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NeoGAF Anonymous Confessions 2014 - Confessember Be Upon Us - Under New Management

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Our beloved Ronito, the great sin eater of GAF, has earned his rest. In a fit of ocean madness, he has conferred the responsibilities on to me.

People have been waiting a long while for the Anonymous Confessions thread to return. I was originally gonna wait till November, for the Holidays, but then I figured... why wait?

The how:
Send secret confessions to gafconfess@gmail.com
I'll check it periodically and post them here.
You can look for an anonymous emailer out there. There must be one. I will not post email addresses. But if you don't want it coming back to you take some care of your own identity.

The rules:
1. Try to keep it as clean as possible.
2. Don't make stuff up.
3. Don't admit to anything seriously illegal. You can and will get in trouble. Anonymity only goes so far.
4. None of this "then a couple of guys who were up to no good..." crap.
5. Don't make stuff up.
6. Remember detective GAF: Don't put anything out there that you don't want public.
7. Anything emailed has the consent to be posted.
8. Don't post anything that would make GAF liable.
9. Be nice.
10. Don't make stuff up.

Always in our hearts


In case you're new and wondering how it works... previous Confession threads:

November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013
GAF Anonymous Confessions thread 4.0 the last huzzah

Table of Contents:

So, now Confessember is over, and CesspoolofHatred has graciously (and lovingly) created a table of contents linking every single Anonymous Confession that was submitted this year:

Big-Budget Confessions (Long)

I Massaged My Cousin But I Didn’t Take a Chance

Scumbag Sleazy Retail Manager

My Personality is Not Popular With Girls, Also I Talk a Lot

I Fake My Way Through Intimacy

I Got Out of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

My Girlfriend Cheated on Me and I Plotted My Revenge for Six Years

He Wants To Fuck His Wife More Than Once a Week

Crossdresser With a Great Wife

Can’t Come With Vaginal, Among Other Problems

Became an Alcoholic at Age 9, Fucked Up Family in General

My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me and I Feel Fine (He Doesn’t Though)

I Have a Fiancee and a Girlfriend And I’m a Serial Cheater

I Gave Some Hookers a Ride in My Car

I’m a Feminist Gamer But I Write Rape Fanfiction

Self-Diagnosed Psychopath With a Horrid Life

Possibly Bipolar With a Terrible Family

Boy Scout Hazing is Absolutely Terrifying

My Marriage Is a Living Hell of a Façade

Shy Dude Has Two Girls He Likes

The Genocidal Ultra-Cynic (AKA Ra’s al Ghul’s Less Charismatic Offspring)

Strip Club Bouncer is a Horrid Person

Virgin Anxiety, Fears Being a Wizard

First Girlfriend Had Sex Before, Now I Feel Like a Tool

Internet Sports Betting Saved My Life

Mentally Abusive HIV-Positive Former Drug Addict Who Dates Guys 20 Years His Senior

My Girlfriend is Mentally Ill and I Knocked Her Up

Former 35-Year-Old Virgin Enters a Relationship and Gets Sex

Guy Who Had Issues With Bullying All the Way Until College

Guy Shits His Pants and After a Fruitless Journey, Puts Them in a Plastic Bag

I Have Horrid Breath And It Drives People Away

Parent Wonders What His Life Would Be Like Without Kids

Redneck Becomes a Success Story, Discards It and Becomes a Redneck Again

Guy Sees What Could Be Statuatory Rape, Is Conflicted On Whether To Report It

And finally, now that all the anonymous confessions have been posted....


Microconfessions, Mobile Confessions, and Indie Confessions

Handheld Confessions

Console Confessions

Big-Budget Confessions

Trigger-Warning Confessions and Confession Franchises

Feel free to put this in the OP, NotTheGuyYouKill.

Whoo, finally done. Maybe next year I can do this from the start? That'd be nice.

To get us started, here's an e-mail that's been rotting since the beginning of the year

I treat my girl like shit. Seriously, I do, and I don't mean to do it. I don't care about her opinions, I make fun of things she likes to the point where she doesn't even do them anymore. For example, I did nothing but berate her about liking How I Met Your Mother. Now, thanks to me, she doesn't do it anymore. She had a website with her art on it, and she took it down because of how I said it looked very outdated and silly.

I'm an asshole, and I don't know why. I guess I get it from my father, who's the same way. I've tried to beat it, but I keep putting my foot in my mouth before I even have a chance to think about what I was gonna say. Quite frankly, I'm amazed she's still with me. Had someone been like that to me, I would have kicked their ass out a long time ago.

My hope for the new year is to learn to be more tolerant of what other people like.

I hope you lived up to your New Year's Resolution. If not, she deserves better than you and you need to cut her loose.
Right, so... if you've been banned or if you have some sort of "RAGE RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT" message for the mods, I'm not putting that up here.


Right, so... if you've been banned or if you have some sort of "RAGE RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT" message for the mods, I'm not putting that up here.
Smart policy to have. You checking spam folders right? Some disposable emails get treated as spam after all.


Wait, ronito's posterity image needs to be his surprised girl avatar:

(can't find it anywhere, it's hilarious though)


Ah, my favorite time of the year.

RIP Ronito cat. I will miss the hilarity of your expression juxtaposed with something horrific and soul-crushing.


keep your strippers out of my American football
What a way to start the confessions. A guy that is mentally abusing his gf and shows little remorse and definitely doesn't care to get any help for it.


Poet Centuriate
Godspeed Ronito. You've earned a warrior's rest in the Halls of Valhalla.

And NGYTK: The burden you now bear is heavy. The path you will walk is long. If you waiver, you will fall. If you pause, you will lose your way. I shall pray for your safe deliverance to the other side.
Godspeed Ronito. You've earned a warrior's rest in the Halls of Valhalla.

And NGYTK: The burden you now bear is heavy. The path you will walk is long. If you waiver, you will fall. If you pause, you will lose your way. I shall pray for your safe deliverance to the other side.

I am wandering into the blasted wasteland desert that is the human soul.



Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Probably my favorite thread to read all year, was still going page by page in December till I read the last lonely post.
After college, and having roommates of all sorts, I truly realized how many things went, for lack of better words, "over my head" when it came to sex and sexuality. Yes, I have been harassed, touched, and even raped, but none of that has anything to do with my view on sexuality. Even though I am very socially apt, there are some things only in the last 2 years I've understood, when it comes to how other people view relationships, and even though I've been in 3 great ones, my worry is how hard it is to find someone who understands me.

In 2013, I stopped trying to fit in and do what society told me, and I accepted the fact that I am asexual. I've been tempted to post about it on GAF, but I'm not willing or ready to do it because heterosexuals think I'm a repressed gay (even though I only seek women, who in turn think I'm gay because I am honest and tell them I love the, but will never have that specific connection of sexual attraction because it's not within me, and god know's I've tried), and the gay community can be just as bad and hurtful, specially Dan Savage.

So I am open with my self, live life by my terms, but know that I will never truly fit in with the rest of my friends, specially those in relationships, because I simply don't click things that way.

It honestly gets to me more than I let on, specially when those people who are my friends say and do so many things that make me feel broken...

I always knew Dan Savage was secretly a prick.

I think it's great that you've accepted yourself for what you are.

If your friends aren't willing to understand, get new friends.
I am really in love with somebody on GAF. It hurts to post in the same places as them or associate with them. I wish I could move on. Ordinarily I would move on to the next one. A lot of fish in the sea etc. But this feels different. Deep down I wish this person would stop being in my life.

You're in love with a GAFer? You can do better.

Edit: So, I've got a few in the confessional. I won't share them in chronological order, so if you don't see yours here immediately, it just means I'm holding off on sharing it till later.

You just need a happier avatar to go with the inevitably bleak, depressing stories. You're current avatar is too spot on.

If I might make a suggestion...


I always knew Dan Savage was secretly a prick.

I think it's great that you've accepted yourself for what you are.

If your friends aren't willing to understand, get new friends.

This person sounds similar to a roommate I had.

To the person confessing: I'm sorry for what you've had to go through and I hope you find friends that love and accept you for who you are.
I think Ronito chose me because of my avatar.

No, no – he chose you because of who you are. Who else could withstand the spirit murdering agony of GAF's anonymous confessions?
Yes, thats right... NotTheGuyYouKill. It can't kill you! You're invincible!

I know this because I spoke to Ronito's ruined husk of a soul with my Ouija board. He also likes bananas.
No, no – he chose you because of who you are. Who else could withstand the spirit murdering agony of GAF's anonymous confessions?
Yes, thats right... NotTheGuyYouKill. It can't kill you! You're invincible!

I know this because I spoke to Ronito's ruined husk of a soul with my Ouija board. He also likes bananas.

I love transsexual porn(mostly the transsexual pounding a guy), futanari and trap hentai. It turns me on but I don't think I am gay. I feel like it is just a great fantasy but I do feel ashamed for enjoying it. Does that make me weird?

Two things:

1) No, it doesn't make you weird. Doesn't make you gay either, necessarily. You gotta be what you gotta be #DenzelSpeak
2) What the hell is "futanari"?
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