Soulfucker back with more info on "self-cest".
Are you on fucking drugs?
Soulfucker once more, and holy shit this thread has gotten depressing. I'm reading through the recent stuff right now.
Maybe I can lighten the mood by bringing out another weird story. At least, it'll lighten my mood. This is gonna get strange and convoluted, much like most of what I do when I try to roleplay. This is what happens when my general roleplaying and my roleplay cybering mingle in terrifying and inept ways.
TL;DR: How do selfcest???? ALTERNATE TIMELINES <confused noises>
Let me clarify on one of the many things I did with roleplay-cybering: selfcest.
So one time, another person and I did a bit of a cheating fantasy with a guy with a plastic witch girlfriend and a girl who was carrying their baby, because she was a surrogate mother for a kid conceived to keep a plastic virus from spreading all over the world. That plastic virus shit can fill a confession all by itself, because I made very poor decisions as an RPer back then and I still make poor decisions, I'm just more aware of it now.
Anyways, back to the story, after all THAT'S done, I ask, verbatim:
"....But it does sorta make me wonder how things WOULD HAVE turned out if X went for Y earlier on.... And now I am tempted to start drafting up a storyline where alternate versions of X and Y cross over and take over for Y and X, and vice versa. Or something. <_____>"
So we RPed and went through the concept, it was sexless but still awkward for both characters and writers alike. And lo and behold, much like a baby made to avert plastic disaster, something utterly horrifying and unwieldy is conceived: alternate timelines. Even worse? Alternate timelines that can actively cross over and interact with each other. Through a door in the main setting, people get to a tower with a gigantic staircase and other doors that are labeled with letters like "A", "B", and up to four-five combinations of letters like "SXVA" or some shit, I don't remember the exact combinations.
There WAS some creative stuff that came from this, like complete changes in the setting, and how those characters changed with that setting, and when the shit got too piled up (as it usually did) and we decided to go for a cosmic reboot of nearly everything, we pulled some ideas from what we did with the alternate timelines, so it wasn't a complete waste.
But the alternate timelines, I used that as a backdrop for most of my RP-cybering. Couples that weren't a thing in the main universe, but hey, timelines, we can do ANYTHING WE WANT. And that's where the self-cest came in. I can recall two times, both with different sets of people. Two versions of a male character, two versions of a female character. That's what the selfcest was.
I'm not going to go into anymore detail than that, because it's dumb, and if you got through all this then I filled your head with enough dumb for one confession (maybe even just one day in general).
Are you on fucking drugs?