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Need advice - Should I try to sell my Ati 9800 Pro for 100 dollars and buy a 6800 128


I can probably sell the ati 9800 pro 128mb for 130 if I am lucky on ebay.

Then I can buy a Nvidia 6800 128MB for 280.

Do you think I should do this? Is it worth the performance gain I will get? Or do you think I should just stick with the 9800 Pro and wait a few months till the new cards drop in price and go for a higher end 6800 or x800


Wait till you have tried Doom 3 and Half Life 2. If you like the performance of your current card with these two games, keep it. If you feel it isn't performing sufficiently, upgrade. But I see little point in upgrading before you have experienced the games for yourself.


Yes! Spend more money now! America needs your cashflow to be strong!

(Sorry, I can turn into a jerk when I become sarcastic.)
I don't understand why people think they have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to play new games:/ Your Radeon 9800 Pro will play new games very good, and for quite awhile.
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