to your use of a Matrix quote to put your point across. :p


Optimistic said:
I wasn't talking about either. I was objecting to your use of a Matrix quote to put your point across. :p
Hey, hey, nothing the sequels can do can taint my opinion of the first ) :
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