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NeoGAF 2.0 Error Reporting & Feedback Thread


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
I'm having issues replying to this topic: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/i-would-love-to-have-more-preorders-available-on-psn.1461040/
The design is all borked too. The console log outputs the following errors:

This is fixed, one of my security options was blocking the request. I updated the configuration and deployed new instances.


I jound out that I have 3 pms. Got to a 'conversations' area from a notification email today. But ... how can I see those conversations from the forum's navigation? I don't see any option. Thank you.

@mr grumpy: Saw your pm from February 12th. I understand such behavior is not the best, but I will say that it was specially because of that user (who was later banned by Evilore). That's not how I usually post,I hope my postings since then show that :)


I can't seem to post spoilers. I get the message "oops we ran into some problems" I've got some spoiler text in this post and it doesn't show up in the preview.


I don't know if this has been discussed, but on mobile chrome when I hit this text tab and start typing it completely starts lagging up my phone to unusability. It might just be my phone? but I don't have any issues otherwise with Gboard


I don't know if this has been discussed, but on mobile chrome when I hit this text tab and start typing it completely starts lagging up my phone to unusability. It might just be my phone? but I don't have any issues otherwise with Gboard

Yep, also experienced this today.


I don't know if this has been discussed, but on mobile chrome when I hit this text tab and start typing it completely starts lagging up my phone to unusability. It might just be my phone? but I don't have any issues otherwise with Gboard

I had this awhile ago and then it came right a day or two later.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I’m still having that problem where, when I tap the text box to write a post, the screen scrolls down and my on screen keyboard covers up the text box, so I cannot see what I am writing.

If I scroll the text box back up so it is visible, it reverts back to behind the keyboard as soon as I start typing again. It is extremely annoying.

Safari on iPhone 7 Plus.


I’m still having that problem where, when I tap the text box to write a post, the screen scrolls down and my on screen keyboard covers up the text box, so I cannot see what I am writing.

If I scroll the text box back up so it is visible, it reverts back to behind the keyboard as soon as I start typing again. It is extremely annoying.

Safari on iPhone 7 Plus.

I thought it was just me on a tiny iphone 5s. Screen real estate is a big problem for typing.
Heads up... Not sure if this the right place for this, but I'm getting a lot of scammy pop-up ads the last couple of days on this site. (Mobile)


It seems alerts aren't showing up when people quote me. I've seen a few from 'likes' but not from replies. Is there a setting I'm missing for that? I believe it's all default.


Under 'What's New', can we get a 'New Threads'?

It seems alerts aren't showing up when people quote me. I've seen a few from 'likes' but not from replies. Is there a setting I'm missing for that? I believe it's all default.

Settings are stored under -

Clicking your name in the top-right
Select 'Preferences'
Scroll down to 'Alert Preferences'
Last edited:


Under 'What's New', can we get a 'New Threads'?

Settings are stored under -

Clicking your name in the top-right
Select 'Preferences'
Scroll down to 'Alert Preferences'

Yeah I should have said they're all checked (except replies to created threads).


When i try to message someone and click on "start a new conversation" i get this message


When i try and edit a post this is all i see around my message


There is no option to edit.

Can an admin please look into this please.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I’m still having that problem where, when I tap the text box to write a post, the screen scrolls down and my on screen keyboard covers up the text box, so I cannot see what I am writing.

If I scroll the text box back up so it is visible, it reverts back to behind the keyboard as soon as I start typing again. It is extremely annoying.

Safari on iPhone 7 Plus.
I thought it was just me on a tiny iphone 5s. Screen real estate is a big problem for typing.
I’ve posted about this issue 2 or 3 times now and apparently I am not the only one experiencing it.

I appreciate that you guys must be extremely busy, but is there any updates on this? Have you had the time to look into it yet or is it a low priority?

I can’t emphasise enough how annoying it is. It makes writing a longer post very frustrating.


As asked, here goes:

When I'm on mobile, I don't see any notifications nor the message icon. Only when I turn the phone to landscape mode, the icons appear at the top right. That's why I 'ignored' a moderator's warning - I never knew I received one.

Maybe that can be fixed?


Are there still banned websites that we can't talk about like chartz ?
If it was banned by previous mods that are no longer here I don't see why it would be banned now. Unless that site is talking about Piracy then it's still banned.


Pop up ads are hijacking my mobile browser, and I can't navigate the site for more than a few seconds before I have to close my browser. Android OS on Chrome.

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The Tribe Has Spoken
Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask, is there any sort of edit functionality for editing our posts?
If you don’t have the 3 dots and a downward pointing arrow at the bottom of your posts that brings up the option menu to edit, then it is probably because you are a “Neo Member” (new member). There is a criteria to get to full member, once you hit that, you can edit your posts as well as create threads and send PMs.

Not sure what the latest criteria is as they changed it recently. Something like 100 posts and 3 months or 50 posts and 2 months.


Pop up ads are hijacking my mobile browser, and I can't navigate the site for more than a few seconds before I have to close my browser. Android OS on Chrome.

Same shit here - makes it 100% unusable on mobile. Close out and try again. Back button no good. Just takes over and blocks going back.
I can't use the site on mobile cos it just constantly relinks to the app store (iphone) and tries to get me to DL an app. When i decline it just does it again.
It's time to aggressively remove the hijacking ads. They're incredibly frequent now and are making this product unusable on mobile.

Android - Chrome


Hey admins, do you think you can switch the report with edit button on mobile version?

Now i need to drop down to select edit my post. Edit more useful shortcut than report imo, less abusing report for admins too!


Getting an awful lot of 'congratulations! You've won blablablah' notifications which force me to close the tab and start neogaf anew.


Guess I'm not the only one getting them. I'm not sure how to recreate it, but it usually happens when I get back on my mobile device while it's already on the neogaf page.


Pop up hijacks are so bad right now I can't hardly browse on my phone. This is the only site I frequent with this issue.
Android chrome


Got one of those ads while browsing last night, took over the screen and started saying "Congratulations" over the speaker.


posts news as their odd job
Forgive me if this has already be addressed but why no "go directly to last page" button option? Is the idea it auto-loads to last read comment?

A manual option to go to the last page of a thread would still be nice imo.


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
Forgive me if this has already be addressed but why no "go directly to last page" button option? Is the idea it auto-loads to last read comment?

A manual option to go to the last page of a thread would still be nice imo.

You just only need to click a thread to go to the last unread post.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah I forgot to mention I was talking about the mobile version. On the desktop you can manually select any of the last 5 pages. On mobile you can't...

It's not perfectly intuitive, but if you click underneath the thread title where it shows how many minutes ago the last post was submitted, that'll link you directly to the front of the thread rather than taking you to last unread post.

I agree that we should attempt to improve the mobile UI when it comes to page navigation on the thread list, though. An ordered list of page numbers to jump to might not be ideal on mobile due to misclicks (and I assume that's why it was omitted from the official release), but at minimum we should be able to improve clarity and maybe add a custom lightweight drop down field or some such to make it easier to get where you're looking to go. Thanks for the feedback and we'll add it to the to-do list.


Pop up ads are completely killing my experience on mobile. Only get them on neogaf, about every 5 clicks, it gives me a scam site popup


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Pop up ads are completely killing my experience on mobile. Only get them on neogaf, about every 5 clicks, it gives me a scam site popup

PM me any relevant info if possible, like OS and country and if you can screen cap the pop-ups and find any associated urls that'd help a lot too. I'll forward any info you can provide to ad ops and they'll try to track down the source. Sorry for any inconvenience. These only affect a small subset of users at any given time as far as we can tell but they can sneak through our quality control measures and no ad network is unaffected nowadays.


Are ads targeted to the user? I can imagine that certain affected ads pop up for some users because of location and browsing history, so it won't affect everyone.


Just wanted to highlight again that spoiler tagging seems broken. Maybe I'm just used to the old way, and that is now incorrect? I typed up some text, and then went back in and highlighted the spoiler, clicked on insert, and then spoiler tag. Both in the preview, and in actually posting the reply, the spoiler tagged text "broke" out of the paragraph, and caused text both before it and after it to disappear.
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