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NeoGAF 2.0 Error Reporting & Feedback Thread

I'm on mobile. Before the update, you could see below a thread title the amount of pages it had, and you could click directly either to the first page of the thread or the last. Now none of those things are available.

Also, my keyboard turns extremely slow when trying to use the quick repply option. My cellphone is a Samsung J7.
You can tap the timestamp of the most recent thread update to jump to the most recent post. Not as easily as on the old mobile site, though.


In the old mobile version, I liked the right arrow next to each thread title, that let you jump to the last message. I don't think it's there any more, but it would be nice to have it back.

I'm on mobile. Before the update, you could see below a thread title the amount of pages it had, and you could click directly either to the first page of the thread or the last. Now none of those things are available.

Timan Timan , Gromph Gromph , EviLore EviLore Would be great if you could add the arrows so that mobile users can jump to the last message in a thread. Thank you!


Timan Timan , Gromph Gromph , EviLore EviLore Would be great if you could add the arrows so that mobile users can jump to the last message in a thread. Thank you!

On the other hand I noticed that now clicking on the thread title sends you to the first unread message, so it's not that bad (sometimes even better). But I still think a quick "jump to last post" would be convenient too, so that we have both options.


Should I still answer 'Yes' to the poll if I feel that it's fine on desktop but too large on mobile? I need some more granularity here.

Also the 'Edit' button is hidden in the '...' menu on mobile, with the Report button taking precedence over it. I can't see myself reporting my own posts, and there's no Edit button on other people's stuff, so is there any chance it can be reordered so Edit is first in the list?
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One thing I like about Neogaf is how easy it is to read, really good on the eyes, neat and clean. Everything here looks crisp and the featureset improved. Kudos there.

I would like to say though, having other forum members like or dislike your comments is something that may boil down to unfairness as it relates to their affiliations, biases and what have you. So you may get downvoted by persons who don't want to have proper discourse or who are not privy to opinions that they don't share. The same can be said of over-inflated boosts of likes just the same. I also believe people may tend to curtail on how they really feel and that may cripple true and honest discourse. Same can be said for likes, where people will tend to do or say things just to boost their noise ratio.....I just think it kinda detracts from as diverse and true opinions on a forum as possible.....

Anyways, love the new look. I look forward to the upcoming features, further improvements et al.....
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There is only an option to give a thumbs up, not thumbs down. This to encourage members to stop spamming threads with “I agree!” posts.


On the mobile version, I think the "hamburger menu" is a bit slow to appear (granted, I'm using a Lumia 650). Something like 2-3 seconds, while the similar menu in the old version felt much faster. Not a deal breaker but could see some improvement, if possible.


Colors should be like it was before (or everything should be, really). That white is way too bright. Also, getting rid of the "Like" would be appreciated. This isn't Facebook after all.


Has anyone found a way to force avatars off yet? This is the biggest downside to the upgrade for me personally.


Colors should be like it was before (or everything should be, really). That white is way too bright. Also, getting rid of the "Like" would be appreciated. This isn't Facebook after all.
You’re not being forced to use the like system. No-one is. I find it baffling how you’re all acting like it’s something you have to use. It’s optional. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.


I think the new dark mode looks less dark, which is fine, though i prefer just another shade of darkness?

I also noticed my own post is not as obvious as before, not that i like the old green highlights.

I still think the unread thread titles are too bold-y. Just need another font that dont look so stubby when bolded.

Otherwise, neogaf looks more modern now!
I like the like button on each post and the names of who liked it, but i'm not sure about the interest of having the like counter under the join date. In a couple of months/years, it'll be just a random number "Likes: 83123"...

Maybe i'm just sad no one likes my posts.


If you go to your profile, you see the full 400x400 resolution. So if it matters to you, it’ll look really nice there.

I can’t speak for mobile.
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When the new site first launched, there was a window on the main front page that showed the total amount of people currently online.

Why did this get removed?


The real important question is why do you need it?

Because I am personally interested in those statistics. Ever since the exodus I wonder what the in- and outflow of members/lurkers is on GAF.
Was it removed just because it painted an unfavorable picture of the current activity of the board? If so, then preaching about 'transparency' and then trying to sweep petty stuff like that under the rug in the same breath is a pretty bad look.


Because I am personally interested in those statistics. Ever since the exodus I wonder what the in- and outflow of members/lurkers is on GAF.
Was it removed just because it painted an unfavorable picture of the current activity of the board? If so, then preaching about 'transparency' and then trying to sweep petty stuff like that under the rug in the same breath is a pretty bad look.
Those details were never public, even before the 'exodus' on the forum.


Can the Watch and Watched threads be changed to good old Subscribe and Subscribed threads? It looks out of place coming from old GAF.


Not as far as I can remember. They had a figure of currently active users (both registered and guests) but no actual list of the members online.

Well, you remember wrong. It used to be on the front page.

But even that saw some redesign over the years. I'm just asking why it was removed in this case as I thought it was useful.

Old picture, but you get the point:

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I find everything too big. Less information then before on a single screen, so much wasted space.

Yup. Too much wasted space on both the main pages of each forum and withing each thread.
I don't mind the likes, but I would remove the Joined and Likes status from appearing directly under the avatars. I would also
Not as far as I can remember. They had a figure of currently active users (both registered and guests) but no actual list of the members online.

No, they definitely had a list of members online too.

Anywho, I prefer the look and feel of the old site but appreciate the QOL enhancements xenforo brings.

Wish it was possible to make the new site look and feel nearly identical to the old board without sacrificing features.

FWIW I think the GAF skin looks better than Reset, but the text is too big here. If the text size and wasted space can be cut down GAF will (mostly) look better than ever.


Weird. I was typing a reply from my PC a few hours ago but got sidetracked.

Went for a poop and decided to respond from my phone. Didn't realize the draft from my computer carried over to my phone. (Which is why my previous post just stops in the first part)

I kinda wish the quick reply section didn't exist. Maybe it's an option I can turn off.
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Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Because I am personally interested in those statistics. Ever since the exodus I wonder what the in- and outflow of members/lurkers is on GAF.
Was it removed just because it painted an unfavorable picture of the current activity of the board? If so, then preaching about 'transparency' and then trying to sweep petty stuff like that under the rug in the same breath is a pretty bad look.

This feature was removed because it was negatively impacting the server performance of the site, no other reason.


Everything is looking really good to me, definitely an improvment. One minor gripe I have on the mobile site is the ability to move the forum horizontally. Sometimes when swiping down, or especially up, it is easy for one's finger to have a curved motion and easily move the forum from its initial centered position where everything looks its best. Especially considering there is no way to properly recenter the forum, I think it would be best to just remove horizontal movement.

EDIT: I also agree that edit and report should be switched when viewing one's own posts.
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This feature was removed because it was negatively impacting the server performance of the site, no other reason.

I'm kinda blown away that a simple numeric 'who's online' counter is seriously negatively impacting server performance, it seems like a pretty standard feature that XenForo 2.0 wouldn't have a lot of trouble with.


I like the update.

Now you just need to find a way to bring the traffic/posting activity back to pre - "incident" levels. It has been noticeably slow around here. :-(

Also one more thing and maybe I am missing it...can we get a refresh button added to the bottom of the page?
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The join date and 'like-counter' underneath the avatar are terrible additions. I thought people here unanimously voted against stuff like junior tags, visible post counts and the like? These things just fuel the same 'seniority' arguments and popularity contests that people here seemed to dislike about the 'old' GAF. The likes are generally unintrusive, but will further inspire people to try to make the fastest, wittiest first posts to threads to get their virtual ego stroked. Some baffling decisions.

Mr. Grumpy

Grumpy see, Grumpy do.
H Hoo-doo
As was mentioned in the original announcement, the site will very much be in Beta form for a while and should be seen as that. Some people prefer the new additions and some people don't, that's why we've confirmed that we're going to see how these things go while people trial the new features.

You only have to read a few pages of this thread to see that what you claim to be unanimous is simply not accurate if we are to believe that people are being honest about what they say about these new additions.

Once everything is up and people have had the chance to live with the new site then they can be changed, if that's what needs to happen. If things are seen to improve the site overall then it would make no sense not to use them and that makes just as much sense in the other way too, there's no point having something on the site if it's just going to make the site a worse experience for everybody even though we do all have to accept that some other members, or even the majority of other members, may have different opinions to us.


Don't know if it has already been said but there are a couple of things missing in mobile.
The first one is the arrow that was besides the thread name on the thread list page that was used to go to the last page.
The other one, the link in the footer to return to the top of the page. Now, to change from one forum to the other, you must scroll to the top, press the menu button and select the other one. Before the change, the scroll wasn't needed
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