Ok. So this is a story that only 1 person knows and even then they barely
know half. What gaf will get is the WHOLE story but only the abridged
I'll reveal myself to be a shit head, lying asshole that I turned into. In
fact, the movie Gone Girl forced me to realize how two people can
contribute to a toxic relationship & use each other horribly. I'll lightly
detail the past 5 years.
Some details.
1. I'm Gay.
2. I'm extremely private.
3. I have a personality where I can admit my flaws, guilt & know.
4. I've suffered from depression which I've never sought treatment for till
now, and even then I don't take the meds.
5. Since my birthday is in july, I'll go over events before and after that
period. So think of the years starting in july
when I mention certain events. Except for Year 1. In other words July-July
= 1 year.
6. Due to a certain vice, my memory is kinda fucked in terms of years, but
this is accurate in order of what happened.
Year 1. The beginning.
I met someone I'll call Dexter. Dexter and I met on a website dedicated to
hooking up, Dexter and I chatted over a period of 3 months.
He's also 30 years older than me at the time. We talk all squishy, I SWEAR
that I'm in love with him. We meet, fuck for several hours on
and off and decide that after that we should move in together. He convinces
me to leave my family, I find out he is HIV positive and
he sweet talks me to stay after my initial scare is over. But he convinced
my signs were definite I caught him (allergies at the time,
I was fucking RETARDED.) A couple months later my family is gone and I move
out. They act scared, I'm just playing it off. Long story
short, till a few months ago I kept this charade up of lying about
everything to my family about anything that wasn't my PC, job,
nothing about him is known to my family he's a secret. I ended up relying
on this man for years to the point I CAN'T leave him,
even if I win the lottery I want nothing more than to have him in my life.
Year 2. The middle.
During this time, Dexter opens up the relationsip because my depression was
so bad all I wanted to do was beat off and fuck to
keep myself happy. It was literally the only thing. Cue months of reckless
and stupid sex, I was fucking 4-5 times a week when
I had time. Shit got pretty bad for me. My depression over the next year
eventually caused me to quit my job. The HIV was just too much
and came so close to killing myself several times. I'd go into random
crying fits and mope about for days at a time, this caused serious
issues with my mental health. I quit my job 2 months before my 21st. I meet
someone named Esteban, also HIV positive (Not real name obviously) at the
me and him start a relationship of fucking 2-3 times a week when we had the
chance. I told him about my relationship, he insist that
Dexter is an asshole and to get tested- negative. My entire world changed,
but those months did serious trauma I'm still trying recover from.
Year 3. The devloping nature of my currently personality.
After said revelation I turn into a piece of crap. My depression had
reached lows that led to a 2 year stint with joblessness.
I treated him like crap for driving me into what I did, he never knew why
he just complained that he loved me all the time and I
just in the back of my head considered him dead. I hated him, I hated
everything about his body, the way he talks FUCKING
EVERYTHING I HATED ABOUT HIM. I know most of that was caused by being
jobless combined with my depression but that was in
no way to treat him. I made fun of his body, made him self conciese of his
physical features years of the medication did
that's invisible to the naked eye. Made him feel like shit about his
medication cocktail that's given to people as a near
last resort at the time, again AT THE TIME. I'm making myself physically
sick typing this out.
This man put up with me for 2 years and bought me games/movies and took me
on vacation to keep me happy but it just didn't work.
But the whole HIV thing and realizing that this man manipulated me just
brought out the worst of me in these years. I
realize that on some level I didn't deserve a man this nice, that I should
have left a long time ago when he told me
about his status and hiding it till after we had sex. That he lied to me
about how long he's had it. That because of
his actions that I drove myself to a sex addiction (How i've remained
negative for STD's is nothing short of a miracle)
Year 4. Everything goes wrong and I'm an evil asshole.
Cue repeat above till after my 23rd birthday. I just hate this man and
everything he is and I hate myself for
trying to intentionally hurt him to the point I've made him physically
breakdown in a ball and cry and got satisfaction out of it sevearl times.
Don't get this twisted, I never PHYSICALLY harmed him till later which I'll
get into when he struck me. He ask me all the time why do I treat him bad,
I play the relationship 1 up game and mention that it's not like I ever hid
HIV status from you. During this time I do an all nighter
with a guy named Thomas (Again, not real name) and get my first taste of
crystal meth. I have hook ups with guys on crystal and suffer
the come downs and even got caught up being the top in a 5 man orgy...to
this day I feel disgusted I got caught up with this shit.
Year 5. The evil asshole, the new man, the everything i've committed myself
to changing.
I have a mild addiciton which I've hidden from him for all this time, and
much like I'm breaking the habit trough willpower alone and haven't touched
it in almost a year, according to everything I've done 2 years is the make
or break point, wish me fucking luck, if you don't hate me by now which
I understand.) And carry this vice for a while, I eventually reach a point
with this guy before my 23rd birthday where he has a complete freakout on
Decided that at this point I don't want to touch this shit ever again. A
few months later I get a job ending my stint of over
2 years unemployment. A few months after that, I fuck around with Thomas,
got high and fucked for hours like usual. I let him know I'm working and
do this. I have a couple relapses between late 2012-early 2014 but I'm
committed to getting clean.
This is the crecendo, I'm going to fast forward because nothings happen
besides being steadedly employed and typical fighting.
My relationship is basically just melted. It's negativity constantly. He
hooks up with these two guys I can't stand for ANYTHING. He kicks me the
before, I end up punching him in retaliation. The next day shit got so bad
the cops were called on us and I'm forcefully evicted by the cops. Remember
I told you about not being able to kick him out of my life? I beg for days
to come back, we're back together in a household where I know I shouldn't
Here's where it gets worse. I feel like I shouldn't type this, but I'm
currently seeing someone else. We acknowledge we can be roommates and not
I feel like that Dexter shouldn't have me here. I know I shouldn't be
around dexter after years of mental abuse from me. I want to break free
because I
know it's not healthy and is a LARGE contributing factor to everything
wrong with my personality now. The relationship is gone, it's over with.
My current boyfriend knows it's not healthy. He knows about my struggle
with addiction. He knows that I have extremely unresolved feelings for this
man who effectively ruined me at a young age (Not saying I'm innocent.).
But I tell him that I'm not what he thinks, he tells me that trough God
he sees a light in me that needs to come out. But I know when I call it
quits with Dexter and cut all ties I permanently have to change my ways,
I have to become active around the house more, I have to watch my tongue
around my new partner, I know I absolutely CANNOT fall into the pits
that turned me into such an asshole I am today. I have to change and I know
it will be a long road and to find someone that is willing to work
with me and understand on a level the type of baggage I have is crazy.
Current as of Nov 9th
I'm fucking crying typing this out because I'm such a fucking mess and I
know I've ruined myself some. But I have someone that shows me a sense of
that I haven't felt ever in my life and I can finally see light at the end
of the tunnel. I don't where life will take me...but I wish had the
courage to explain more but I don't. But this is the most I've ever said
about my life the past few years...I feel like I don't deserve someone like
Man because he truly is an angel to me and everyone around him and I look
at him and want to be like him. I don't where life is going to go in the
next few
months or years but for the first time in years...I'm hopeful.
And understand...my family has no idea about any of this. My new boyfriend
is 20 years older than me...but trough him I feel hope about my future. A
hope I
haven't felt in years. I fully intend to come clean with my family about
the past 5 years, introduce them to my current boyfriend and live a normal
life for the
first time it what feels like years. I don't want to be this person
anymore...I need to be something else. Take this as you will, but I will
stand firmly when I say DON'T FUCKING LIE, be true to YOURSELF and everyone
around you because one lie leads to another and shit gets worse.
That's my story gaf. Take what you will from it. I know I'm an asshole, but
I'm helping Dexter get out of the debt I put him in. And he knows about the
new person and I want nothing more than to make sure that I leave him with
a clean slate and enter the next phase of my life anew. Maybe I shouldn't
even be in a relationship...but who knows. We shall see.