Anyone willing to help me out with a couple Minecraft PS4 trophies?
When Pigs Fly
The End? (I can't find my ender portal anywhere.)
Rainbow Collection
It would be much appreciatedHello again! I can help you with Rainbow Collection. Maybe When Pigs Fly as well, but I have to check my other world to see if I still have a saddle.
added!So I barely played PS4 for 2 months until Rocket League beta came, then I decided to get Driveclub thus I am playing my PS4 somewhat regularly. And every time I get a trophy I sorta get that itch to collect them back, and now I see this thread, and I'm inclined to get back at it lol... I probably won't though, not as nearly as much as I once did though.
You can, however, add me to the list if you don't mind! Because ehh... why not? Might as well if I get back to it x)
I still need to platinum this and "All 4 One". used my Vita and PS3 to get the multiplayer trophies. Lost my original save from back when it first came out. Thanks alot PS3 FW update that didn't like 1TB HDDs...I got a few in Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault, but I think I'm done with it. Its really boring.
I still need to platinum this and "All 4 One". used my Vita and PS3 to get the multiplayer trophies. Lost my original save from back when it first came out. Thanks alot PS3 FW update that didn't like 1TB HDDs...
Anyone willing to help me out with a couple Minecraft PS4 trophies?
When Pigs Fly
The End? (I can't find my ender portal anywhere.)
Rainbow Collection
Thanks again! Maybe we can play actual minecraft with each other one day d:Hello again! I can help you with Rainbow Collection. Maybe When Pigs Fly as well, but I have to check my other world to see if I still have a saddle.
Thanks again! Maybe we can play actual minecraft with each other one day d:
So still havent recieved Xbox data yet. if i dont get it by June 3rd (estimated date of June Thread) i'll probably just have it as a Trophy exclusive thread.
I think Joni and Dragonslayer_023 should take a break from earning trophies and let other people catch up.
Even without Xbox numbers, I don't see any harm in keeping it a generic place to talk Trophies/Achievements. Given I'm rocking a 420 gamer score, I think I must be pretty high on the achievement list.
I think Joni and Dragonslayer_023 should take a break from earning trophies and let other people catch up.
Just got my second platinum. Granted it was an easy one from First Light, but I enjoyed it.
I have most of it taken care of except the second "evil" playthrough. Gotta do that next!Congrats! All the Infamous games have pretty fun platinums, did you do Second Son?
I should have Forza Horizon 2 1500/1500'd by the end of the week. Good god at the grind for multiplayer achievements.
I love this game but I wish I originally only aimed for 1080/1500 or something and left it at that. Now I'm too close to the 1500 to give up...
Okay, I'll do you a solid on that. I'll slow down this month but I'm at like half your YTD score.I think Joni and Dragonslayer_023 should take a break from earning trophies and let other people catch up.
Okay, I'll do you a solid on that. I'll slow down this month but I'm at like half your YTD score.
Just got my second platinum. Granted it was an easy one from First Light, but I enjoyed it.
This month, I promise.
Congrats! All the Infamous games have pretty fun platinums, did you do Second Son?
Can I get added to the list?
My PSNID and my GT are both: mocoworm
I didn't realize Infamous 1 had 37 Bronze trophies and only 1 silver, before starting it. I regret everything.
Brag time: I'm working on the Gran Turismo 5 platinum and after about a week and a half of practice I finally beat the Vettel X Challenge Nürburgring with a Gold time using a Dual Shock 3. My previous best time was 10 hundredths of a second off the Gold time. Still working on the other two challenges right now. Highlight is below if you want to check it out:
I'm surprised to be in the top 50.
Just went back to start finishing Second Son. The biggest thing I need to finish is redoing the "evil" story on Expert. Hopefully I can blast through that quickly.Grats, First Light is a fun game! And I'll echo Dragonslayer...I would recommend Second Son if you haven't done that. I played First Light first and then played Second Son. SS was an easy plat as well.
Everything is awesome! Platinum 112: The LEGO Movie - Videogame Vita.
I usually don't play the Vita with sound on so I can still stand it. Decided to buy the movie today to see how it is used in the real thing.After platinuming that game, I wanted to stick something sharp in my ears everytime I heard that song.
After being at 95,000+ since January 2014, I finally hit 100,000 gamerscore.